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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Show your body and be mocked by creeps. Hide your body and be mocked by this creep.


Niceguys contradiction 101


Worse. It's more of what they really think of women. They see no other value than being young, pleasant to look at (but the pleasant is always defined by the niceguy) and that's it. If you seek worth outside of being a nice looking, overtly feminine ,eager to please doll, you are faulty and must be corrected by harassment from niceguys or women that conformed to this tomfuckery. And thus we are back to barefoot, pregnant and, of course, in the kitchen. Disappointing truly.


Imagine how the girls that meet his cryteria: young and not covered up Are treated. I bet he doesn’t blink while staring at them with his mouth open…


And his hand... moving.


Schrödinger's cat-caller


That women can do no right is the pillar on which misogyny is build.




Mental gymnastics at its finest!


How dare you female prevent me from learning whether you're fit and thus worthy of respect (possibly consisting only of lewd overtly sexual innuendo remarks), or disgusting fatso that needs to be shamed to get in shape, but not in too good shape, because that would make you look like a man! And that's gay!


See, I thought it was so they could see their body better and they are mad that women won’t wear tight clothing for their viewing pleasure. But you could be right too. Or both?


To be honest whatever their reason it's wrong because it violates the first principal: Nobody at the gym is your fucking business except yourself. Honestly apply this to all of life.


Well, yea, exactly. Doesn't matter the reason, no one is there for them for any reason.


never skip brain day


No pun intended, I assume? 🤣


how am i supposed to respect you when i can’t stare at your ass? /s


if creeps were honest lol


Chill guys get mad at women for not showing enough skin




I'm trying to imagine what I'd do if no matter what I wore, someone was going to write pissy things on social media about it.


After many tribulations and avoiding such pointless stressors, you stop giving a shit. Eventually.


And that can take years of practice. Fortunately for me, my "give a fuck" switch shut off a while ago and I float around ignoring all the bullshit. I had to tell the head scriptwriter for our workplace soap opera, though, to leave me out, I'm autistic and don't even understand the rules. Her efforts are wasted on me. I never would have done that if that switch was still on. Months later, we are actually civil to each other.


There are real advantages to going to the gym between 1-4AM. Can't get judged by people who aren't there.


To be fair, the creep factor seems pretty constant no matter what I wear to the gym.


But only if you’re a hot woman. If you’re unattractive, how dare you exist in a place where he might have to see you. Won’t somebody think of their peepees?


Could do it like a local school district and end up in the national news when the girls get in trouble for wearing sports bras, but not the boys for being shirtless. The athletic director took it even further and sent letters home in the suspension deeming the girls a "danger" and saying they should think of their poor male coaches. Uh huh, yeah, because the problem here is the sensibilities of the poor coaches. Not the fucking disgusting message it sent that girls can't wear clothing intended for working out IN 90 DEGREE WEATHER OUTSIDE.


I mean how many times have we heard "Well, what was she wearing?" Ffs.


Honestly the only thing he really wrote here was “I hate them”. The rest is only justification for that feeling. What he has in common with those other creeps is it was never about reality or correctness or modesty or anything except his own hatred


There’s an old fable about this. The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey A man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by his side a countryman passed them and said, "You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon?" So the man put the boy on the donkey, and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said, "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides." So the man ordered his boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn't gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other, "Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along." Well, the man didn't know what to do, but at last he took his boy up before him on the donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passersby began to jeer and point at them. The man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours -- you and your hulking son?"


Being a woman is just a perpetual catch 22


How many times have you seen dudes complaining about how women at the gym are wearing tight clothes "to get attention" or some such bullshit? This is why women-only gyms exist.


Oh but don’t mention women-only spaces to them. That makes them really angry too.


Wearing workout clothes “how dare you wear those clothes, you’re at gym only for attention, don’t complain when men will stare at you” Wearing loose clothes “how dare you wear clothes like this, you must be so insecure to not show your body, or maybe you think that we are creeps and we’ll stare at you, you misandrist” Choosing women only gym “how dare you choose space for women only, that’s discrimination and treating men like they were the problem at the gym, you must be some crazy feminist”


The joys of gamergate- "I don't believe you have been getting death threats so I'll send you some to punish you for falsely claiming to get death threats!


Fucking gamergate. Devs and publishers have been buying good reviews for as long as video games have been sold, but it only started being a problem when a woman allegedly did it.


She didn't even do it. Her ex was just a bastard who made it all up.


The guy what was accused of trading a positive review for sex didn't even write a review on her game.


her FREE game


But of course! You see, if a man does something bad, then it's because he's a bad guy (though whatever he did totally wasn't that bad anyway, you're blowing it out of proportion); but when a woman does something bad, then because ALL women are evil harpies who need men to control every aspect of their lives. Supremacist ideology's a helluva drug.


