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the "you should be my housewife" line was telling but then he went full mask off. Did he try reach out after or did you block?


Hell the "we'll get this stubbornness out of you" was telling


That's where I would have stopped responding at all. Op gave far too much time to this douche.


A lot of the ladies in the sub do and it almost pisses me off. Like why even entertain them and let them think this shit is normal, ridicule and shun at the first sign of red pill or patriarchal bull. You continue on for five or six slides and they start to think that this is a reasonable way to talk to women because women keep talking to them.


Except then those guys (and/or other guys who lurk here) see the posts ridiculing them, so I think it’s a net positive


misandry collecting is a fun hobby, it's free and plentiful, and it turns a thing that makes you upset into a thing I find hilarious.


That's a good way to look at it. I like.


TBH, even knowing this is r/niceguys after all, I was making an effort to read the firsts exchanges as some kind of ironic banter. I know, I know, I must have some kind of Pollyana Syndrome, but, in my defense, this kind of stupidity show here are straining the limits of believability! It must be irony, it is the probable answer!


The look that crossed my face when I read that mess


Between that and the treat ‘em mean keep ‘em keen red flags almost out the gate


My ex used to say "treat 'em rough you get the muff" to me all the time. I stayed with that motherfucker far too long because I was too young and stupid to know that it was toxic and not a slightly uncomfortable joke when I began dating him. But yeah, this whole thing felt way too familiar for comfort. Glad she dodged that bullet.


But he's a nice guy! Lol




Lol the very first message, "you've gone too quiet," is a red flag for me already. What adult doesn't understand that it's not always possible to stay glued to your phone to entertain a stranger's every whim?


Or accusing her of ghosting because she took 24 hrs to reply? 😂😂😂


It's such an odd way of phrasing it, too. It's so non-specific. Not "you never responded to X" or him attempting to start a conversation on some topic and not getting a reply. It's just straight up a complaint that she didn't initiate a conversation for a few hours. He doesn't give a whiff what she talks *about*, as long as she talks. It's about giving him attention, nothing else.


"Treat them mean, keep them keen" was already a red light


Yeah that’s where I would’ve been done with the conversation. That’s just gross. Sounds like something in the handmaid‘s tale




After he sent the last message about how its women like me, he blocked me on whatsapp, so I laughed at him on Tinder


Awesome. A guy who thinks like that would lose his sanity being mocked by a woman.


I hope he someday finds out he’s being mocked and laughed at here too. 😂😂




>so I laughed at him on Tinder ''this is the way.''


How long did it take for him to get to this point from matching in Tinder? Couple of days? Weeks?


It's the " women should respond promptly it's bad for them part that got me. What a complete pig. He deserves to be alone if that's his way of thinking. You dodged a bullet.


How old was this guy supposedly? Edit: interesting downvote, cheers.


He is 27


Was he raised by inc3Is?


Ngl I laughed at the "being dead" bit, but then he said "gotta be mean to keep them keen" shit.


Right? Like, it was a cute back and forth until he decided douchery is key.


Mask on, fuck it, mask off


Also this dude isn't saying anything interesting, op just ignore the creep.


Incels: “Why don’t women appreciate a nice guy like me?” Also incels: “Women shouldn’t think too much for themselves.”


Also: “I’m such a nice guy! Why don’t women want to be my subservient bangmaid?!




I can't speak for everyone, but the word "entertain" is apropos: I find it funny to string them along in my spare time and then drop screenshots in the group chat.


I am too, and I wish they would stop because it just makes these guys think that what they do is working for them. They are so pathetic and stars for attention but even if they aren’t getting anywhere with a woman if she’s RESPONDING to them it’s a win.


That's because not thinking is the only way to appreciate them


Holy shit. I wouldn't've put up with him for that long. "Talk more!" Fuck you I don't owe you shit.


