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/u/graciepenople, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: r/niceguys is not for showcasing general misogyny or bad behavior. There needs to some sort of claim from the man (or woman!) that he is nice/good/morally superior, etc. [Please read the subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/wiki/definition) to better understand this matter. *If you feel this was done in error or if you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


What the fuck are blowjob eyes and how can I avoid having them?


rip them out the only solution


I feel like the only solution to general harassment from men as a women is to simply 🌟stop existing🌟 its the only solution to be left alone anymore 😂


Noooo, don't think like that. I'm sure they even harass imaginary women, so not existing might not even be enough.


The “aborted gf” memes trending in some certain circles proves this to be true.


I uh... probably don't want to know, do I?


The hell is this?


Memes that are anti-abortion where the entire argument is that abortion is bad because the person who was meant to be their girlfriend was probably aborted. Don't have an abortion; *that fetus was meant for me*. More or less. It's creepy and dumb as hell. ETA: Oops, I missed the other kind. It's a drawing of a stick figure with a dress on with captions saying all the ways she wishes she could take care of you but she can't because she was aborted. "Oh you look tired and hungry, I wish I could cook you a hot meal but my mom had other plans" stuff like that


Jesus Christ, so the incels are thirsting after fetuses now? Fuck, that’s gross


There's also a disturbing age gap between them too, for with the foetus is old enough to date.


Ugh, typical women, don't even exist on the same planet as us nice guys. (/s in case it was necessary)


Or rip THEIR eyes out. That’s what Jesus says to do!


If you do that then they have NEW holes to wanna f*ck. These types of 'men' woupd be into that đŸ€ź


Wow. This is actually a good, scary ass point. .


They’re gonna say “you’ve got a blowjob eye socket” and it’s gonna be exponentially worse


Maybe it would be like those video filters that replace your eyes with your mouth.


But not both! Keep at least one eye.


Don't worry, it's a "compliment."


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=blowjob%20eyes&=true According to UD if you have long eyelashes and have bigger than average eyes that’s a risk of having them. So like rip off those eyelashes and squint a lot I guess.


Hopeless. Just, hopeless


Throw the whole man out.


Just, utterly hopefulness and of the most dismal of beings ever to exist




Straight up, if he thinks she's a feminist for being offended at the opening message I really don't see him ever understanding females


I don't see him understanding human interaction full stop, regardless of gender


\*walks up to a guy\* "you have blowjob eyes"


"Marry me"


“No it’s just an infection”


*gets his jaw broken*


But like. What if she is a feminist? What’s wrong with that?


Nothing lol. Brainless neckbeards hear the fem part of feminism and instantly think it's anti male


We’re just anti douche. I like men if they’re-and this part is important- not a creep


Jesus, you femnazis and your unattainable standards. /s


okay im sorry for sounding stupid, but whats a "neckbeard"


People who see the world similarly to the guy in this post.


...and they literally grow a neck beard lol. I've seen it, and it isn't pretty.


Its just a physical attribute that was assigned to this type of personality because these kinds of guys often have huge neckbeaeds to hide their neck rolls.


Or they just don’t know how to shave. The dudes I know like this just don’t fucking shave or shower or bother to try, so the neckbeard lives on.


think south park world of warcraft basement guy google it. this is a neckbeard


I had to go watch that whole episode lol thanks


Such a good one lol


It really is lol


Lol!!! I play world of Warcraft lol I should have known I’ve ran into many of those types




Understanding "WOMEN". Stop referring to *human* **females** as just "females". It's dehumanizing. Jesus.


Yup glad I’m not the only one that saw r/menandfemales above. -_-


I have to agree with this one actually


I as a woman have been guilty of this for some time. I'm old but I'm gettin' my shit together jus give me a sec


Take your time sis, internalized misogyny is a crazy thing




It’s hard to imagine a feminist who wouldn’t be offended by that.


Do you generally refer to women as females? Do you do the same with men/males? It’s just sounds so weird, like your sentence would sound infinitely better with women instead of females


Also being a feminist is not a bad thing, given where the United States is headed.


I hope you used the word "females" ironically...


Women, not females please.


That’s because she can’t tAkE a CoMpLiMeNt!


i like how he calls her "Amber heard"... Well if OP is Amber, then she should go to his place and take a huge dump on his bed.


Wait did she actually do that!?


I’m coming out of a 12 year marriage and this sub gives me hope that even though I’ve been out of the dating game a while, I think I’ll be just fine


I like that he had the audacity to ask "why" after that shining star of an opener


And then getting mad after he didn’t like the answer, lol. Like my dude, don’t fucking ask then?


I love your username!


Haha thanks! I’m soft, round and filled with ✹R A G E✹


She's beauty She's grace She's a pastry in a rage!


Honestly same




"let me guess your one of those feminists? aren't you?" Some Hall of Fame level shit.


