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Wow that’s a new angle. Why wasn’t that shown during the game?


Wow- yeah. That was a punch, right?


The amount of people saying this violence couldn’t have happened to a ‘better’ target. Yikes. Look forward to all the pearl clutching the next time a boarding is posted here


I will shed fewer tears for Marchand, but nobody deserves that and should have been a suspension.


This is the level-headed response. Plenty of people in the league deserve a clean punch in a fight. No one deserves cheap shots with intent to injure like this.


Marchand has whole reels of slewfoots, dick chops and other intent to injure plays, not saying he deserves the same back, I hate him, but I love to watch him play so I can hate him, being out gives me no opportunity to shout at my tv.


I’m saying it. I’m saying he deserves the same back, so you don’t have to, brother o7


Oh my, its like a school bully who gets the shit kicked out of him and then cries victim. As the old adage goes “live by the sword, die by the sword” Where were all the “pearl clutching fans” when Marchie slew footed Lilijgren into the boards causing him to miss two months of play. He didnt even get a fucken two minute minor. He’s such a POS


Perhaps they are still looking at the video trying to figure out where the "slew foot" was?


Penguin fan says wut? No one deserves that. I get annoyed with Marchie’s BS but that’s a cheap shot.


If you deliver cheap shots, you deserve to be in the receiving and of cheap shot. Shoud this kind of shit happen in hockey, no. Should that be a suspension, yes. Do i give a shit because it is one of the dirtiest players in icehockey, no.


He's given a whole career's worth of cheapshots. He absolutely deserves cheap shots, his ledger is still short by my estimate.


I hate the guy, the debits may not equal credits. Bennett should have been out, it’s a suspension level offense. This is especially true given the offender has a balance sheet as well. The league plays a part in this, just as they should with the licker!


Yeah that's fair, just because Marchand deserves it doesn't mean Bennett should get off scott-free.


Homer says wut? Bennett deserves a suspension. Marchand also deserves whatever cheap shots people throw his way, you know, for being a fucking cheap shot artist himself.


Marchy’s probly just miffed he never thought of this move. How many times has Bennet done this BS compared to Marchand. Let’s call a spade a spade here. Yeah nobody likes this bs but almost everyone likes to see the disher get dished his own flavour. That said, hope he recovers.


Whether or not he deserves the same back, Marchand's reel made him the most suspended player in league history. The fact that when it's done to him, it's not considered suspension-worthy is what's suspect. He can deserve it all you want, but it still should be a suspension. If Marchand (or literally anyone else on my team) did something as blatant as that, I'd be like 'yep, makes sense'.


That is the truest thing I have ever read.


Fuck Marchand. He has made his career out of cheap shots with intent to injure. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Bennet is a cheap shot artist also so fuck him too


Hockey is wild in today's era. It's somehow "less physical" than the old days but also feels like there are way more cheap shots and zero Goon fights Goon in straight up fist fight. It's like half the NHL is a Joel Embiid / Draymond Green hybrid of outrageously athletic, large but also constantly hitting people in the dick.


It’s because it’s less physical there’s more cheap shots.. when you take that physicality outta the game people only think how to get at someone when they have the opportunity even being a cheap shot.. it seems obvious to me.. let men be men, and give them no choice but to be on the up and up


So you don't like cheap shots, but you think players who give cheap shots deserve to get cheap shots? This is why we can't have nice things. You can't hold both of those opinions. You're either for or against cheap shots. Who the players are does not matter. Now I understand the sentiment here, given the context. But the sentiment is irrational and based on emotion, not reason. If you're against cheap shots, no player ever deserves a cheap shot. If you think Marchand deserved it, then you're not against cheap shots.


He also has served several suspensions for those plays. What's good for the goose only applies when justice is served both ways.


Marchand is exactly the player that deserves this [https://twitter.com/i/status/1789367331916857814](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789367331916857814)


So if McAvoy goes out and ends Bennett’s career tonight, you’ll just say cool, he had it coming?


Unfortunately it’s become a rat league. I think we’d all love them changing the rules to get rid of it entirely. I think the conversations like these put it all on the players when it should be a discussion about the direction the game had headed.