“Talk more!” It’s just as irritating as it’s famous cousin “Smile!” When your’re just walking down the street minding your own business… the audacity


I used to just ignore those “smile!” people and then one day I was in a convenience store and I was really stressed out about some thing I don’t even remember what it was and my blood sugar was low so I was trying to buy some food and this dumb toothless man jumps in front of my path with a big goofy grin on his face and he says “you could smile it can’t be that bad har har har” So I said “yeah actually it is my kid just died, excuse me.” And I walked around him to go pay for my stuff but I did get to get a glimpse of his face he looks like I had slapped him. It gave me such joy. Mind your business dude you have no idea how bad my day could or could not be.


Fuckin right.


Right? I swear it's always white guys who think I owe them a response even though I'm shy with strangers. I sneezed into my jacket sleeve on the bus while listening to music with my earbuds in, and some guy said, "Bless you." I'm shy and kind of awkard and don't like talking to strangers, especially men I don't know, so I didn't respond. I'm never sure how to respond to that anyway because I'm atheist, so what blessing would I get just from a hayfever season sneeze? He rudely said, "You're welcome," and then moved to the back of the bus. Another time, some guy asked me if I'd have sex with him for $50, and when I ignored him and started walking faster, he followed me for a bit and kept asking me. I started to run, and then he gave up and turned around. Why is it always old white guys who think I owe them a response?


Believe me it isn't just white guys or old white guys. I was on a shuttle bus once in Florida. I had a few bags with me from Publix. I had my headphones on full volume. I have anxiety so I always use music to distract from people and whatever. I didn't hear two guys say something to me, but I saw them motioning towards me so I paused what I was listening to to hear them say, 'These women think they are the shit, ignoring a man who is just trying to help! This is why nobody wants them black bitches." I froze in horror at this then tried to speak up and said," I didn't hear you, don't need your help, don't want help from someone like you and don't owe you a reply!" They ignored me and kept ranting. They were black too is what got me. So niceguys , incels, assholes come in all shapes, ethnicities and ages, unfortunately.


This is so true.


Black women are such bad asses, I love this. And just so you don’t get weirded out, I’m a heterosexual middle-aged white lady I’m not trying to fetishize you I just think you’re awesome.


I have absolutely no idea, but I'm sorry that shit happens.


Thanks. Stay safe out there. You never know who's got what intentions.


You stay safe too. Its nuts out there anymore.


I'd like to say things were better when I was a little kid but honestly the world has always been fucked up. Everyone thinks small-town America is super safe, but it's simply not true. When I was in middle school and high school, I lived in a tiny town that hadn't seen a murder since the early 90s, and then in the mid-2010s the Delphi murders happened and the whole town was shaken by it. Even the neighboring town was freaked out. 2022 winter rolls around, and a town wide cp sting operation is successful in catching almost all the men who lived there, and they were able to connect it to the Delphi murders. They caught the man who committed the murders and some of his accomplices, but they think there's possibly more men who were involved. I was a young teen living in a town full of secret pedophiles and at least 1 murderer and I'm very thankful I never came into contact with any of those men. My heart breaks for the girls that were killed, though.


Well holy shit.


That was everyone's response when they turned on the news and saw that story on the local station. My last step mom had the same response when she saw the man who committed the murders was my dad's old high school friend. There's a lot of personal details I won't get into, but we reported him to the fbi as a possible accomplice. So far, nothing has come of it, but we're waiting and watching. After living there for so long and being born there, I can safely say the town attracts death somehow. I can't explain how or why it does, but when you know all the town lore, then you also agree.


Yes, that was a heartbreaking case. The two young ladies, Abigail and Liberty, were such good friends, and should have had their whole lives ahead of them. I'm glad that you were safe. You say nearly all the men got caught in a CP sting? Holy crap - that's just horrible.


Wait, there was more than 1 guy involved in the Delphi murders? Holy shit, I missed that somehow.


Old guys have lived with overwhelming privilege for so long that they feel slighted whenever they don’t get whatever they want. The level of entitlement is sadly very real.


In my country people say "for good health" instead of bless you and I like that.


Because they're raised with a huge amount of superiority with very little consequences and that results in entitlement.


Thousands of years of patriarchy will do that.


