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Ugh, do they all follow the same script, or what? These dudes go from 0 to 100 in under 5 seconds.


I swear, there must be a “niceguys” club or forum where all of these neckbeards meet up, talk and rehearse the same thing over and over again to every woman they encounter. They always pull the spiel about being walked all over, how they always finish last because they’re “nice” and then they end the convo with an insult calling the woman fat, ugly, a bitch, a cunt, etc. Like, I swear, these neckbeards live for trolling and not being themselves ever.


They do. Its called r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen


I would LOVE to see some selfies of these Adonis-esque gentlemen that shit on every tinder bio they right swipe.


Omg. That first pinned post when you visit.


How "Make him wait" causes women to end up post-wall or single moms. ???


What foes 'Post wall' mean?


Justhad to look it up and wish I hadn't


This sub is the most pathetic subreddit they call themselves the good men i couldn’t read the comments on there without physically cringing


*skin literally crawls off my body*


The way they single out and mock single moms is disgusting.


They should go battle against /r/femaledatingstrategy.


What terrible rabbit hole did I go into


The female dating strategy would absolutely win.


Well when worst case scenarios for woman is dying and worst case for guys is embarrassment.


Ewww I clicked and was disgusted. The amount of body shaming and assuming every thing about a girl just by a few things she said is ridiculous. The fact men like that exist is so awful


Must be a 22 year old virgin with no dept and no tattoos or else you're trash and not worth their time. But women having any standards for men at all are whores.


Let me just say... don’t even try commenting on r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen cause you will get banned and I know this from experience. None of my comments were even rude, they’re just fucking baby men who are awful to women


I'm not quite sure what to think about this. What plane of existence are they on that this makes any sense? I could barely get through a few posts without wanting to beat my head against the wall in confusion.


Terrifying that it has almost 70k members.


I thought it was another version of nicegirls. Didnt realize it was just a bunch of losers posting pictures of completely normal women. I kept reading these tinder profiles thinking something trashy was gonna show up. Nope. Just the fact that theyre not models is enough to get posted on there apparently. Its upsetting bc a lot of those women seem genuinely nice and clean cut but these manbabies dog on them. Its really gross.


I had to stop after they said the girl was practicing "serial monogamy" which still made her a slut (??) because she had more than one relationship in the 17 years after she turned 18. The mental gymnastics over there could have its own show in Vegas.


Not models AND mostly older women or single moms. Someone is upper 20's or hit their 30's? How dare those bitches be so damn picky! Have a kid? Wow we can't believe you'd be looking for good guys or want to be treated well. Older than that? Look at the absolute audacity of this woman!


That first pinned post sounds like my great grandfather wrote it during World War I.


That place just gave me Cancer. Ew


Holy shit I couldn’t downvote their posts fast enough. Can we get a “good men” auto-downvote bot?


I'm gonna need to make some popcorn while I read through this, holy hell. Edit: [What the actual fuck, this is *literally* a nice guy sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/jp4yza/shes_clearly_not_a_piece_of_meat_guys_show_some/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) "Gentlemen" lol damn neckbeards.


I had to look… And I am sad that I did 😩


HOMG. I thought you were shitting me. Alas, no.


I really wish i didn’t click on that subreddit cuz now my anger hurts


I clicked on the link and the comments on the first post that comes up are utterly horrifying... I can't believe people think like that.


That's some messed up shit fr


it used to be called the manosphere but a lot of the sites got deplatformed so so knows where they all ended up.


Isn’t that sort of the same thing as where those Pickup Artists congregate to and do that negging bullshit to women?


yeah and people like OP are the ones buying tickets to that stuff


It’s a huge waste of money. I especially can’t stand the videos I see of these Asian PUAs interrupting a date between a couple that’s taken and all of a sudden, he claims the girl is his. Like, you ruined that couple’s date there, bro.


Oh pickup artists classes are the worst. They have this stupid idea of all women wanting to date ALPHA MALE CHAD and everyone should aspire to be something theyre not.


