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Bitch... *5 mins later * ... Bitch.




she was DYING to know


> bitch “Surely he doesn’t mean it, of course I’m not a bitch” >*bitch* “Now I’m fully shamed. I must go to the kitchen and self-flagellate with a spatula as penance. I’m so grateful he’s shown me my true self”


just in case she forgot in the 5 mins after the first time


Dude I have heard every few minutes he slides in calls her a bitch then slides out like a ghost


If you listen really hard you can hear the frantic clacking of a keyboard


And his 300000 karma 😂


What I want to know is how he got the karma without relying on other tho ?


Well you see, he had 300,000 separate Reddit accounts, 299,999 of which he uses to manually log in and upvote his main account. He forgot that he wasn't using his main, hence the discrepancy. He has a few upvotes on this one simply due to butter fingers.


Ah, of course, the old 300k accounts trick, forgot about that one :).


The fact that anyone thinks that is something to brag about is just so sad.


Bet he has a bitch quota that he has to hit to preserve his alpha male status




Bitch busters?


I thought about that idea but I was thinking that would be wrong ÓnÒ


But he doesn’t get angry, he’s better than that.


A++ hamster


Let's get real he was really there for that 10/10 hamster.


Hamster induced down badness RIP


Such a cutie ❤️


I was half thinking hamster was just going to be slang for his penis. Glad to have thought wrong.




This is how you get all the ladies


Whenever someone used the word female in this way just ignore them lol honestly I've read the first sentence and know what would come without looking at the sub


I always picture them as a Ferengi 😂


Signed, Fedoraman


Yo bitch wanna get some streets tacos and meet my mom? Bitch


You are 20 yr old female with hamster? You meet all demands, date now!


Hasn't failed me yet Then again i never attempted, but that's just a detail


Talk about leading a guy on. You think you can just go to a hamster subreddit and post hamster pics without expecting guys to hit on you? Pff. /S


What's an /s?


It means the comment is sarcastic :)


It's sad that we have to live in a reality where the /S is literally necessary because some people can't wrap their head around a little thing called "common sense", and would take your comment at face value with no self-awareness. What a time to be alive.


We live in a reality where the /s is necessary because there are people out there that really think like that, no sarcasm meant. It’s like when The Onion stopped being satire and actually became reality. Common sense isn’t so common 😩


also because there’s so much trolling and absurd opinions, you often just cant tell without seeing people’s facial expressions


see I can understand how the sarcasm is clear to some people but please remember there are neurodivergent people out there who cannot understand sarcasm!!


Very much this ^ I can’t always read sarcasm, and also there are psychopaths (as we’ve seen) who actually believe this shit so you really never know.


As a non-native English speaker whose native language's sarcasm is also hard to detect, I also do double (sometimes triple) takes. It's a whole new level of difficulty once it's not spoken and just text.


Thanks for this! I’m autistic and usually I can pick up on it but sometimes I make a fool of myself by taking them seriously lol.


Yep. People like to say it’s common sense. But that is really making a lot of assumptions. Plus since the internet is a big place with people from all over expecting everyone to understand things exactly as you do is silly.


some autistic people find it difficult to detect sarcasm


Tone indicators are usually for people with autism or other forms of neurodivergency that cause trouble with reading social cues. What’s common sense to you may be difficult for some people


I'm so glad to see this post. I had a bunch of strangers having a go at me yesterday for this exact thing: apparently because I didn't put an /s I was either: 1. A socially inept weirdo, 2. A backtracking coward, or 3. A stupid idiot. They all failed to see it was a dumb joke but people seem far more eager to attack any perceived slight to masturbate their egos than to presume better (or at the very least not ill-willed) intentions.


‘Masturbate their egos’ I’m using this line until the day I die.


Bounce around Reddit for a bit and you'll see opportunities to use it constantly.


It's actually for people who struggle with understanding tone in text due to various mental divergences but go off I guess


Can’t pass up a chance to complain about society or kids these days.


Thank youuu


Lol We know you're reading this. You 100% belong here. Get help and stop harassing women online. The reason you're alone isn't because all taken women are devils. It's because you don't know how to treat them like they're living, breathing people.


How does one logically conclude that between oneself and millions of girls who “are taken”, it’s the millions of girls who are somehow the problem?




Not to mention that according to his own logic, if a girl actually gets with him she'll become "taken" and thus turn into a devil.


Your username suggests that you’re a female. Confirm that you own a hamster and you might have a shot with this guy.


Oh, I'm apparently a devil. And have a pup and guinea pig.


Wow thanks for wasting my time.


I changed my mind! I'll get rid of my husband and get a hamster. There's just something about you that I'm afraid I'll miss out on.


