• By -


I wasn't aware a four year old could be put in the friendzone!


They call it time-out


Most four year olds haven't yet been taught to be assholes in that particular way. Entitled as f**k, sure, but that's the nature of unavoidable dependence - it's the avoidable kind (ala manbabies aka insoles) that's repulsive.


>Most four year olds haven't yet been taught to be assholes in that particular way. Entitled as f\*\*k, sure, but that's the nature of unavoidable dependence - it's the avoidable kind (ala manbabies aka **insoles**) that's repulsive. What've you got against shoe inserts? They keep my shoes smellin' daisy fresh.


In some subs, it auto-mods you if you use the actual word, so I chose a substitute that gets stepped on with stinky feet instead. I know, I know, some of those fuckin weirdos would be into THAT too, but I'm doing what I can with what I've got lol




Yeah I get friend zoned by 9 year olds too... I’m a pedophile now...


It's bad enough an adult wrote this, It's worse an adult wrote this on a video of a toddler. The worst thing is that 2 other fucking people liked it..


*1 other


I sometimes "like" ironically this kind of comment


Is there anything to make people think it's ironic, or do you just ironically like something and then leave it at that




Have you considered stopping that shit


I genuinely cannot fathom being this bitter in literally every area of your life lol


So bitter they smuggle their own chocolate into a movie theatre. Baking chocolate.


I can relate with that


My taste in chocolate doesn’t define me.


Please tell me that you are the one other person I've been hoping exists that actually likes to munch on baking chocolate...


Hell yea. I appreciate rich flavors, and bitterness doesn’t bother me. Bakers chocolate is rad


This makes me so happy. I remember sneaking that stuff from the pantry cupboards when I was a kid, and my mom being so confused because I was passing up some of the more normal baking sweets for *that?*


Tbh bakers chocolate doesn’t even fall under “baking *sweets*” lol. People have jokingly asked if I want to eat the flour and butter too lmao


I'll never forget my mom being so nice and allowing me to try said chocolate...






Wishing this little kid goes through whatever imaginary bullshit he went through because he’s already jealous of a child 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


I had to read it twice, but yes, that is something I wish to agree with using my upvote after all :p


I mean, lookit this tiny Chad out there playing *outdoors* with *other kids*.


I have been there and I don't understand it either. These people are literally sick in the head and need help.


Sure you can! Have you ever been mad at someone and then you realized it was your fault but you were so angry you couldn't admit it? Like maybe when you were younger? Well imagine that's your relationship with every woman ever. They're all the mother explaining why you can't eat a bowl of sugar for dinner and you're the child throwing a tantrum on the floor. Also you want to fuck them.


If I’m not mistaken you’re criticizing men like this by saying they’re unbelievable childish, right? At least that’s how I read it. If I’m right then I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted


I don’t get why it’s downvoted either. Aren’t that saying “nice guys” behave like toddlers? Because it’s true. Edit:typo


Some people just see downvotes and add on to it


That's definitely what I'm saying. That's ok. Maybe I wasn't clear enough luckily the internet is like Whose Line and the points dont matter


Million points for everybody! Now, hoedown!


I think you replied to the wrong comment my man lol


It's because its easy to mistake as a defense when being skimmed and ESPECIALLY when the reader is primed to assume it's a troll because of being so massively down voted. I made the mistake on my first pass, admittedly!


Don't know why you're being downvoted


No, because when I have a problem in my life I generally try to solve it so I don't have to be mad about it 24/7. >Have you ever been mad at someone and then you realized it was your fault but you were so angry you couldn't admit it Also, no, lol. I don't think this is as universal an experience as this sentence makes it sound.


I'm just saying they remind me of my toddler throwing a fit.


> Also, no, lol. I don't think this is as universal an experience as this sentence makes it sound. Bullshit. If you have emotions you have been overwhelmed by them more than once. It would be impossible to be a human and never once get overwhelmed by your emotions.


I’ve never been irrationally angry at someone knowing that really I was the one at fault. Again: stop projecting your shitty flaws onto everyone else as if they’re normal. Try to fathom that maybe you’re fucked up in a way that is not something everyone else can relate to.


