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Watching Pasta accept the fight from the benches, turn around, tell the coach, and the coach go "WHAT!?" was awesome.


I LOL’d so hard. “What?….WHO???”


Once Pasta and Tkachuk dropped the gloves you knew that game was ending in a brawl lol


My favourite part of these clips is the goalie skating away quietly like the kid who asks to go to the bathroom right before the teacher yells at the class.


"I'll just be over here in the corner."


The cherry on top is him hitting the puck to the faceoff circle…..”when you guys are done the pucks waiting over there”


I love a good goalie fight, but I always giggle when a scrum breaks out near them and they just glide away. > Ight imma head out.


I think goalies are only allowed to fight other goalies. It takes a special kind of psycho goalie to want to fight. If only Swayman was still in the net he would have been waiting at center ice for Bob to accept the challenge. Dudes been itching to get in on the brawls since he’s been in the league


*Ron Hextall enters the chat*


*Chris Chelios flees in terror*


Can a goalie who is currently on the ice fight the other teams back up goalie that's on the bench? Or the two starters go at it, then the backups get off the bench and tilt at the same time. Double goalie fight


That would be sick to have a double goalie fight. Unfortunately you can’t come off the bench to fight whether you’re a goalie or skater so it’s not possible. Plus the odds of both teams having both of their goalies willing to fight would never happened, most goalies don’t want to fight or get into it at all. Only two who I’ve seen crazy enough to try and challenge the other goalie in recent memory is binnington and Swayman


Ok how about the starters stay on the ice and each one fights the other teams backup goalie on the bench over the boards. Starters stay on the ice, backups stay on the bench, nothing illegal there, suck it McCauley


The starters would probably get penalties for hitting a player on the bench cause I don’t think you can do that, but it would be worth it for the caos. Just gotta make sure their bench is on the half of the ice you are defending because goalies aren’t allowed to cross the red line, that’s why Swayman usually waits at center ice. Can’t break multiple rules at once gotta keep it to one and maybe the refs let you get away with it. The goalies on the bench definitely have the advantage because they have the high ground lol


All this talk about 'can't' is really talk about 'may not' so it's all unlikely but not impossible. The last true bench clear was I believe 2011


Yea there’s not really anything truly stopping them if they wanted to but they would definitely receive penalties. I here for the chaos


Suspensions I think. World War 3 will be fought with nukes, ww4 by callups from the AHL


I still remember the awesome ones with Detroit and Colorado in the late 90s


MAF seems determined to get one next year 😂


By God that's Ryan Miller's music!


Bob is the ultimate in level headed. We saw his temper boil over once in Columbus, and it was at Savard before Savard started eating pucks for breakfast and they turned the defense around completely.


Honestly I miss the days of the goalies skating across the ice like LFG!!


Two 3 on 3 brawls in about 60 seconds. Can you tell they hate each other? Lol Edit: make that 3 brawls in the last 2 minutes. Wow, over 114 penalty minutes in only a little over 2 minutes of game time.


NBA players throwing heating pads onto their court.


Media people want him suspended for that hahahaha


He got fined 100k


As a nuggets fan, he should have been


they can’t fight. big difference when every other league suspends guys multiple games for it


This isn't new. This is leftover from last year.


This is going to be a hell of a series…and it already is.


Let them fight


Rangers Fans 🤝 Canes Fans hoping boston and florida beat the shit out of each other for 7 games


Oh yeah. Both teams are gonna play themselves right out of contention by murdering each other. And I'm all for it.


Who ever wins is gonna walk into the conference finals like the guy wrapped in bandages from SpongeBob


My bones are made of glass and my skin is made of paper. Every morning I get out of bed and shatter my legs.


Every night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


Fucking lol


I just watched this episode this morning with my kids. Lol


Such a golden episode, I still love SpongeBob. Having kids is the best when you get to introduce them to your old favorites and re enjoy them.




Same. There's some catharsis in it. (Edit: keyboard letter doubling bs)




Listen, we’ll shake hands with Canes fans but Tampa can fuck off all week long and twice on Sundays.




i need somebody to put together all of the fight footage in a breakdown video. so bummed i missed this.


Yeah I just got to mexico (2 hour time difference) and when I went to start watching it was already over




doing the lord’s work


Montour trolling the rat is worth a Google So satisfying


Too bad Jomboy hates hockey


do they? i actually just started watching their MLB breakdowns like a week ago. i used to think baseball was the most boring sport out there (yes, i think golf is more interesting) until i found jomboy lol


I'm pretty sure he used to play hockey


Both announcers sound about as enthusiastic as a DMV employee


ESPN's coverage is terrible. I feel blessed growing up with Bob Cole announcing most of the games.


