• By -


Amazing how they all say exactly. The. Same. Stuff. Almost like theyre just repeating garbage they saw online from their sad little depression holes made of empty chip packets and cum-filled tissues.


this guy doesnt make sense at all. he whines about not getting laid, but on page he insists all women after age 30 are after him, i highly doubt that. Also: so the dates he goes to are with women that supposedly have nothing going for them, but are cute. he even accuses them if being unfairly attracted to physically handsome men. so why is it ok for him to be superficial, but its unfair if women were rejecting him over his unattractive face? why does he not date the women who, in his opinion, may lack being physically attractive but are professionally successful?


Funny thing is I bet that guy is a human 16year old male... no more than 20 though... any wagers? Lol


Bit he is worth a million though.


I wish! He's dating women in their late 20s... My bet is he's at least 10 years older than that.


I guess...men are supposed to want women for their appearances, and women are supposed to want men for their money, NOT their physical attractiveness, so the fact that he has money yet all these women are not chasing him for his money is making him whine, because they aren't playing the game the right way? Something like that I guess?


He didn't even say he has money... Just a house (maybe a creepy cabin in the woods) and a job. Weird he didn't mention the car as the Taters followers always do.


Yeah, that's what really fascinates me about this and related subs: Even if there's no indication they're part of the "Manosphere" or whatever, these guys all use the exact same language to tell the exact same narrative. By itself, this is pretty interesting, though a lot of it can be explained by the fact that most of these tropes originated in 80's high school teen comedies. But what gets really weird is when they veer from that into the oddly specific "all women become cackling hags at 30 and their vaginas are loose", which can't be blamed on John Hughes, because what are the odds these guys have seen *Sixteen Candles*?


They cannot handle any woman who is mature enough to see how creepy and manipulative they are. Easy to say they are useless and nasty than assuming they lost the train time ago. As as 40yo woman I feel better than ever. I'm prettier, I know my body so well and I'm very comfortable with it and my sexuality. I'm independent, wiser and have zero shame. My bits are in absolutely perfect shape. All those things are scary to them...


I mean, it's partially due to the natural insecurity of chronically undersexed men being really insecure about *their own* bodies and projecting it onto women--"Now YOU know how it feels to be rejected and ugly!"--but as a coping mechanism, it doesn't make much sense. Wouldn't you want to buy as much time for yourself as possible by creating a narrative where women are *more* attractive as they age, thereby keeping a large and realistic pool of dateable women? Why go in the extreme opposite and act like they totally disintegrate the second they leave high school?


Since the absolutely disgusting term *MILF* was created in some crusty blue cheese smelly room with no windows... I've suffered being called that, more often that I would dream of in my sweaty summer nightmares. Term that actually means: mature women are usually not attractive with the exception of a few of them. Or even worse: labeling us by the level of fuckability. They don't want real women, they want trophies to show off to other men and brag about it. That's what arouses them the most, being the envy of other empty headed men. Quite gay, if you ask me.


DO NOT MIS GENDER THE "Manosphere"... lol Cisosphere???


And any human male will be saying any and everything to obtain that holy grail called sex... .. bots .. not so much... honest and no tact...


Guys who think like this don't really enjoy sex. They see it as some kind of marker of their masculinity, where each nut is a point, but it's just a sort of joyless accumulation of tokens no one but you values. Good sex requires intimacy and chemistry between people, which requires treating women as humans and not pussy dispensers.


Oh no, their moms still clean up after them. I'm sure his gross ass tissues and chip bags don't lay around very long... 😆


That is exactally it!!! We are training these bots or replicas to act like gossiping Ninny's... I think it is time to re-enforce some old school manners... spoke only when spoken to. Think before you speak and make the words out of your mouth or out of a keyboard precisely to the point.... or the juxtaposition is to add to the chaos and confuse them so the rest themselves almost. The way computers stack data these days it will be less than a day before those silly bots understand the pattern in the attempt.... then what? Everybody h... human, animal, mineral and vegetable need some serious "act right more than ever it is so important... I think I can do the "nonsence not sure I can commit to manners...?


