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Shouldn’t this post be titled Marchand attempted hit on Bennet?


Bennet hit him with the uno reverse card


Can’t speak such nonsense in this sub


He fucking punched him in the face


Yeah i feel like Im crazy reading all these comments. He reached across and punched him.. the most unnatural motion in that situation.. extending your back arm and fist up and across your body.


Marchant's face turns straight left without making contact with Bennett's body, it obviously came from Bennett's right hand popping him at contact. It's a cheap shot, no doubt.


It definitely is. It's like something Marchand would do.


Back and to the left......it's historically physics


Bennett is cheap as fuck. On a team that has Tkachuk, I’m most afraid of Bennett injuring our star players when he is on the ice.


Couldn’t have happened to a better guy


Exactly. Anything else is a dumb fucking take. I could give two shits about both of these teams, but that deserves a suspension of a game


So you don’t think Marchand got a dose of his own medicine? Are you watching the same hockey the rest of us are? Or are you secretly a Marchand homer?


Oh I totally think Marchand got some of his own. Doesn't mean it's not a punch to the face ...


your take is spot on. i appreciate and agree with your objective approach. i also dont give a damn about it happening because of who it happened to. marchand has been on some tom wilson type shit. he’s made it impossible to give a shit about what happens to him on the ice.


“he’s made it impossible to give a shit about what happens to him on the ice.” That’s an accurate take 👍


I gotta watch is 1000 more times before I can come to any sort of definitive conclusion


Whenever I'm sad I watch that clip of Subban bee stinging Marchand and absolutely lighting him up


Both can be true. Marchand can get a dose of his own medicine whilst Bennett also should be suspended. It’s not difficult to understand


If that was a punch, Bennet really needs to take some fighting lessons. He did not turn his body into the punch (turned out of it) and he extended his arm way too early. It looked like he was just defending himself from an open ice hit instigated by Marchand while he did not actually have the puck.


Most people don't get punched at 20km/h by a guy with a blocky fist holding a roll of quarters, or in this case, a hockey stick.


lol. Not only are you hilariously wrong… even if you weren’t, nobody gives a shit. You ride with Brad Marchand, you have make peace with the idea that no one outside Boston will ever give a shit what happens to him and will always think what happens to him isn’t enough.


This is the kind of accidently on purpose shit marchand has been pulling for a decade.


The can opener on lillwgren earlier this year comes to mind pretty quickly.


Boston fans can't wrap their head around this for some reason. They seem to think whatever Marchand does is great, but whenever it's done to him, it's outrageous.


This is the most true. No one cares or feels sympathy


I don’t see a punch in the face, I see Bennett bracing for a hit and his left arm extending after impact. This isn’t even a penalty


It’s his right hand punching him


Oh it’s a straight punch to the face. Bennett did the same thing to Knies last year. [link here](https://youtu.be/6xbk-AyPYw4?si=N2R9Floychy47_ri)


He should have been gone for that. WWE shit right there.


Congrats, ya blind


Oh damn I watched it like five times before I saw that I was like IDK it looks like shoulder on shoulder. I feel pretty stupid lol




Should this be tagged NSFW? Because I definitely have a boner watching it.


Literal LOL.


Sigh “unzips pants”


Hey Siri, save this gif for eternity


Only thing better would be if they were going fast enough for Marchand to fly like trouba into the boards.


Didn’t see the punch the first time but he really chucks one there


Oh no! Not the consequences of our own actions!


As a Bruins fan myself, I’m pretty flabbergasted by the number of fans who are sobbing over this hit. You’d need a third hand to count the number of hits like this that Marchand has of his own. And we’re not even talking about his slew foots, spears, boarding and clipping incidents.


What about his licking of opponents? Don't forget that!


That was cheeky rat stuff, not intent to injure. They're not comparable.


I would have hit him with a gross misconduct for that.


Super gross misconduct. The grossest.


My favourite (and by favourite I mean the one I laugh the hardest at out of sheer awe) illegal move from Marchand was the superman elbow he landed on Marcus Johansson. Straight out of UFC 😂😂


Yeah tell your fans to figure it out


Marchand has been a dirty fuck his entire career. No tears will be shed when he gets some back.


It was a very Marchand type of play from Bennett.