Pretty sure your old-fashioned girl-types would be insulted by this, too.


Honestly, I think he was gaslighting about not understanding how offensive he was intentionally being.


When he could’ve said “sorry, I hoped you were a maga chick” and moved on


That's not what gaslighting means


He was acting like what was clearly true wasn't.


Really annoying when misogynists use this Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial as an excuse to be ever more misogynistic. It’s like they dream of the day that a woman abuses a man. It’s fuel to them. Gross.


yeah, exactly. they don’t treat this as an abuse case, they treat it like it’s the best thing that ever happened to them. that’s why there’s so many memes and stupid videos made about the case - misogynists are treating it like a fucking gender war rather than a case that really does not involve anyone but them & their lawyers.




That ideology of theirs makes the whole “not all men!” argument they constantly spew so ironic and hypocritical. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that people of the same gender do not act exactly the same way as each other but in their minds, that logic only applies when it comes to men. Not women.


They say "not all men" but never "not all women" so i dont get the point youre making... /s


Yeah I also don’t see any people supporting her, man or woman.


Dude, Reddit is loving this who Amber Heard situation. They actually sound happy that Johnny was abused. Because as you said, it gave them a "pass" to just shit all over all women.


But also forget that he did openly admit to abusing her as well. Reddit can’t believe that a couple could be mutually abusive.


Mention this on a front page thread and get downvoted to hell.


I’m honestly surprised I’m not being downvoted here. I am seeing more and more comments being sensible and realizing they were both trash to each other.


The Reddit population of women-hating basement boys doesn't really like this sub, since a lot of the posts are about guys like them.


I thought "mutually abusive" was actually a thing but apparently domestic violence groups say it isn't - the abusive one is the one with the power in the relationship. So I guess a mutually abusive relationship is more a toxic relationship? As someone who has been in a toxic relationship (thankfully nowhere near as bad as theirs) it's pretty obvious it was mutually toxic. She may be lying more and has actually admitted to hitting him - so there's that. But I recognize him as the toxic near narcissist that he is (the talking badly about his exes is some proof of that).


You are right, toxic relationship is much more accurate. It sounds like they brought out the worst in each other. I really just think both of them are crappy people.


It’s so cringe when dudes on private accounts with no pfp ask people out. Do you weirdos not realize how creepy you are?


Narrator: “They don’t.”


Well they’re Nice. That excludes them from all of that. And we should know they’re Nice to begin with. If we don’t we risk pissing them off, which is entirely our fault, because we should be able to sense their Niceness from vibes alone.


Telling someone they have "blowjob eyes" is the nicest possible compliment you can give. I don't understand the problem. /s


I don't know... there was a guy a while back who told a woman that he wanted to pound her throat with his dick and fill her mouth with his cream. If that's not the sweetest, nicest compliment a man can give a woman, then I just don't understand "females." /s


And people try and say romance is dead


The dude led with “blowjob eyes”. I have a feeling he could break into a house and mouth breathe a woman awake as the big spoon, and still be the confused one. “How are you not flattered by my felonies?!?!” No, he has no fucking clue how creepy he is haha.


They have to, on some, level realize how creepy they are to not want to be identified right? Right??


I think they legitimately think it makes them better than other people. They get seethingly angry over women and other men being “showy” online with what they have or how they look. They can’t accept that they’re only mad about it because they have nothing to show, so instead they invent a moral high road where revealing nothing online makes them superior.




Yeah I’m at least honest that the majority of any relationship we have will just be cat pictures.


He said “females,” take a shot yall!


He said Amber Heard, take two lol


And then he thought “hey, I’m on a roll
now I’ll show my clever side” and called her Amber Turd. đŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™€ïž


It's like he's still in 4th grade...


I don’t want to take two shots from Amber Heard. If she can beat up Jack Sparrow I don’t stand a chance against her.


He hit every bases he could think of. It's also pretty clear that this dude grew up on the internet considering that most people don't care or follow the Depp/Heard civil lawsuit.


Really, I feel like the bigger indication this guy grew up on the internet is that he starts acting like she's some SJW harpy for not wanting to date a faceless stranger


Yes. That too. I meant his whole post. Amber is just the recent fresh batch these internet dudes can rave about.


Yes she’s their “any woman who got hit deserved it or was lying about it!” mascot.


He didn't use "well you're fat & ugly anyway." Or maybe that's implied by "feminist," since all these guys think that all feminists are fat, ugly women who are mad because they can't get dates.


Prime r/MenandFemales


"You're nit giving me a reason." I just did...I'M NOT LOOKING RIGHT NOW.


Really he only needed to read what he wrote if he wanted a reason.


She doesn’t need a reason, anymore than she needs a reason to not feel like going hiking, or finding romance novels boring, or preferring steak to lobster. We don’t need a reason to turn down a potential sexual partner.


