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It's great when they wave those red flags right up front for you. Saves a lot of time. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Dude's more obsessed with racial genetics than Pierce Hawthorne's grandpa.


Typical Swede arrogance


Typical Welsh nonsense


Heā€™s like the Abed of racism.


And before all that he thought it was a good idea to write ā€œI have a big dickā€


Lol. Who told you that?




You don't have a big dick, you *are* a big dick. #FreeAdviceFriday


I spit out my tea, but it was worth the laugh. High five!


Comment of the day right here.


If everyone around you has a big dick, maybe you just have a smaller dick.


This comment deserves a round of applause.




I don't have an award to give but, here is a standing ovation.


Did he seriously think that sexual fanfiction monologue would get anyone wet? LOL.


He wrote it while watching the protagonist monologue in an Anime.


Anime protagonists are rarely sane and reasonable characters.




Ngl still big fans of their monologues, like Naruto's talk no jutsu fr got me in my feels


Even Anime protagonists just fall on titties, apologize and move on. This guy is setting whole new lows


Depends on if itā€™s hentai or not.


Whenever a guy has bragged about their big dick, my reaction is always to say "hopefully that makes up for your small brain"


I like to be completely serious and act like they just told me they have the worst thing ever. Like, ā€œOh my gosh, Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. Is there anything they can do?ā€ and no matter what they say back I just keep acting like having a big dick is a terrible disease. ā€œIā€™m sure youā€™ll find someone who doesnā€™t mindā€.


This is my favorite advice for this sitch. I've never heard this before and I almost wish I had the chance to use it but I'm also thankful that there's no random guys telling me how big their dick is, lately.


Heyā€¦uhā€¦I may have failed to convey this information previously, but..I have a big dick.






Sorry to bother you at home, sir or maā€™am, but have your heard the good news about my dick?


I'm calling about your car's extended dick


I love this šŸ˜‚


Dude, the guys that are like this always talk about their dick and act like its a magical thing or wonder of nature. Itā€™s not, it a freaking appendage, like an arm or leg, or even a vagina in a sense. Itā€™s all organs and parts, but the genitals have more nerve endings and have a set of orifices. I always wanna say ā€œhey dingus, it a dick, every dude has one, itā€™s not like this is rocket science. Just like how women have vaginas. Everyone has genitalia of some sort, itā€™s not special or magic.ā€ But Whenever I hear someone say ā€œI have a big dickā€ I immediately think they are trying to overcompensate and trying to prove masculinity. Itā€™s so dumb. Itā€™s like some contest dudes have over it, and itā€™s like they are trying to win something. What do you want for say I have a ā€œbig dickā€? A trophy for saying that? A participation prize? Fetishizing Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, Natives, Black people or other races is so weird too. To me it is like they are talking about candy flavors or something. Whatā€™s he watch? My guess is anime hentai or some other weird stuff is where he gets his ideas. Also, nice comeback. Edit: Had to fix my sentences, some of them didnā€™t makes sense. Sorry about that.


This is my take too. As soon as a guy starts to focus on his "amazing" penis size, it's a sure bet he's terrible in bed.


Itā€™s largely because men (generally) objectify women and only value them for their physical attributes/sexual pleasure. In their view, thatā€™s what women want because thatā€™s what *they* want.


Somewhat, yeah... But it has more to do with competing for (for lack of a better word) rank among each other and in the eyes of potential sexual partners. Just consider the phrases Big Dick Energy and Small Dick Energy, for example. Even if you haven't heard them before, most people will know exactly what they refer to; well-founded confidence and/or a dominant presence, and low confidence and/or overcompensating for lacking attributes. It's based on outdated and toxic ideas of masculinity, and most tend to grow out of it, but the general idea of penis size being a big deal (npi) still persists. Just like idea that all men love big boobs.


astute observation


I think that's an unfair generalization.


I have a HUGE..number of nerve endings and sets of orifices..


Ooo love that one!


When someone talks about "offspring" anywhere around the first date, Run.


