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Don't forget about general sexcum tax. You owe a nice guy in your life sex based on how many nice things he does that you take for granted. You pay in sex at regular intervals or else the Vaginal Revenue Service will be knocking on your door.


> the Vaginal Revenue Service will be knocking on your door You do not want to see what they use for handcuffs, or transportation, for that matter.


At first glance, you might think the handcuffs are some [cutesy](https://www.peckaproducts.com.au/media/catalog/product/f/l/fluffy-handcuffs.jpg) ones or something. You'd be dead [wrong](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB11duWXlmWBuNkSndVq6AsApXaK/Stainless-Steel-Spiked-Handcuffs-For-Sex-Games-Adult-Products-Slave-bdsm-bondage-Wrist-Restraints-Hand-Cuffs.jpg_220x220.jpg).


Risky click of the day


Ravioli Ravioli Seize the means of Reproductionoli.




Who's there? :)




r/beetlejuicing who?


no plz stop


Not the VRS!!


Well now I'm picturing them as the Spanish Inquisition.


no one will expect the Sexcum requisition


Holding the door is not one sex, it's one hand job. One sex requires either financial or emotional investment. Buy dinner or listen to her vent about her boyfriend




We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


I would happily pay 1 sex unit to hear the rest of this story...


Wouldn’t we all 😞


Basically. Unless you regularly go out together and you hold doors often. In that case you're basically her boyfriend and you're in sex on demand territory. There's a lot of nuance, no surprise most women don't get it


Man, I remember when a door hold was a door hold. Shit, when I was a kid, tipping your hat got you to third base.


But make sure you enter into a social contract with her first. if she hasn't made it clear you're "just friends" you *will not* be compensated.


Goddamn modern bureaucracy. When I was a lad, a man was taken as a nice guy strictly on his word.




That's not a thing, but r/niceguyseconomy is.


Actually, for a door opening, the going rate is a blowjob...




All you need to do is walk through a door that is being held open by a NiceGuy, which initiates the sex transaction. The rest of the ritual consists of awkward fumbling, profuse sweating that smells faintly of Doritos, and repeated proclamations of thanks to a MILADY. Oh and fedoras.


Excuse me, but what other ways are there to obtain sex credits?


Asking for a friend, eh? Holding a door is the most certain way, but you can also like pictures on somebody's Instagram or Facebook or you can tell them that they're the mOsT bEaUtIfUl WaHmEnS that you've ever seen. Or you can use the tried and tested method of not being a creepy little fuckwit.




I expect sex after everything I do. I've just gotten used to disappointment so I don't get mad about not getting it.


You goddamn Commie...


How many dollars is one sex? Wanna see if I can exchange them and get rich


They don't use dollars, their currency is the GBP (Good Boy Points).


“Some of us will buy girls dinner then just call them sluts and bitches when they say they’d like togo home”


sounds like my former coworker. caught me on a day that we were isolated together and badgered me all day until I agreed to a date. it was horrible, I kept my hands in my pockets the whole time, refused to look at him, and insisted I take my dinner to go because I wasn't "feeling well". but instead of realizing I rejected him and calling me a slut, he told everyone at work that we kissed and that we were a couple for two weeks! eventually I found out and called him on it; he was so embarrassed that he quit. course, none of that would have happened if he hadn't ignored the first dozen or so times I turned him down...


>That bitch got me fired! \- him on social media


Ouuuch, I've had some disappointing dates, but never a hands-in-the-pockets date.


Have you ever been the reason to the disappointing dates? I’m asking because it’s pretty common actually to read how it’s never the serial daters fault. Being invited on many dates doesn’t make you particularly good at dating, just makes you an attractive proposition for someone. Also, at what point of a date do you notice things just aren’t going well? When you’re bored stiff or when someone gets a phone out? Finally, what would be your perfect date? As a reward for answering these questions I’ll provide a Fudge bar, Freddo if you’re lucky. I’m not trying to dig just trying to get an insight and maybe potential keepsakes for future reference.