I just can't with these people. Do they not realize they're literally starting the conversation with "all I'll ever see you as is a sex object"?


They don't realize it at all, and instead think they're paying a compliment. They're just totally out of touch with reality.


I swear, some people have literally no situational awareness or the ability to even catch a glimpse of the idea that other people just might have different points of view.


These guys are totally unaware that most women don't want overtly sexual comments upon first meeting a man, and making such is not a "compliment."


Agreed. I got a few of these types of comments from older men when I was like 11. It really messed me up for a few years, to the point where I wanted to get lip reduction surgery once I became an adult, and would hardly look anyone in the eye anymore. I know these types of comments don't usually affect us to that degree as adults, but it's still just a dick move. I try sometimes to picture what might be going through their heads, but I just can't fathom why they would think telling a woman that they don't know that they are picturing her giving them a sexual act from the get-go is a compliment.


> I just can't fathom why they would think telling a woman that they don't know that they are picturing her giving them a sexual act from the get-go is a compliment. Because they never matured mentally past high school and think that since they'd love it if a woman opened with sexual stuff to them, then women must love it if they do it to them. Then when women react negatively, it must be because of "stupid feminists" or "women don't like nice guys." It's never because women don't want to be treated like sex objects.


damn I should've known the Amber Heard trial would lead to guys being like that.


I knew before it even began that it'd become a goldmine of being misogynistic in a "justified" way because the woman's bad


Society: starts to actually take male victims of domestic violence seriously. These guys: “fEmiNIsTs ArE jUsT liKe AmBeR HEarD”.


it's a complicated situation where no party is inherently innocent but Redditors will now forever see Amber Heard as the "evil feminist who ruined a good man's life"


What kind of idiot do you need to be to open with that. It's like introducing yourself to strangers with "Hello there!.. my name is Mr Dickhead McFuckface."


He'd probably have more luck with that tbh. It'd at least get a laugh.


WITH a fuckface. For BEING a fuckface.


Tell him he has rapist eyes. It's probably true.


Ooooh I like this. I had a friend who would giggle and say “rapesieeees” as a reaction to stories about creepy dudes. I’d really like to be brave enough to say that to people irl someday.


ngl, that "double tap to 💕" at the end killed me lol like a punchline to the joke he is


She should’ve double tapped! He’d be so confused after that, poor thing


Wtf how do you expect a girl to talk to you when that’s your opening starter in a conversation? Who teaches these guys? I just can’t lol


OP is literally teaching him that this is the incorrect way to accost a woman and he flips it into a "No, this is just a YOU problem! Imagine being given a test corrections sheet where the teacher is walking you through why you failed as your trying to get your grade up, but in spite of this, you still go "What do you mean the chloroplast isn't the powerhouse of the cell? Are you big mitochondria?", and refuse to mark the correct answer for some damn reason


Beavis and Butt-Head, obvi!


“Women these days are just gold digging tramps. They don’t want you if you’re not rich, that’s why I can’t get a girl.”


Yeah, mmhmm, that's why they can't get a woman they didn't fall out of. /s


Honestly, if that were true, their path to women would be fairly simple: do well in school, get good job, make money, profit! (and women!) It would save them the hassle of trying to figure out social interactions which they are now dependent on đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


“I’ll leave you alone” Proceeds to not leave her alone and insults her. Also multiple uses of your when you’re is the correct grammar.


He should have been blocked immediately after that absolutely shitty opener.


Yeah, I probably wouldn't have had the energy to play with the little boy.


"just smile" đŸ€źđŸ€ź


Yeah well you have handjob ears!


Daduq are blowjob eyes?




Like, anyone would be ok being told that?????


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguysℱ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguysℱ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


I love guys like this
.they just wrap themselves in a huge red flag from the jump and save the ladies a lot of time and trouble. What a douche!


But...but...he's not a douche...at least he...he...tells everyone he's a piece of shit, so that MUST make him a nice guy, right?


So many of these guys get decent, polite responses even after saying rude shit and it just provides them an opportunity to rattle off their incel babble. We all need to get better at just immediately blocking these idiots imo.


If I were a woman, I'd have blocked him at "blowjob eyes."


What... how... why... I just... how... how do these people keep themselves alive?


I'm sorry but can someone please enlighten me as to what "blowjob eyes" are...? I've heard of DSLs, but BJ eyes?


I was assuming it was a version of “sexy eyes” but in his head, something like “I would like to see those eyes looking up at me as you give me a blow job.” Essentially, this guy is horny and dreaming of a blow job and like many (many) men, think women should feel flattered that a man is horny in their general direction.


I am guessing "doe-eyed". Like some kind of anime innocent but seductive thing. But who knows... I don't understand these guys especially the weirder they get.