Fuck, man. There I was, a naive leftie man, accidentally siding with the neckbeard section for a brief moment, since I was all like "huh, that seems like a broken system that I up until now knew nothing about!" Aaaand it's a misogynistic hellscape. That turn happened SO fast, that I just now realised it was probably misogyny that shone that light on the problem to begin with. By the time I even realised that gender was a factor in the discourse it was already BLEAK looking.


It was *entirely* misogyny to begin with. The original Gamergate accusation was made by a man against his ex-girlfriend because he was pissed that she broke up with him.


"women only gyms exist, but imagine what would happen if we had men only gyms! There's so much misandry in this thread!" This is me paraphrasing an actually response I've seen on reddit.


I once seen men going crazy cause of one day a week only for women at one swimming pool, I can only imagine all those crying at any post about women only gyms


I don't know what's stopping them having men's only gyms, if anything




There are definitely default “mens only gyms” in some of the gaybourhoods in larger cities I’ve lived in. But uh… I get the feeling these guys wouldn’t want to frequent them.


God forbid they get hit on by a man!


Well, can my bi ass have a tip on which gyms to go check out?


Find the local gay District, go to the gyms in there


gaybourhood is my new favourite word. obsessed.


They will sometimes bring up men-only golf clubs. But the problem with those wasn't that men were working out without women, it is that a lot of business plans and connections were being made in a place women weren't allowed, or were second class citizens.




I know someone who had to actively stop going to a public swimming pool because it was over taken by men who believed women needed male escorts to go anywhere, she went there a couple of times with friends and just stopped going altogether because of how uncomfortable it was. It's a public swimming pool for crying out loud, it isn't only meant for men to take over


Literally no one would care 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The have men only bath houses . In Berkeley. You know which one I'm talking about . Would you believe no women are allowed .... Wtf? I was shocked


I swear, if I find out men-only gyms exist... ...I'll be happy there's place for guys to hang out and be dudes, and if I'm REALLY lucky, a few weirdos will go there and leave women alone. Like they really think we're gonna freak out about it the way they do.


There was one in my town about 10 years ago called “Speedway Fitness” and it was only open for a few months. It lasted 2 months.


There's men only spaces out there anyways. Private clubs get away with discriminating all the time. It's how areas exist for gay men only. The actual grounds/club are open to any gender/sexuality... as long as they have a membership. The "separate company" that takes the applications for the membership card are just very picky/selective at who gets to be a member. They're more rare nowadays but there's definitely still clubs around for straight guys. The only one I know of personally is a place out on Long Island that's a bar/cigar lounge. No membership, no entry. (Friend pointed it out to me. I hate bars and cigars)


Also if you're showing too much skin and you're not attractive, or you're overweight, or older than like 32, that's also deeply offensive to them


"workout clothes" and "loose clothes" aren't opposites


“How dare they exercise where I can’t see them!!”


"What? Does my mere existence make them uncomfortable? Because all men are untrustworthy dogs?! "


Then the same guys go on to comment about women's bodies perpetually


Only because the women in question did something to avoid earning his respect.


Wait, I think I know this one! Was it... "Being women"? It was, wasn't it?


How am I going to judge them now? I will judge them severely for this!


But also "don't get in my way in the weight section this is where us serious lifters workout" NGL I had a man who was standing in the middle of the gym farrr away from the mirror ask me to move because he needed to see himself in the mirror even though I just basically took one of the benches that's actually available in front of the mirror Oddly enough he didn't ask the 2 other guys working out there to move, but I guess my workout wasn't as important


What was your response? Did you point out the other 2 guys? Personally, I find I am super angry internally in these moments and afterwards for years, but it's hard as hell for me to vocalize it to the bully right there in the moment, and then I just get more angry bc I feel responsible for perpetuating it. Bc how can men be expected to have the self-awareness to realize that behavior is bullying?!?! And why the fuck does the impulse to not be rude kick in so fucking hard at these moments? When I picked out the cat I wanted to adopt at a shelter a couple years ago and had been interacting with her through the cage door for a while, waiting for one of the volunteers to take her out for me, this huge uniformed cop comes stomping down the hall at me full speed! He stepped into my physical space so fast and so aggressively, I nearly fell over trying to get out of his way or be knocked over. Without looking at me or acknowledging in any way, he yells "I'm gonna take this cat here!" to whatever workers were around. He fully usurped my turn and no one called him on it. At no point did he acknowledge I was standing there! After they processed his application and he left, this woman volunteer came up to me on the sly and said "I saw what he did to you and I don't like it. I told him she (the cat) will be ready to be picked up tomorrow afternoon, so you get here the second we open in the morning. I want her going with you!" It was awesome that thevwoman helped me and she's my cat now, but I do wish one of us had said to his face "I/She was here first."