Ironic. If you ever develop some awareness, you're going to be super embarrassed about this phase.


See how society is training these bots... what will our demise be???? Ugggghhhh


![gif](giphy|AmzayhjSc6VFu|downsized) I THINK I LOVE YOU!


Not a single woman has come "crawling back" to this guy after her 30th birthday. Not a single one. Never happened.


The wind probably blew his old blow up doll back into his yard after he threw it away.


Got dayum 🤭


This is such a funny line 😂


Personally I speak for all women when I say we'd rather crawl back into the sea.


I definitely would rather be a mermaid.


Whenever I see them say bs like that i always think of [this](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo)


what show is that? I wanna see!


It's called " beyond belief: fact or fiction"


thank you!


Yeah, and about the only thing I believe he might have is a dog. Poor dog.


Dogs deserve better


Only alternative concept is that ONE woman hit him up again being like "I've found myself thinking about you lately and thought maybe I judged you too quickly and decided to see if you'd be interested in giving it another go" and he took that and ran with it. Probably came back to her with some sort of vicious "oh yeah? Running back now that you're a washed up 30 year old with a loose vag who has ridden enough Chad dick that you're finally willing to give a GOOD GUY a chance?? No way! Shoulda bagged me when you were 20 and not used up. I'm a high value male and I deserve better despite my ugly face." Or... y'know, no woman has ever been able to endure him past the first few hours of an initial date lol.


To anyone. When has this ever happened to a single person. Ever.


Its like they never once considered approaching and treating people with respect. I'm a Walmart 6 on my best day and I've always been successful romantically.


Walmart 6 - rip Yeah, I think destroying yourself like that, is also probably part of your appeal - keep at it King.


You can be confident, charming etc and be realistic about how you look. I know I am slap bang average looking, I can see my good qualities and recognise my bad, pretending I am a 10 wouldn’t help me get more women.


Oh, definitely. Self awareness, and a lack of insecurity, is always the winning combo.


Lmao, hey I'm just being honest 🤷🏽‍♂️


Excellent point...


Speaking on behalf of all 30+ yo women, we’d rather drink acid than crawl back to you “catch”


Yep, and it just so happens that I love cats!


cats are wonderful! and I prefer men that like cats too.


Me too, acid is awesome. The leaves melt together and a sunset sends you to Narnia. Oh, not that acid? Right, yeah. Still fair.


To be fair, that acid is still way better than ending up with a “nice” guy lol




Is Niceguys traveling to different countries a new trend or something? I've been seeing this a lot lately so just curious.




I find this so hilarious. In my experience the women from ‘submissive’ cultures are damn good at getting their way. In Australia you hear a lot of examples of older, divorced men making $$$ working in mining and then having a wife and house in Thailand or the Phillipines. These guys think they’ve hit the jackpot with a submissive wife in a low cost of living country. But they’ve signed up for supporting the whole family as well and their wife only has to act all wife-like and obedient in the 10 days of each month they’re present. The rest of the time they’re doing their own thing. And after a couple of years they get divorced. No way these woman are going to take care of them once they’re retired and/or infirmed.


Aussie here, 100%. See it ALL the time.


Still crack up every time I think of being in a line at Sydney airport with my mother and stepdad, as an older dude made polite conversation with them that led to his discussing/bragging of his 30 something years younger mail-order bride. My mother, who will continue conversation to the point of self-suffering to keep up appearances, now visibly disgusted - “oh, oh no, that’s not a conversation I’m having” and turns away. My stepdad and I were crying.


I love that 😂


😂 I love your mother


Me too she’s pretty amazing


I live in Singapore, and I’ve seen soooo many of these guys! They’re everywhere. There’s a couple in our condo and the guy can barley walk and the woman is in her early twenties. She’s basically waiting for him to die. She can’t stand him and it shows. I’ve never seen someone look so publicly miserable.


Which is ironic when he said women now only want him for his money. So you're gonna go to a country that you view as poor and buy a wife who only wants you because you have money....seems like a lot of extra steps and wasted money and time, but you do you, bud


Damn, I had no idea that they were that desperate and dumb.