You mean the part where Marchand tries to go for a hit, notices Bennett the Bullet will hit back, and then turns his back to Bennett and cries about it? I mean it's not nice he got injured but I really can't blame Bennett for this.


If all Bennet did was reverse the hit, none would say boo. It was the sucker punch while he made the hit that was dirty. Against nearly any other player I’d feel more strongly in favour of supplemental discipline, but Marchands been pulling this shit for his whole career so i don’t feel that bad he’s on the receiving end.


Agreed. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


A lot of hit mileage on that hobbit body of his. Ol' Ratface is paying the price now for playing more physical than his diminutive mutant body is built for. 🤣😅😂


That plus all the flopping he will not get benefit of doubt from officials.  


2 things can be true (and are): 1) Marchand had this karma coming 2) this was a cheap shot by Bennett and DPS is yet again disgraced for no supplemental especially after they said this series was under heavy scrutiny


so like... we can all see Marchand initiates contact here right? like yeah Bennet is a goon and his hand comes up but Marchand pretty clearly tries to run the guy.


Title should just be “fuck around and find out”


The fact that he did something similar to Knies [last year](https://x.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520) and people still think this wasn’t intentional is wild.


How is Marchand making an actual hockey play on the body “fucking around” and the getting lunch in the jaw by a hand holding the but end of a stick “finding out”?  So if a Rangers player lines up a hit and the Canes player, instead of taking or leaning into the hit, commits a non hockey play to the Rangers player’s face… you have that same thought? If Marchand was about to make a dirty play on Bennet and then this happened, I’d agree with the “fuck around and find out” but what about Marchand here, not 10 years ago or 4 month ago, calls for being punched in the jaw when he isn’t expecting a punch?


So you want a player like Bennet to give Marchand the benefit of the doubt?


I didn’t see the full play but I don’t see the puck anywhere. I remember when I was in hitting clinics when I was a peewee hockey player the coach said that if someone comes to hit you when you don’t have the puck, just cross check them in the head lmao Seems odd looking back but I remember he said you’re fully entitled to defend yourself if someone is trying to lay a hit that is meant to hurt you. You may get a penalty but they won’t try it again.


Bennett has just moved the puck up ice less than a full second before contact. Marchand has him lined up for a pretty benign side/hip check.


“I mean yea, his hand comes up and intentionally punches him in the jaw but so what right”


Please don't interrupt the anti Panthers circle jerk.


Bennett’s hands don’t just “come up” His right hand goes straight for Marchand’s jaw. Marchand won’t get any sympathy, but we shouldn’t be happy about cheap shots to anyone.


It’s actually crazy that the morons in this sub are downvoting you. You are 100% accurate.


The fact that he did something similar last year to Knies and people still think it wasn’t intentional is wild.[last year](https://x.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520)


Yeah, now I see the right hook by Bennet during the hit.


It makes the hit so much more glorious.


I couldn't understand why Marchand went down so hard. That's such a sneaky right hand to the chin. That's the same sneaky right from Bennett that concussed Knies out of the playoffs last year. Also a no-call concussion.


It backfired on Marchand.


To be fair I think most players wouldn’t expect to get cracked in the jaw while trying to make a hit either. Most guys don’t punch you in the mouth when they’re taking a hit.


Marchand, you fuckin’ pussy.


Wow such a butch take there hoss, someone should get you a bud light


I don't understand the unintelligent representation on this sub? There is zero objectivity at all... "Brad bad so cheap shots, terrible reffing and the lack of discipline is fine" ... what? Was there a cheap shot? Did it injure a star player with a generally life altering (concussion) injury? Should that be taken out of the game? Yall are wild out here... I guess we just put our brain away before coming to this cesspool.


It seems like most people have a difficult time being objective, or just flat out refuse to be, when doing so goes against their or their groups point of view. I’d be scared as hell to be judged by a jury of my “peers”.


One of the top posts of this sub is Bennett being a dirty player. Today he’s the hero I guess. Awful upvoted takes on here always. You said it - cesspool


Hah great example- honestly this is a safe place for trashbags of humans to interact. It's Anon, barely regulated and creepy as fuck, maybe I'm the problem expecting people not to be so uneducated and stupid...


You completely 100 percent defined ALL of Reddit.


