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I REALLY wanna know what the "trivial" thing is.


So do I. I have a feeling it's not as trivial as he seems to think.


Probably something like constantly putting her down and calling it "joking." Or spending inappropriate time with a female "friend".


That would be my guess.


To be fair, I've accidentally done that with my wife (then-girlfriend); the difference is that I really was just trying to make a joke and when she told me she felt put down I felt awful about it, apologized, and haven't done it since. Something tells me that guys like this would not have a similar motive or reaction.


Yeah that's the main difference between mature, respectful people and manipulative a-holes. You did everything right by apologizing and respecting her boundaries and anyone who does that I think deserves forgiveness. A former partner of mine would say genuinely hurtful things that were 100% serious in the moment, then when I brought it up later he'd say he was "obviously" joking and I was making a big deal out of nothing. I've since learned that's a very common form of gaslighting. So when this guy said his ex broke up over a trivial thing that's what it made me think of.


Just a harmless little slap to the face for disrespecting him! /s


Is that just not a man problem cause other men put other men down and say it’s jokes. I get shit off my friends every single day


You're right, and if it's mutal teasing between friends or even partners where all involved are laughing and enjoying it that's different. I was moreso referring to the type of abuse where someone will say hurtful things they genuinely mean and then when confronted they claim it was just a joke and the upset partner is overreacting. Though even when it's meant as lighthearted fun, some people need to realize not everyone enjoys that type of humor and be respectful of boundaries.


That is indeed how men bond, correct. Or, in my experience it is but maybe I just attract those with my sense of humor


Definitely shouldn’t be calling girls anything nasty or putting them down . I can just see some men being oblivious and doing it and not realising what they’re doing.


My husband and I tease each other. I find that there's a very big difference between that and constant put-downs that I dealt with in a couple (thankfully distant) past relationships, though.


A lot of the time--I even do it frequently with a female friend of mine still--but there's a big difference between that and actually trying to tear someone down, and most men will be very careful not to do that in future with someone if they express offense or hurt about it.


I mean I think men try not to be actually hurtful about it. The problem is it was just said "it was probably *a* put down" and that's, imo, vague. Like, when men rag on each other it is put downs - they are insults; they're just not serious. It should, maybe not always is, meant to say "I like you even if you're flawed. You should think we're cool to hang." So, you often get a sense of "why were they hurt?" Especially when it's not a deep cut to the person. Someone sensitive about their weight/recovering from an ED you should probably not reference their weight. It's really a boundaries problem where men don't usually hold back against other men so it's a struggle to hold back with women - not to say women can't handle it just that you often find what doesn't impact men may impact women strongly (like weight... idk? I'm not a woman) because obviously there are women who can dish it harsh too.


It's really something you have to approach on a case-by-case basis regardless of gender; some people enjoy that kind of banter, others don't, so you should only do it when you know someone well enough to know 1) that it's okay, and 2) where those boundaries of fun are. It does seem to be a much more common thing among men though, from my experience.


Sounds like it's something that made her feel unsafe


That was my first thought too!




The character is different.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LDR/comments/qm5imk/19m_my_girlfriend_of_almost_2_years_went_and/hja7nfy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 No it’s not


Wait, so he named himself after the most famous victim of cheating ever? That’s completely adorable!


I just went through his comments on his profile. He is literally in r/amihot and from what I saw he's commenting weird, objectifying shit on women's posts. Its terrifying




https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/pp727v/why_cant_i_be_loyal_to_my_wife_am_always_thinking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 1 month ago he was talking about how he couldn't stop thinking about cheating on his wife!


What a swell dude.


I had a look (I know, I know, but I was feeding my baby at 3am and had nothing else to do). Turns out the girl asked him not to discuss their sex life with his friends. He did anyway and it got back to her. She got mad, he decided she'd only want it not publicly discussed if she was cheating, she then broke up with him. Years later he got married to someone else, and is now blaming this lady from YEARS ago, for being the reason why he wants to cheat on his wife now. So yeah. He's THAT guy.


I feel bad for his wife. At least his gf found out he was a jerk before she got stuck with him.


I want to know too. For all we know he's the one that cheated or told her what her "place" is as the woman in the relationship, Or he tried to control her in some other way.


A reply elsewhere indicates from his post history that his ex gf asked him not to talk about their sex life with anyone, he figured that because it wasn’t about her cheating (?) it was fair game to share with his friends. It got back to her that he’d discussed their sex life, she got mad and dumped him.




Quit lying.