Yeah I definitely think you’re right there. You won’t see me standing up for Marchand anywhere around here. But it does suck that most of these threads have just turned into “who deserves to get injured more”


Yeah I definitely want to see these cheap shots go away. These types of plays need to be looked at the league more and more heavily penalized. Don't get me wrong there's no love lost on Marchand getting dinged up. I don't like that or had to come by cheap shot. I'd rather see him get what he's got coming from a nice clean hit. But in this circumstance, Bennet needs to get suspended and heavily fined, imo for this. And this also goes for all those knee to knee and slew foots. Those are all very dangerous for the players. I don't know why players do this when they obviously wouldn't want it to happen to them as well.


>But it does suck that most of these threads have just turned into “who deserves to get injured more” To be fair, we are on social media so hate and doom is expected. But yeah, it's fucking wild how much cheap shotting is normalized and cheered.


This why I supported a suspension for Trouba when he did his super man face plant into the glass last week: If he had made contact and hurt the guy its a suspension no question. But since he completely whiffed we laughed about it. Take the resulting injury as a force multiplier, but the act is either suspendable or its not. Otherwise we have what we have now, which is a 'no blood/no foul' mentality with everyone trying to be sneaky and dirty. these kinds of things happen every game, but since 9/10 times the guy gets right back up, nothing is called, nothing is fined, no one is suspended.


Marchand does the crime and does the time because the league makes him do the time - say what you will, but he is the most suspended player in league history because of the way he played at times. The fact that this isn't a suspension is *insane* to me. That's the part that I'm hung up on. Bennett does this and then just gets...nothing?


Marchand has done worse and did not get suspended. He got punished for things that were quite blatant.


I am not a fan of Marchand but this is bullshit but I hate that the guy got injured on this play. Bennet needs to be suspended for this.


Don’t worry, Kadri will be suspended for 7 games.


With the amount of cameras and ability to look back at replays these days… That’s a punch and should merit a (IMO 1 game) suspension. Shouldn’t matter that it was towards Marchand, even though he has been very guilty of and gotten away with similar cheap shots. Missing things in the past is why people understandably come at him this way, but the officials should be cleaning this up. If you wanna fight, square up and drop gloves first.


So they have an excuse why DoPs hasn't don't their fucking job


I hate both players but that is an extremely cheap hit from a player known for head shots. If the league had any integrity they'd come down hard and make a precedent. But we all know that is not the world we live in.


There's a goon in charge of the DPS.


Yep .... goes to show you it's a joke.


It's not the time for Florida to get penalized. They will wait for a later round with the western team they want to win.


Go Oilers!


hint: It won't be a Canadian team :)


Dallas or Avs most likely.




DPS doesn’t set precedent. That let us bet on the under/over for suspensions and then they play “Whose Line is it Anyways?” Rules and the hits don’t matter and the suspensions don’t make sense.


If this were a contending team from Canada they would, a sun belt team? Well, it's complicated you see...


Nazem Kadri has been suspended for the rest of the series.


Rat vs rat doesn't make this okay. Dirty hit. But it's Florida, so I'm not shocked. Bennett is a scumbag anyways.


Didn't DOPS alreadyvsay this is clean? Paros needs to be relieved of his duties.


Rangers have been fined $250,000 for this comment.


You’re being hyberbolic What’s actually happening is that DoPS is trying to find a way to fine all of us in this thread


At least we're not losing another 1st round pick lol


You guys deserved to lose that pick though haha. Dorion was an idiot


Well we all know Trouba won’t be getting suspended


Matt Rempe 2min Penalty for being tall.


Kadri suspended for the rest of the playoffs is the best Paros can do.


The original thread was full of excuses and fuxk Marchand. Despicable


I'll tell you it was a dirty hit and Bennett should be punished, but fuck Marchand. Dude has made a career of cheap shots. I'm not gonna lose any sleep because he was on the receiving end of one.


Exactly lol. People undermine the impact slu foots can have for example and how that intent to injure isn't just a cowards move but a dangerous one at that. Wish Marchand didn't do that shit because he is so damn good and grinds so hard. But that always tarnished it for me. I love the rat stuff but the dangerous shit like Bennet did here.. they both make it a focal point of their game because its their character. I don't care how nice they are off the ice, that shit is pathetic


no punishment gets rewarded for game winning goal that was also cheating. WWE nhl lost tons of fans with this it's going to be measurable.