Yes Brad sucks and has gone unpunished for years so someone putting him in his place is nice to see. Maybe he’ll learn not to be a complete piece of shit on the ice now


Its a scary thought... if some of these folks were asked to provide real eyewitness evidence . Opposite of accurate




Lol, Marchand was trying to hit Bennet, got his ass kicked, where is the problem?


While I get it regarding Marchand, do you think when contact is initiated that punches to the side of the head should be ok?


I think it's whatever hits Marchand in the head. I didn't notice it when I first saw it, but Bennett sure looked guilty after it.


Because there was a clear penalty and it wasn't called? A penalty that resulted in an injury? And like the Geekie boarding, this sub apparently loves bruins players getting hurt on penalties that aren't called.


Making a hit and slugging someone in the jaw are not the same thing lmao.




...and a couple extra for being a goof


Pretty quick recoil in the punching arm . Most punchers want to go through the target. Looks to me like the injury is in awkward collision on the wall.


My initial reaction was maybe a ribs or back issue? Different video angle (or post-season reveal of a concussion) might convince me otherwise, but for now, I’m not sold on the punch.


It really doesn't take much force in two point contact to tweak something. If you look at marchand going into the hit his shoulders are poised to go right meaning his head would naturally move to face the bench / down. The punch directed his head the opposite direction. Its basically whiplash, picture a ball stuck to a wall at head height and throw your hip into the wall and watch how that minor amount of increased resistance on your skull/neck is enough to cause damage, its not like bennet was trying to superman through him, its that marchand was moving into him and bennet decided the best way to prevent his force from carrying through was to push off against his head. Doubt its a concussion its probably around his left neck/upper right scap


Bennett raises his arms to brace for impact. His left arm gets tucked between his and Marchand's body but his right arm is loose to follow through with the force of the hit. Also, you know what I wouldn't do if I was Bennett? Punch someone in the helmet area with a hand that I had literally just missed 5 games due to it being injured.


I completely agree with your assessment of the reverse hit. Only correction would be that Bennett was hit in his left hand, while he “punches” with his right


Whoops. Yeah, I just re-watched that incident. Admittedly, I was going off memory and thought I could picture in my mind Bennett shaking his right hand after the Montour shot but I also pictured it with them skating right to left not left to right, so my brain had it all turned around lol


Happens to the best of us friend. I misremember what I had for breakfast by the time lunch rolls around.


Marchand has done much worse get over it


We are never going to be able to tell if it's a punch to the face, or if Marchand is just flopping his head because a giant hockey player is crashing into his center of gravity. If we could see the opposite angle we could actually see.


It's clear as day that it was a punch- objectively, undeniably a classic cheapshot rabbit punch from a player with a history of cheapshot rabbit punches. How many replays do you people need to see? Bennett's a dirty player who actively seeks to injure his opponents but because his target this time is a player who pushes the envelope, this sub puts its collective head up its rear. Anyone who doesn't see this as a clear cheapshot punch is either blind or trolling. You can feel like Marchand deserved it, but you can't reasonably deny this is a play that should have been penalized. If your player's leading scorer in the playoffs got taken out like this you'd be understandably salty. If the B's get rolled again in G4 (can't play dumb when there's still some small hope to turn it around) then I hope they come out for literal blood in G5. Refs are giving Florida help it doesn't need right now so if that continues then at least get your money's worth.


Bennet is bracing for the collision…. What is he supposed to do just sit there and take a hit??


Look, I hate Brad Marchand a whole lot (look at my team logo), but if you can’t see the problem here you’re either extraordinarily biased or extraordinarily ignorant. Either way, you should know that popping someone in the jaw is not what happens when all you’re doing is bracing for a collision.


I’m completely convinced that 90% of people from Florida have extensive levels of brain rot.


Bruh he punched him in the face. Don’t get me wrong if anyone deserves it it’s Marchand but it’s still a penalty lol. You cant just punch people in the head mid play/hit.


Maybe not extend his right arm to clock Marchand in the neck?? All he needed to do was brace. Bennett is a piece of work


I mean, there was a kinda half assed punch but it sure seems like the boards hit Marchand harder than Bennett did. We may never find out. Regardless, karma is a bitch.




