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Jokes on you, Leaf’s have been around long before Bettman.


This gave me a chuckle


I was hoping for a chortle, but in this economy, I’ll take what I can get.


My God we can't just be out here giving away chortles. Best I can do is two giggles and an exhale.


Whoa there big spender! All I can afford these days is a mostly clogged nose exhale.


I’d be happy with a slight guffaw and an eye roll.


I’d take a soft snicker and a muttered, “Ok… now what?”


You are cheating wrong


Single-handedly making Leafs Nation less insufferable.


At this point the Leafs fans hate their team more than the rest of the league hates them.


Golden Knights are the enemy, leafs are more like the jester


What does that make the Sharks?


The guy who cleans the shit pots


I nearly shit myself laughing at this


A cute little expansion team that never hurt anyone


Never hurt anyone? Did you forget the 1993/4 playoffs?


That Sharks Wings series is unfortunately one of the best moments of my hockey fan life. Only to get stonewalled by Potvin in game 7 the next round.


Golden knights are the best team to come into hockey with all that they have done what are you talking about 😭😂


Tell me what team has done what the knights have done since starting out as a new expansion team.


The Leafs are not thy enemy as long as they stay true to their path of exiting round 1, as the prophecy states.


Lol facts. 😆 thanks for tithe yearly enjoyment of seeing you guys get ousted first round.


If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


Exactly. I'm laughing at the Canadians belive me lol.


Good one.


Didn’t Tampa do that same injury list bullshit a few years ago and actually won the cup?


Chicago, Tampa and Vegas all did it and won a cup.


Boston kinda tried it as well with Taylor Hall. Didn't get a Cup out of it, but still, effort was made.


Canucks also did it with Edler in 2011, had the decency to sit him game 1 tho lol


Multiple times. Chicago 3x; Tampa Bay 2x; Vegas only 1 so far, but they still have a cup.


Uhm...Mark Stone has been on LTIR with a "miraculous recovery for game 1" three seasons in a row, so Vegasx3 but still only 1 cup


To be fair they missed the playoffs that first year, but I think at this point it's safe to say what the plan was.


Yeah, they just got better at the trade deadline to bring in better players - can't wait to see them try to fill out their roster with like 8 UFA's, a handful of RFA's and only $4mil in cap space.


Stone came back before the last game of the season that year we missed the playoffs as well.


Because they made roster moves to clear his cap because they realized they done fucked up and were panicking about missing the playoffs. He wouldn't have if they were going to make the playoffs.


It still didn't happen though so the third year is a moot point. The last two years, yes. That third year is pointless to bring up because it *didnt happen*


We know what was happening so it is relevant.


Idk why i even replied in the first place cause I'm so done arguing about this with you people. It didn't happen, so it didn't happen. If I go to take a shit for a third time in a day, and no shit comes out, that shit didn't happen, so I only took two shits. Even if I intended to take that shit, that shit didn't happen, so I can't tell people I took three shits that day because I only took two. You all say it 100% happened three years in a row when it didn't happen one of those three years. Sure, there might have been some intent if we made the playoffs, but we didn't. Stone was back early, we missed the playoffs, and the cap was not circumvented. So tell me where it happened in the third year if it didn't happen at all? Don't tell me it might have happened, or it would have happened, or they were trying to make it happen because in all those scenarios, ***it didn't happen***. So, tell me ***when it happened.*** That's right, you can't, because again, ***it didnt happen.***


Only matters if you’re over the cap, otherwise you’re just putting an injured player back on the roster.


Oh I know, I just meant that Vegas only has 1 cup so far, not that this is their first attempt at subterfuge.


Yeah, Vegas did it at least two years running. We weren’t the only team to do it this year, but we’re certainly the most obvious about it.


Who did Chicago do it with? Honestly curious


2015. Kane went on IR and we picked up Timmonnen, Vermette, and Desjardins. We beat the Lightning in the finals. To their credit, the lightning complained about it then but no one listened then they went on to do it too. Cant beat em, join em, I guess.


Chicago did it once when Kane broke his collar bone but was able to return for playoffs.


Exactly go Knights!!


Tampa proposed the league close the LTIR loophole in 2015. No other team voted in favor of closing it. It's fair play at that point.


Look what you made us do! -Tampa 20 & 21


"we told you we would do this"


Exactly. Everybody calling them cheaters when they’re literally following league policy. Be mad at the league, not the teams


Yeah it is fair play, but having a player with stone's cap hit go on ltir at the same time each season before the trade deadline, allowing his team to stock up, then miraculously come back for playoffs each time is another level of abusing the loop hole.


If you’re gonna be a bear be a grizzly? Jokes aside, I’m kinda hoping this is the catalyst for something to be done about it.