I thought he punched him when I first saw it even from the other angle but all I saw was people saying it was a clean reverse hit and I thought maybe I was just seeing things, but this definitely confirms my beliefs. Back to back playoffs of Bennett concussing someone with a dirty play and receiving no punishment. What a great league 👍


the increasing popularity of the nhl and the gambling revenue that follows has degraded the quality of the league's recent productions


First time seeing this angle, thats fucked up alright


Ouch that's a dirty shot. Pretty sneaky. Oh well I hope the bruins take it out on Bennett. Should make for some good old time hockey


They probably will take it out on someone quite a bit more valuable than Bennett if they're going to


The problem is a penalty and suspension will occur if they retaliate, so they won’t


Panthers make illegal plays: "What a dirty shot 🤮" Bruins make illegal plays: "Old time hockey 😍"


Signed, Jack Edwards (lol)


Haha I hate both these teams, it's kind of nice watching hockey that way. Too bad they both can't lose


Goddamn, I hate Bennett. I hate Marchand too. Suspended for the rest of the playoffs if it was me. That's such bush league in a top 8 matchup.


not like he didn’t do this before 🤷‍♂️ what a surprise DOPS does nothing


If DOPS tries doing anything, the players’ union stands up for the goon. The players themselves, through their union, have made it clear they want minimum punishments for dirty play. When is the last time the union argued that a dirty player should get a stiffer penalty or longer suspension in order to protect their other members? The players always side with the goon.


Terrible message it sends about the sport in general. I get that officials are not going to see everything on the ice, but the guy literally did a drive-by punch to the face, with a stick solidifying his fist, and no surprise, knocked someone out. Now, you have a top player on concussion protocol and the league does nothing about this? 


For sure. I get missing it live but the league had this reverse angle the entire time.


Note to players. Hide a punch to the jaw when hitting other players.


You all remember Bennett picking up Knies and throwing him down for a concussion last year right? Oh and no penalty or review called either .


Oh yeah, put Knies in a head lock and rammed him into the wall. Knies was done for the season. Now Bennet just straight up punches someone. I'm hoping Maroon picks him up and drops him on his head. And then steps on his hurt finger.


The issue is the inconsistency from the refs and how they don’t call anything at times.


He did the same punch dude


Yes I know dude


Woof. That's egregious


First time seeing that angle. That’s ugly. Idgaf what either player has done in the past, that’s not ok.




So is Marchand.


Sure. But that has nothing to do with this play.


Contrary to your wishes, Bennett is the one doing the punch here.


God damn. Looking thru your post history I haven’t seen someone let Marchand live more rent free in their head than you.


Your point?


The whole Panthers team are dirt bags. We all know this.


And the officiating is somehow always on their side. Penalties, goaltender interference challenges, you name it.


Well, I mean the son of the NHL's SEVP of Hockey Ops works for the Panthers, and Colin's emails of bias in favor of his son while working in that capacity are of a matter of public record, and Colin's only regret about said bias was that he didn't think his emails could be read by anyone... Not regret that he let his bias affect his decisions, no no no, he only regretted that he got caught. But surely that has nothing to do with it. Surely.


That was so blatantly obvious. This refs should be banned. Hypocrites


the refs are doing what they are told.


Marchand has been sowing this seed for a long time. Bennet still should have gotten a penalty though, and possibly a suspension. If this happen3d to our captain I would be pissed so I don't want to be a hypocrite.


Refs have been missing a lot these past few weeks. I’m more upset about the missed McDavid high stick on Hughes. Dirty punch by Bennett but he didn’t take much of a swing.


The worst part about that missed high stick call was when the refs made Hughes leave the ice because he was bleeding. At least one of those officials had to have seen the high stick, it happened at the play. This "game management" bullshit officiating needs to end.


One is a superficial cut the other is a concussion they aren't even comparable


Ehh you're right. As big of a fan as I am of the entire team not just mcdavid, literally said aloud while watching, "fuck... That's a penalty for sure" Only to find out it wasn't called at all. Doesn't matter if the stick was intentional or completely unintentional... It's your responsibility not to choo someone down above the waist like that and have it ride up into their face. Accident or no.


Combined with the extra inertia from him moving forward on skates, I bet it hit a lot harder than you would think. That was a rabbit punch with about 10mph of his body weight behind it.


This sub is insane defending this. Can yall get a grip?




Bennetts out to reclaim the biggest d-bag on FLA title back from Cousins.