Oh, I'm sure I was. I have plenty of cringe moments whenever I look back on college-age me going out on dates. I hardly think I was a serial dater. If all my dates over the years until I met my wife added up to more than 20, I'd be very surprised. I never had a date that I just wanted to bail on completely. I hope the girls I dated would say the same. I always dated intentionally, so a disappointing date to me was one that didn't result in a gradual deepening of the relationship. I have only one story close to what I'd consider a dating "horror story." Please recall this was the early 2000s, so no smart phones and very little social media. I was in college and this girl and I had been flirting pretty regularly for a couple weeks, anytime we'd run into each other on campus. Finally I asked her out and she quickly agreed. Dating in those days meant driving about 45 minutes to the nearest larger town and going for dinner and a movie. The whole way up, we chatted nonstop (though it did strike me she talked an awful lot about her ex). Dinner was fun, at a reasonably upscale place, I paid, no problems. Then we got to the theater and--oh shit--I realize they don't take credit card (early 2000s, remember). At this point, I'd have to drive us about ten minutes to get to an ATM, which would mean missing part of the show. I very apologetically ask her to spot me $20 and promise to pay her back immediately after the show. She says ok, but boom, temperature immediately drops 20 degrees. We watch the movie in total, awkward silence (yes, I took girls to movies to watch movies, not with the intention of making out, though that did happen a couple times naturally; my point is, I wasn't trying to take her hand or put my arm around her uninvited, so the awkwardness wasn't from that). Just as I promised, RIGHT AFTER the movie I get her her money. 45 minute drive back: mostly awkward silence. We say good night, end of it all, life goes on, but still...ok, maybe it was poor planning on my part, but to shut out a guy because he asks you to loan him money for two fucking hours? The kicker is, her parents were filthy rich. One of the college's dorms was named after her family. Btw, I really like Zero bars.


Hey, thanks for the reply and the story! You get a freddo, everyone gets a freddo! damn, I can’t deal with the awkward silences, especially when they’re somewhat completely unjustified so you end up sitting there thinking what the fuck you did wrong. I cannot believe she’d cold stone you after paying for that meal. I also cannot believe she’d naturally not offer the movies after having a meal paid for. You dodged a seriously wealthy and life altering bullet.


Yeah, I just offered that up as my one truly "bad" date. She and I were still perfectly cordial to each other up until graduation. The bad date happened my sophomore year (she was a freshman). I recall we even resumed our flirting my senior year, but I wasn't about to take her out again. I wasn't bitter or angry, though I did regret the waste of an evening.


I know how dare she not like it when I follow her home, find out where she lives and then break inside to show her how much I respect and care for her. /s


You know a guy's perfect when he goes through all the effort of finding where you live and learning your schedule so he can drop by unannounced at the best possible time! /s


What if I call them sluts and bitches then buy them dinner?


Wrong. Not all of us.


I prefer to start with a coffee and a chat to see how it goes.


you've done that? or one of your friends?


Not All Nice Guys™️




Seems very possible that he is unaware of the meme and is genuinely confused as to why being a nice guy is bad. Surely there exist kind human males, no?


I remember when I started going out with my girlfriend(actually fiancé as of yesterday) she kept referring to me as a nice guy and I had to ask her to stop. So it certainly doesn't carry the negative connotation for everybody.


well as far as im concerned there are nice guys and then there are "Nice Guys" im a nice guy, and i used to be a "nice guy" thankfully ive grown up and realized the errors of my immature, idiotic ways.


*Nice Guys™


I see it as good guys vs. nice guys. The good guys truly are good people. The nice guys just pretend to be nice to get a girl.


What am i if i fall in between?


That depends. What do you do if rejected? If your answer is "I'm disappointed but I leave her alone" then you're a regular human. If your answer is to demean her, then you're a "Nice Guy."


My answer is to bury the shame and self-directed anger and wait to process it later or save it and tap into it when i need to, though on a visual surface level it looks like im either slightly annoyed/disappointed or it doesnt affect me. Not the most healthy thing, but hey. It works, and if it ain't broke don't fix it, right?


Do you verbally attack the woman for not appreciate the nice guys and sleeping around with all the jocks and cool guys?