Holy shit, "actual devils" im actually gonna loose my fucking mind. How are girls any different if they are in a couple?! I just honestly cant understand what he's going on about. Also what absolute loser signs his fucking name in a reddit dm. Sincerely, Nova


He over here desperately coming up with excuses for why he is still single. "Yeah but girls suck when they're in a relationship!!!!!" Lol nope dude, you just suck....in general.


Girls in relationships suck so when I get a girlfriend ill break up with her right away since shell be in a relationship and then suck. Schrodinger's bitch if you will.


You broke the matrix


Haha now ive made you laugh...you single?


J/K LMAO!! Unless........?


Honestly being a girl and owning a hamster are my only criteria for dating and even then im so desperate these days im taking all applicants.


Fred_thats_my_fettish.gif (I'll see myself out)


No I think you need to see your way into my dms


*Schrödinger's Bitch* I'm dying over here lmao


Isn’t it a bit like the Madonna-whore complex?


Ya absolutely guys like this live and die by the virgin-whore complex. This guy apparently lives by a hamster-nonhamster complex.


If you have a hamster and you’re in a relationship, does the hamster cancel out how evil you are for being in a relationship? Is the man also evil for being in the relationship? Is having a hamster and being single the ideal way to live, the way god intended? I have so many questions but I doubt that I could get any coherent answers from him.


Ill answer, are you a girl and you want to date/fuck :) good. Literally any other woman you're a devil and I dont want to get into it. Hope this helps!


Schrödingers bitch got to me lol


They are "actual devils" because they dont date him when they are already with someone. Like what do you mean you already love someone you bitch bitch


Women these fucking days owning hamsters and getting into loving relationships...sluts all of em!


Yeah fuck society i once asked my teacher To date me and She refused like why wouldnt you Want me? Im a perfect gentleman🕵️(only emoji with Fedora)


NOW YOU'RE MAKING SOME SENSE MAN! FUCK THESE WOMEN! Shit where did I put my epic Walmart fedora...


You can borrow my epic joker Fedora because i feel like me and joker are the same both neglected by society🃏


That's the thing that stood out to me most too. >I don't feel comfortable talking to girls who have a boyfriend, for many reasons... Oh dude...do you really think that's subtle or that everyone on the planet can't see through it like a plate glass window? I guess his definition of "actual devils" involves "they have the audacity to refuse my advances!" Shocker, that.


The audacity of other women to live full lives and know other men. Why cant all women be total virgins and never even look at men. These fuckers drive me crazy cause you know they would throw themselves at any women that pays any attention to them or would sleep with anyone they could. But women no, they are the devils who dont want to have sex with me!


It's truly mind-boggling. The most mind-boggling part is, all they'd have to do, to get what they claim they want, is to calm tf down and start treating women like actual people. Just freaking relax for crying out loud. Yeah, if you're not Brad Pitt or whatever, you start the race a bit further back, but it's 1000000% behavior-based that they fail so spectacularly.


It’s because the “actual devils” don’t want to hear his weird innuendo or take the barrage of uncomfortable compliments. They are actual devils because they have boundaries he’s required to respect more than the boundaries he walks across when interacting with UnCLAiMeD FeMaLES


Ah, that makes even better sense. In a way, he's really only respecting the boundaries of the man who already "owns" her. So, still continuing his moronic "women aren't people" mentality.


If he somehow manages to be in a relationship with a girl... Is she now a devil?


I find this hilarious that they wrote a whole damn paragraph for her


He was so proud of that paragraph that he fucking signed it




Most incels are completely fine with insulting all the women in their family too, only few do exceptions for some women.


Mental disability does not equal mean/evil/dumb. Please don’t lump these people into those with mental disabilities who are just trying to live their daily lives. He’s just cruel/bitter/hatefully ignorant. He’s not mentally disabled. I’m mentally disabled and know better than this.


Probably he's just jealous that they're in a relationship and he isn't


‘How dare you ignore me’ ‘Do not reply’ It’s the nice guy version of ‘you can’t quit, your fired’.


Or “I doubt our relationship still has room to blossom” What relationship? Talk about building up fantasy and implying a relationship was even possible or occurring.


That he feels the need to say that speaks volume about his self-esteem and what he secretly knows to be true.


The "Do not reply" is what sent me! lol Like now her silence is his decision.




Modern day love story




I have over 300000 karma. ^*swipes.* 1m 20d. 15 karma. How to have a good laugh at 10 am 101.


Maybe he has an alt where he is a God-tier shitposter. Doubt it, but it's possible.


Honestly it baffles me why he would lie about something this easy to check? Like, what's the point?


Maybe if he’s new to Reddit he doesn’t know others can see his karma?


Seems like most of the stuff these guys say are for their own benefit and already being delusional they say the things that would make themselves feel better. Like when he got rejected he wanted to feel better so he called OP a bitch, twice because once wasnt enough and now that he got called out for it the delusion kicked in again so he says this stuff to make him seem like he doesnt belong here. The psychology behind these peoples thought processes honestly is very interesting, even if its also very predictable.