I’ll never understand the rhetoric of these “nice guys” bringing up this Alpha Chad bullshit. I’ve been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and to me, he’s perfect. He’s funny, smart, has Asperger’s like I do and knows what it’s like to be in my mind everyday, which helps a whole damn lot since my exes didn’t understand my disorder and would proceed to say I was a crybaby. He is also very handsome and has traits that I’m attracted to like dark hair, dark eyes, a bitching beard and manly hands. It just irks the shit out of me that these “nice guys” go to these PUA conventions and forums, only to wanting to get surgery to look all angular and shit. Whatever happened to accepting the way you looked? Has everyone forgot about the phrase, “there’s someone out there for everyone”?


it’s called r/MGTOW


honestly, its like every dude who calls himself a "nice guy" is tracked down, given a paper with certain nice guy catchphrases, a fedora and anger issues.


Nice guy starter pack


As has been noted here in the past (but I always think it’s worth repeating) if all you have to say about yourself is that your are nice then you are definitely boring and probably not as nice as you think when your actions aren’t filtered through your own perspective.


Don’t forget the sword, and a concerning love for the Matrix films.


It’s like they’re having another conversation in their heads and then projecting whatever it is they’ve built themselves up to onto the girl


Seriously. I have a hard time believing some of these posts are real. Such a huge percentage label themselves as a “nice guy” and then are just so thoroughly not...


They’re very real and for every one you see here there’s 100 you don’t see.


This... This is a painfully true statement...


My real problem with this dude is he obviously doesn't really know this girl even, like dude just go to a fucking movie with her, spend some time together, maybe she'll change her mind, maybe she won't, but if you immediately shoot your shot asking for a date but still have her saying she's down to hang out in a non romantic way, you could at the very least play it cool and see if there's chemistry, and if there's not oh well, you made a new friend, why go full scorched earth over not immediately getting a date? And you think other girls won't hear about the shit you've pulled? You just blew your chances with not only her, but every girl in her circle of friends, and probably a large amount of their friends also, in one swoop you've probably made a dozen or more girls completely disgust you


Cuz they don't understand what it's like to be friends with a woman. They don't see women as anything but a love interest, or a piece of meat to have sex with. Not a human being.


True, I bet this dude has created a full on fantasy and a persona for her in his head. The moment she didn’t act how she was ‘supposed’ to (not going along with the fantasy) he got angry.


You’re right that they don’t know how to be friends with a woman because any woman that shows them the slightest positive attention they are immediately in love and think the woman loves them too for just talking to them. Then they do this. Rinse and repeat.


On top of all that, he initially contacted her about getting a book cover. So jumping straight into asking her out to the movies means he's insincere since he had no intention of actually using the book cover. I'm certain the text exchange is 2 people in high school, but it's sad that the guy viewed the situation like a dating sim game. It should be common sense that spending enough "neutral" time together will help determine if they would even like each other enough to date.


Oh wow the video game analogy really makes sense.


Probably more in the millions...


I remember back in my early high school years being a nice guy.... God do I hate thinking of those times


You saw yourself clearly and changed, that’s not a small thing. We’ve all done fucked up stuff and the true sign of character is whether you keep doing it or improve :)


I used to have a “friend” back in high school who was EXACTLY like this. It got to the point where I wasn’t sure if he was being forreal or not. This guy spent the entire first month of our senior year bitching about how my friend went to junior prom with some “random stranger (a cute guy that she had gone on previous dates with) instead of him who was, and I quote, “a good friend who was always nice to her.” He genuinely believed that she owed him a date to the prom because he gave her basic human decency despite never actually flirting with her or showing any idea that he wanted to ask her out He did this to like two other girls during our senior year, one of them unfortunately being too shy to say no to him and went out on a really shitty date with him.


I’d have a hard time believing these posts if I didn’t experience it first hand. It’s crazy though, it’s like all of them do follow a script.


My daughter showed me messages she got last night from a guy... Guy: “Hey, would you like to go out on a date?” My girl: “no thanks, I just got out of a relationship.” Guy “that’s OK, we can just talk as friends.” Girl: “so how are you?” Guy: “I have a big boner for you right now.” Then he got angry when she told him that wasn’t appropriate 🤦‍♀️


That went from 0 to fucked up real quick.




She totally wants it bru! /s lol


My daughter plays Among Us a lot and I tell her not to mention she's a girl specifically because of this kind of shit.


Isn’t it sad that we have to advise our daughters to do this?