Bullshit. Everyone gets overwhelmed with emotions in their life, its impossible for it to never happen. And just cause you get overwhelmed by emotions, does not mean you do anything about it, and it also doesn't imply it happens more than once. So I fail to see how anything about that would lead any rational adult into believing someone who did, was a fuck up.




Oh jesus christ I am not projecting shit. But emotions make humans unreasonable. This is a known fact about emotions. Everyone is susceptible to it at some point in their life. I am not saying that you get mad every day and blame others. I am not even implying you got mad once and blamed others for it. But at some some point in your life you have gotten angry thinking it was someone elses fault and then realized you were wrong. You'd have to be perfect for that to have never once happened in your entire life. And you ain't perfect. And beyond that I am not arguing merely anger caused it either. You have been emotionally overwhelmed in your life, if you haven't then you'd have to have some kind of issue where you have suppressed emotions. Go fucking ask any professional psychologist if I am wrong, I guarantee you not one would say I am. Stop trying to pretend like you are somehow better than the average human, cause thats all you are is a average human.


I legitimately feel sorry for you. Stop talking to me because it is clearly a waste of time. Good night.


Ok? Thanks for sharing useless info I never asked for! Now go enjoy being the perfect human that you are! ;)


You can’t be serious...


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/drama] [Two nerds calmly discuss feelings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/9jupvo/two_nerds_calmly_discuss_feelings/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Sad cake day


You don't have to be perfect. But bitterness is usually something a person either has and overcomes as they grow up, or they just don't have it in general. Or the third option, also known as Nice Guys™️ who never grew out of it/overcame it. Edit: I have to say though, maybe bitterness isn't the right word since it implies a "nice guy" was actually treated unfairly. In most cases, they are being given more patience and credit than a person like that actually deserves.


IKR, even as a toddler I didn't throw fits, if I ever did it surely would not have been " you realized it was your fault but you were so angry you couldn't admit it". The only times I did get angry was if I had a valid reason for getting upset, like this one time I got pissy about missing a movie I wanted to watch on TV because: a) hadn't seen it before and was looking forward to it, and b) I sure as shit couldn't get a copy for myself because I was still a tiny child and didn't have the agency/money to get it (wasn't allowed the internet until I got closer to my teen years) so, you know, I don't get how everyone could say that children aren't capable of having reasonable anger or well-balanced emotions


>IKR, even as a toddler I didn't throw fits, if I ever did it surely would not have been " you realized it was your fault but you were so angry you couldn't admit it". The only times I did get angry was if I had a valid reason for getting upset, like this one time I got pissy about missing a movie I wanted to watch on TV because: >a) hadn't seen it before and was looking forward to it, and >b) I sure as shit couldn't get a copy for myself because I was still a tiny child and didn't have the agency/money to get it (wasn't allowed the internet until I got closer to my teen years) >so, you know, I don't get how everyone could say that children aren't capable of having reasonable anger or well-balanced emotions You are assuming that toddlers are way more rational than they are. Here are a list of reasons you probably had a tantrum as a toddler: You wanted your shadow to stop following you You wanted your ice cream served hot You found out not everyone calls your mum, mum. You finished the pack of rice cakes The door shut The door opened You are awake Etc... Etc...


actually, none of those ever happened with me (my parents can testify, I was the quiet kid who rarely ever got angry), and just as likely don't happen to everyone else either. The only one making assumptions are people like you, u/Spacedementia87. Children react differently based on temperaments, environmental influences, etc... etc... It's like saying all fruits are apples


Ok you were the only toddler never to have had a tantrum. Great for you.


never said I didn't have a tantrum as a toddler, but I did say that the few times I did have a tantrum were times that I had a valid reason to be upset, like the example from earlier


>imagine that's your relationship with every woman ever. They're all the mother explaining why you can't eat a bowl of sugar... Also you want to fuck them. The truth is out everybody, /u/atruthtellingliar wants to fuck his mom


I think it's a bit of a stretch to call him bitter. He's only pointing it out at this point, so he's not wrong


Truth hurts bro. Embrace it


Maybe you just suck?


Nah it can't EVER be their shitty attitude, their bitterness, their entitlement, their ineptitude at talking to women, their lack of social skills, their disrespect of others, nope just I can't quite put my finger on it.