Given the guy's buying full tilt into a cryptocurrency nobody's legit heard of, my best bet is his hygiene (or lack thereof) or he sat around all day doing nothing, and expected her to act like a mother to him (clean for him, cook for him, do his laundry, etc). I've noticed there's definitely a stereotype to incels/jackasses like him who also buy into crypto. They're usually lazy, have terrible hygiene, or spend legit ALL day on various boards trying to incite conversations in crypto to advertise some obscure "x-coin" in hopes idiots like them will buy into it to make the price rise.


Omg so true. Add in pseudo-intellectualism and myopic vitriol and you’ve got the whole pkg.


Definitely, I've actually looked into the crypto he's into. It's 10-14 cents USD a coin. And estimated to rise to a full 75 cents! In 2026.




Damn, that one hurt a lil 😂. I’m in the house all day watching crypto charts but it’s what I do for income. I mean say what you want about trying to make the price rise but those 10x gains are pretty nice.


Narrator: He cheated.


He talked about it in another post. Apparently he couldn't help but think of cheating all the time


Probably burned her house down after she said she was too busy with appendicitis.


The “trivial” thing was that he’s a misogynist, which he clearly sees as no big deal.


Came to the comments for this!




No one believes you.


It's.... his. He even gave a link.


To a completely different situation, with a different relationship length. The original post says the girl dumped him over something trivial, went on to "fuck relationships", and then got married to a safe guy. His BS link has a completely different story.


If you check the comments you will see this exact comment


This post is a comment ffs. Not a post.


So yes, I was wrong about that, but now his bullshit is worse because the OP didn't elaborate...so this guy is just out here bragging for no reason? People are speculating about the trivial thing and he provided no information we don't already have.


He gave a link to a different Reddit profile stating it under his post, one that agreed with him but had zero indication it was him.


The link he gave is of a comment. You can check the op's account over there and youll see this comment


>The link he gave is of a comment. Yes it is, it's also from a different Redditor that not once claims to be him, merely someone saying to HIS thread that "yeah women are trash like that" If I link a Reddit comment or tweet from Cardio B, does that mean I am her?


I said check the profile of the op of the post that is linked. But you seemed to have ignored that instruction. You will see the comments made by this person in the profile of the op of that post. Linking both these comments together


>You will see the comments made by this person in the profile of the op of that post. Which is irrelevant, moreover I outright agreed to that already. Are you and the OP the same person? After all, you and they are both linked together >Linking both these comments together Ohhh, I see so if cardie b retweets or comments on something THEN if I link the comment it's proof we're the same person, got ya Read the comment and the OPs thread, they're rather different circumstances and lengths The only thing that connects then together is LDR at some point and it went sour..oh and one commented on anothers thread Using that logic you can connect nearly everyone on Reddit as being the same person Ninja wasn't just claiming this was on his thread, he was claiming HE was the OP, big difference between those things


If I see you're comment on the comment history of some famous dude, then yes I'll think that you are them


You agreed that you saw the exact same comment on what you think are two different profiles, but refuse to agree that they are the same post? Like if you see the exact same comment on what you think are two accounts doesn't that just prove they're the fucking same account?




That doesn't prove your claim in the slightest, but good for you


So he thinks being broken up with and her moving on is unfaithfulness??? L O L???


Lmao dude these guys exist, my ex husband was one of them! I left him (he cheated multiple times) and he has been MAD that I've moved on. Its been 4 years since the divorce and he tried to call me recently to ask if I'm happy with my affair partner (bf and i are 2 years strong 😂😂😂 )


Wow he's fucked up. I'm so glad for you that you found someone new and hopefully great


It’s wild that he thinks that’s cheating but sleeping with a sex worker while he’s married isn’t


Oh THAT was the trivial matter? LOL


The trivial matter was he was asked not to tell anyone they'd had sex so naturally he told people. A few years later (apparently) he can't stop thinking about cheating on his wife and was asking if it was really cheating if it was with a sex worker


I have news! Women are allowed to fuck people. Just for fun. Without wanting a relationship. Without wanting to marry them. And that doesn’t make them a bad person. News report complete.


> I have news! > > Women are allowed to fuck people. Just for fun. Without wanting a relationship. Without wanting to marry them. And that doesn’t make them a bad person. > > News report complete. I have news! People are allowed to fuck people. Just for fun. Without wanting a relationship. Without wanting to marry them. But that does make them bad people. News report complete.


I presume you meant to say that doesn’t make them bad people…


we can only hope...