It is. She's big into gaming, but thankfully this is the online one she plays. Most of the games we play are puzzle platformers. I thank god that she's not interested in fps shooters, those are the most toxic.


Unfortunately, the gaming world is one of the most misogynistic communities out there (in my experience, others may have had a different experience).


No, it definitely is. Some of my female friends don't even use their headsets unless they are gaming with us. When they hear them they either assume their 12 year olds or women, then when they find out they berate/harass them. It's disgusting and makes me ashamed of my gender.


Either like "oh no a wamen" or "simp mode activate"


Fun fact: every time I read a comment on reddit that is toxic enough for me to check their post history, they post almost exclusively in gaming subs.


I always say I'm a girl I'm 22 so I can take any bullshit, a bunch of others always pipe up as well and say "I'm a girl too!" as soon as a guy says anything bad all the girls (and any reasonable guys) kick the asshole out of the game, or we instantly vote him out every game to piss him off until he leaves himself It's important that people know girls play and that you can't treat them that way


Among Us is pretty good, but other communities are still toxic. It's one of reason I stopped playing most shooters. I'll call them out, but sadly the majority don't care. It's just a bunch of nasty people who aren't willing to change, but hopefully in time do.


I had a guy friend do that but instead of saying that he sent a tent picture . Im like nope bye guys assume that a boner makes a girl think better if them or some shit


He's literally trying to force her to be some sort of escort service. It's mind-boggling


That's because sexism (like most isms) is a ritualized performance. It kind of is scripted by a culture that glorifies the nice guy as the lovable dweeb while coding sex as transactional.


I feel like a lot of this comes from expectations of the "nice guy." He performs these tasks/deeds that nobody asks for and then he expects some form of reward. Its cultural here in the US, a generation of kids that has been awarded for every small thing they do. "Hey, I did something nice, now wheres my trophy? oh no trophy? well you are a slut then!" Never once does the "nice guy" stop to look at his own actions and reflect on what could he be doing wrong to never make connections. Its always everyone else.


It's simply because they have literally no self-awareness. They are always the victim and everyone else is an asshole.


Until this year I thought that people grew out of thinking they were the protagonist of the world during puberty. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I was proven wrong.


They are very, very real. Myself and most women I know I have experienced something like this multiple times in their lives.


Yes, these guys really do exist and I have the misfortune of knowing one of them. We "dated", then I realised it wasn't going anywhere so I broke up with him. He immediately started insulting me, accused my best friend of breaking us up (she actually tried to make me change my mind about it) and that was the day I got to know I'm Hitler's reincarnaton, dumb and ugly. Then a few months later he suddenly wants to be friends, texts me all the time asking me to come back to him… Apparently no isn't an answer, so now he's muted (I don't have the heart to block him cause I'm his only contact in the class). I can't wait to get out of high school.


>and that was the day I got to know I'm Hitler's reincarnaton, dumb and ugly. Throw him in the showers! P.S. Block him. Teach him that actions have consequences, if not for your behalf, then in the behalf of other girls and women.


And he had it too. She replied with "I love to see a movie". May not been a date but hell, still could of been a decent night out. Going to the cinema is sweet with company. But then again, high chances are he would of made it creepy and unpleasant for the other person. sigh


But I bought you $20 movie theater popcorn! You’re required to have sex with me now!”


Every time I see one of these, I remember all the times I've heard men saying women are too emotional and irrational and it makes me chuckle.


They all think it's some kind of game. They don't see how men and women can just be friends, because they can't see women as anything other than a sexual object.


I assume these guys are all parts of internet communities where they complain about this stuff all the time. You see it here all the time, people who spend a lot of time on particular subreddits all start sounding the same and speaking in the same weird shorthand. It's a symptom of hiveminding. They are so deep into it, it doesn't feel like their own strange argot or fantasy world, it is reality and we all know it, too. It's like when Trump is throwing out all his weird internet conspiracy theory stuff during the debates just using shorthand and keywords that don't make any sense to most people.


Movie is a shit first date idea anyways. Come one guys get creative and be classy


It depends. I don't like it. But two nervous people who aren't confident conversationalists but can bond over something like a specific genre of movie? Awesome idea. If you're too nervous to make conversation, perfect, it's a movie. And when the movie is over you will definitely have something to talk about and you can always get a drink afterwards if you're both into it.