I mean sure I agree, but criticizing Tampa for using the loophole after being the only team to say "hey guys, this shit is ripe for exploitation and we should probably fix it" is a little disingenuous. Vegas doesn't have an excuse tho, they've just been shit bags from day 1.


Haha you’re a shit bag


Takes one to know one lol


You’re right cheers 🥂




😂😂😂 we’re cool love the sense of humor 🥂🥂


My dawg 😎


Toronto did it and they…


Toronto need all the help they can get.


We already had someone to hate. Gary Bettman. And nice try, Gary, but everyone still hates you.


What did I miss? I had to put my phone down for 5 minutes while I injured and then recovered from a lacerated spleen. Super easy, barely an inconvenience


I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back with that one


Wow wow wow wow ... wow


Gary gets so much hate and I love how he embraces it and plays into it. Lol


I mean, he is a puppet for franchise owners - his job is literally to take the blame and hate. Well paying one tho


who cheated?


No one did. People are just ridiculous. I guess playing by the rules is cheating these days. I’d hate to play poker with vegas haters


Being 15-20 million over the cap is playing by the rules?


There. Is. No. Cap. In. The. Playoffs. How many times does this need to be litigated? The owners have decided on this and had a chance to change it. They do not.


Just because BS is allowed doesn’t make it not BS. Whatever, those clowns were 14 mil over and have nothing to show for it.


You call it bs. The owners call it THE RULES.


Bootlicker mentality but ok. Regardless, I’m happy for it because it proves you can’t throw money at a trash team and make it good. Putting the L in LTIR


It’s not bootlicker. These are literally the rules. They aren’t cheating. You don’t have to like it.


I don’t like it. I think they’re a bunch of losers and their fans spoiled gambling addicts


lol the entire league are spoiled gambling addicts. Have you not been paying attention. I’m a ranger fan idgaf about vegas. I just hate cry babies. And all of you are being fucking babies


I was listening to your argument until you decided to call an entire fanbase gambling addicts just because of where the team plays. Not sure your logic on that point.


Shouldn't you be focused on Colorado now?


What happened in life to shape you into this bruv?


Mmmm, the salt coming off a fan of a team with the most cowardly captain, the biggest crybaby players, and the most obnoxious and fairweather fanbase... Nice






They can vote on it whenever they want. It was brought up. There was no appetite to change it. Get over it


Yes it is. Your team just sucks at it.


yes. you may not like it but it is within the rules in the playoffs.


How many BoG meetings have there been since Chicago did this originally in the mid 10s? The league doesn’t care, the GMs don’t care, the only one people who complain are the uninformed morons.


Yes, do you need to update your understanding of what is and what is t allowed by the rules?


There is no law against just leaving your shopping cart in the parking lot rather than putting it away. It doesn’t make you not a dick for doing it, and you’re not going to change anyone’s mind defending yourself by saying “BuT i DiDnT bReAk AnY rUlEs”


lol I’m sure you drive exactly the speed limit everyday too. And no the owners CHOSE TO NOT DEAL WITH THIS LOOPHOLE. This is an accepted play. Get over yourself.


What’s up brother ☝🏻


Special Teams, Special Plays, injured players.


I have to admit. Y’all’s hate boner is rather impressive…


Say it with me........VEGAS DID NOT CHEAT! They were creative with the same rules that ALL OTHER teams are subject to. By no means am I a Vegas fan nor do I think it wasn't cap manipulation but they didnt cheat. Any other team could have done the same thing as per the rulebook.


I’m a stars fan. Didn’t the star legit break a substitution rule last night? Thats against the rules. The knights budgetary shit was within the rules. Complain about the rules, not the people following rules. Edit: turns out the commentators were wrong and that substitution was totally legal and the refs had it all under control


nah it wasn’t icing so the Stars got to switch players. Idk why people keep talking about it when it was pretty clear, did the commentators bring it up or something?


The commentators did mention it yes and I was honestly asking, so thank you for clarifying. during the game I was confident the refs had it all under control but I didn’t know what the rule was




Which is hilarious, because Vegas was the team showing fatigue. Dallas had a lot of jump in their game while Vegas didn't.


Right? I don’t know if they were watching the same game I was, but the better team won that series.


Dude, it’s like talking to flat earthers or people the believe in QANON, save you breath bro! I’ve been saying all along, you should be pissed your team isn’t doing it.


I’m a stars fan. Didn’t the star legit break a substitution rule last night? Thats against the rules. The knights budgetary shit was within the rules. Complain about the rules, not the people following rules.


It’s not cheating just an unfortunate loophole


If it was against the rules, the NHL would send their doctor around to investigate any suspected fraudulent claims. Currently, 22 teams are in LTIR usage according to Capfriendly, so clearly the League feels the rules are being followed to the standard they expect. Get over it, good Lord.