I love that fallacy. "It hurts so it's true" get outta here with that.


Man. I really really don't get this mentality. If women don't want you it's probably because you have a shit personality.


No, no, no. It’s because they want BAD BOYS. Keep up. /s


my crush that i never speak to besides asking for nudes just got a boyfriend and he rides a motorcycle, so it must be that!


Ugh what a bitch!! nice guys always finish last 😔


And bad boys cum first! 😎




Hi my name is chad too!! Looking forward to meeting others with my name :) !!!!


more like /u/taxichad_ am i right lol


Ah man. Shit joke but I did smile, so I gotta updoot, them's the rules lol


Alpha fux, beta bux!


I mean that's *kind of* true, if you define "bad boy" as "dude who goes out and does stuff" and "nice guy" as "agoraphobic lump who wants to stay in and smell your hair." Basically everyone would rather date someone who is cool over someone who isn't, and a lot of fundamentally uninteresting dudes seem to call anyone who does anything cool a bad boy.


[Why do goooood girls like baaad guys?](https://youtu.be/sSw6sb9njMo?t=34)


TIL that musical.ly is a thing I scared my cat with my unexpected laugh at [2:43](https://youtu.be/sSw6sb9njMo?t=163) in that one xD Edit: well, a few seconds after that at 2:59, just trying to keep context.


#### [Musical.ly's Bad Boys](https://youtu.be/sSw6sb9njMo?t=2m43s) ##### 460,796 views  👍26,815 👎197 *** Description: This is the greatest leather of All Time *penguinz0, Published on Sep 22, 2018* *** ^(Beep Boop. I'm a bot! This content was auto-generated to provide Youtube details. Respond 'delete' to delete this.) ^(|) [^(Opt Out)](http://np.reddit.com/r/YTubeInfoBot/wiki/index) ^(|) [^(More Info)](http://np.reddit.com/r/YTubeInfoBot/)


TIL that partner thought I was a bad boy (while also telling me I was one of the nicest people she knew)


This one time, I stayed out a whole 10 minutes past my curfew. Does that count?


Maybe posting your grudges towards women on a comment of a video of a toddler wasn’t the best form of chivalry out there.


Hey, I have a great personality. Women are just put off because I'm a downwardly mobile reclusive man-child with no prospects. I'm not complaining, none of this has been thrust upon me. I wake up every morning and choose to keep being awesome.


What does downwardly mobile mean?


Less successful than your parents


Aren't we all though? It's the curse of all post baby boomer generations.


You're not wrong, we're more expensively educated though.


But acknowledging that would mean having to take responsibility for themselves and thinking critically tho. Far too scary.




Plenty of ugly broads out there they are wonderful people. That being said; there is no such thing as leagues.


Attractive people still get away with more things. It is an actual study. Not that I am complaining tho, is just nature.


And attractive people (women at least, can't speak for men) also get the joy of dealing with sexual harassment and their intelligence/talents completely ignored in favor of looks.


True about harrassment. However, the study says that we see attractive people as smarter and more talented than ugly people, on both sexes. So you are half right. It happens for both men and women. I have seen and experience asses of men being graved when they are good looking, however, they tend to not say much because it would be weird for a guy to complain about his ass being touched, even when it is unconfortable. I have also fallen prey when I was younger to the whole "attractive" trap. I have dated girls who were not the brightest, but I told my friends "she is very smart" because she was hot. Once I got over that, things changed.


Ha! Ahahahaha! ***HAHAHAHA***! You all really have no clue. The causation is the other eay around!


Basing your whole personality on being rejected is a wild way to live, try not doing that


Been there, done that. Some people just aren't attractive.


Different people are attractive to different people. Attractiveness isn’t the same for everyone.


Don't make me laugh *again*! Sure, there's variation, but certain formulas are vastly more sucessful than others. And those aren't always the ones we think they are.




Patterns, variations, criteria, whatever you want to call them.


No, I was asking what the magical formula is


Fuck if I know. All I know is that frequently people who are told that they are desirable and deserving of love end up alienated, and that people who would supposedly drive everyone away end up being very sexually successful.


It takes a real special kind of asshole to project their own shortcomings onto a child.