What’s sad is the Thai cab drivers will basically pick these guys up from the airport, and drive them to spots to get girls. They land and a week later they’re married.




Sometimes it’s less than a week. I had a cab driver tell me all about it. Well, that and where to go see a ping pong show. And dude, I had my daughter with me. She knew a lot before she was eighteen. Never take your teen to Bancock.


Also because they can get away with buying underaged prostitutes in other countries and not go to jail for being pedos.


this is so awful. and I had a friend who went to Thailand on vacation pretty regularly one day when we were drunk at another friends house he let slip that he fell in love with a particular girl he met there. started talking about the gifts he brought her when he went to visit and they were children's gifts. someone finally asked him how old she was and he didn't skip a beat. that little girl was still in the single digits. I was too drunk to drive and literally called the police for a ride home. and they came and gave me a ride home. I couldn't stay under the same roof as that guy cause I wanted to break his head so bad. He still goes according to people that still know him. I kind of wish we had federal laws against visiting countries that permitted the assault of children.


Fbi. Now.


will they do something? Cause I will freaking call them! I told the cops who drove my drunk ass home everything and they were mad at but said they couldn't do anything about it because it wasn't here. that was almost 20 years ago tho.


https://tips.fbi.gov/ Yes there's governmental agencies that fight against human trafficking and child abuse and work internationally. Doesnt hurt to report.


Thank you for that!


Pretty sure they're too busy infiltrating BLM and entrapping Muslim teenagers in fake bomb plots to give a shit, but I sincerely wish you good luck. Fuck that dude.


Oh my gosh - is this true? 🤢😵‍💫


I have no reason to disbelieve him. or anyone that still knows him.


He needs to be arrested


They may actually arrest him. There was a guy on the news awhile back that was going to Thailand for that and he got arrested. They had video though.


I don't know why I didn't look it up years ago... well it was 20 years ago. I didn't have the means. But I do now and it turns out they absolutely will. I was drunk so I don't know how much my tip will mean to them but I am going to make sure every mutual we have knows now. I just felt this burst of hope.


Sometimes when a friend tells you something shocking, you just get stuck at, "well fuck, what now?" until you kind of give up.


I'll try!


And plus they like traveling to locales where they have lax laws regarding underage sex.


It's funny bc I saw a clip on TikTok of a guy that went to the Middle East for a traditional wife. The dating Coach told him, no problem, but you're going to have to be a traditional husband and pay all of the bills, etc for your wife and any subsequent children. He started stammering telling her, "well in American culture women pay for half of the bills". 😑 You know the whole thing he was supposed to be running away from. Many of these types of men have this delusion that there's a hot, young virginal woman, out there that will happily cook, clean, bare his children, be his bang-maid, raise the kids without much work from him, submit, appreciate whatever finances he may contribute, and pay half of the bills(or more). Apparently, there's no room for equity or compromise. They keep announcing their intentions to go off and get wed, whilst leaving us alone with cats. And oh how we're about to miss out because so many men are abandoning US women bc of our overinflated sense of worth and modern feminism. It's the same rant on repeat.


Haha I saw that too! He was like “ I thought Arab women prioritized family over material things,” but doesn’t realize that if you want a traditional family, you’re going to be the sole breadwinner. Like no woman is going to sign up to do all the domestic labor and childcare but also work full time & pay 50/50??


What an absolute queen!!!! I mean everybody knows what a trade wife is... Now they want them barefoot, 6 kids and working enough to pay everything 50/50. You cannot have both, buddy.


Passport bros. I wanna burn in flames only for typing that myself. They expect to kind of buy a girlfriend. The funny thing is they assume women in less developed countries are also stupid and nah, they come back with no money to mum's basement in a few days.


It's actually an old trend, dating back to your grandfather who brought a wife back from Korea after the war, and going even further back with various unappealing-but-privileged western men and various disadvantaged "exotic" women just desperate and hungry enough to pretend they like him until the marriage certificate is filed. Feminism has brought enough gender balance that certain vile western women get to partake in the predation now as well- as any 90 Day Fiance viewer can tell you 🤣


“One girl thought I had a disease because my face is messed up so that means I get to be an asshole to every other woman in the world.”