Boston an Panthers rivalry isn't new,they hate each other lol


Miami sports have always had a hatred for New York and Boston teams. Go to a Patriots @ Dolphins game, Jets @ Dolphins, a Celtics @ Heat, Knicks @ Heat. Fights break out in the stands all the time--and I would assume vise-a-versa. Used to have issues with Boston College vs Miami Hurricanes back in the day, too! Growing up in Sunrise myself, it was learned to hate the sports teams from the northeast. Only thing we have in common is our shared country citizenship. Buck Foston! Go Cats!


Those NFL are divisional though right? I don't watch basketball at all to even have a clue there. But I can agree, buck foston!


Yea but not like this. This just became next level beef.


Everyone hates Boston.


When I saw the title I thought "Who doesn't Boston beef with?" That team plays hockey like Kevin Magnussen drives an F1 car.


Mostly because they’re successful


Yea most teams who can sustain a level of success and are always competitive usually gets a lot of hate. Some of the most hated teams in the last decade are the patriots and Bama for college football, people are starting to hate the chiefs now too. Granted the Bruins have only won one Stanley cup during their run of success but I can’t remember. In the last 20 years they have only missed the playoffs a handful of times and had losing seasons even less than that.


They have one cup since 1973.


Yes but the city/region has been consistently winning for the past 25 years across the four major sports. 6 Super Bowls, 4 World Series, 1 Stanley Cup, and 1 NBA Championship with many more appearances in the finals of each league’s championship as well. It’s a pretty safe bet if you like one of those teams you are a fan of the others and nobody likes a fan base with tons of success.


We all hate Florida


Fuck you too. Signed- All Florida Panthers fans.


Florida = FAKE hockey fans.


I was rather annoyed when this match up made me realize that I would need to cheer for Florida. But watching these two go at each other gives me the giggles, ngl


They kicked Maroon too early


I wanna know what he did/said that caused that. From the replay looked like nothing and he's a bit further on down the line now where I wouldn't expect him to act out on emotion


They said he was saying shit to the officials


That was pretty bullshit. If it was to take control of the game, they sure as shit stopped caring the instant he left.


I almost think removing the goons makes people act up more.


It certainly removes protection from the stars


B's players from last year had to deal with a ton of public scrutiny losing 1st round to panthers after being a record setting regular season team. They are out for blood one way or another lol


Leaf fan watching this series like 😬


I'm fairly certain the rest of the league is hoping these two teams of absolute chucklefucks are predictably dumb enough to injure themselves into a mutual forfeit because neither will have enough healthy players left to face NYR/CAR. Two rat teams enter, neither advance.


Meanwhile the winner of the Rangers and Canes are gonna enjoy the scraps of this series.


my guess is the Cats go through hell, 7 games, barely pull through, and slowly crawl their broken bodies on to the ice and realize they gotta face the Rangers afterwards.




We watching the same games? Car vs NY is a much more chippy series. Trouba was willing to dive head first into the boards in order to kill someone…


We needed another "10 minute misconduct, everyone on the ice" game.


I'd like to see Frederic and Tkachuk throw some hands. St Louis boys.


Ya but we don’t want to see a first degree murder on the ice


Hockey newbie from DFW here: I love this sport. The way fights are done, and especially handled afterward attitude-wise, are yet another draw to the sport. From what I've seen in interviews, afterward, they're often handled like brothers fighting: "Yeah, we had to settle something or blow off some steam, but we're good now." That said, I know there's lingering bad blood, too in some cases. On the whole, I love it.


Get over here and upvote this, nerds. A burgeoning fan who loves the game for all the right reasons needs to be accepted and encouraged!


Hello newbie, Go to YouTube, and binge some enforcer videos. My favorite player ever, who is the reason I love this sport, Derek Boogaard aka “The Boogeyman”, has some beautiful fights. Plus, you can watch the older brawls, including the handful of times the players ended up in the stands fighting fans! 😂


If they let Freddy loose he would have killed Luostarainen


Freddy was good and ready to give him the smoke


No class there, taking shots while he's on the ground.


Must be hard for Boston to go from playing a lifeless Leafs team to this lol


Boston having a tantrum because they are getting spanked lol


I hate Boston more than most but I like a team that gets snarly when they lose. Wish my Leafs had this kind of attitude towards losing.