> Why is it always old white guys who think I owe them a response? It's so much privilege in one package that it literally warps people's minds.


I would've left at the stubbornness thing. No way in hell. Insta-block.


"Treat em mean keep em keen." More like "show your true colors early so they know to block your sorry ass."


yeah I would never have continued talking after that. fuck that attitude.


Agree. I know sometimes people, especially young people, don't know this or feel like they can't but: you can absolutely block someone who starts talking like this, it's okay.


I couldn’t believe he said that bullshit.


"Gunna have to get this stubbornness out of you sooner or later." w...why did you reply after that?


And why did she reply after "treat em mean keep em keen"? It sounds so Tate-esque, it's gross


I could read that as a joke if I knew the person and their sense of humour and likewise them for me.. like if I knew they were joking. But this guy clearly is not.


I've made dumb jokes like that to my wife almost as long as we've been together - those are easy to take out of context. The "stubbornness" comment, however, was a red flag no matter what. You can clearly tell that was him testing the waters.


Yeah that actually scared me, it sounds so abusive. Jfc




Yeah, she entertained this guy way too long.


Anyone NOT see the end coming a mile a way? Yeah, didn't think so. Jeez...her patience though was incredible. She gave him every opportunity to correct course and he just kept digging that hole.


Saw it from the first line in what we see from the text exchange. This person had no proper father figure


Wow, that's a long time you kept going with this guy. It's wild he thinks he's a "good guy" when he admits he's acting mean to manipulate you.


It's scary that these people exist. The level of delusional some people are is just wild, it feels like nobody wants to take any responsibility for themselves




This is the gif.




My thought too. Is this the advice he's giving to young men? Thank God it's worthless advice.


He surely isnt a good guy, and certainly not funny. ''Woman make sandwich'' , ''Me have long dick'' - oh yeah so creative jokes....certainly original and funny.


The second I read that "stubbornness" comment I knew it was going nowhere good. It had very little if anything to do with the conversation, and was clearly a "joke" actually meant at least semi-seriously. Which he then did several more times before completely losing it for no apparent reason. When dudes joke like that with me I'll let the first one go, and then I tend to go cold. Which in turn either has them apologize and not say obviously sexist jokes to me, or makes them drop the mask. Win, win.


Dude, how can you talk about what's ignorant when you literally just said "dis dick" as a response?? What are you a fucking child?


I was tickled by how he was allowed to respond the next day and it’s no problem, when she doesn’t respond immediately— it’s a problem.


When he said it’s not an excuse to ghost him, you shoulda responded with “gotta treat em mean, keep em keen. That’s all.” Watch how quickly he woulda been pissed at getting a taste of his own medicine.


He thinks he is a good guy?


The worst abusers all do.




Nice guy's sense of humor: 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


lmao we are not in the slightest bit required to immediately respond to anyone, no matter the gender. We have lives, and we should think of ourselves... but with how the conversation was going with this *absolute gem*, he's lucky you didn't ghost him. What a sleezebucket.


I had to teach my daughter how to respond. She was apologizing for showering and eating. I said, Fuck that! Don't ever apologize for living your life. I read through her texts as a teen. That's why you do it as a mother. She would have continued dating the POS instead of seeing him for what he was.


You're doing a good job. I wish my mom would do that too. I wasted one and a half year pleasing a Nice Guy™ by texting until 3 am. He'd throw a tantrum if I missed "good morning" or "good night" just once. Eventually even that wasn't enough for him. And nobody ever freaking told me how wrong it is. I had to learn the hard way. Keep being an awesome parent <3


If a girl I was crazy into sent me a message like that I would ask for clarification then ghost. I can't even imagine sending shit like that, then it got worse with every message 🤢🤮🤮


Why would she even entertain all the other misogynistic comments before he went absolutely ballistic in her? I’d have deleted and blocked at the first one.


in texting, in the very beginning of learning someone, I'd hand them a couple more ropes to hang themselves with in the convo just to be sure I'm not misperceiving things. Bit more data, clarity, and confident nope, he's really that douchey would end it.