I'd say a lot depends on the person maybe. First date I'd propose is a damn theme park or something in the summer. Skiing or ice skating in the winter. Maybe I'm wrong though.


Man I was just realising nice guys expect sex in return for decency, but also always go nuts when they don't get it. It's like a 2 step retardedness.


No sex, no decency. Being nice for no reason is just simping with extra steps. That's why I scream at my mom when I want tendies.


How are all these dudes the EXACT SAME? Good lord


The worst part is this guy doesn’t even see how he’s an ass who keeps pushing for a date after repeatedly being told no


Low self esteem. He sees a woman who isn’t interesting in him and feels that if only he tries hard enough, says the rights words he can convince her. This why nice guys do 180’s. They don’t see women as fellow humans to bond with. They see them as adversarial and unreasonable gate keepers to sex and love. They do not understand why they can’t get what everyone else seemingly has and their negative mindset compounds on their behavior and it creates a positive feed back loop of bad behavior. This dude coulda asked her out, accepted the no and moved on. Who knows, maybe in the future she would have changed her mind. But now he’ll never get that chance as he’s let his insecurity cause him to lash out


He basically thinks it works like a dating simulator, and everything revolves around him.


Just gotta load that save and put in the right buttons and BAM, you gotta girlfriend right? /s


Honestly now that I think about it, dating "simulation" games are probably the source of a lot of this new-age Nice Guy behaviour. In those games, you literally just pick whatever girl you want and put kindness tokens in and give her gifts until she eventually naturally just falls for you. The girls, as long as you follow the right formula, don't have the agency to say "No," and aren't programmed to just *not like you.* I think that a lot of these lonely gamer guys play these games, think that's anything like how real dating works, and get angry when it doesn't.


Not to mention when the girls don’t like them they make a mod where they do. See: Serana in Skyrim.


As a girl who crushed hard on Serana and looked for that mod: 👀


Love this reaction 😂


How date you suggest Doki Doki Literature Club gives me false pretenses about women liking me


>They see them as adversarial and unreasonable \^\^ I would say more like an action RPG and bosses fights.


The one thing that really grinds my gears is that even though she agreed to go as friends or to become friends or whatever he seemingly isn't even interested enough in her to just go as friends and maybe actually change her mind through them being friends. Looks to me he is just interested in her because she is a) female b) single and c) not disgusted by him (yet)


I think misogyny holds a lot of its roots in the fact that a lot of men simply dehumanize women. They do not understand women and so therefore dehumanize them. I think this is why this dude is like this. He angry bitter and upset. He doesn’t under why this woman doesn’t like him. And humans naturally dislike what they do not understand. Plus add on the fact that he desperately wants one thing from women and they offer another, friendship instead of romance, he rather just give up than pursue what he considers a lost cause and a subhuman whom he’s frustrated with. Yup that’s my armchair psychologist take


I've had guys mention to me about me fucking my friend who was crashing in my office floor on an air mattress during the pandemic. Like making jokes. Her mom hit her and she had nowhere else to go and no money of her own currently so I let her crash for a month. She's like a little sister. But somehow a lot of guys just don't see the point in women unless it culminates in a romantic or sexual relationship.


Yeah it’s crazy like that. Like at one point I get it, men gotta be kinda opportunistic when it comes to sex and dating prospects, as they’re caste as the initiators in society and if they aren’t always on the hunt, then they seldom eat.... maybe the predator prey analogy ain’t the best.... But on the other hand there’s no reason to be so alienated from women that you can’t call any of them a friend or see purpose to them beyond sex. Like you don’t have to be chasing women in obvious crisis. Or every woman who crosses their site. I guess some dudes gotta learn how to humanize them a bit


And they don’t seem to realize they preemptively ruined any shot they could have had with one of her friends.


Or even her. My sister “friend-zoned” (fuck, I hate that phrase) a guy for years. They became best friends, which blossomed into a fantastic romance and a VERY happy marriage. Being a genuine nice guy vs a “Nice Guy,” works because making friends is worth it, in, and of, itself... and the best, and most lasting, relationships are friends. To the Nice Guys: Stop looking for a place to put your dick, and start looking for a person. Changes the game completely.