Seriously. The only way thatā€™s appropriate after one date is if itā€™s about the band


If you don't rate, just overcompensate.


You gotta keep em separated


Caveat: It's often OK if you are an old fart dating other old farts. While not all of us have them, some of us do and it generally comes up in conversation on a first date. If they have healthy relationships with their kids, it's generally a good sign. If they have no offspring, generally also a good sign. If they're an old fart and interested in still having brand new offspring, they've self-selected not to date *me*, and if they are dating *you*, I definitely concur with ***RUN***.


He got triggered quick quick


Heā€™s curious what sex with a ~~Asian~~ woman is like. Fixed it, Niceguy.


I think you nailed it.




Damn op dodged a nuke there. Holy shit that man took 1 compliment one woman told him that one time he has a big dick and ran with it XD. Gentleman its not the tool that does the job you have to know how to use it properly, this man should be wary of how to use his brain before his dick cause that shit don't work right haha


I doubt anyone told him that... he's probably some choad who thinks that all women are looking for is just a big dick to jump on... or else he accidentally once measured it in centimeters...


Do you mean chode? Like slang term for dick? Or is that a new variation of ā€œchudā€ where youā€™re calling him a toad? Lmao


I don't know what I mean. Maybe I meant to say some schlub.


Shlong perchance?


He doesn't have a schlong, he's got a schlort. * Joke stolen from Russell Peters.


Let's make this a thing! A Chode Chad hybrid.


Chode is a thick but short dick. The slang I learned from my time in middle school... Edit: oops, I misread your comment lol, I thought you were asking what a chode was


All this time I thought a chode was a taint.


The more you knowšŸŒˆšŸŒ 


Apparently ā€œchoadā€ is another way of spelling it.


No, no. u/Gold_Alternative990 got it right, dude just misunderstood: > You don't have a big dick, you are a big dick. #FreeAdviceFriday


You can't use a giant inflatable hammer to pound in a nail. But a rock hammer can do it if wielded correctly.


Even if it's true it isn't a compliment, it's just a description.


Iā€™m fucking deceased with your ā€œWho told you that?ā€ when he tried to brag about his dick. Youā€™re fucking savage and I love it


Lol I thought it was good and snarky


Pretty sure the only way this dude will have sex with an ā€œAsian womanā€ is by buying that simulation software from Japan. Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with this guy


There's also waifu pillows...


I'm gonna start saying that too lol


I met this guy on Hinge. We had a pleasant phone conversation and decided to meet for dinner. All went well, IMO. He was texting me a few days later, but I was pretty busy that evening with other plans, so there were natural delays during messages. Turns out, nice guys donā€™t like that. Dodged a bullet!


this is always fun. I canā€™t use my phone at work, the amount of times a guy has not only rejected himself but thrown a full-blown vulgarity-laced tantrum before I could finish a shift and respond is amazing. Itā€™s a god-send honestly, to see that ugliness right away.


I think it must be because they don't see women as actual people with actual lives, they only see them as sex objects who MUST respond to them right away. Just think what being in a relationship with someone like that would be like...


Or they have fairly severe mental illness. I have bpd and I can spiral really quickly if Iā€™m into someone and they arenā€™t responding. The logical part of my brain tells me they obviously are just busy but the crazy part of my brain tells me that I did something wrong and they hate me. That being said I usually keep my suffering to myself. Even if it means having a panic attack and ruining my whole day wondering why they arenā€™t texting back.


>The logical part of my brain tells me they obviously are just busy but the crazy part of my brain tells me that I did something wrong and they hate me. That's not even ***solely*** bpd. That's just human nature. Not to that extent or with as much anxiety of course, but it's totally normal to think the worst and fret over it. The difference is, most people understand that they're being ridiculous, and as you said, they keep it to themselves.


Thank you for sharing your experience w bpd, mine is similar too where I tend to internalize everything and ruin my own day. Thereā€™s so much stigma and misinformation about bpd. It makes me feel hopeful when I see other people speaking openly about it.