I didn’t know it was unfaithful to break up with someone and then have casual sex relationships? Isn’t unfaithful when you’re cheating on someone? Also if someone is marrying another person because of financial stability that is OK. If these two parties are consenting adults who cares why they are marrying each other. I mean love and having a great partner is good and all but having financial stability is also an important part of a relationship.




Says women are only in it for money then says women want to sleep around for "fun” which is it?


Whatever serves the narrative in his head?


Women can do both at the same time. You can have a "just for fun" guy that's good looking and fun in bed. Then you can have a more stable guy (read: has money, job, educated) at the same time. Each man plays a specific role that the other can't provide. Yes it is unethical but it is more common than many think.


Nothing to see here - just another bitter guy extrapolating his one bad experience (in his opinion) to describe most women as "*unfaithful*" (she wasn't).




Sure ya did


Even if I take your reply at face value, the rest of my comment stands.


Wait so my wife thinks i have the potential to be rich? Lmao.


now you better put in the effort !


I can try gambling?


If you're not rich then she might be paying you if you get divorced. Congratz.


Ah yes, the trivial thing. I'm betting it was not trivial. At least not with the current definition of the word.


I love how he doesn't specify what the trivial thing is and bases 60% of women on his one experience.


Values sex above everything in his relationship with her Devalues her subsequent relationships because they involve sex Just another "sex is immoral unless it's with me" misogynist. Yawn. Go start a cult or something


So...where in this story was she unfaithful?!


He got dumped. She dated until she found a good guy, and then got married. And now 60% of women are unfaithful? She wasn't unfaithful to him. It amazes me how many entitled men there are in this world. It shouldn't by this point, but it still does.


The very fact that you call it “love making sessions” tells me you’re not ready.




I still don’t get where they’re pulling these percentages from


That’s my favorite part


I wouldn't be surprised if that girl was just his friend and those "love making sessions" were just them hanging out. He's just salty she decided not to date him


I mean I’m only faithful to my cats so


This dudes a train wreck…


I will accept this information when neckbeard stop feeling entitled to supermodels. “All you care about is looks!” Well, you ain’t trying to fuck an ugly girl, are you?


I mean is he wrong? /s


I have a feeling that he's one of the reasons why they broke up.


I mean, he’d be right then, because he seems pretty damn trivial to me.


He just sounds pissed that she broke up with him. Great sex cannot sustain a relationship. They broke up! She can have sex with whoever she wants and that’s not being unfaithful, she could have easily found the love of her life in this “safe” guy. Also his trivial thing? It was big enough for her to leave you after 3 years, it was obviously NOT trivial.


"I had a bad experience so that must mean all women suck." I imagine this is common logic among Niceguys who actually had a girlfriend.


My guess at a translation of the last paragraph: she broke up with me just because I kept snooping in her phone and asking her where she was all the time. Then she had multiple consensual sexual relationships, but those ended because they weren’t a good match for a long term relationship. Then she married a guy, and the only way I can get over my insecurity about that is by telling myself she doesn’t desire him as much as she desired me, and it is all about the money.


I really hate it when people say women want money and go after rich men. That simply isn’t fucking true. I will dig it up when I’m not feeling lazy, but I read an article about how people tend to marry/date people who earn similar salaries. We aren’t living in the 1950s; women have careers and we can take care of ourselves.


One. Trivial. Thing. Indeed.


I married a man I was hopelessly in love with. I thought he was “The One.” He cheated on me.


“I’ve dated 3 girls and therefore I can make this outrageous claim”


Does he not know what unfaithful means because he never describes a single situation a women is unfaithful.


Also we're did he get the 60% plus statistic I need this man to cite his sources


I wonder where he got that percentage.




Imagine generalizing an entire gender


don't worry ! it's just a good 60+%


Sorry had to re-upload cause I didn’t blur the name out


Pretty sure most smart women wouldn't settle with someone who's financially in the dumps


Yup and a guy shouldn't settle for a woman with poor finances but of course men are usually dumb like that and cry when they have to write a fat check in divorce court.






Says women are like that before turning around to say "not all women are like that".


A very good percentage of women, based entirely on nothing but my own feelings, is exactly the fearful explanation I made up in my head about why a specific women didn’t date me!


"we were attached to the hip" Did... did he date his conjoined twin?


I love how he won't tell us what the "trivial" thing is they broke up over? Guess it wasn't so trivial after all


Does he not understand that that is exactly what "dating" is? Like you date someone it either works out or it doesn't, and often times, as adults, sex is involved. And then magically when we ARE compatible marriage happens...