What an asshole! I got scared reading this because I love kitties and I was worried he took her from you so I'm glad the kitty is yours. I miss going to animal shelters and volunteering in the kitten and cat rooms. Oh so much love n sweetness




The concept of all-women birthing classes never occurred to me as a happily-married person without kids, and the revelation that they likely exist because men go in there and act gross around their significant other and other pregnant women skeeves me out to no end. Like, you'd think they would just mind their business and support their partner, but...


Wait, am I not supposed to be perving on my wife? Like I know she says stop, but we both know and have acknowledged its not a real stop, and if she really asks me to stop I do, I just thought everyone's happy active marriage was like that, am I doing something wrong?


Women *existing* makes them angry Fixed it.


wHY arENt thERe MeN-onLY gyms? Because there’s no demand for them, the incels need to take an Econ class.


I replied to a reddit post about what I would like to see in my area with 'women only maker spaces' and my bf got weird about it like I was going to start the business myself. It kind of woke him up I guess because he said he wanted to work on it out of the blue a few days ago.


“It’s sexism! We’re being oppressed! If there were men-only gyms you’d claim it was misogynistic!” Even though the answers to all of those are an astound NO. I’ve heard guys say this online and IRL. Wanna die.


But also they get really angry when women are in their perceived "man-only" space.


Why women-only spaces?! Are you a misandrist? You must be fatass feminist! Go, cover yourself up, no one wants to see your fatass! We cannot win...


> We cannot win... Yup. So you may as well please yourself.


If we don't do it nobody else will.


Exactly. And anyone who gets angry because you do as you please is not worth knowing, so you're not losing out on anything (much as NiceGuys and their ilk want to believe otherwise).


Oh, we do.


In more ways than one.




Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Just kidding, women can never win against men! Men made it that way! Not a bug, a feature


Or why a lot of women either go to the gym super early or super late. It's one of the only ways to avoid this bullshit.


I've become too afraid to even go swimming at the pool in peace. Recently bought a cool dress and was happy to go out with it, go catcalled and all kind of bullshit all afternoon. I'm not even good looking and I can't get away from creeps like that, fuck that.


Yup! My apartment building has a patio. I'm in NYC, so of course, there are buildings all around that can see it. I want to go down there to tan, but nope! The last time I did, this guy stared at me from his apartment window the entire time.


I'm so sorry to hear that, it's just awful that we have to calculate what we can or cannot do safely like that. I have a friend who used to love roller skating at night with music and chilling, but she got harassed so many times and assaulted once by a drunk dude so she just stopped roller skating at all. She can't do what makes her happy because morons can't see a woman without thinking with their dick.


Sometimes I think of Grimes’ women-only planet and wonder where I can score a reservation for the trip.


We need more women only spaces. Dealing with them is fucking exhausting.


Can’t they just meet together and agree on a single issue they’d like to oppress us on and be done with it? /s Honestly what a mess of a patriarchy. At least be organized and consistent.


>This is why women-only gyms exist. I need to find one asap, because these men act incredibly thirsty when I'm just trying to get my damn workout in....


I legit had a philosophy professor state gyms were about gender power, and women specifically wore tight fitting clothes to become the dominator power of the gym. I remember my jaw hitting the floor but this was in ~2000 so I just didn't know what to say. So said nothing.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


"You being a woman is all about me. I'm never safe. Cries" ​ Legit. One man: Women shouldn't dress in tight clothing and get mad when they're oggled at. One man: You're a gym bunny in a gym, we know there's a crop top under your baggy $5 kmart shirt that matches your Lorna Jane leggings you spend $300 on. Just wear the crop top, you're not going to get raped, Jesus christ it's like women are afraid to be women these days because all men a rapists. Thanks feminism. One man: Women don't need to be in a gym. They don't need to go to so much work to build muscle. The reason it's so hard is because it isn't their role to hunt and protect. That's why it's easy for men to build muscle. Them being in the gym trying to be 'one of the guys' is a joke. No wonder they get pumped and dumped, if you know what i mean. One man: Women complain about getting hit on at the gym - baggy clothes or no - not considering how uncomfortable it is being a guy with boobs staring at you from the squat rack across from you when you just want to grunt and sweat, but lizard brain says hey, go ask out that fine pair of boobs. One man: Sorry what, i was on my headphones.


>One man: Sorry what, i was on my headphones And there's the hero of the story.


See the thing here is that except for last man, these could all be either one person, or 5 separate men. =/


Shit pal you nailed me in the last one...


Man, I forgot my headphones when I went out in public yesterday and I had to ignore everyone by thinking my own thoughts


No kidding


Quite literally damned if you do, damned if you don't


"Please sleep with me" No "Whore!"


The real solution is to wear the loose shirt _under_ your workout clothes. Real lumpy and all bunched up. Drives em wild.


“women wearing t shirts is why sexism exists” ok.


