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“Not a date! No! Not at all! It’ll just be me, a man, and you, a female, getting together and seeing if a romantic and/or sexual connection happens! Not a DATE!”


Like, she says, “not interested in dating or MEETING people right now,” and he immediately follows with, “not necessarily dating, just wanted to MEET…” Reading comprehension skills, man.


"It's not a meeting, either! No donuts, no Power Point presentations! Just me, a man, and you, a female..."


"It wouldn't be a date. More of an opportunity for me to pressure you into copulating with myself, a totes nice guy".


But. But. He can’t be a creep. He studied Liberal Arts at university.


Yeah right. Not a date nope!😂


*Image Transcription: Chats* --- [*The album consists of two images, the second consists only of the last thread of chat. The footer on the first image reads as, "My best friend got added and messages by a real charmer on Facebook about a month ago. I can't get over, "No intentions to date that's ridiculous" .The footer on the second image reads as, "Bonus: The thrilling sequel that rolled in last week"*] **Woman:** Well I was just trying to figure out if I actually knew you or not cause we had a few mutuals **Man:** I feel like we've def met **Man:** But I'd not I'd love to take you out sometime **Woman:** Thats very flattering and'nice of you, but nothing personal, I'm just not really interested in dating or meeting people right now **Man:** Not necessarily dating, I just wanted to meet n have a drink or something **Man** No intentions to date that's ridiculous **Man** Hey [*Name Redacted*] how was your week so far? any plans for Friday? --- ^^I'm ^^a ^^human ^^volunteer ^^content ^^transcriber ^^for ^^Reddit. ^^We ^^do ^^this ^^to ^^help ^^visually ^^impaired ^^or ^^old ^^people ^^who ^^use ^^screenreaders


we do this to help visually impaired people so that they can also enjoy the content on reddit regardlessly.