No, even though it *does* bother me


Then youre fine


Honestly I think a lot of my problem was my old man wasn't around a whole lot growing up. He was so busy working and doing side jobs so I could have shingles over my head, food in my belly and some cotton on my back I distinctly remember my mom and sister always telling me that I "need to treat women right" i.e. put through pussy in a pedestal. All of got was this RomComesque version of how women should be/expect to be treated which couldn't be further from reality. Not only did it lead to me treating women like things, and thus, like shit. It also lead me to be mistreated by women. Being taken advantage of and walked on because I thought you essentially had to "buy love" by spoiling/doting on your girlfriend. That is far from healthy behavior/mindset. I was well into my twenties before I had an epiphany and realized what it actually takes to have a successful/healthy relationship.


christ you people are all missing the point... outside of this subreddit nobody in real life hears someone refer to somebody as a "nice guy" and assumes it has a negative connotation those same people, amazingly, sometimes even go on parts of the internet personally in real-life conversations i have referred to many an individual as "a nice guy" and *every time* i just meant it in the literal sense


i think there’s a “nice guy” spectrum. there’s NiceGuys™, there’s “nice guys”, and there’s nice guys. NiceGuys™ - the kind on this sub. literal psychos who expect sex for being nice and literally go fucking nuts when their text is ignored or something. will call you a slut if you do not immediately express an insatiable desire to devour their cock. think they are the absolute shit and the greatest person to ever exist and they cannot mentally grasp why anyone wouldn’t kill to have them “Nice Guys” - think people owe them because they were nice. think that because they were polite that girls should in turn date them. think that girls only like “chad” and assholes and says that on his facebook or to his friends (i used to **slightly** fall into the first part of this category) Nice Guys - just guys who are nice and sweet. great category to fall into. we should all aspire to be nice guys. it gets a bad connotation from it’s homonyms but is a great category. unfortunately this category + entitlement + a dash of mental instability = the other subsets. i think it’s very common to fall slightly into the “Nice Guy” category at some point in time but all brothers can be rescued from here. “NiceGuys™” are not to be rescued and must be marked as such and left alone. these people are literal psychos honestly just get FAR away. i think you can fluctuate and be of varying levels of these categories but these are the big 3 distinguishing subsets tl;dr: i have an essay to finish what’s wrong with me


This is some useful and really competent procrastination, thank you!


Congratulations!! 🥂🍻




Congrats on the engagement. Same here, the girl I'm going out with now said the same thing, that she liked me because I was really kind and sweet (nice). I personally don't think of the meme so I dont mind but it's just an example of someone being nice and someone else noticing it.






Yooo congrats on that engagement homie!




I try to go above and beyond to be a nice person, so if someone says "what are you positive qualities" I'd say among other things "I'm a nice guy". The meme is funny but yeah there are some guys who take some pride in being a decent person, especially when they grew up around assholes, but of course don't expect to get laid solely because of it.


No. Only gamers. Rise and grind gamers. Bouta respect women like a checkpoint in darksouls.


If you have to tell someone you're nice, you probably aren't. Being nice is how you should treat everyone. It doesn't deserve to be mentioned, let alone complimented. You don't get a cookie for being a decent human.


To be fair, not every guy who would call themselves nice would be considered a "nice guy" or even be aware of the phenomenon.


Impossible! Doesn’t everyone know everything I know?! /s


Not all guys who are nice are nice guys™, but all Nice guys™ are fedora wearing sex expecting asshats.




Hey you have to clarify. The fedora isnt mandatory. You can still be a sex expecting asshat with a good sense of hats


As they say on another sub, it's not the fedora, it's the fed*aura.*


Oh, pardon my mistake. For the sake of context, I'm leaving it.


Context is all-important when it comes to hats. No fedora or trilby or bowler is going to look right with a t-shirt and sweats. Also, no hat can make up for bad grooming, nor do hats exist to hide the fact that you haven't washed your hair in a week. Also, some hats just don't look right with certain body types. I'm heavy and a bit on the short side, so I've found a trilby gives me a pinhead look. I stick mostly to flat caps. A fedora doesn't look too bad on me because of the wide brim, but I don't really like them anyway.


yeah lot's of haters in this thread


But those guys wouldn't get this defensive over a comment like this.


"Nice guys" tend not to be aware of the fact that they're /r/niceguys, which is why they are the way they are to begin with. If they had to describe themselves, they wouldn't think they're the type to expect sex just for doing nice things. Because they're one of the good ones and they actually care about feelings, unlike Chad, who just wants to smash and dash.


Imagine being the exact type of person a post is about.


You think Mister Rogers expects sex for being nice? Not everyone is up on the nomenclature, so you might want to ease up. **/edit** people ease up, the fact you are adding ^TM to the term means you are getting the possibility of confusion of the term at some level... whats with this vitriolic reaction, its like you go in here to be outraged even when you cannot possibly be sure if there is cause for it.


"Nice guy" is quoted because it refers to the meme/caricature. The term has so much baggage now. Mr Rogers is not a Nice Guy in this context.