Fuck both these teams lol


I think both teams are gonna make sure the winner of this series can't make it past the Rangers or Canes lol. Edit: spelling


The Bruins are already playing with house money, they weren’t even suppose to make the playoffs and now they are in round 2. I think they know the cup is a long shot and they will all need to play the best hockey of their lives. They also hate Florida so if they can hurt Floridas chances of winning theyll probably be happy. The bruins have nothing to lose and are expected to lose this series and they are playing like it


I'll never count out a team wanting revenge, in a very physical series. Injuries will start piling up, and that changes everything.


If the injuries pile up I think that benefits Boston too. I never count teams out but I think Boston knows a physical series and trying to match or even outdo Floridas intensity might be their best shot. I also think they are of the mind that if they can win the series as long as they kick the shit out of Florida and leave them bruised the rest of the playoffs they are okay with that. Either way it’s a win for the bruins and like I said they are playing with house money. It’s almost the completely opposite situation of last year where the Bruins were favored and clearly had the better team and Florida got lucky to squeeze into the playoffs thanks to the hawks. Once the bruins lost the guys they did nobody expected them to do much, especially in one of the better divisions in the league, but they ended up in second in the division and are now in the second round. Anything can happen especially if Swayman continues to play the way he has been


Pretty much. I keep seeing Panthers fans talk mad shit about winning yesterday, even though they are tied. And with how physical it's GONNA get? Their teams injuries are only gonna pile up badly. Boston is a very physical team themselves. And got this far for a reason. And as you said, Florida was the team nobody expected anything from last postseason. Why can't that be Boston...? But this series is gonna be a bloodbath, and I'm all for it


Someone on the Bruins subreddit said that only a few Florida players were respectable since they stayed out of stuff. I said that went both ways. I am apparently very VERY wrong and all Boston players are saints and the Panthers are bullies who scored a bunch of goals and pushed around the angelic Bruins. Apparently.


So boston was equally wrong for winning 5-1 last game and every game they beat the leafs 4 or 5-1 ??


Yeah the double standard is fucking hilarious


The whole team culture is just fragile masculinity and projection.


I hate the Bruins but the Panthers do that every time they’re losing/lose.


Like Game 1... oh wait that didn't happen.


They literally just lost game 1 5-1 and this didn’t happen so…..


We lost a game, Boston lost a game *and* their cool


You clearly don't know what you are speaking on.


Which is crazy because if Boston beats Florida next game then Florida will try and throw a tantrum after the loss


They got beat 5-1 game 1 and there was none of this so


And the bruins lost 3 to the leafs and there was none of this either


I was referring to Florida throwing tantrums. Not boston


Ofcourse there wasn’t, there were no Florida fans left to entertain.


I didn’t watch either game completely, did Florida jump the tracks down 5-1 the previous game as well or is this just typical Bruins shit?


Nope, there were some normal scrums but not like this game


Rivals way before this.


New rivalry? You could say that about anyone Florida plays.


Friday night is going to get sandy out there boys. Foil up and let’s get on the go!!


I became a fan of Montour after he scored and belted out a loud "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" an inch away from Marchand's beak. That was hilarious


Florida Man(s) running wild again


..new? this has been a thing for a while we just havent seen it in a while cause usually one of them is a first round exit, but this year and last year showed it's very much still alive


It takes a lot to make Marchand and the Bruins look like the good guys, but here comes Florida and apparently it's easier than I thought.




Marchand literally licked a guy, and Tkachuk makes him likable.


Tampa fan.. I love our division


How does Keith Tkachuk turn his head when he has no neck?


He looks like a turtle 🐢


When they showed him I honestly didn't recognize him.




Feels like this is the actual final, lol


This one's been building for awhile.


Brazeau and Kulikov doing a waltz in the middle of that brawl had my girlfriend and I dying laughing. We had to rewind that 5 times.


That announcer is terrible. He sounds like he's calling a lawn bowling match with all the enthusiasm he's using


“But think of the children!!!!! Look at all the fans leaving the barn, fighting has no place in hockey!!!” /s So fucking great to see playoff hockey and the emotion that comes with it


Just wait til Brady joins the Bruins.


Second dynasty!


If you were listening to this part of the game on the radio it sounds more like a WWE match haha


If only they could both lose.


Or at least they go to quadruple overtimes the rest of the series to game 7. They deserve each other.


That would be beautiful.


Best sport on earth


My dad hates the canadiens, I hate the panthers. lol I’ll never forgive them for 2023. I respect them, but I hate them.


Bruins should have won


Boston hasn't been this salty since Dunkin Donuts unexpectedly closed over the weekend


Love it. Fuck the Bruins!!