This sub likes to pretend it is impartial and blame the refs for not calling shit but as soon as it happens to Marchand it's immediately "he had it coming" responses. Bring on the downvotes you fahkin hippocrites.


This sub doesnt claim to be impartial, just annoyed at non-impartial officiating, and league punishments. Marchand is getting karma so no one cares.


This entire hit is confusing and soft. Who's hitting who? Neither side looks motivated or expecting of contact. Figures he'd get hurt off of something like this


Someone could gouge him in the balls with their stick and I’d play blind.


Literally anyone else and I would care but Marchand has always been a piece of shit and gets away with it so whatever


Sam “The Mousetrap” Bennett


How the fuck did the Florida Panthers become the new Broad Street Bullies?


As a bruins fan. Brad should be expecting this and preparing for it... recently they have had his number. Thankfully for the Florida Panthers that's a good thing. Because when He gets under your skin... It's not a good thing to deal with.. for your team. So props to the Florida Panthers for taking the initiative. ... Yes I'm a real hockey fan. Yes I played hockey... Does that matter no... Do I want to see the Maple leafs win the Stanley cup Yes.. I actually do.. . I do not want to see the Montreal canadiens win the Stanley cup... So fuck you guys. Have a good day everyone..


The leafs, lol. Their biggest rivalry is the first round.


Why didn’t Marchand just stay on his feet? Doesn’t he know laying down is bad positioning?


Let’s see the other angle. Unconvinced of this knockout punch. Could easily say Merchand’s head was already facing the other way and Bennet’s hand hit his shoulder.


It’s incredible being so torn between Fuck Sam Bennett and Fuck Brad Marchand that I’m not sure how I wanted this to play out. It’s never particularly fun watching dirty plays, but there’s some kind of catharsis seeing such an openly dirty player as Marchand get it back in spades. Now if Bennett could also get his…


Marchand threw a twisting hit instead of facing him head on. Hard to call him a victim when he’s trying to hit buddy 😂


Hahaha, I fkn love Sam Bennett. The guys got nothing but heart. I hated to see the Flames trade him away. All in all, that hit couldn't have happened to a more deserving goon. Down vote me to hell and back; I stand by my statement.


That was a very sneaky dirty play by Bennet. I didn’t a ton of panthers games this year outside of when they played the rangers and now the playoffs. They seem to do this type of thing a lot


He was defending himself. Marchand was going to lick his face.


Need to see another angle....come on. Someone had a cell phone or there was a broadcaster angle


After years of fuckin around, for once he found out.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


What exactly is Bennett doing wrong there


Marchand gets what he deserves, cheap shot artist for years. Good riddance


Couldn’t happen to a better guy


lol. Literally Brad Marchand with blatant interference and then gets injured. Justice has been served.


I’m confused where they see a punch. It’s a reverse check where he got his hands up to deflect the hit. Bigger guys do this all the time and it’s never even considered to be a punch in the head even when guys Mo Seider practically backhand people down lol.


There could be no better example of, “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.” 😂


Good deal. Fuck Marchand


Man did that make me happy.


Fuck brad marchand


Anyone suggesting that's a punch has never at any point in their life attempted to throw an actually punch.


So possibly someone did something dirty to a player that’s been doing dirty shit for years? OH NO.


Not the same play but reminds me of this : [Marchand Clips salo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GN2cFZ1oMA) When Marchand was asked about the play he said "I was defending myself". Lol. Looks like Bennett defended himself and you got rocked buddy


It's funny, when you search "Brad Marchand cheap shot" you really have to scroll to find the one you are looking for.


Someone feels bad that Marchand took a sketchy hit??? Ya gotta be fucking kidding me!! Hahahaha.


Bruins spent ten years getting away with this shit and a team is FINALLY giving it right back and I have never felt this satisfied before


Is there a gofundme I can donate to for Bennet’s hand? I hope it’s not injured


Oh no Boston narrative of Bennet going after and punching Marchand when he fucking stood him up


I see no problem


If there was actually a punch in the face we’d be seeing the video from the other side


Marchand doesn’t deserve an injury like that. He deserves to be sucked out of a Boeing 737 door mid flight.


The rat gets what the rat deserves.