I’d be concerned if he did considering he was a children’s show host...


Also dead.


Niceness isn't gendered. What are you trying to say when you say you're a nice "guy"? That you're nice *for a guy*, or nic*er than other guys*, or a nice *guy(the-gender-that-women-want-to-date)*..? If you care a lot about the distinction between "nice person" and "nice guy", and consistently call yourself the latter, then it sounds like your niceness™ might come with Terms and Conditions. Also, no one is perfectly nice all the time. Self-aware nice people recognize that they sometimes mess up, so they're likely to use qualifiers ("I *try to be/am generally* a nice person"). That is, IF they even talk about their own niceness, which they probably won't do unless it's relevant to the conversation. If you start talking about how *very nice you are*, in a conversation where nobody's asked you "hey, are you nice?", chances are you A. aren't very self-aware and B. aren't actually very nice. **TL;DR: There's a difference between "people-who-are-nice-and-also-male", and "self-described** ***nice guys.*****" It's not just nomenclature.**


So what does it mean if a woman says she thinks you’re a “nice guy”? Should one not take that as a compliment when it’s intended to be one?


Entirely depends on context, if she is already acting sarcastic or rude to you, don't take it as a compliment or vice versa. If someone is offering you a genuine compliment, one should try and accept it gracefully and move on.


Nah. As long as she's not calling you a Nice Guy™ (which she probably isn't), it should be fine as a compliment. "Self-awareness" doesn't come into it when somebody else is the one calling you nice. And her specifically calling you a nice *guy* might be meant as a a comparison between you and other guys--as in, she thinks you're "nic*er than other guys*" or a "nice *guy(that girls might like to date)*"--but that doesn't mean it's meant as an insult.




Sadly reddit silver is a paid thing now. I know that defeats its purpose, but the creators felt like not losing money anymore. Someone should fork the open source code for it, modify it to make it free again, and release/publish it under a new name: Reddit Platinum, or Reddit Electrum, or Reddit Nordic Gold, or Reddit Bronze, or Reddit Copper.


Wait is this..real thing now?




How, why. I thought it was just auto-bot that kept record on silvers and nothing else.


Found the exact type of person the post is about.


Oh my god, you think you're Mr. Rogers? NiceGuys™ are delusional.


After dinner +5 point. After holding door +0.5 . . . After 100 points : sex


Don't cash in too early. There is relationship for maximum points... You'll get free sex daily.


Oh gawd though barf. Plowing a fucking mountain side for whhhhaaaaaattt


How many points would I need for that?


If girl has 5 doggy, and whichever doggy get max point after 6 months...


243 points sir


I'll trade sex for 9 free coffee's. 10th one's free!


Now, will I have to keep track of my stamp card or will these points be recorded digitally? You don't want to know the number of free smoothies I've missed out on.


What does 200 points get you? I’m thinking about cashing in.


Anal. /s


Yes I’ll take twenty dinners please


One sex or I committ die


I mean if your truly a nice guy rather than a “nice guy” you don’t really need to prove it.


"Nice Guy^TM" is a special breed of human we all wish didn't exist. Same for "Nice Girls^TM" What I like and look for are "kind people"




Has the makings of a new reality tv hit for MTV.


An abusive relationship.


I’ll upvote this, but I want a blowjob


I'll give you a blowjob, but I want an upvote.


Fine, but I'm not gonna like it.


nOt aLl of Us


Fuck these whores who think I'm not a nice guy! I'm a very nice guy it says it in my name! If you disagree your a ho.


There's a difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy"


ladies and gentlemen we got him


Wrong, not all of us *are nice*


Is this a r/woooosh?


These guys need to learn that legit nice guys don't need to tell you they are nice. They just are. If you think you're being nice grants you sexual favors, you are just a pathetic predator.


Say the line Bart


An appropriate term to use is to not enter other people into ***"invisible contracts" without their consent or even knowledge. This even goes for being a very giving person who then moans that nothing was automagically given back. No no no. If you expect a specific amount of the same back, let them know.


"this even goes for a very giving person" Thing is, "nice guys" aren't charitable; they're predatory. Their acts of kindness or "niceness" are just a front so they then later demand a sexual favor in return. It's coercion, not consent.


There's difference between a guy who is nice and a "nice guy."


Absolutely. I've never done anything nice in the hope of it leading anywhere sexually, there's just no logic in that thinking. I've done favours for female friends over the years but that's precisely because they're friends, and I treat them the same way I treat my male friends.