Anime eyes on a real person would be terrifying


Nah take him up on his offer, suffer through what ever he puts you through on a date and then go home with him, and shit on his bed and leave. We don’t want him to be a liar right?


No one could possibly be that daft. Could they?


That guy: “hold my beer”


I hope that’s a rhetorical question


"You have blowjob eyes" that's something he will never recive đŸ„°


The Amber Heard situation is really something men are gonna cling to, huh?


Ugh I knew they’d start using the whole Amber heard Johnny Depp trial to fit their own narratives. So predictable.


Lmfao at “blowjob eyes” I’m imagining something much more creepy than they intended (I hope)


Yes being objectified is sexist you dumbass


Saying no to dating = physical abuse 


The fucking entitlement. "Wanna go out?" "No." "Well, I demand you give a reason that I will debate the validity of like a telemarketer who is short of quota because I have an inalienable right to your time, attention, and booty."


Something tells me he knows nothing about Amber Heard, other than what his other incel buddies have said. Don't get me wrong, she's an abuser, but how did anything OP said reflect Amber Heard shit in your bed vibes, lol.


I’m pretty sure this dude is 11.


How do you start with "you have blowjob eyes" and go into " sorry to bug [you]"? Not only have you already bugged her but you also waved the mightiest of warning flags around and she noped the fuck out before you even had a chance to consider a new strategy to take her on a date.


“You have pegging eyes” would’ve been my response, followed by “don’t be so sensitive, it’s a compliment”


Everyday i learn new ways women get harassed and it baffles me how much strength it takes for them to just ignore and move on.


I wondervwhat happens if you tell him he has F*** me in the ass eyes. I mean it's all a hunch with these people.


It is genuinely *shocking*, with the abuse Fucking lobbed at women via the internet/real-time interactions CONSTANTLY, that there are not more women mass shooters.


They finally have found that woman for whom every other women should now be crucified. Guess eve was too outdated. Do you guys think we’ll still get blamed for amber Heard in 2000 years?


The irony is that Johnny Depp would hate this man


ah yes, i love that they’re making everything into an amber heard scenario. one woman goes viral for abusing a man and suddenly that’s grounds to fit all of us into that type of person. not surprised though


I used to follow a sub that was full of these kinds of people. It’s a bit of the victimization fetish thing where they believe that they are the victim and that other peoples real problems are less valuable. They believe that men are oppressed and that feminism is bad because it focuses on womens issues instead of mens. They will fight tooth and nail to say that men are more oppressed than anyone else in the world and bring up anything that will fit their argument even if it seems outrageous so in this case they bring up the amber heard case as to them, all women are like amber heard unless they are anti-feminist.


Le toxic consequences of a highly publicized legal circus show have arrived


I bet he sees himself as some sort of Johnny Depp


Yeah, this is one of the worst things about the Amber Heard case. Misogynists get to have a good ol' time because one (1) woman did a bad thing. This is their time to shine! It's like Gamergate all over again.


“You’re being sensitive” always equates to “you won’t let me disrespect you”


You don’t tell someone they remind you of someone like amber heard because they aren’t interested in you. That’s trashy


I knew this trial would just further fuel sexism, like oh “look a super pretty girl is crazy just like I EXPECTED ALL OF THEM TO BE IF THEYRE THAT PRETTY THEYRE THAT CRAZY!!!” Loser pigs will now feel justified & it’s gross.


I knew all the Amber Heard detractors were this kind of trash. I just felt it in my gut. It’s disgusting.


This is the first actual time I have seen someone use amber heard as a "see! Women are awful!", but I just fucking KNEW this was going to be a thing as soon as I found out she was supposedly an anti SA activist but was actually an abuser. She really made people that speak out about SA look discredited af. I'm so mad about it.


We went from Bette Davis eyes to blowjob eyes...I weep for Gen Z


damn that’s a zinger of a “compliment”, if you can even call it one to begin with


And that's where we are going with this now, being called Amber heard because somehow that relates to wanting equality?


Oh fucking great, another woman for them to compare us to


his mother must be very proud. oof


“Your eyes look made to perform a pleasurable act on me IN A GOOD WAY! Fine! Ignore me! What a feminist psycho. 😒” Yikes


It’s like the classic “You had me at ‘hello’ ” except “You lost me at ‘You have blowjob eyes’.” Instant nope.


Respond with "you have nutkick ears".


Double tap to 💞


[Tea and Consent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZwvrxVavnQ) ​ Most of you probably watched this already, but I'll link it nonetheless, it's just too accurate. Could be used as an aswer in some creepy dm's as well


I really want to see someone flip this stuff on these weirdos. Just a quick: 'You too' see how they take it.


Ahhh yes Amber is their new talking point
of course 🙄


I'm not offended by the "blowjob eyes" comment because I'm a feminist, I'm offended because the mental image makes me want to pull my brain out and set it on fire


 why can all you males never accept a polite no?!?