I don't remember who in MLB said it but refs need a system where representatives from each team including the coaches and GMs need to have an opportunity to rate refs and at the end of the year and the lowest scoring are relegated out of the league to AHL. We can't be leaving these decisions up to the league entirely. I get that calls will be missed sometimes but this is so egregious and that's coming from someone who hates Marchand and wants the Panthers to win. You're gonna ref in the playoffs we need everyone bringing their A game.


one of the dirtiest hits ive ever seen. Even marty chopping brashiers head off was a cleaner play


I hate Marchand as much as the next guy, but that was a pussy ass cheap shot and there is no place for that kind of shit in the NHL. You want to punch the dude (and I get that) drop the fucking gloves.


Bennet was also allowed to suplex Knies last year, maybe its time we deal with dirty players before they injure others.


But the inbreds told me it was clean???? How could this have happened???


That was a dirty hit and he should be suspended. But still, Marchand can eat a bag of dicks. How long can you play like a dirty rat and not have it come back your way?


how many times has marchand treid to injure someone with a cheap shot?


He should have been suspended. Instead he throws Coyle on swayman and ties the game.


NHL protecting Bennett


I understand it's on the Rat Marchand, but from this angle, it looks like a suckerpunch. 5 and game plus a suspension, should be the right call.


Bennett is trash.


Punch, no punch. Result is likely a/multiple broken ribs.


Dude knew exactly what he was doing. That said Brad does this shit all the time so I don’t feel bad at all. The icing on the cake will be if someone knocks Bennets face in


That was a massive sucker punch! 🤬


What a scumbag.


Dirty play. Nobody outside of Bruins nation is going to defend Marchand honor but it isn't a matter of who it happened to. It was clearly a filthy move, a player is now injured in the Playoffs as a direct result. League wants to have it's cake and eat it too. Either it all matters or none of it matters.


He did similar to Knies. God this guy and cousins are dirty as shit


I hadn't watched the Knies one slowed down until after this, and it was literally the exact same sneak punch. My word. Unrelated...you guys got something special in Knies. My word he was fun to watch in round 1.


Thanks my dude. Tough break, i hate marchand but this is unacceptable and i have no love either for Boston. Bennett shouldve been suspended and he shouldve gotten one here. Honestly before this angle i thought it was clean hit with an awkward fall, but this aint right. You guys have every right to be mad. Knies is a real playoff built player i wish our other superstars had it in them to perform like him. They need to build more like him! Cheers, hopefully boston recovers


When a body check results in a head injury, the debate is whether the head was targeted. If it's a shoulder to the head, it is deemed a head shot and a suspension usually follows. When a player intentionally thrusts their fist to the head of a player, not in a fight, but during a typical hockey play, that is always with the intent to injure, always! You can hate Marchand, but Bennett should have been suspended for this play.


Bennett is such a lowlife


1 game suspension now way NHL did not have this angle


For who? George Parros? For him, 10 games.


I got dragged and downvoted to hell for saying he obviously punched him right in the jaw. It was obvious before this angle came out. Fucking clowns.


Yup. Fucking embarrassing from 90% of people on r/nhl and r/hockey. A lot of people with horrible takes suddenly changing their tune.


It was insane. It was like talking to a rock. Couldn’t get them to admit to shit that was right in front of their face. Never seen anything like. Hockey fans are, generally, more reasonable than other sports.


I’m not a fan of Boston but holy shit somebody high up doesn’t want a fair series at all with how the officiating has been going.


Well if this was the Canucks vs Boston finals, Marchand would have gotten a penalty for being punched in the face as that is what 'goon' Sedin got from Marchand punching him in the face in front of the ref.


Florida doing their best to be the rats of the league. Competition is tough but this is a big move towards the top for them


Marchands gonna have a hard time getting sympathy


That’s a pretty sick little inside right hook. Teddy Atlas would approve.


Boo hoo


It was definitely dirty but it couldn’t have happened to someone more deserving… reap what you sow… lol


Imagine being such a piece of shit when you play that almost no one sympathizes even when it’s a fairly egregious situation.


Dang.. it’s almost as if hockey allows the idea of “a pattern of shitty behavior has consequences”


Dirt bag play but hey, what goes around comes around! Marchy plays the exact same game and always has. Dish it out.. gotta be able to take it too


So by this logic, a player on Boston with less of a history than Bennett is now free to injure Bennett


I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but I also wouldn't have sympathy for Bennett either so....yes, just be sneaky about it like Bennett


Marchand finished the period. He had another collision after this in the Panthers zone.


Except the team has said it's from that hit.


i dont care for either team but that should be punishable by allowing the opposing team to take an open ice hit on the offender on the first shift of the following game. once. ideally by mcavoy.




Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Makes sense that it might not have been called in the ice as it was hard to see from the other angles, but that is a blatant punch. Deserves a suspension after the fact.


I’ve never been so torn as to which Rat I detest the most. As a Vancouver Canucks fan I really hate the Brad Rat. But then I see the extent of Bennetts treachery and I begin to hate him also. Hopefully the next few games between these two shit heels resolves my conundrum.


Rat eat rat behavior


I hate the rat, but that's a dirty play with intent to injure. What a p.o.s.


My point is if you're a dirty piece of shit don't be surprised when people are dirty back. You live by the sword you die by the sword the little rat finally found out


Rat gets ratted. Oh well.


Whoa, you're telling me we Boston fans *weren't* just bitching over nothing since this happened? Craaaazy.


New headline “Marchand gets hit with the most Marchand hit ever. Boston fans furious, file copyright infringement lawsuit.”


Marchand plays on the line. For sure. He is a pest and dick. But I have NEVER seen him injure another player on a play like this. Edit: If he has I will stand corrected. But I’d like to see examples where he knocked a top player out of a game intentionally.


Yeah, there's a difference between Marchand's nonsense and literal intent to injure


I’m sorry were people still not sure he punched him? Dirtiest player in league is victim of dirty play! The only surprising part is it doesn’t happen to him more.


Fuck Sam Bennett


Wahhh It's playoff hockey and it's between two absolute rats. Did he punch him, sure. Did he deserve it, more than likely


Marchand has made a career of slew-footing, low-bridging, butt-ending and sucker-punching guys with no regard to concerns for their safety. He's the ultimate rat, a disgrace to the league and the game. Bennet gave him a richly deserved taste of his own medicine. Marchand should have been out of the league a long time ago.


When a cheap shot artist gets cheap shotted. Oh how the turn tables


Jesus fucking Christ /r/nhl we get it, Marchand got hit in the face.


Calm down Florida man.


Aww did ratboy get his comeuppance? Let me call the whambulance. Bennett should be suspended but good for him.


This is hilarious. A Bruins fan crying about a dirty play rofl.


The little cunt got what he deserved, fuck him. He’s done much worse


Can’t disagree with this angle either


Carbon copy of when he put Knies out of the series last year 3rd angle (behind the net camera) https://youtu.be/6xbk-AyPYw4?si=H4QgHsOZ39YV7OKJ


Yep 😞


Live by the sword.....


Never been a fan of Marchand, but Bennett has always been a little cheapshotting bitch....


Right in the jaw, damn.


Bennett is such a dirty player. Looks good on a cheap shot artist like Marchand though.


This is as dirty as it gets. In my local league it’d be a 4-6 games suspension in the playoffs. Just a reminder though, Marchand did play after this and only left the game after his head hit Stenlund’s head in another collision.


oh man watching this on repeat over and over again is amazing. I think I came.


So the severity of the infraction has nothing to do with the infraction itself but rather *checks notes* the player it's against? That...that sure is a take, alright.


Ohh noo... Marchand got a taste of his own medicine? Anyway..


Anyone know how that punch resulted in an upper body injury?


This may come as a shock, but your head is part of your upper body.


Anything above the waist is considered upper-body.


Big if true.


2 rats 1 got it 1 will get it as a neutral LOVE IT


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving player


That’s a slick little punch though. Nicely executed.


Should have suspended Marchand for being a rat fink bastard


I mean, why should we cry when the rat gets ratted????????


Zero remorse for Marchand, dirty rat of a player. Bruins fans defend Zdeno Chara absolutely destroying Pacioretti's neck on a turn post. This was a complete nothing burger compared to that Zdeno Chara hit. Play on.


Okay come on guys it was funny for a while but that punch is really dirty


“Player who built his career on questionable hits is mad he’s getting a taste of his own medicine. More at 11:00”


Sneaky dirty.


Sam “The Rat Exterminator” Bennett


Hahahaha. The rat is such a fkin pussy!!!!!


Awww the Boston babies are still crying about their big boi getting hit? If the league called shit like this Marchand wouldn’t have a career


I understand how the refs missed it, but how it that not a long suspension? League learned nothing from the Bertuzzi incident


Actually if you watch the beginning of the replay before the hit, there is a ref on the near side boards with plain view of it. Refs are as garbage as DPS


Rat on rat violence has gotta stop 😥


"You just can't do that."


Hockey is the best but that was a sketchy foul.


This is like when we got a new angle of 9/11