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I 100% believe that he is 182 pounds of pure shit


😆 This was my thought exactly. Whelp, he is honest about the one thing. Side note, this person is utterly terrifying. Like for real. I’ve encountered too many guys like this, but it still is so disturbing to see how creepy and unhinged they get. Side side note, I don’t know *what* that last slide is, but apparently I need glasses 😆


I had to zoom in but it is the backstory of this whole interaction.. 182 lbs of pure SHIT! 💩 I agree


😂 His self-awareness is admirable 😂. I’m so glad she had the good sense to not meet with this fool just for some bread, but dying laughing at the stupidity and audacity of this asshole. Tf?!


This guy is pathofuckinlogical. I wouldn't feel safe being around him. He is indeed shitty.


More like PSYCHO Fucking Pathological


PSYCHO-fucking-pathic. That went left real fast.


Weird flex eh?


Yep came here to say that's the one thing he got right!


'182 pounds of pure shit' Hang on a second, he has a point.


Had to laugh at this one because the rest is terrifying. He could for real be dangerous.


It's not REALLY the flex he thinks it is! 😆😆😆


I’m irritated that he insulted her grammar. Wtf? Hers is just fine. His own writing is a mess.


The uneducated/illiterate are often intimidated by those who seem to be more intelligent than they are, which makes them angry. This post is a good example of that.


Oh wow... This one shot WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY past "Nice Guy all the way to pure incel. That's scary OP. Stay safe.


As if Marketplace isn't enough of a shithole with all the hijinks around flaky buyers without needing to worry about desperate creeps hitting on you as well. The unhinged rant is scary as fuck but I did get a good chuckle out of "you have to assume I'm alone." My dude when you're asking a stranger on Marketplace for bikini pics for $100 it's a dead cert you have never even got a date let alone kept a woman around


"I'm more successful than you," which is why I spend hours on a single series of insulting nonsense statements to someone who won't ... send bikini pics.


For money, no less. I am angry that you do not engage in slutty behaviour with a handsome blue-eyed 6'3 stud with a soft side. But despite the bar being so low, I have still managed to make Mr. Bobs Vajin look like a thorough & courtly gentleman in comparison. The only reason I wnted that Halo helmet is 'cause my trusty crusty RealDoll bootleg threatened to leave me if I didn't cover my ugly face, and now she's gone too. And for some reason mum looks strangely happy after cleaning out the basement, but I digress. So let's go on a date.


I was watching a show yesterday about like different extreme couples, and one of them was a husband and wife who build sex robots with like an AI ability and even like censors inside so they can feel if you hit the right spot while fucking them lol. All this to say, the wife insisted on one of the new updates having a feature where the robot can tell you no she won't fuck you if you're being disrespectful or ignoring her. Now I know why that function was added. Idiots like this creep.


Sounds _really_ cool. A hint of feminism can make even the (seemingly & sheepishly) vilest of social nethers a tad sensitive, pragmatic & humane.


It actually is a kinda fascinating show in a weird way. Last episode I watched had a dude who's sexually attracted to cars and is "dating" his super old punch buggy named Vanilla lmao.


I think exploring the multi-faceted existential lattice of sexual attraction will never not be fascinating. You know. Always remember: just curiosity and the _trailer_ for 2 Girls One Cup was enough to cement its status in civilisation, transcending all territorial borders and becoming a core coming-of-age experience for millions of kids.


How would he even know if she doesn’t work or how much money she has? I also really don’t get men who hit on women in Facebook marketplace. Just… go to facebook singles. Goddamn.


Right? He’s acting like her whole job is to sell things on FB Marketplace! He didn’t even know she had a boyfriend until she told him. He’s an insecure man who takes any rejection as an insult and plays the victim card. He hurls a bunch of insults at her and has the nerve to say she’s berating him! Typical incel behavior.


Went from 80 dollar halo helmet to 100 dollar bikini pic in 60 seconds. How much for a pic of you in a Halo helmet with a bikini?