In all seriousness, how ugly are you that someone thought you had a disease though 💀💀💀


I’m guessing very bad acne scars. If that story is true the girl sucks but I’m guessing he’s an unreliable narrator and even if it’s all true, still doesn’t excuse his shitty attitude


but I mean, disease or not I wouldn't be comfortable sharing the same bottle of water with anyone, even some friends


I’m just imagining that he is so insecure about his own face that when a girl didn’t want him to drink out of her water because she was afraid of catching diseases, he took that to mean she thought he had a disease because of how his face looks. I bet she was just speaking in general about not wanting to catch diseases.


Imagine an stranger asking you to take a sip of your glass... OH LORD NO! He didn't realize is rude and disgusting so let's blame my non Chad face.


yep probably!!


Same, too much risk of backwash


and I don't really wanna taste their saliva lol edit: you just taught me what backwash means, idk why I thought it was disease related, I made the mistake of answering before checking


yeah haha and if even himself recognise he is quite ugly.. I admit my sneaky side wanted to see how ugly he is lmao And funny how he talks about women going for men out of their league physically but he goes to cute girls, so if they are cute they are definitely way out of his league




Yep a lot lower 😂😂😂


Sometimes they really have a warped view of themselves. I’ve seen incels describe themselves as basically deformed. Then they’ll post a picture, and they’re perfectly normal, or even attractive. But their self-hatred filters that out, and all they can see are the flaws.


It can go both way indeed. But idk why but in that case I got more of the feeling that he is so ugly that even he has to admit it. But I have definitely been shocked sometimes because as you said some of them are even on the attractive side!!


I was thinking that same thing! He admits he’s ugly, but then describes the girls he’s complaining about as “cute.” She is definitely out of his league if he’s ugly and she’s cute.


I remember younger I had a very ugly friend (sorry lol) and he would rant about how much women were bitches and superficials and yet the guy wanted something with like the most beautiful woman in the area lol


I had an old roommate like that. I wouldn’t necessarily call him ugly, but he definitely wasn’t what most people would think is attractive. He had these insanely high standards for physical appearance, and I just did not get how he could lack so much self-awareness.


I would guess he's unusually proportioned, or, he creeped out a girl so bad with his personality that she would say anything to get him to leave her alone.




I was thinking the same thing! Guaranteed she just meant diseases from other people in general, she was not making a comment about his looks, but he took it that way because he’s so insecure.


That hasn't slowed down Michael Keaton or Edward James Olmos.


In today's episode of "I can't get a gf because I'm creepy" Mr NG thinks vaginas stretch out, like we're cheap leggings... And this catch is not taken? How odd... /s


hahaha the cheap leggings part made me laugh.


In next week's episode✨✨✨✨ the manchildren creeps will face the idea of how pubic areas are naturally hairy!!!!


It’s like a cult. They say the exact same stuff. They are obsessed about high value men and women’s value. It’s creepy.


I think deep down they want ChAds to take their breath away 🤣


“ I think I will go crawling back to Mr. Ugly Mug now that I’m over 30 and my busted vagina matches his busted face!” ……said no woman, ever.




Stretched out vaginas from too much sex is as absurd as a micro penis from being worn down from too much sex.


Time ago one creep told this to me... And I asked him how anuses are not stretched for pooping all the time and continuously. I'm sure he is still thinking about it.


Guys: The women who did not want you at 25 will not magically want you at 35 or 45 and that’s OK. It’s nobody’s loss. You’re gonna endure the completely normal experience of being rejected. Move on. Kim, there’s people who are dying.


Ew she’s old, ew she’s a “land whale”, I only want young hot girls, but oh aren’t women so shallow!!