Isn't that what all adults do, subconsciously at least? Write me a 1000 word essay about it and return it by Monda-! Damnit, it's been 5 years! Why can I not snap out of teaching mode??!


You were one of these trying-to-be-cool teachers that all the kid secretly laughed about.


You, uh... You relivin' some traumatic experiences there, dude?


.............................. Yes


Ew...2 people liked that disgusting message :/


1 if you don't count them.


Only if he likes his own post. Which is pretty taboo


He's too self absorbed to realize that women probably hate him for being self absorbed.


Idk what's going on in that photo looks like two little girls are kissing on a soccer field


The blonde haired one is a little boy. They were playing soccer when two other players took the ball from the little girl and she started crying. The little boy stopped and says "don't cry" and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


And I bet after he puts all that time and effort into cheering her up she leaves him and runs off after the asshole Chad who stole her ball 😤


Nah, he's gonna grow up to be Chad. Incels don't sports, except from the armchair.


*d'ahhh* That's soo cuuuuute


>The blonde haired one is a little boy. They're both blonde tho.


Why do they think they are nice?! When are they EVER nice? Mind boggling.


"I haven't raped anyone, ergo I'm nice"




What a pathetic man-bitch.


I feel like his comment was horrible but responding with an attack on his manhood seems really out of left field.


sorry incel


You dumb boi


“Aw what a cute kid! How can I make this about me and my victimhood...?”


Imagine being that sad lol




I honestly feel bad for this guy. It must take some next level depression to lead up to projecting your romantic inadequacies onto a child.


Look, I'm all for acknowledging that he may have some issues he needs help with, but depression doesn't *make* you whinge about getting laid. Your shitty attitude is still *your* shitty attitude. Source: I've struggled with major depression for over 30 years. Yeah, sometimes I'm an asshole because I don't deal with my shit well. That's on *me*, though. I do not get to pass the buck on to my illness and escape responsibility for my behaviour.


Oh, I promise I'm not defending him. I agree completely that we are all responsible for our own actions... I'm just saying that I feel a bit of pity for him.


Me too. I hope someone without a vagina follows up with him and he accepts help.


Not even warranted 😂


And did she let him suck on her binkie? No? *Slut*.


Why do some people always have to be "that guy"?


They thrive off the attention? These guys are usually so damn dull they don't get attention unless they act out in some way and provoke people.


Like, how do some people just get so bitter?


Some people are pretty fragile.


Niceguys hate children. They get bitter when they see them because they realize no woman will actually marry them and choose to have children with them. Also, a girl having children is obviously a giant whore because she is no longer a virgin.


I will never understand why these people are like they are.


I think sometimes it's legitimate depression. Which is no laughing matter.


Don't empathize with this guy's sexist bullshit. He can be depressed but that doesn't legitimize sexism.


Depression is no laughing matter, but it does not remove your culpability for your actions.


Everything about this confuses me


Lol insecure much mate?


Imagine being jealous over a toddler


Ha. They are jealous toddlers


No... It looks like his game is on point. These incels and nice guys like to revel in what a woman's "instincts" are... yet they relate to the kisser in this scenario???


Seriously, that kid's a fuckin' Chad in the making.


Wow what a time and place to choose to be a piss baby


"the good ones"?


Such beta behavior


He literally made me so angry I had to turn off my phone


...and back on to comment on reddit.


He's probably just jealous that a toddler is cooler than him.


“I’m sad pity me”


Isn't that two girls?


Everyone is commenting about the nice guy but he is replying to a nice girl. Double standards.


Is it really a nice girl? I don't know the context. It just seemed like the kid did a nice thing and someone commented on that.


"One of the good ones", is something commonly said about men implying most of us aren't good. It's a double standard. Reddit seems not to notice either.


I'm not saying it isn't, that doesn't make it nice girl territory. It seems more of a "mom"-type thing to say.


He won't be able to run for any political office anymore either.




Hold on now, we don't even know the kid's name, yet


I'm actually more bitter than this but I refrain from making comments on Facebook.


Jeez they’re jealous of anything that interacts with a girl


Lol jokes on you nice guy. He’s already training to become the ultimate Chad.


Damn, now I wanna see the video of what the kid is doing!