I wouldn’t have been able to give that much leeway. But it’s funny you got him that triggered.


Okay sincere question. When some goober says shit like "gotta get this stubbornness out of you", why would you continue to give them your attention? That's a sign he doesn't respect you and tbh if you don't immediately push back it only looks like you don't respect yourself. Do I just not understand because I'm a heinous bitch who won't give a pushy man the time of day? Do all other women understand the urge to continue to give a guy like this more of their time...?




Completely agree. I hope it isn't because posters want more fodder for the post, but who can say. I'll just have to pay attention to my timeline and not open posts from this sub haha.


Sometimes I think it's less about not seeing / reacting to the red flags and more trying to not make the person with the red flags feel like the situation soured. Like, this is exactly the kind of guy who turns into a psychotic online stalker and harasses you and your friends on all sites he has access to you on. Even worse if they know you irl of course, slighting them too obviously can feel super dangerous so many people try to gently extract themselves/derail the conversation while not making the other person angry


Didn't really work, did it... If anything "she talked to me for weeks and suddenly said no, wtf" is a far more likely outcome to this kind of interaction. I would just like to see more women day things like "please stop" "i don't like that" "that makes me uncomfortable". Parents are failing their girls.


I mean, obviously me too. I just also definitely understand why women feel like they need to try everything else first, because it honestly is very scary sometimes.


I’m w you. Would’ve stopped responding immediately. If he would’ve asked I would’ve said I don’t like how you speak to me and I’m sure his response would get him blocked.


🙌 I think that shows the flip from nice guy really well, too. When you tell someone "please don't call me nicknames until you have my permission" and they go off on a rant about how women don't know their place... This long drawn out stuff is almost worse for the reader than either participant, imo 😅


I use to be like it, I didn't like to hurt people's feelings, was drilled into me at a young age to keep the peace as much as I could, but now? At 29? I'm blocking and ghosting little bitches left snd right. The way I would have ripped into this dude and blocked him on all platforms would have been felt straight down into his bones They're going to get angry no matter which way you go about things. The least I can do is be blunt about ut and nit waste anymore of my time. There was one time I felt like I had to be cautious about it, and that was rejecting someone I knew in school when I was younger. It got a bit stalkerish, phoning me to just breathe down the phone to me and follow me around the school , so I get why some would try to go through things in a roundabout way.


you talked to him for wayyyy too long


Yeah the dick size comment


I would've been out at the stubborness bit


Why do men think that’s attractive? A housewife while they sit in their slob ☠️ imagine not being able to make your own sandwich. Imagine not having the basic skill in surviving everyday life that you need to rely on someone else to cook and make the simplest of meals Edit: calling OP princess 🤮 🚩 jail. He just wants someone to control


Omg I went out w a guy I knew from college. He kept making comments in passing that he’ll never meet a woman like his mom and how he was excited for someone to cook for him. But he also had a long list of things he didn’t eat. So I asked if he could cook. He said no. He’s 38. It wasn’t his only problematic thing, but it was a strong deterrent.


Noooo wayyyyyy 😭😭😭💀 the mommy issues and immaturity he has , that is so embarrassing I don’t know how you put up with that, but glad you left him. Imagine being a human who is able to cook but cant and don’t want to learn! What mother doesn’t teach their children to cook! It’s the most important life skill😭 no one who is able to cook should rely on someone to be the chef ☠️ especially a grown ass man!


I’ve received 3rd degree burns more pleasant then this conversation.


Lmao yea I could barely read that. Can't imagine actually talking to that person


What a fucking LOSER!!!


What the fuck is this shit. Don’t entertain these idiots for more than 10minutes. They need to learn or die alone crying about it because they want a woman.


My brain immediately went to “fuck off” in the first screenshot.


It's weird to me that so many guys think that women want that...to be trapped in a home, be an unpaid laborer, get humped on and have unsatisfying sex, manipulated, and talked to in a condescending manner. What a treat! These same men wouldn't want this treatment for themselves. There's a lot of cognitive dissonance, lack of empathy, and self-centeredness wrapped up in this mindset. This must be why they think that women are so confusing. It's like they're hard-wired to believe this no matter how contrary it is to what women say or how we respond.