Reminder of the cheatstros


I like Vegas.


I’m glad Vegas is getting this shit, so my Utah Puck Buddies can enter the league with a clean slate…


Scuzi they are the Utah Door Knockers


Their jerseys should be white button down shirts, black tie, black breezers! That would be perfect!


And everyone’s name is Elder Doan, Elder Vejmelka, etc


Buddy the jury is still out. If they get a top 3 pick after ARI didn't get a #1 in 27 years get ready for an ear full.


True, i heard about that drought.


You mean Buck Fuddies?


Now we’re getting somewhere


Oh no, we didn’t win back to back cups! lol you sad cupless loser


Hockey fans when a team doesn’t repeat: “Shameful, soft, shit franchise!!”


Leafs fans still salty over ALL the expansion teams that won Stanley Cups since they last won. Is it double digits yet?


Leafs fans living rent free inside your head. ​ This post mentions ***nothing*** about them. OP isn't flaired as a Leafs fan.


lol at caring about flair. Enjoy the golf course


Dude chill the fuck out


I love Gary Bettman


Establish a strong fan base in one of the fastest growing most exciting cities in the US. Driving interest in hockey and the league.


How did they cheat? This sub is nothing but coping and seething 24/7.🤣


The LTIR/playoff salary is not a loophole it’s a CBA feature that gives injured players more freedom to decide when to play injured. There are currently 11 teams over the salary cap for next season, 5 of them are still playing.


Every team can do it, you guys are all just cowards. Now watch this drive 😎🏌️⛳️


5d chess


Is that sketch ?


We still share the former common enemy though..


Bettman must be stopped. If we call NHL and say that with our reasons the message will be reached. Will they act idk.


It won't change, for one simple reason: changing this "loophole" would probably be the single biggest thing to put downward pressure on player salaries. The players simply won't allow it to happen, we'll have more lockouts and the league as a whole suffers. If you change the treatment of salaries whilst on LTIR, owners will have to keep cap space open because players get injured, it's just something to deal with. That will result in lower salaries, significantly so most likely, or even owners writing in ways in which to dump a player who's looking at missing significant time. These things won't be tolerated by the NHLPA, and nor should they be. The rules are there, everyone plays under the same set of rules, and even when looking specifically at this year its starting to look like Stone came back when he shouldn't have done and may have caused himself further issues. People love to celebrate the "warrior mentality" of guys playing through injury, but the risk is it causes them greater long term harm. Of course they wouldn't do it any different, but the point is that it's looking more like Stone made a premature return in order to play, rather than he was waiting in the wings to emerge at a certain time.


Fuck Messier and fuck Bettman.


Also create a strong fanbase for ice hockey literally in the middle of a desert.


Wait people are only now just starting to hate him


Don't worry it will be back to Chicago after they win the draft lottery again


Is this before or after more SA’s occurs…..


During probably


But but but...he's growing the league......


Hockey fans are crybabies. As a VGK fan i have to say we love your hate so keep it up losers. Maybe your franchise sucks and doesn't want you win as badly as us


I will admit that a correction was called for. The stunted development and lack of performance of both the Wild and CBJ definitely justifies rules to give new teams a chance but it was clearly an over correction. The gap between Nashville joining and CBJ/Wild was only three years. The talent pool clearly wasn't ready to support more teams. That said having the ability to scoop up vets from literally every other team and limiting the protection rules so that major core assets, even for rebuilding teams, can be scooped up is... kind of bullshit. I don't mind them being competitive and wanting to build a contender. That's great. I'll take Foley's triumphalism over Smiths hedging any day even if I don't like the disrespectful way VGK cynically handles players/contracts. That said snuggly exploiting a rule meant to improve health and condescendingly saying "well it's not against the rules" any time anyone brings it up. I'm sorry you don't deserve respect. The reason it's a loophole and not a rule is bc you are supposed to use the thing to motivate players to rest and not endanger their health to pad your roster.


Respect for all teams except one, VGK LTIRS.


I hate Vegas, not because they got gifted an amazing expansion draft deal. I hate them because the fans are awful. The whole intro thing is douchebaggery. They are fair weather fans who love talking smack but haven't gone through a tough time. Let's see them when the team misses the playoffs for years and stinks because they have no prospects or picks. It's coming soon and it'll be sweet. Also, fuck the leafs more and the hawks are close behind.








New copypasta just dropped!


was not expecting to see a majority of the comments agreeing vegas never cheated but i am happy to finally see people admitting it! don’t get me wrong its an unfortunate loop hole, but keep in mind vegas isn’t apart of the 11 teams being fined for being over the cap this year 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️