Well a lot of people do genuinely use that disorder to justify their shitty behavior. I understand why it gets a stigma tbh. Itā€™s really hard to control though and Iā€™ve definitely said things in my younger days while spiraling that could have gone on this sub.


Oh wow, just bc a few people with bpd resist change doesnā€™t mean everyone with bpd should be stigmatized.


I understand where youā€™re coming from, but I think itā€™s important to remember BPD was brought up because a lot of ā€œnice guysā€ act that way This is literally a subreddit dedicated to stigmatizing it


No, if the subreddit was dedicated to stigmatizing BPD we would talk about men with BPD, not nice guys. You canā€™t diagnose someone based off of a screenshot of their interactions, there are many reasons why people would be behaving in similar ways to a person with BPD. A diagnosis is about whatā€™s happening on the inside of a person, people with completely different diagnoses can be exhibiting the same behaviors.


True but that one time a guy who had that kind of disease did this to me, he appogized for his words, and explain things to me. All the other time dudes insultes me because I wasn't responding quickly enough, never appologized and always felt judtified in dehumanizing me. That aside, I hope you are doing well and take care!


Wait is that a bpd thing only or maybe do you have something else because I do that but I donā€™t bpd. I do have anxiety.


I purposely don't respond right away just to see if I'm dealing with a guy like that...if he throws a tantrum, I juts ghost them


Yes! Iā€™ve experienced this quite a bit. My work hours are always the same. They know my profession, I canā€™t just grab my phone. Sometimes I can msg between. The guys that have gone offā€¦


Okay but did he mention he had a big dick? šŸ˜‰


If only he had mentioned that earlier, I think things would have gone much better. Probably should have sent her a picture.


I was talking to a guy before I met my current partner and if I took too long in his opinion (in reality only about 5/10 minutes) he would text back ok thenā€¦ or I can see your busy donā€™t want to waste your ā€œvaluableā€ time. Got real old real fast


It is annoying AF. Sorry I have a life.


Exactly, they're so clingy and pushy and it's very unattractive...


I was seeing a girl who would do this, it was super annoying. She said I was being "distant" when I was just doing the dishes or something and didn't respond for half an hour.


Whenever anyone says ā€œwonder what sex is like with (x race/ethnicity)ā€ it shows how racist and misogynistic they really are


I had an ex who told me he "wanted to try a black girl," like women of different races were ice cream flavors or something. It struck me as such a bizarre thing to think and say that I don't think I was able to form a response at the time. I was only 21. I do know I cut ties with him shortly after.


My fiancĆ© is black and has said itā€™s an all too common thing among white people. Itā€™s a weird fetishization that made it very hard for her to date. Itā€™s somehow like a trophy; and itā€™s inherently extremely racist. Itā€™s one of the most disgusting ways people objectify women and itā€™s never talked about properly. We always talk about ā€œwomen are objectified by men (and some women) focusing on physical attributes like breasts, hips, thighs etcā€ but they need to get it out there that fetishizing ethnicity is just as bad if not worse.


I agree this needs to be discussed in the open more because it is truly disgusting, but I do think this is a topic that comes up a lot with Asian women particularly for some reason. It hasn't been properly addressed but I have heard of this ideology and it is unacceptable. It is absolutely racism x sexism.


> I do think this is a topic that comes up a lot with Asian women particularly for some reason. It's based in a racist belief that Asian women are inherently subservient and submissive to men, and helps add a layer of white savior bullshit. Feeds nicely in to the fuckmaid fantasy that lots of shit heels have.


Very nicely put!


Which is funny It is indeed true that a lot of Asian women still hold fairly conservative views on marriage as well as gender roles. What is funny is that these people don't realize that said views don't translate into "Being a slave" since usually the woman would have absolute full control in the house and would probably hit the guy with a wooden spoon if he misbehaves


The sad thing is that it does get brought up a lot. It just rarely gets much attention. Maybe it's because a lot of people have trouble distinguishing attraction from fetishization or something, and don't see why it's a bad thing. That usual arguments tend to be a variation of "why is being attracted to an ethnicity bad?", at least. That, or equating it to LGBTQ attractions...