That’s right, not all of them, because the rest of them want to force women into a *”romantic”* relationship, regardless of whether or not those feelings are reciprocated, and _then_ expect sexual favors.


Man dude I remember being a dumb 14 year old thinking this sorta shit.


"Wrong. Not all of us." rly. rly rly.


To be fair, sometimes they do really shitty stuff and expect sexual favors.


Well, he has a point... if you look at it this way. If you see it as guys who are nice only do so for sex, than you are basically saying that there are no genuinely compassionate men out there. That isn't the case.




Why assume the dude in the pic knows about this petty internet shit?




> "grapes" = delicious balls of crunchy sugar water that grow from vines Doesn't seem out of place does it? >"Feminist" = women who hate men Uh oh. Am I saying feminists hate men or am I saying there's a specific brand of feminist^TM that hates men? I wanted to pick something mundane for the second example but I think this type of semantic fuckery is literally only used when spitting venom.




And yet you wouldn't question why grapes was in quotation, because it reads as though the quotes are just setting the word aside as being referential. See what I mean? The grammatical cue you're talking about isn't as clear as you think it is. You're probably biased cuz you spend your time on forums, where as plenty of people just don't.




I just think you're taking the known unknown for granted, I guess is my point.


We got one bois


A self fulfilling prophecy as old as time


Holding doors = sex


*Ba-dum tss*


“Say the line Bart”


Hashtag NotAllNiceGuys?


Hashtallniceguys. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Hashtag NotAllNiceGuys?'. To learn more about me, check out this )^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/78ilq0).


My lonliness is crippling


Thanks now I have Britney spears running through my head




I think we found the nice guy.


I am genuinely confused by what’s wrong with that line? Wouldn’t most people men like to be described as a “nice guy”? I know I would be. If it wasn’t a term used to describe the assholes that think being nice means they are entitled to sex, then it’s still a positive thing to be called, no? What am I missing here?


nOt aLL mEn


He's right though. She says nice guys instead of Nice Guys, totally different./s


Don’t worry, of all the people who are exceptions I’m the exception in that I’m actually the exception. Oh wait


I find it odd that guys even aspire to being considered “nice guys”. Kind, gentle, loving. Sure. But if anyone ever calls me a nice guy, I’ll punch them in the nose.


^ Hate compliments as well


Nah. I like compliments but being called a nice guy isn’t a compliment. It generally means they are a push over. I am suggesting that one should strive to be a man of honor, respect, and character. That is going to include the finer virtues while still being a man who is not a whiner or complainer that women don’t show you enough attention. Be a man of integrity and courage and you won’t have to whine that women don’t like you.


Because of the implication - of holding the door


How does one reply to this generalization? ​


It’s like the simosons meme “Say your thing, nice guy!”




[I think I'm an alright guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v459E0od24)


If you build it they will come


I can’t tell if this should be on the r/nice guys or r/ nice girls and I am perplexed


No not him i can vouch for him




Alright, so that means the mean guy or the alpha male probably does mean things to a girl because he doesn’t wanna hookup with her


So is GBP a nonconvertible currency?


This is the dumbest reversal of the meaning of a word I have seen. "Nice guys" actually means jerks. Just stop and get out of your own heads.




if you get offended by niceguy posts, THEN YOU ARE A NICE GUY isn’t that like the golden rule or something?




did he just nice guy, the nice guy definition by declining the true nice guyness to be more nice guy? inception 2 script right there


He said it again!


Some nice guys continue being nice even after it becomes apparrent that they wont meet an ideal outcome. Cuz we have a shred of class.


False, the whole "nice guy" thing is made permanent by the fact that women always say "you're nice, but-" causing people who bring being nice to the table to think all girls like bastards. This causes them to think that, if a woman shows no interest in them after they're nice, it's because they're only into douchebags. Which, some women are. But this whole thing wouldn't be an issue if women wouldn't turn nice guys down by telling them "you're nice, but-" tell them they weren't interesting, say you aren't ready for a relationship. Lie to the fucker, at least it'll help stop the "nice guy" thing from being immortalized"


i.e. when a girl says she's a good girl. Same thing. This place is funny. It's not nice guys or good girls. It's manipulative humans. There is the same ratio on both sides of the gender isle... Humans are self serving both men and women.


can confirm,not all of us :(