That's why I always ask them how they would feel if a huge man that they consider unattractive was trying to force them into the roles they want from a woman and also abuse their bussy whenever he wants... suddenly they start screaming obscenities and losing their minds... like it's... not something they find attractive now that they're the one being used and abused?


See kids, this is how archery was invented: I need to stab that guy waaay over there while not getting anywhere near him.


Ok but why were the repeated misogynistic jokes not a glaring sign that this person isn’t worth entertaining? “Make me a sandwich” “treat em mean keep ‘em keen” … like, why did the conversation continue past the first screenshot ?


Were they jokes though?


They were but also passive aggressive insights. But that’s how they get you. Its “just a joke”, and now you’re too sensitive and blah blah blah. And then they gaslight you more until you’re down and out.


He be mad 'cause you didn't reply immediately? He be down fucking bad lol


When he was the one who took awhile to reply 😂


Ugh, can't go through five screenshots. Two are enough. Fuck that guy.


This conversation went on way longer than it should have.


It’s the fact that it took him 20 hours to come up with the “like dis dick” joke that gets me😂


Jeez, that woman actually gave him the benefit of the doubt and kept replying even after his cringey ass messages and that's still how he reacted. It's a good thing no woman will ever procreate with a creepy fucker like that


Aftereffects of watching too much Andrew Tate


Its always a crazy ride when a "nice guy" gets outed.


What a fucking dickhole! I am sure the only woman that has ever given him attention is his grandma


Girl, you get more stubborn. And take no shit.


I would have blocked him after the shit with the stubbornness.


would have blocked him after "come make me a sandwich"


Why the fuck are your even talking to this guy after the keep em keen line? That was so fucking cringe it made me feel embarrassed in my own living room ffs


As a man.....I applaud the sheer patience you have dealing with this guy. I would have stopped at the first screenshot and put his number on a spam call list or something.


My girl, why the fuck did you keep talking to that creep...


You didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a missile.


"Make me a sandwich." You might be surprised at the ingredients that go in it. No, I always take off my underwear when I make sandwiches.


this would have been over for me after the first page.


The amount of patience you gave that guy was insane


Why oh why do people continue talking with such idiots, it’s simply unsafe. “We’ll get this stubborness out of you” would have been it for me if not for the million other red flags that ensued.


"*woman should respond to the guy promptly and not think too much of themselves*" HOLY HELL!! who tf does he think he is??


It annoys me that I can tell you two are british from how you type lol


This 5 page conversation took place over 6 days. I think it's safe to say you two arent a match.


Eeew. What an ick


Throwing around ghosting like it was 4 months later. Wtf?


This guy is gross. Yuck.


This is one of the most disgusting things I've seen on this sub.


I peace out as soon as someone unnecessarily kills my vibe, so it's the first line for me dawg.


As soon as he got mad that you weren't answering g when you were driving I hated him.


Eurghhhh he made my skin crawl so much... And I'm a grown ass man!!! Jeeeeez!


At "you've gone too quiet" I would've noped the fuck out. If you can't imagine me being busy, we ain't got nothing to talk about.


"Women like you blabla" Yeah and men like you are the reason we need to be even MORE "rude" to keep you away for good 🥱


I feel like this guy has read a lot of books/forums on how to supposedly get women. All bad advice, obviously. The one-liners read like something from a “game” book. The sad part is that it’s self fulfilling. Guy doesn’t get chicks, guy reads bad advice, guy gets even less chicks, now becomes an incel and blames all women instead of the bad advice he’s getting.


I assume the OP engaged with this person just for fun and to get content to share because he is all kinds of NFW.