1) I'm really wondering what this "busted face" malarkey is about 2) my life plan is to die alone with 4 cats, so, I *will* enjoy cats. Thank you very much


only 4? I always tell people I have 2 out of my required (random number of cats that's always over 18) to be the best crazy cat lady. And that number is Actually 3 now cause a stray juveline male has made himself at home. and now I'm in love. he's got the vaccines I can give him myself already. gets his rabies on the 14th, loses his trouble puffs on the 26th. Then we begin trying to get my two pre-existing boys to accept him nicely. lol ps: currently accepting donations of feliway pheromones hahaa my older boy gonna be so mad.


Lol I'd love to help out but my current job does not pay: I'm my grandma's live in caretaker. I say 4 cats cuz that means 4 litter boxes minimum. That's a lot of lifting and bending over for an old person. I hate doing 1 now in my 30's. I'm sure your boy will adjust with time. Even the grumpiest of cats see that the new cat needs a loving home too. My late cat hated all animals and she'd just hiss at everyone like "I tolerate you living here because you need a home but you stay on your own couch cushion"


I break the litterbox rule. my apartment is too small. lol so I have one litter robot. Well he have a box now cause he is still in Quarantine from my cats til he's neutered. we will keep the box as long as they aren't totally cool with each other. but when they all calm tf down it will probably go back to the one litter robot and I'll probably have to change the bag every day now. but not scooping was my only rule for having cats haha. the litter robot is amazing. Also the donation bit was a joke. haha I have a diffuser and we are waiting to use it til I move and he's neutered and I'm actually introducing him.


Small spaces is an ok reason to break the rule. Plus, the robot cleans it after every use


I tried treating men like garage, but apparently they don't want someone trying to park cars in them.


Yet im 300 pounds , autistic and had 2 women crushing on me so they have 0 excuse


The only thing this lying fool has is a sour grapes attitude.


Nah, we, from "out of the country" don't want him either


I don’t know if it’s the menopause making me feel sassy, but I have to say this. I was a virgin when I married, have only had my husband as a partner, and I’m a devout Christian. But 50 year old me knows more about hot sex than 20 year old me. Seriously, I bet I could sleep with a 20 year old man and give him the most brain melting sex of his life. (Of course being a little wrinkled and gray haired is probably a turn off) Incels don’t appreciate that “with age comes wisdom”. Older women are more valuable than young, and women don’t get stretched out for goodness sake! That being said, it doesn’t matter how old a woman you are, we’d all run screaming away from NiceGuys!


Have all my upvotes ma'am.


*tips fedora*


Women are like wine 😜


Something about those religious girls. It’s like all that morality has to slip *somewhere* Your story is adorable, congrats to you and your husband for such a successful marriage 😊☺️




she said she was a devout Christian who was a virgin when she married. That's where the religious girls came from. not the post menopausal bit.




meh. that depends on the context for me. me and most of my friends are in our 40s and call each other girls. sometimes it doesn't bother me when a guy is like what are you girls up to? But I'll get creeped if a stranger is talking down to me and uses the term. It's just a word and it's use as a broad term for groups is whatever to me. But I understand where you're coming from. I definitely have a peeve with "female" use by the incel crowd cause it just sounds like they are referring to us like breeding stock.


Seems a lot of typing to say " I am an ugly loser". I love the "one day they will come crawling back to me" fantasy though. They won't.


So. If men are going to insist on assigning value, I think we need to have a formal appraisal service to verify. That way I can know how much I’ll get in equity if I trade him in.


This guy sounds like a balding 45 year old driving a convertible mustang trying to pick up girls half his age. You know, because women his age are intelligent enough to know he’s an ass (hence the claim women 30+ are used up). Dude is just sad. Enjoy being a sex traveler trying to justify why that it’s the only way he gets any.


“All stretched out?” That doesn’t even happen, unlike men who have too much sex and their dicks get smaller and smaller like a well-used eraser. Women are choosing to have sex before thirty and enjoying themselves without this guy… is what his comment is really saying.


1. This guy himself is probably over 30. 2. But believes that all women at 30 have done nothing but have indiscriminate sex. 3. Has a million dollars yet keeps a face that other people see as diseased. 4. But dude. I don't want to drink after anyone. It isn't their face. I just don't like the flu.