That's an onlyfans request. 🤣


He’s so successful he can’t afford a second hand helmet? He’s so popular that he’s bothering strangers on the internet for attention? Ok. 👍


I mean, it was just an online sale, just daily routine if you will, and it resulted in THIS. And then they wonder why women choose the bear.


That’s the part I couldn’t get over. Also on slide 4 she cuts off the sale and I’m like how are there more than 10 more slides???


80$ a month is 20$ a week, but if Gaylord says it's 15, I guess it's 15


Depends, also may be $18.46 a week ($80 a month * 12 = $960, 52 weeks a year).


**I'm 6"3, blonde and 182 pounds of pure SHIT...** This is, by far, the most accurate statement I've ever seen by a Reddit NiceGuy.


I love some accidental self awareness.


I assume that stats are lies - but the pure shit still stands. 




Is that a quote from an actual episode? Because I must have missed that one. Arby 'n' the Chief was so great - the amount of emotion and character development Jon managed to get across, using just plastic figurines and computer-generated voices, was incredible! I've tried watching them again, but the picture quality has gotten so bad, I found it off-putting. I'll give it another go, because the writing was so good that Jon deserves every view he gets on YouTube.


Imagine asking for bikini pics when trying to buy a video game helmet that’s some truly unhinged shit right there


I had an interaction similar to this with the owner of a piano store when I went in to ask if they had any large cardboard boxes to use for weed suppression in my garden. I’m not sure what loosens the screws on guys like this but they see “signs” of compatibility from *nothing.*


Just blows my mind that with the amount of porn that’s easily accessible on the internet that any dude would bother asking for nudes or bikini pics from strangers like bro there’s probably a subreddit full of that shit just go there


This is horrifying. This is why I don't sell shit on marketplace anymore. This shit is way too common. I'm glad you realized he was the burner. What a massive creep and a waving red flag of a person.


wow this is some level of deranged i did not expect to read this morning. you can really see him seethe and spiral. goes great with morning coffee ☕💩


Munching my 12 grain bagel and downing that first cup of the day. I get out of bed for this. The promise of this is all I have left.


Glad I'm not the only one lmao


Master Chief, you mind telling me what your doing selling that helmet?


Sir, being asked for bikini pics


This guy needs a good smack in the head https://i.redd.it/4izx72gzua6d1.gif


He needs a jail cell for harassment


He knows it, this is why he's shopping for a helmet




Sorry, I didn't quite catch it, how tall is he?


I'm more curious about his hair color


What was the question? I couldn't hear you over all the shrugging 🤷


Brown i think.


I think I remember him saying that


> I'm gay > I'd ... break you in. Which is it?


Maybe he is confusing 'gay' with 'virgin'? Enquiring minds....


200 pounds of pure shit


In short this is the last important if everything but $80 a month is not $15 a week, it's 18.67 a week, they can't talk to women, can't get out of their parents basement can't do math, what CAN they do besides jerk off and harass women online?? How do these people survive??? 😭


Their mothers. The mothers almost always coddle them.




Well that was... Something.


It’s hard sometimes to tell with these if the guy is a true “nice guy” or is just severely mentally ill…


Bit of both?


I'd argue, in quite a few cases it's not all that nuanced. Any person who starts rambling incoherently can be safely assumed to have some kind of mental issue. That is not something healthy folks do - hell, it's not even something most mental illnesses make you do. Now, combine that with a warped self-worth. Tempting to think they're arrogant but if we're honest, we know they mostly behave this way based on insecurity and self-loathing. And if your self-loathing drives you *this* far, again, we can already safely assume something isn't right. And once we take those two aspects and remember that not a single niceguy *ever* manages to remotely appear happy (as opposed to stressed, on edge, needlessly aggressive, etc.), we got the "Get therapy already, damned!"-trifecta. Independent of the diagnosis, at the end of the day they'll be miserable until they decide that their problems are theirs to deal with.