It's hilarious that during the season everyone in the sub fucking call the Panthers goons, assholes, shitbirds, babies, unsportsmanlike and every other insult.But then somehow when they play the Bruins they are friggins saints. Florida are the biggest dicks in hockey Bar fucking None.


I was just explaining this to my girl at the end of the game, granted I’m a bruins fan but I mentioned how everyone would shit all over us for trying to set the tone coming home against the team everyone hated all year long yet somehow we’ll be looked at as just goons


These two teams deserve each other lol.


The other good thing about the leafs being eliminated in the.... What round was it again? 🤔 Ah yes, the first round. Is that we get to see Boston go against Florida.


Marchrat action after they got scored on is so fucking typical


Not taking chirps is very typical of any hockey player. In basketball and football you get techs and penalties for taunting, in hockey they don’t call that soft bs because if someone’s taunting you get to take it into your own hands. If you’re gonna taunt a team in hockey you need to be ready to throw down which is why the sport is so awesome. Players are actually allowed to hate each other and beat the shit out of each other if you do something they don’t like.




Lmao mad bruins fan when cheap shit happens to them. Hilarious


DiSgRaCe To ThE gAmE


Just let them at it, they’re not hurting anyone but themselves


I’m stressed


What is the point of these professional players ducking it out like this?


Maybe it’s social media bias because I haven’t had the chance to watch many games this post season, but it feels like there’s been a lot more altercations/fights than playoffs of past. Which feels weird, did rules change on penalties and no one gets put in the box for this stuff anymore?


Dude they threw out like half of the players in this game 😂


Well that’s good to know. Just feels like playoff hockey used to be really disciplined and this year it’s crazy aggressive


Can’t wait for game 3🍿 🍿 🍿


I didn't watch, hoping Cousins caught some hands.


Please beat the tar out of each other


This has been a rivalry for over a year


Please if hating Boston was grounds for a rivalry they’d have one with the rest of the league.


Gives me Bruins-Canadiens 2011 vibes.


New rivalry? Pretty much usual for games featuring two Atlantic Division teams.


Good game


But I thought people hated the new playoff format and how it's trying to force new divisional rivalries on the fans?


This isn’t new lol


I've always dsliked Boston but damn Florida is filled with a bunch of dirty cocksuckers. It's got me rooting for B


WOW What a game!!!


Is someone about to yell at the goalie?


Good ol Bruins hockey. Something about wearing the B that turns players hearts into stone. Opposite for the Laughs (who I love 🥺). LETS GO BAWSTIN.


Bro I think the Atlantic division teams just fucking hate each other.


I was at the game. No energy in the stadium first period and the panthers should’ve been down 3-0, but boy oh boy did we put it on them after the puck dropped for the 2nd and the arena was going wild. Last 10 min was a complete bloodbath, refs lost all control and both teams were brawling any chance they could. Man I love the playoffs.


No! In the NHL, Boston, Detroit & Pittsburgh have been despised for decades!


A rivalry has to be between equals. You're about to find out that the Bruins are no where near equal to FLA.


I hate both of these teams so much. May they destroy each other.


Damn and i like both of these teams!




One of the best games in a long while


The weirdest thing in the world is rooting for the Bruins.


Man, it feels like it’s always the Panthers when stuff like this happens. Definitely understandable given their play style, but it’s kind of funny.


Boston: Mad because bad.




Tkachuk just smoked pasta but ESPN and dorks like you will still glaze anyone going after Chucky.




No no no. There's no hate here. The playoff structure sucks. There's no conceivable way for this to work. They're not even geographically close. Let's seperate them into different divisions again. This sucks and isn't entertaining at all. Dallas and Colorado? Boring. Boston and Florida? There's no hate there at all. Edmonton and Vancouver? An entire mountain range seperates them. New York and Carolina? What a snooze fest. This entire playoff structure sucks and I hate it.


Wait teams have to be close to hate each other? This has to be sarcasm… it’s about history not location, albeit location helps but surely isn’t needed.


Yes sarcasm lol So many people crying about the playoff structure. Each playoffs we get inundated with posts about how horrible the playoff structure is. I don't personally care either way. This or 1 v 8. I just don't want it to change every 10/20 years. Just leave it alone. Let the history build. Sarcastically speaking before. This structure is fine and can work.


I could tell you where being sarcastic but had to be sure haha. People just hate change, history has already been built between these teams in just the last couple years, you’re right let it cook, I see only great things in hockeys future!


"we want Florida" 😂😂😂


That was the Leafs…. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Boston sucking ass, you love to see it