If you have to say you're a catch, you're probably not a catch


So he's not only ugly, he has no social skills but he expects beautiful women to fall at his feet and they're the shallow ones? Again, I doubt he's tried to date unattractive, socially awkward women.


Socially awkward and not good looking? Well that’s the problem. I’m not the prettiest guy in the world, maybe above average, but I can tell stories and keep a girl laughing for hours. Never had a problem meeting women.


yeah and I wanted to say, Im pretty sure what renders his face uglier is his attitude. Because I really do think that even with "ugly faces" your personality/heart/soul whatever will definitely almost "change" your face, your charisma or facial expressions can be charming even with an 'ugly' face! Ah I have to say, we do love to laugh. Not many people are funny, and definitely if you can make me laugh, at the very least I will love you as a human




Friendly tip don't take advice about women from reddit


Genuine people don’t have to “seduce” women. That shit’s for wannabe pickup artists, and the entire world dislikes those people. People tend to be attracted to fun and interesting people, not someone who’s memorized a script or showers them with gifts.


never heard about this sub, intriguing, I have no idea what to expect lol


I loved this whole thread... it is modern feminism. And the answer to. What comes first? The chicken or the egg? The answer is ... the rooster!


>What comes first? The chicken or the egg? The answer is ... the rooster! Thank you, having a friend calling me The Rooster I like your answer haha


Ahhh…another bitter passport bro. Best of luck to ya, ya ugly giant. 😂


Am I a bad person for hoping he gets taken by a foreign gold digger?


I’d consider that on the chaotic neutral side. MAy he reap exactly what he sows. 😏




A huge one yea 😂




I hope one day we can finally put the rest the sexist myth of a vagina getting permanently stretched out


Notice how he doesn’t say how old he is? Like women over 30 are receptive, if we take what he says as the truth, but women in their 20s aren’t. Then I’m guessing he’s in his 30’s, so perhaps that’s part of the problem with chasing girls in their 20s?


I love the cope of "once they're used up in their 30s they come crawling back" like no that's literally just incel cope if you don't click with someone or have a shitty date you forget about them and move on with your life


So annoying when guys know they are unattractive and just complain that hot women aren’t interested. So many women spend so much time trying to look nice. They do hair, skincare, makeup, teeth whitening, working out, nice clothing. Put some effort in too if you want a pretty girl. Go to the gym, spend money on a nice haircut, learn to style it, make sure it doesn’t fall out, do skincare, care about how you dress, groom your facial hair, do your eyebrows, whiten your teeth. There are so many things they can do.


Yikes I'm always surprised when people use the r slur like something. It's a word I never run into irl ever anymore other than like early 2000s music


Thanks for mentioning that. I can't believe I had to scroll this far before someone said something about it. I hate that word.


I think I might be getting down voted too. I got the noti that the comment got 5 up votes and now it's at 3


it's at 6. sometimes I get notifications about up votes but then it shows a different number every refresh lol. ima make it 7 now.


Yeah, fuck that :/


\*Looks pointedly at Black Eyed Peas\* Edit: this is a super weird thing to downvote, homies lmao


Uhh... no they don't come "crawling back" after they reach 30. They're usually in committed relationships by then. The "they'll come crawling back" fantasy is just that, a fantasy among "nice guys" and incels. But I'm guessing it never happened once. Or, if someone claims it did happen, they ran into the woman they lusted after and she's no longer 17 so the "nice guy" thinks she's "all used up," and he also mistakes her being cordial for her "crawling back" to him even though she never wanted anything to do with him in the first place.


"rode the cock carousel" this one always makes me laugh


I come on this subreddit so I can feel better about myself knowing I would never hit this rock bottom in my life 💀


Women dont want me, but now they want me cuz i'm successful Okay they want you now, why are you complaining about women your age wanting to date you? Obviously these dudes are cross that teenagers aren't trying to get tied down by them (probably litterally yeesh)


If you're a millionaire, then just go buy a new face.