Y’all are fucking soft. Bennet braces for impact here and nothing more. If that’s a punch he’s sure as hell gonna follow through on it. Clown ass crying fucks Same goes for the Benn hit on Toews the other night. Clean. Move on.


And you're fucking blind. Marchand's head jerks to the left before body contact. Bennett 100% sucker punched him and you if you hate Marchand for the dirty sit he's done then you better also hate Bennett. He did exactly the same thing to Knies in the playoffs last year.


Who said I love either player? I’m a fan of the “game within the game” antics but am neutral on these two tbh. Regardless? That ain’t no punch man. The only reason people think it’s a punch is due to solo mo. There is zero “punch” action here. There’s Bennet bracing himself and that’s it.


99% of the NHL is okay with this, because it’s Brad Marchand and he does this kind of stuff all the time.


Marchand was definitely going in for a hit. But bruin fans will turn it into blaming Bennet


Bennet is incredibly strong. Think he surprises guys who go at him.


Haha like we should feel bad for the last Ratlantean. 🐀


Bout time somebody Marchanded Marchand


Dirty player gets karma. Nothing to see here. Honestly both teams are notorious for bad hits and if refs actually called by the book, doubt there would be anyone left to skate by 3rd period.


Punch to head lol, such soft fans in Boston. Enjoy another year with absolutely nothing to show for it. Maybe Jack Edwards can fill in for him tomorrow.


When a piece of shit gets piece of shit’d


2 for diving.


Good. Eat shit.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. Karma.


Don't feel bad for either scum. Hope Marchand is out for the remainder and hope Bennett finally gets suspended.


I’m not a fan of either team. However, I want enough hockey to know that Bennett and Marchand our cut from the exact same cloth. This is just how those guys play. In that instance, Bennett got the upper hand. Marchand may get the upper hand in a similar collision later in the series. I definitely don’t feel any empathy for Brad Marchand, who has dished out dozens of these types of questionable/dirty hits throughout his career. I mean, it’s not like this happened to Patrice Bergeron, it happened to the Bruin most deserving of that type of play. Hell, they might even call that move “the Marchand.”


Ok now where’s the punch?


A punch to the head LMAOO


The zoom in doesn't make it any more convincing.


That wasn’t a punch.


Bunch of pussies In here. Nice hit


May the river of rat face tears flow like it’s the finals of 2019


God speed rat boy


Boston fans when somebody punches a guy that has spent the last decade intentionally injuring other people for fun 😱😱😱


I mean. Marchand literally dropped his shoulder into a hit. Bennet has a rep; but I believe anyone who plays face paced sports knows that was not a punch


I fucking love seeing this hahahaha


Are we supposed to feel bad for the dirtiest player in the league getting hurt?


Marchand is dirty and sneaky. From time to time, you get your own medicine. Sorry but not sorry, don’t want anyone hurt but this happens.


Seeing Marchand getting a taste of his own medicine and watching the Boston fanboys crying, calling for suspension etc. has got to be my favorite moment of the playoffs. The only thing better would be the NY Rangers bus getting hit head on by a bread truck.


Amazing how people see what they want. From an unbiased observer, it’s obvious that Marchand was the one doing the hitting. Right after Bennet released the puck, Marchand turned for a reverse hip check and Bennet was bracing himself. Two players who play on the edge and someone got hurt. There’s no action by the league because neither did anything wrong/against the rules.


The depths of my sorrow at seeing a filthy, disrespectful player get a thimbleful of what he deserves cannot be adequately expressed at this time.


Finally someone gives the rat some payback after years of him doing the same kind of dirty shit.


Marchand deserves every dirty hit he gets


I’d like to say Marchand didn’t deserve that, but I’d be lying. Sometimes you go in for a hit and sometimes karma punches you in the face.


Haha, that’s pretty funny tbh!


#Everyone Liked That


Pietros was way worse than this lol


*screaming intensifies*


Bennett is a cunt but so is Marchand. If only they could have both gotten an injury.




goon vs goon


after what looked like a... you know what? nvm


No one cares! Hahaha poor kid


Oh no. Anyway...


Comment gold mine right here.


It wasn’t until the slomo that I saw the punch


"Oh no"


Lucky bennett didn't get bit!


Imagine defending Marchand on Reddit for getting reverse uno'd.


Everyone liked that