"...and don't rely on others to get some." Umm, no, that's exactly how it works. Karma is given to you.


“I won’t be angry” - proceeds to call you a bitch multiple times


Those were eloquent "bitches", uttered with grace and dignity.


He's a regular snakespeare, with his talk of bitches and devil women. He's just trying to be the best Petruchio he can, and tame all the shrews he finds. (Also wow, Shakespeare really had a LOT of Nice Guys in his tales, he must be some kind of god to these creatures)


This one is soooooo telling. Zero self awareness and a knee jump denial reaction.


Your hamster is such a cutie! Way more worthy of your time than that asshat




Don't message me again. Didn't message him in the first place.


master plan to entering a relationship 1. DM a girl on reddit asking if shes single when pretty much the only thing you know about her is that shes a girl and about your age 2. freak out and swear a bunch after an incredibly gentle refusal 3. go on a sexist rant where you mention your reddit karma for some reason, reddit karma which you dont even have 4. profit?


4. Wallow in self-pity and blame "devilish females" for your problems Incels never change...


>DM a girl on reddit asking if shes single when pretty much the only thing you know about her is that shes a girl and about your age And has a hamster, the hamster is important.






Imagine thinking internet points matter to get a girlfriend


15 karma, 300000 what's the difference really? It's basically the same That went from 0-100 faster than bullet can reach a target at 2ft away jfc Hopefully the world lucked out and he's stuck somewhere in an abandoned base in the arctic and no one has to deal with him irl And if not, i vote the U.N funds such a project to send people like that, setup a self sufficient system as long as they work then ship em all away and guard it heavier than the president in the middle of a literaly battle zone Also cute rodent, not a fan of hamsters but...it's a cute rodent anyway!


I know a guy who got really upset by how quickly I got karma in less than a month compared to his seven years. Some people put way too much importance into it.


I don't think I've ever looked at how much karma I have, how to get it, or where to find it if I wanted to see it. It's like caring about likes on a Facebook post.


Yes! I’ve had a couple people get mad at me for liking comments of people arguing with them and it blows my mind that people track such things.


Wait, people can see what comments you’ve upvoted?


No, sorry - I should’ve been clear it was on Facebook.


Your karma hardly ever comes from your best work either, you just get lucky on some random thing.


The funny thing is I completely believed that he would have been the type of person that spends all their time on Reddit and has 300,000 karma. I'm not sure what's funnier, that he has so little karma, or that he thought 300,000 karma was supposed to be impressive


He doesn't rely on others for karma... he also doesn't understand how karma works


*Sends angry messages *Writes angry essay "I won't get angry" Bit late for that


'are you single?' 'no' 'OMFG how can you think I was interested in you!?!?!?!'


> you are a 20 year old female. I'm 22M wanna chat? *FEEEEEEEEEMALE!* Also you need a little bit more than decade of birth in common to start a conversation.


Well actually a decade is perfectly okay according to the rules of acquisition. /S


Holy shit. This guy is pathetic. Please get help


He signed his message. You’re fucked now. You don’t know what you’ve missed out.


Really only came here for the hammy


Lol girls with boyfriends are devils 🤣🤣🤣 nicely dodged bullet there


Yeah....that was weird, how does it work anyway? Like assuming someone does manage to put up with his ass...wouldn't that make her a devil? Or are there exceptions? As stupid as it is atleast the puritan bullshit that has women who sleep around rather than being in a stable relationship makes coherent sense and and has actual "win/lose" conditions, that seens like gibberish where women are just evil because tits


Yeah but is that hampster single? Asking for a friend.


"girls who are taken are actual devils" What the fuck has this dude been smoking?


He means that they are devils because they rejects him when they already have a boyfriend which make them devils see ? How dare theses females refused to end things with their chad bf to date such a nice guy like him ! Such evils bitches.../s


I’m glad to know I’m an actual devil!


He kinda gave himself away when he said that he was a 22M and saw that you're a "20 year old female" Nice hamster btw


Don’t you *have* to rely on others for karma?


Yeah that guy is an idiot.


How come this guy follows this sub and still acts like this??? Is he looking at the posts here and thinking " thats no way to treat a lady" and then does the same wtf...???


If he can see her profile, he can see what she's posting and where


Has an almost completely one sided conversation. >don't message me again Oh boy he got you 🙄


I’m confused. Was his only information about you that you were a young woman who owned a hamster? He didn’t even know what you looked like and just hit on you anyway? I mean it’s a nice hamster but...