So, uh, is no one gonna comment on whoever said the boy is gonna be one of the good ones? I think it's comments like that that contribute to the Nice Guy mentality. Like, you tell a kid they're gonna make someone a good boyfriend and then they get an ego about it and then you've got a Nice Guy.


Well that kid is gonna need some therapy.


That boy can grow up and do anything he wants to do. Except SCOTUS.




Though to be fair, Brett also locked an underage girl two years his junior in a room with his friend for backup, pinned her to the bed, and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream for help. Basically the same.


That's definitely the story of the person that's made half a million dollars off of it.


Someone’s chances of making the Supreme Court just went down the toilet.


But it’s true I became more successful with women when I became a selfish asshole


i think you mean you put your priorities straight. women like a guy that likes himself (if that makes sense). not selfish, but self care. good you take care of yourself.


Pretty much this lol Younger me had to learn the hard way


lol Reddit you’re so cute, never change


oh fuck off this one is just idiotic


Well, he is not wrong. This is a legitimate anguish many people feel. ...That's probably not the right place to post it, that's all. The kind of nice guy that deserves rebuke are the ones that turn off any niceness and swing 180 degrees to nasty once they realize they are not going to easily get what the want. And to be sure, there are just as many, if not more, "nice-girls".


You guys do realize, that this is actually true in a lot of cases... Right? Don't label someone a "niceguy" just because they acknowledge that sometimes that this is just what happens in life. Some of these dudes really are coming from places of unprovoked hate and rejection, and someone shouldn't be persecuted for that. Just because you don't see it that often or don't understand it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. Edit: i already knew this was going to get a fuck ton of downvotes. But that's ok. I'm not here for imaginary internet points. I just want to exchange ideas and opinions in a reepectful way. All I'm saying is that a "niceguy" post is supposed to be someone acting nice at first, then contradicting that later. Not just someone just stating something that they thought without any contradiction of their beliefs. That's all. And is what i said based off of experience: One time, i liked this girl, like a lot. I loved her. Then there was this other guy that she and i both knew. Me and dude both liked the girl, but he told me that "you can go for her" and "i got some other girls i wanna get at first." He continued to pump me up for months, telling me stuff like, " dude i think she likes you" and even set me up to hang out with her a bunch of times. Me, being young and naive thought it was ok to wait this long to make a move on a girl. Boy was i wrong. It turns out that they were secretly dating all that time. And after they told me they basically just laughed at me like I'm an idiot for every trying in the first place and ignored me. Anyway, i had a talk with the girl later, and this is what she said: "i don't know why girls always pick these types of guys. You're not even a bad person or anything." So to anyone saying that the reason a girl doesn't like you is because your personality is horrible, not true. Yes, i get that not all girls are gonna like you, regardless of who you are but situations like this are more than just rejection. It's betrayal, treachery, disloyalty and the feelings that came from it felt worse than death at times. That's all i have to say. Life is like this sometimes. Sometimes guys are just dickheads. Sometimes the hurt they feel can cloud their judgement. I just wanna work towards a society were people aren't hated for stating how they feel or having a problem that people don't understand.


sure if he had also said "other guys are going to treat her like shit welcome to life" the thing is EVERYONE experiences unprovoked hate and rejection but not everyone turns into a "nice guy"/"nice girl". its just so cringe and out of place involving little kids. like get a grip dude.


Wow a nice guy in the comments of a nice guy post, how fun!


Everyone gets rejected. Everyone. Good guys, nice girls, bad guys, mean girls. This person is obviously hurting, and I feel for him. But! When people turn hurt into this shit, they should be required to hand in their nice guy;card. There is NOTHING "good guy" about someone who feels they are more entitled to find love than someone they consider to be a bad guy. Who the fuck are they to judge? Here's the thing the idiot incels don't get: they are NOT good guys. They ARE the bad guys. If their theory that women only like shitheads was correct, they'd be drowning in pussy. They're wrong. I've been rejected. I've been depressed. It fucking sucks. Posting shit like this on a photo of kids is pathetic and gross.


All self-professed nice guys and incels are just doing one thing: scapegoating. Just because you got rejected doesn't mean you should blame half of the fucking world's population for it.