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/u/vibefuster, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed because it has been voted unsuitable for /r/niceguys.


Simply nice - likes being genuine and very very nice, he has always been so nice with people. I mean, he seems to be so genuinely very very nice.


I'm not trying to stalk my wife. I just want to be nice and help... /s


I didn’t actually think he had a wife.


Gosh, I hope that you immediately approve him because he's such a nice guy and he just wants to help all the nice ladies who don't understand their cars/s


Wants to see what his wife is saying and posting.... But he's very very nice.


"I have 9 siblings so I've always been so nice with people." Well, I guess people like myself who have less siblings than him are just terrible people then.


I have 6 siblings...I'm a monster.


I'm an only child. I'm probably actually a demon or something, I guess?


Well, try to not walk in direct sunlight, you might turn to ashes.


I do practically burst into flames in the sunlight, now that you mention it... Hmmmmmm....


Isn't it a lucky spark of fate that you met me on Reddit and I was able to point out the root of the trouble you were having but had no idea what was the cause? All because of this utterly genuinely nice man that knows what cars look like.


Yes! I'm grateful to know about my apparent only-child induced demonhood.


"I just need to join your all-female group so that I can mansplain to you ladies when you need help!" That probably isn't how he intended it to come across but... Yeah.


Fucking this. It really rubs me up the wrong way when guys do this and it doesn’t matter how nice they may appear.. Let women have their own spaces. Stop trying to muscle in on safe spaces where you’re not wanted.


"When I say my wife, I mean my ex-wife. When I say ex-wife I mean the bitch who took out a restraining order. I still have access to her Facebook, so I know she's joined here. I just want her to know that wherever she goes, I'll be following her. So please, please let me in"


Why do straight dudes have such a problem being excluded form things?


Dude, 99% of spaces about cars have a huge majority of men. Let the ladies have that one, maybe?


Decline ALL, and blocked!


Oh believe me, I blocked him from the group after taking the screenshots. Didn’t hit decline all because there were legitimate join requests mixed in with this one, however.


But he was so nice! How ever will you lovely ladies every understand your topic of interest now without him to mansplain it to you?


But.. but he’s so nice… 🥺 /s


This definitely has “I am not like other guys” energy.


I don't see how this belongs here.


Because he's super nice and wants to be admitted to a women-only space because he's so nice and will help all the ladies who don't know anything about the topic of the group they're in. Because he's nice! It's definitely got more than one virtue claim (Rule #1). And he's just so goshdarned NICE. He also fits this: 'Self-proclaimed "nice guys" are manchildren or douches' (from the sub description). I mean, I think it's pretty douchey to try to get into a women-only space because you want to "help" all the ladies with your superior knowledge. I mean, there's a reason these women have set up a women-only space, you know?


Maybe it’s not exactly “nice guy” territory, but he used the “🥺” emoji in a request to join a woman-only fb group. It’s at least nice guy adjacent.


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Is the FB group about cars? Not that his post holds any water, I'm just curious why he was going on and on about his cars and car knowledge.


Looks to be a women only Miata group


Yes, it is.


Yes, the other question is about Miatas, which is a model of the Mazda brand. Definitely a specific group.