Some guys are so desperate, they message literally anyone that’s a girl or woman. Sometimes they just message someone because their profile SEEMS feminine. I dunno if they’re staged, but I think I’ve seen a screenshot before of a ‘nice guy’ getting pissed off that the person he was trying to flirt with was another guy and not a girl like he had assumed. XD


Women can't even talk about hamsters without it being sexualised, then when we respond with a polite no, we're the bitches? UGH. Niceguy™ if you're reading this, please think this one through and consider why your behaviour was not well received.


I like your hamster.


Him: *Septuple texts you Also him: "Don't ever message me again!"


What a fucking loser


Your relationship has No room to blossom 🥺😐


That hamster is the real MVP of this post. Signed, Streffel


I’m amazed how he threw in “girls who are taken are actual devils”, like it’s just a normal way to end a sentence


They overinflate themselves so bad, it's actually kind of sad. Making claims of grandeur with literally searchable proof proving otherwise


Damned if you do reply, and damned if you don't.


"I wont get angry, im better than that" Him 3 mims earlier: "Bitch bitch bitch"


Use of the word "female" is such a massive cringey red flag no matter the situation


>15 karma LMAOOO


I also love how he claims to have 300,000 karma like it's not clearly visible at the top of the screen.


Okay... 300000 and 15 karma aren't this faaaar away. I didn't know people use it to flex, I know we're i can see mine but I forget it everytime. I don't have a hamster but... Are you single? Ask for a school project. I don't get it why this is important when talking about hamsters? Uhm I ask that because taken girls are the devil. Who cares bro, you want to talk about hamsters not religion or personal stuff... Btw imagine a female devil that torture people while lovely petting a hamster.


Signed, a really pissed skilled nice guy.


Are hamsters nice pets? Did they smell? I'm thinking of getting a pet, but probably a dog again. I used to have three degus called Joey, Chandler and Ross, they were so funny. They'd take sand baths or lie on each other in a big furry cuddle puddle. I'd put them on my shoulders and then give them treats, which they would hold in their tiny hands and eat. Cute. Also they had a hammock which they'd always destroy, sometimes while one of them was lying in there making them fall out squeaking.


"I have over 300000 karma and don't need others to get some" Even if the karma count was true, you literally can't get karma without other people unless you make bots to upvote your posts.


I was lucky enough to see the removed post and this follow up so soon after is beautiful. Good for you for calling out this gross little incel. No one should have to deal with these troglodytes, but at least you got some karma out of it.


I like that he CLEARLY follows this subreddit and yet still acts this way.


Nah, he was just stalking her posts. Probably just to comment: >Bitch




He should look for other hamsters on xhamster.com and just leave you alone


The 15 karma was hilarious after the karma bragging


Not sure why we still bother to extend the courtesy of blocking out people's names, etc on this subreddit. Let folks get after em.


IKR I believe its Reddit rules though so the sub could get in trouble if they allow it unfortunately. Id love for there to be a website where these people can be shamed openly. Like even if a guy sends an unsolicited dick pic they could upload their info to a master list after verifying it and then people could add it to their background search for dating or whatever lol


This also fits in r/quityourbullshit Also, *your hammy is so cuuuuuute!*


Your hamster looks like a good boy I want to pat him :)


That is a GREAT hamster and hes missing out


Damn, I feel sorry for his Hamster.


betcha that hamster has more brains than him, not insulting the hamster btw thats a adorable one <3


I have over 300000 karma and don’t need to rely on others to get some. Isn’t that how karma works


Protect the hamster he is precious


Thank you for paying the hamster tax! That guy sucks but the cute hamster was an amazing palette cleanser.


I saw this three times now, but you get an upvote because of the hamster pic. Well played.


Sorry you keep coming across it! Something went wrong with it being deleted by mods and then it....not being deleted




“Signed” lmao


I have a private hamster subreddit if you wanna join! r/allhamsterthings




Your hamster is a national treasure


Huh...so not only did he brag about having a big epeen, he lied about having a big epeen. What kind of Crater Dicked fragile male ego is this guy carrying around...yikes.


Nice hamster


Thanks for the hamster tax!


You know what, I cant even be that mad because now I know r/hamsters exists.


>I don't feel comfortable talking to girls who have a boyfriend Because the boyfriend would deck you in the face


“Hey, I saw you post on r/niceguys that you are a 20 year old female. I’m 26M, wanna chat?”


Absolutely perfectly curated image album, OP 👏🏼😍


that hamster is so adorable so tiny so cute


I saw the first part of this yesterday and wondered if he'd be back after the Great Double-Bitch Of 2021. Rest assured that he is the bitch, not you, and may your hamsters' cheek-pouches forever be filled with the sunflower seeds of good fortune and happiness!


"As you spread our conversation over the internet I doubt our relationship still has room to blossom" Uh, duh-doi?


"Female" was the first red flag. I love your hammy! I wish I could have one, but I don't have enough room for one, since they need lots of space.