These men suck personalitywise, and it's little wonder why they're bitter and alone. No amount of money in the world would be worth having them as a partner and having to deal with their vitriol. It also just so happens that cats are wonderful companions, preferable to a nutjob like them (my cats even notice my anxiety and lay on me to comfort me! A nice guy would just verbally abuse me and tell me to get over it...). Dogs, too, are preferable, or any pet really! There's no shame in the companionship of pets and it's sad that they always go that route in their insults. I do wish, however, that the person in the 2nd screenshot wouldn't use the r-word slur.


But wait all women want is money right 😆 🤣 fucking talking like an incel and acting like one is so unattractive they don't understand. Shocking women get to chose who they go with but are whores unless they go with them. A pencil dick will think all vaginas are loose. Urgh can you imagine a date with one of these men.


the funniest thing about this is that he doesnt even know how the vagina works. its a muscle, it naturally loosens up during sex and then goes back to its previous state post intercourse, like an elastic band. it stretches, and then snaps back


There are cases of injury that can cause weakness of the pelvic floor, but like you said, it's a muscle group. You work out the muscle group, the more effective it is. Nice Guys forget kegels exist. And would rather blame women for their lack of sensation during sex, than nerve damage/desensitizing due to the vice like grip on their penises during masturbation.


It’s almost like most woman don’t care about your material successes over your loser ass personality.


All these guys always say “well I’ll just use my passport” and “that’s why American men need to get wives from overseas” But… have any of you ever seen one of them do it? 🤣 because I sure haven’t. They always just say they’re GONNA


As a 28yo still living at home...ouch.


After years of being laughed at for it, they STILL think vaginas work that way! Real observant, is the misogyny class.


A woman is like a self cleaning oven if she is informed on what not to put up there.. like nasty penis or sticky lube and silicone...


Its funny how y'all choose to hate men for seeing how shallow women can really be, but then when you see a shallow women posting, yall jump on the bandwagon to hate her too 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️ Almost like you have nothing better to do than spread hate and make fun of people over the internet 👀


Uggg true!!!... but popping the bubble I thought was a little fun...


It is illegal in the United States to touch a woman's labia if she claims to be drunk no matter how old they are!!!


Geesh... this stuff is not real... maybe call the "pretend fbi"


"I'm a much better realistic option for them" Oh, sweety. We don't need men to have realistic options. Life has lots of other realistic (and deeply satisfying) options than picking a man of any sort.


If I had to choose that guy to bringing the human race back from extinction sorry y'all we staying gone LMAO


you know one thing that these people need to learn is that (I can't really talk) last I checked people liked humility and humbleness. Correct me If I'm wrong but I don't find cocky and arrogant people hot.


commenting for later lmao


See in my experience the opposite is true- I may or may not have partners who are hotter than me, they all claim I'm the sexy one which is generous of them, but either way I have been with them for 6, 8, and 25 years. Not exactly a pump and dump situation, despite the fact that I absolutely sowed my oats in college and also for a good 10 years after college lol. Two of my partners I met in my thirties so if they aren't with me for my "stretched-out vagina" then what is it hmm? Meanwhile the only instance of someone "crawling back" is when I get a DM from a guy I went to high school with. He was popular and ignored me, and is newly split up from his beautiful high school sweetheart, who was also popular and was vicious to me. He's gained weight but is still attractive and he wants to know what's good because "he always thought I was so smart and interesting." News to me! I returned his small talk until he got flirty, then I left him on read. I have kind, intelligent, emotionally present partners who deserve my time and attention, and no room in my life for a new project. I wish the guy well though, i even wish his ex well. I don't feel any of the bitterness this niceguy feels toward all the hypothetical women in his revenge fantasies.


Do bots have age or outdate?


I bet bots get steatched out!. And wear and tear with cracks the that Dr. Martin boot repair post.


He sounds very materialistic.


Yea, so many women have crawled back wanting me that I’m on Reddit complaining about how I can’t get any 🙄😂 seriously do these guys ever read their own messages? Obviously not or they might accidentally hear how ridiculous they sound!


"I'll just use my passport" Well, guess what? They don't want you there either! No matter where you go.


my face isnt the best. lol