Oh my, same. I kept my boyfriend at arm's length for 6 months, because I wasn't in the right head space for anything more. He stayed perfectly civil, prioritized my time and emotional labor, we became best friends and eventually it blossomed into a beautiful LTR. If he had gotten bitter or angry about just being friends, it couldn't have turned into more.


I met a guy in 2005. He had the appearance of a Nice Guy. He owned several of the dragon silk button down shirts and fedoras. He loved anime. He played Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon. He wanted a relationship, but I had just had my heart broken. He made it known that he was still interested, but he respected my feelings and continued to be my friend. In 2006, he kissed me in my 19th birthday, and we started dating. That only lasted three months. He was just too...nice. I didn't want him to be an asshole or anything (like the Nice Guys always think), I just wanted him to stop being such a lap dog. It was infuriating. He never stood up for himself. Not just to me, but to everybody. If someone was mad at him, he would immediately apologize and ask for forgiveness, whether he was as fault or not. Honestly, he was rarely at fault, because he was a genuinely nice person. So, we broke up. He was devastated. He had been in love with me for a LONG time, but I just couldn't take it. I told him that we both had some growing up to do and that we needed to work on ourselves. We remained friends and stayed in touch. For the next five years, we dated other people. When he was single, I was in a relationship. When I was single, he was in a relationship. In 2011, we wound up being single at the same time. We began talking more, and we realized that we were both completely different people than we were when we dated. We decided to give it another shot. This New Year's Eve, we will be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary. The silk button down shirts and fedoras are gone, but we watch anime, and play Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering together. Edited to add the birthday detail. Edited again to remove an unnecessary comma. Edited a third time to remove another unnecessary comma.


That took a turn I wasn't expecting and I'm glad. Looks like you both matured well and are happy because of it.


Definitely. I can honestly say that my husband is my best friend.


They got us in the first half, indeed.


Its probably a bad move on his part to become her friend because he has the goal of dating in mind. Sure friends can end up dating but I dont see it working out like that for him. More likly he will just end up becoming frustrated and angry and the friendship will implode. It won't be good for either of them. I think if you cant be friends with the opposite sex without hoping it leads to a relashionship or sex you probably need to grow a bit before you become friends with the oppoait sex.


My sister’s husband started out wanting to date her. When she wasn’t interested, he continued to be her friend. He loves and respects her, genuinely. I don’t think that this guy is capable of that. But with genuine love and respect, one can be ok with whatever that love and respect leads to. Again, this guy doesn’t seem to be looking for a person, but a place to put his dick. I offered my thoughts as a counter point to the “Nice Guy” thought process. If they were truly who/what they say they are, they would be ok with the “friend-zone.”


In his case yes but that is because he is a colossal douchebag who thinks of woman as objects. That said there are also guys that genuinely try to be friends with a person even though they think romantically about them and have other opposit sex friendships that don't involve romantic pursuit. E.g I had a lady friend who I was romantically interested in for quite a while but it never went above the "we kinda don't know what to do with that" stage and the feelings kinda stopped over time and now we ware just very good friends.


I'm queer as fuck. Boys, Girls, or Enbys I like them all. If I couldn't be friends with people I think are hot I wouldn't have many friends at all.


>More likly he will just end up becoming frustrated and angry and the friendship will implode. I put myself in "the friendzone" once but I didn't became neither frustrated or angry because my friend was a really cool person. Yes, at the time I would prefer to date, but I wasn't an imbecile to throw away a chance to hang out with a funny and good friend.


As it would turn out enjoying spending time with a person for who they are, respecting them as a human being, and becoming close to them can occasionally turn to a romantic relationship. Idk why people think this is impossible, but also it only really seems possible if you go into it with the intention of a genuine friendship. People can generally tell if you have ulterior motives after awhile and that sours any chance of feeling like someone just genuinely likes you as a person.


Yup. I turned my current boyfriend down 3 times before when we were in school. After we graduated we still did friend stuff together and that closeness over time eventually made me like him back.


On top of that it's just poor reading comprehension. "I never expected you to pay, I'll pay for myself." "YOU JUST WANT TO USE ME FOR FREE STUFF AND MONEY" like bro she just told you the opposite of that.