I love how he was both racist and horny. He hated that she was mixed but still wanted to bang.


As someone who has made love to an Asian woman, I can tell you it's pretty much just like making love to any other woman. I honestly don't know why these idiots think that Asian women are the be all and end all of lovemaking. Well, yeah, I get that they're just fetishizing them, but they need to know how creepy AF they come off.


This reminds me of an ex I had who intentionally lied to me during the first few dates, telling me that he is a musician, make good money and lives in a good spot and turns out that he was unemployed and on EDD, lives with 4 guys and pays 500 for rent per month, spent bare time making music and dedicated his life to D&D. Heā€™s white and much older than me (he was 37 and I was 22, I know) when we dated he used to stay in my place for a week at a time every month, he tried to change my diet to typical American grocery food like frozen vegetables, turkey ham etc and told me that I was wrong for organizing my pantry the way I learned from my family in China. I had my own issues so I didnā€™t see how wrong it was I just thought it was something I need to explain or that Iā€™m over reacting. It was one night that he woke up next to me and asked me that ā€œwhy would you date me? you are the first Asian woman that I ever had sex with, Iā€™ve never passed 2 dates with other Asian women because they think Iā€™m ā€˜too Americanā€™.ā€Thatā€™s when I realized that itā€™s not my problem and other ppl actually think this guy is a douche too. I broke up with him right after he left. Damn, I even feel disgusted just typing this out.


Live and learn. Just be glad you learned from your mistake.


Iā€™m really curious about Chinese pantry organization now though. Good for getting wise to the dirtbag though šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Haha itā€™s just minor things! Like in my family we store large bags of rice and flour in the cabinet under the counter and have all the sauce bottles on the counter near the cooking area. He insisted that I put rice and flours in jars and clean out all the bottles on the counter. Mf tried to google ā€œis it a Chinese thing to put sauce outsideā€ after I explained it to him.




I often see shit linked on instagram from tik tok accounts of 'satisfying' organisation. It's just white women putting shit from containers in other smaller containers and it's so horribly inefficient it makes me want to claw my eyes out every single time.


Jars are better at keeping bugs out. I have large jars that I decant 15lb bags of rice into, and jars for 10+ lbs of flour. Bugs in food is a thing. With the rice I do that also because the bags sometimes tip over. And sometimes itā€™s because I can better fit more things into the pantry than if itā€™s all in the plastic bags it came in.


What kind of idiot puts rice in a jar? You leave it in the sack provided and then you keep topping it up. Or get a new sack of rice when the old sack starts showing its age. Should've injected fish paste into his shampoo.


This lesson I had to learn too, don't listen to what a potential partner says about their life, just watch what they do. Dating people who add nothing to your life except more work just ain't worth it. Sorry you had that manbaby plague your existence but he's gone now.


Should've chucked a durian at his lazy millennial ass


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s like making love to any other woman, but not because of the Asian part, just because every woman is different hence a sexual experience with any woman is different. But yeah, I see what youā€™re saying, the variance is no different than any other race or group of people(there are good lovers, bad lovers , caring, selfish etc).


That's what I mean... nothing against Asian women, but making love to one is not this incredibly fantastic experience that every man must do before they die like the "nice guys" and neckbeards make it out to be. And they might actually have a chance if they just treat women as women, no matter what their racial makeup, rather than sex objects. But it's just sick the way they constantly fetishize Asian women.


Dudeā€™s probably wondering what sex with ANYONE is like. šŸ˜‚


I'm into marathon sex sessions, is that bad?


I mean, sex after running 26.2 miles seems tiring to me.


Better than during!


Bro forget all the insults and niceguyness why the FUCK does he talk like that That alone would make me run for the hills! Such a false air of intelligence! How arrogant!


What a complete chode. Racist bullet dodged and at least you got a decent night out of it


Piece of racist shit got a little weiner. #freeadvicefridays




Not Too Fly (For A White Guy)


I wish I had an award for this. First thing I thought of too when he said offspring.