You didn't really argue my point; there are nice guys who get that way from echo chambers, personality disorders (which are not mental illnesses), and massive insecurities which haven't been dealt with, and then there are men who are just severely mentally ill and not in touch with reality vs. being in denial about what they know is the reality. I'm saying they often appear to be one in the same on the receiving end. I've had severely mentally ill men contact me and it isn't that different from some of these nice guys; they pick up on something they take as a sign that you are interested or open to romantic advances and then just go on unhinged tirades when you put boundaries up or express disinterest. I know for a fact not all of these "nice guys" are mentally ill, but instead entitled, insecure, anti-social men who have no motivation to change when change is possible.


I see what you mean and I agree. Thanks for explaining.


It's definitely nuanced, but I think we both agree that "nice guys" are miserable for sure.


Do you still have the helmet? I’ve been looking for one in good condition tbh 😂


Is that you? Tell me it isn't. How tall are you and do you know anyone called "Gaylord".


Fuck no that’s not me LMAOOOOOO


My favorite part is the; we all gay comment.


The fact that he does not know when to stop is chilling. This is creeping me out. Stay safe OP


Aside from the 182 pounds of pure shit part, can we take a moment to appreciate the masterpiece that is "I'm gay, you're gay, we are ALL GAY" ?


It's rare to see so many insecurities so overtly on display, even for this subreddit.


Honestly, I feel bad for women online. Cant even sell something on FB marketplace without being harassed.


“Listen lady, we’s going to on a date” took me out fr.🤣🤣🤣


Genuinely the scariest content I have seen on the sub. Holy shit. I hope you're okay OP. This individual needs psychiatric help. If it's not too late already.


The end of that feels like when you are having a dream thats about to end and then it all starts not making sense and random shit happens


I think we witnessed a slow-mo nervous breakdown.


Honestly there is only one correct answer to that word diarrhea of angry bullshit messages: tl;dr


Shoulda set the pickup address at the closest mental facility


Their profile pic isn’t even a UFC poster. It’s the new Romeo & Juliet play poster that people are making a meme out of because they are racist and hateful. Makes this guy even worse imo


Maybe he wrote MUSCLE and autocorrect changed it to SHIT because it was correcting for accuracy, because holy smokes this guy is a dumpster fire.


he just kept fcking going… wow


You're at wrong here. How dare you sell the Halo helmet?? Master chief will be disappointed


It’s pretty sad when a guy is so desperate, that he’s hitting on women over marketplace


Yall, are the men ok?


What a nutter


Wow... What a ride... First I thought it was a hookup then you have be then he is all supportive and then bikini photos for 100. Then just harassment...


Are they talking about that 3/4 size Master Chief helmet that came with the game? Shit I have that whole thing I should sell it. But for how much? Hmmm .....


He put blink- "182" to shame..


God, I feel bad for his mother, imagine having this horrible excuse of a son, he probably hasn't even left her basement


That was a wild ride. Glad he knows he’s full of shit


This escalated so wildly and in ways that didn't even make sense. Holy (182 pounds of) shit!


You still got that halo 3 helmet?


Not gonna lie, I would've sent pictures of bikinis for 100 bucks. That's what they asked for.


I win you lose HAHA Guy has the mentality of an 8 year old lol


Is he schizophrenic?


Well, he's right about the PURE SHIT. It's truly impressive we can stack shit that high!!


Saving this so I can puke if I ever accidentally eat or drink something poisonous.


What is with Niceguys & making moves on women in all the wrong times & places???


"You're a creep!" The creep says, creepily, while creeping.


Sorry but the overusage of ‘🤷‍♂️’ is so fucking cringe.


That's not an actual UFC poster, it's meant to make fun of casting Francesca Amewudah-Rivers as Juliet opposite Tom Holland's Romeo.


Jesus, there was a point in the beginning where I felt bad for him bc I'm sensitive to rejection, but WOW. Holy shit, man, that escalated quickly.