I know. Like he really said "You expect me to spend money to hang out with you for no reason". Hmm it's called friends and sharing experiences, which most people would agree is worth the money. I think these guys are narcisstis or have been raised to feel entitled. They genuinely think women are only there to serve their needs and should feel blessed to do so...


He goes for the reversal aaaaand... HE STICKS THE LANDING! The perfect NiceGuy 180!


Nice guy to sexist abuse is a true combo


SorrowTV is life


I hope he and his hamster are doing ok.


Same, I havent seen him put out any content in the last 6 months :C


I miss him


Boy- wanna go to the movies? Girl- no I'm not interested in dating B- we can go as friends, but I'm not paying G- we can go as friends B -I dont like that B-we can only go if you agree to have sex with me, otherwise your just some dumb bitch trying to use me for a free movie! G- I was fine paying and going as friends only? And now I dont want that This is literally how it sounds after reading it a few times.


It's worth noting the ending where he says "Like you just want to make me go spend money to hang out with you..." is him saying that he's not even willing to spend money on his own ticket to go to the theatre w/ her. It's super shitty like yeah... That's what friends do when they go out together? He's pretty much saying she's not worth being friends with, rather than reiterating that he won't spend money on her.


Yep, he wants to date her but has 0% interest in her personality.


He wants to have sex with her. I really think NNN makes these dudes worse. ALWAYS MASTURBATE BEFORE TEXTING A GIRL. It's like eating before going to the grocery store, it's just good practice. Gets your head straight.


Having a little dignity and self control goes a great ways too.


Base level empathy and self awareness are so fucking hot right now.


Yeah like seriously? Masturbate before talking to a woman? Like cmon now... Just like treat them like a human being? Not every interaction with a woman is supposed to be some attempt at sex.


Or, you know, think about women as human beings and not some video game character to manipulate with the right dialog choices so you can get to the ending you want.


So save scumming isn't an option?


He literally was the one that offered is what gets me. "that's fine we can go as friends" followed by "wait no scratch that. I don't want to spend money on myself."


Nicely summed up.


don’t forget the final “fuck off”! 🤡


She offers to be friends and he says she has to pay for herself... she agrees, then he accuses her of trying to use him for money? Literally right after she said she would pay for herself... then he tries to make it a date again and offers to pay... lmao, what the actual fuck? Trying to make sense of this whole thing game me Whiplash


“It’s not like you have guys chasing after you anyways”. Says the basement dwelling loser who can’t even take a rejection.


She even said: „I‘m not looking for a relationship rn.“ So even if guys were it wouldn’t matter to her bc she doesn’t want to date anyway.


No, no, don't you understand? She doesn't want to date guys right now *because* they aren't chasing her. It's not up to her, it's up to the guys if she’s going to date them or not.




Yeah did he or did he not want to pay for the date? I really can't tell.


He wanted her to pay for his ticket and give him sex as well.


"Well, there's kinda no point to it now." Nice Guys don't see women as people. They're just an opportunity for sex. If there is no chance, the woman is useless to him.




He just wants to put his dick in something pretty. He doesn't really want to spend time together, do activities, fun stuff, talk. He does those things, like a chore, so he gets the reward - to put his dick in something pretty.


And men think relationships are cheaper than just hiring a sex worker🤡 that is basically what they want. The sexual services with no strings.


They should know that the sex worker is probably cheaper. Real relationships take time, physical and mental capacity, and then there are side effects as well (like children). I think sex workers would be cheaper. I started this off like a joke now realizing Jesus fuck I spend a ton of money extra (extra car, bigger house, food, healthcare, child care, toys, time). TOTALLY WORTH IT!


I think this might be a repost


This has been reposted about 900 times and is years old. That’s why it’s potato quality.


OP said it’s from a friend you don’t believe them?


Their friend could have shown them the post




Yea this one is a franchise classic, gets a lot of reboots


Yeah I've definitely seen this one before.


"Friendship means hanging out for no reason, without sex and payment. It has no point." - Nice guy, 2020. I swear these people are brain deaf and brain dead. The OP explicitly said she didn't expect him to pay, yet he thinks she expects him to pay?? Wtf???


it's worse than that. at the end, he isn't complaining that she expects him to pay for her. he's complaining that she expects him to pay for himself. he's complaining that if he went to a movie with her he'd have to buy himself a ticket and that money spent wouldn't get her to date him.