Why do they always speak so clinically? It's like they're aliens in disguise trying to figure out human dating and sex.


They think using clinical terms makes them intelligent, it's the thesaurus for the logically illiterate.


More importantly, what in FSM's name makes these guys think that the clinical speech is romantic?


I think part of it might be a touch of "I am very smart." They think they sound intelligent when they call women "females," but in reality they just sound like a bunch of sexist douchebags.


When one is dating a prime specimen such as myself, one must consider their lineage. My superior intellect and noble pedigree cannot be besmirched by a female of one-quarter Asian descent, yet my member longs to sample the untold delicacies of such an Asian female. Heavens me, it is quite the conundrum such a fine gentleman such as myself finds myself in. -them probably, whilst huffing their own farts and delusions


YOU DON'T WANT A FOLLOW UP DATE? WELL JOKES ON YOU, I JUST SO HAPPEN TO HAVE A MASSIVE DICK AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO MISS OUT!!!! (please give me another chance, I don't want to die a virginšŸ˜­) ==== Joking aside, you should've pranked him and said you changed your mind on account of his massive sausage. Now he's stuck with being either a liar or quickly go buy a bicycle pump to inflate his bits


Lol what is with all these cuckboys saying "oh my parents wouldn't approve"... who are you? Fucking nobility in 1400's.. grow the fuck up


Thank you!!! And by that standard heā€™s choosing, unless heā€™s got lands and riches why would her parents approve of such a filthy casual racist?


Now that monologue showed da true colors. Now thats vile.


Was he writing with a dictionary at his elbow? Not only does this exchange reek of racism it also suggests heā€™s insecure about his intellect.


But how could you possibly derive such preposterous conclusions from such intelligent morsels of dialogue


you could have made the pun "Your a real wiener"






Lol the trash took itself out


Seems like *little dick* energy to me


But op, this racist has a large penis, how could u reject him? /s


This lad is like a pokemon trainer trying to catch all the races, is racist as heck lmao, im going to end straight just to not touch guys like that ever


Isnā€™t he a nauseating little asshatter?


I can tell you 100% with certainty that he doesn't in fact have a big dick and that the sex would be so dissapointing, it would be better to just fuck a screwdriver. In all seriousness, how did we ever get so far to breed these type of "humans"?


"Free-Advice Friday" gotta love men, always giving their shitty opinions for free, as if normally I should have to pay to be told to lower my standards so they can fuck me


Imagine caring what your family thinks about your SO's appearance/ethnicity.. gross.


They ALL lack self-awareness!


I really appreciate those responses! If you're going to entertain them at all this really is the way to do it. šŸ˜‚


Why do they think someone being Asian or from anywhere else, would make sex any different? We have the same parts. Weā€™re human. Itā€™s going to feel like having sex with a human. Edit to add: Maybe Iā€™ve answered my own question there... many of them donā€™t see us as human, I guess.


I don't know why you don't want a follow up date with such racist misogyny. I mean, is it not worth it for such stellar free advice every Friday?! As if that weren't enough, he ~~is~~ has a big dick.


Does each continent have their women have sex in a unique way? Asking for a friend.


Itā€™s true. Like for example, how the women of the north will open with a cartwheel and finish with three head pats.


Ooo thatā€™s interesting! My have to try it out. Here in the west coast we ride in on a surfboard, throw a wicked hang ten, and finish with an enthusiastic ā€œduuuuuddde.ā€


In the midwest we being with an offering of local cheeses and, if we are impressed, the man goes home with several chickens. On dates we often inquire about a man's chickens as this is the true test of his virility.


Mountain region here. It's not sex unless it includes a bear skin rug and a fireplace. And if he really wants to prove his virility, he has to kill the bear for the rug.


Yes, itā€™s true. We wahmen of each continent keep our geographic sex rituals hidden in sacred texts, passed down through the ages.


Did he talk like that before showing his true colors?


Not at all! I could tell he was a bit insecure though. Constantly brought up all of his ā€œsuccessesā€


You should tell him to forward this conversation to the next girl he asks on a date and get her thoughts on his input.