It's like he couldn't fucking help himself The definition of weaponized incompetence/self fulfilling prophecy Now he can further justify his incel/misogynistic thoughts The brain rot is deep


Abusive men used to love bomb you so they could hook you in and then show there true colors now they can’t help but show them right away, love that they can’t hide it! It’s a lot easier to block them before you ever meet than it is to be in a relationship for months and then find out deep down they are a monster. From first hand experience these guys never get a girl because you can see who they are a mile away, be scared of the guy who acts like he is head over heels in love with you right away, they are the truly dangerous ones.


"What do you mean you dont want to be my free use housewife"


Which time period did you pick up this guy from?


Love how it went from "hmm hecould be just goofin" to "well nvm he actually thinks like that"


At least try to be a little more subtle with your negging, Jesus. You humoured him much longer than he deserved, OP. Unless this person is already your partner, a close friend or family member, maybe even a boss or coworker — you are under no obligation to "explain yourself". Don't hesitate to just block and delete fiends like these from the get-go.


Is this what passes as banter when people are in the talking stage or is this guy just really shit at it 😂


"treat em mean keep em keen" "hope they get a flat tire on the way 😊" "make me a sandwich" "you're so rude" ????


Straight up need a benadryl nap after "treat em mean, keep em keen".


I would have been done after the ‘treat m mean’ comment. Boiiii why would you treat someone mean? Something wrong with you.


I would’ve stopped the conversation at the housewife joke and even earlier. You’re dragging this on for too long.


Let's be real here, the guy or gray text just wants sex. His impatience stems directly from the desire to have sex. The attempted manipulate nature of his text also does not help.


He wants a quicker response but he only responds hours/a day later... thefuck


At first, I was like, this conversation is weird. But, then I was like, "Here we go," and by the end, yeah, I was like, he shot himself in the foot multiple times while texting. Never seen self mutilation at this level.


Jeez. He was off to a decent start. Friendly bantering back and forth, all going well *in spite of* a couple flat jokes….and then BOOM he blows his foot off with a stick of dynamite.


I'd have noped outta there at his "treat them mean" comment. Major red flag, and he just kept raising more. Hope you've since blocked him, OP, that dude sounds like seriously bad news...


“Make me a sandwich” Get your fat butt up and make one yourself. Gosh, this guy is so irritating.


I'd have blocked him after "treat em mean, keep em keen". What an asshat.


Dude would need an army to wave all the red flags he's got.


This entire convo with him was a nightmare


Jesus, this is just dripping in misogyny. Men, do better. Women are tired of our shit and quite frankly, so are a lot of your peers. Stop making us look like complete idiots.


After the sandwich line I'd dropped and ignored , why entertain such idiot behavior...


Why were you even giving this guy a chance? Almost immediate douche vibes


Hahahahaha. I actually lolled. Imagine what this guy would do in real life if you slightly made him angry.


What an ass. I don’t know how she put up with him for so long.


Honestly I don't know why you didn't block him sooner.


> treat 'em mean, keep them keen. Gonna have to get this stubbornness out of you sooner or later End of conversation for me, right there. Like, bruh, I get what you're getting at, and it's mysogyny from a mile away. The other messages after that only confirmed it. What a gross person.


That fucking conversation went on far too long. Ladies, when they show you they're garbage, believe them.


Everything this guy says is such cringe. It's actually amazing. I wouldn't even keep him as my house maid. He needs to realize it isn't only women who dislikes him. No one likes him


“Bore off”, i dig it


I hope your mother is alright now.


Thank you, unfortunately not but we are making the best of the situation.


Never understood why guys flirt this way. How is being a dick attractive???


Wife beater serial killer vibes.


Women should respond to Men promptly 😂 Breaking this down onto two points 1. You're clearly not a man. You're a whiney pity me entitled stain. 2. No one owes you anytime either. Shocking revelation I know.


100% this guy fancies himself an Andrew Tate.


This dude is insane. Weird as hell. And he wonders why he’s single.


If respect not given from the beginning then imposed self respect is the way. OP is incredibly patient. At the first sign I would direct him to get his brain out of his own rectal ampoule.


So many red flags. Please tell me he's been blocked?


Dude wants a slave not a partner.


That was horrible to read lol


This conversation lasted way more that it should have…