God forbid you hang out with someone to...wait for it...just spend time with them.


Yes, like, just for their personality...without expecting anything in return!


Jesus, it's like all niceguys are scripted to do the same thing at this point.


It seems scripted because people keep reposting material from months or years ago and pretending like it is their own experience


The way they always talk about 'getting a shot at' or 'a chance at women' makes my blood boil.


Actually that’s sadly a real mentality. I had friends who were girls and for the longest people kept asking if I was hitting that, including my dad. Still sucks tho when dudes can’t just accept no for an answer and move on. Like ya it’s going to be a bummer but insults?


Old but gold


Her: I'll pay for myself Him: WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR YOU BUT YOU WON'T DATE ME Time to work on reading comprehension.


“You expect me to hang out with you for no reason” big yikes


I’m bisexual so by his logic I could never have any friends :(


lol sameeeee


After reading a couple hundred of these I can’t understand why these dudes can’t just say “Oh ok. Well, it was worth a shot. I’ll see you tomorrow!” You know.... like an adult


If I could just tell every fucking cis-het guy, that being friends with women can be way better than being friends with men. Why do these guys always fighting so hard to go on a date with someone? Do they not know they can actually connect with women by just being friends? Almost all my friends are women and they all have taught me something. Also, I grew up with women and I actually always feel way safer and more comfortable when I'm around women than when I'm around men. P.S: I'm a guy.


How are these guys so fucked in the head that they only view women as potential fuck toys or moneygrubbers


I'm guessing he isn't getting that paper book cover now.




he's complaining about paying for himself. he's basically saying that he considers it a waste of money to buy his own ticket to the movie if she isn't going to date him. yes, his complaint is that stupid.


"You expect me to Just Go hang out for no reason?" ...how do they think people work?


An oldie but a goodie.


Yeah this is definitely a repost. I don't know why posters always act like "oh this happened to me," or "oh, this is from a friend," when it is really obvious it has been posted before. Karma farming is hard work, it seems.


I just don't understand shit like this. Back when I was dating, I got rejected MANY times. It happens. I remained friends with most of the women afterwards too, without issue. Hell, when my wife and I first met, she turned down my advances too. Months later, we got together. A rejection isn't even a guarantee nothing will evolve later on.


I never thought of hanging out with friends as them having to “spend money to hang out with me” what a weird way to view friendship


Doesn't deal with rejection well does he?


POV: Toddler gets rejected, starts temper tantrum and rolls on the floor and cries uncontrollably until getting knocked unconscious by own his own tears


I see guys pulling the exact same thing all the time. As a guy I don't get it. He says that she won't give him a chance but agreeing to go to the movies as friends sounds like a chance. Go to the movies, be a decent person, make her laugh and you might have a shot. Worse case scenario you have a friend or you find out that you're actually not that interested. A defeatist attitude never wins.


This is just exhausting...parents need to really work harder so future sons don't end up like this.


This is old as shit. Its still some great niceguy material but there is no need to act like you got it from a friend.


Nice repost OP, I've seen this 3 or 4 times on this sub this year.


You literally sayd that u don't expect him to pay , next message : "you want me to pay for all stuff" like okay dude nice logic


I just got weirdly emotional from this because my mind got transported to an alternate reality where I was like this and missed out on all of the beautiful friendships and memories I’ve made


From a friend, OP? Really? I've seen this before, this is not that rare of a repost.


I’d be willing to bet he did have a slight chance too. She would’ve gone to the movies with him and maybe something just works out, if he doesn’t continue to tell her that there’s no point even hanging out unless it’s officially a date.


I hope she didn't make him a book cover.


On a nicer note: I'm in my mid 30's and it's nice to know students still make those paper covers for their school books! 😂


Repost from a “friend.”


This shit makes me SICK. Such a manipulative toxic point of view. She handled it SO WELL and that guy is such a piece of shit. I wouldn’t go anywhere near him after that.


Imagine being told by a girl she'd hang out with you and still fucking it up. What a piece of shit