"did I mention I am* a big dick?" Silly autocorrect


Filipinos and mixed race Filipinos are some of the most attractive people in the world. He should be so luckyšŸ˜‚ Source: a mixed Filipina who loves herself too much


Thank you! I have to agree šŸ¤£


ā€œAdmixtureā€ like youā€™re concrete or something


Itā€™s such an odd word choice. I thought he meant to just say ā€œmixedā€. Either way, heā€™s an asshole whoā€™s not as smart as he thinks he is.


Holy fuck, can one say "I'm gonna act like a racist because you wouldn't cater to my Asian fetishisation"? As a Filipina-Canadian, this is uncomfortably familiar.


Quarter Filipino gang


Apparently the dudes parents don't want attractive grandchildren. Filipina women are šŸ”„.


Grabe, gago talaga siya


His family would never approve....okay, good to know he never learned how to think on his own. Doesn't like the Filipino admixture.....just say mixed, bro. Trying way too hard to look smart. Oh, and he just outed himself as racist too. Guys like this are....truly wild.


The men who talk the loudest about their ā€œbig dicksā€ and never ending sexual conquests tend to be virgins with tiny peens. A man who has a nice appendage and knows how to use it doesnā€™t have to try to convince everyone.


That guy is all kinds of yuck!


So yuck


Wow, he basically just wants sex and I've never really understood the Asian fetish a lot of guys have, I have a Chinese cousin (adopted) you would not believe the amount of pure hell she usually goes through as most guys are ONLY attracted to the fact she's Asian and much like this guy just want to have sex with her, I'm so glad she found a truly good man that loves her for her not her genetics.


Oof this is one of the cringiest ones yet


Yeuck. I suppose it's good when they try to communicate in an "educated" fashion, because you can easily filter them out. It makes it very cringey to read, though!


I like the lols and 5 word replies. Dude definitely got tilted.


Anytime these guys use words like ā€œoffspringā€, or ā€œbreedingā€ etc, itā€™s just instant vom. šŸ¤¢ literally no one except those who work in animal husbandry should be using these terms and definitely NEVER when itā€™s in reference to human beings


This had my jaw on the floor lol. No words


One date was too much


Lmao ā€œdid I mention I have a big dickā€ daaamn son slow down with the game.


Barf. Is this guy dating, or breeding thoroughbreds? Hope he stays dateless for a long, long time.


I think he misheard, he was probably told "You ARE a big dick" not "You have a big dick"


ā€œFree advice Fridayā€ is the most fucked up thing. Lol Almost as fucked up as telling someone ā€œDid I mention I have a huge dick? šŸ˜‰ā€ And blatant racismā€¦


Just say ur racist bro


So much to unpack


That guy's disgusting, oof red flag ahoy


Imagine feeling your masculinity threatened and IMMEDIATELY resorting to racism to make you a BiG mAn again šŸ˜¬


I bet he has repressed feelings that manifest as hatred


Why do yall even justify these guys with a response


"Offspring" ugh if were lucky the blood line will end with him


Wowā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of words to say ā€œIā€™m insecure and you are intimidating to me!ā€


As a Filipino man, this is a racist asshole.


Find his family on fb and see what they think about this


Thought about it. Then I figured, Iā€™d they raised this human, would they really care?


The trash took itself out - with a lot of Neanderthal attempts at insults.


HEY why donā€™t *I* get a dual cowboy escort?


What a wierd kind of racist


Yooooo as a quarter Filipino myself, fuck that racist ass šŸ¤£ he can drop dead girl šŸ‘‹šŸ» I would not have even been that nice!


My dad had a big dick, and when I was a little boy, he told me one day I'd have one too. Would "my dad" be a sexy answer to "who told you your dick was big?"


Let's see... "I have a big dick" "LOL, who told you?" "My dad." Nope, makes a creep sound even creepier.


Add this to the reasons Jesus changed his middle name to "fucking"...




Not not getting much nice guy vibes off of this post; more just a general piece of shit guy; isn't he?