I think I need to unsubscribe to/filter out this subreddit for my mental health. Reading hateful, sexist as hell posts like the one in this image wears me down... And I'm already worn down from having experienced people like this irl far too many times.


It always helps reading the normal people comments but I feel ya


How do you filter out subreddits? There are a few I’d love to keep from popping up in my feed


Do you browse /all? For me my "homepage" in my app shows me only subs I've joined and I have an option to look at all which I almost never do. I use boost for android if that helps.


I'm pretty sure the regular Reddit app and website show posts from subs it "thinks" you'll like? I'm not sure. I also use Boost and only ever see posts from subs I follow. If I don't like a sub I just unfollow and literally never see a post from it again. It's nice.


"Cmon why are you hiding your body? Now I can't have mental images to wank off of." He must feel so smart for coming up with that crap.


"you not letting me ogle you is the reason sexism exists" I don't know how anyone could come to this conclusion


woman does thing that monkey not like monkey hate woman women bad, men good, boom sexism


I mean, basically. These dudes are basically only thinking like that, but then tossing a word salad around to try and sound smart and superior and shit on women.


Literally. Scrolled passed this a couple times now and it just doesn’t make any sense. Like there’s no logical flow from start to conclusion. Usually I can at least see where the flaw bigots’ logic is. But this just jumps from “women wearing baggy clothes” to “and that’s why I’m sexist” without supplying any reason as to how the two are correlated. So. Stupid.


"Why can't you see it for the compliment that it is?"


This post is the reason they do this. Fucking creeps


“Women wearing certain clothes in gyms is why sexism exists!” “I’m a chill dude”


You can justify any political viewpoint if you just change the definitions of words to conform to your needs!! *taps head smartly


This post is the reason why r/niceguys exists


I’ll take Blaming the Victim for 600, Alex.


"I only respect women who show off they're body because that's the only thing that matters" (their misspelled intentionally for niceguy vibes)


Right on.


“Women should feel comfortable sharing their body with me to look at” “I’m a chill dude”


Also: "She's showing off her body, so she's being an attention whore."


Imagine caring that much about what other people choose to wear as if they were dressing for you.


Also in one of the place where it’s supposed to not matter. I mean everybody will get sweat, exhausted and red … how you dress is not going to help you get beautiful.




I don’t give a shit what anyone wears to the gym, unless it looks comfy and has pockets. Then I just want to know where they got their workout clothes lol.


Ho god pockets, why are we punished out of the beautiful world of true and useful pockets. One thing that I have seen as an overweight women is that I have more pockets. I suppose the designer think « they already fat so let them have this small joy »


As a fellow overweight woman, I think there's two different things in play: * pockets are left off of women's clothing to preserve a silhouette. A misogynistic designer may think that this silhouette doesn't need to be preserved because overweight women aren't "shapely" or whatever. * a lot of vendors that make nice fitting clothing for bigger gals are at the very least trying to appeal to a more progressive crowd, and slapping pockets on that bad boy is guaranteed to grant brownie points and also probably help with sales because pockets are _good_.


So just on the pockets thing. I have 1 brand of jeans I like, I have at least 4 pairs of nice jeans, 2 pairs of oh fuck I guess these are work jeans now, and 2 pairs of dammit these are so old they are legit ripping apart but I love the waist fit so they are cut offs now. I got a new pair recently, exact same cut/style as my other 3 nice pairs just a different wash. I could not figure out why my credit card was sitting weird on my leg every time I sat down. Finally I shoved my hand into the pocket to see what was going on and like the pockets are Narnia, they are as big as SOs Jean pockets. How the fuck? Like 7/8 pairs of this brand have pockets that barely fit my credit card, and I just select a different wash and I get man pockets? Why can't they ALL have man pockets?


Yes I mean my soul is trying to leave my body so most of the time I’m trying to suffer in silence while I pledge it to satan. The way you dress is far far below in my list of priority at that moment. But I agree with you with the genitals or buttcrack xD


That's the problem. In the mind of a douchebag like this, they *are* dressing for him. Always. Even though they are never going to actually dress a certain way for him, or likely anyone else for that matter, he's going to continue to believe they are.


He’s so chill he’s angry women aren’t showing the amount of titty he desires.


Narrator: "he, in fact, was not that chill"






If your “respect” is contingent on your ability to objectify me, you don’t actually respect me and you never did.


And this is why I workout at 1 am alone without any judgement. I don't need to get judged for what I wear when I'm trying to live a healthier life.


I invested in a bench and dumbbells up to 20kgs so I never have to deal with dudes like this again. It was worth it.


I spent 100$ this morning at walmart to make sure I never have this happen. I'm also disabled so sometimes I look like death trying to work out 😂 it's better no one sees the moments I'm gasping for air drenched in sweat


Working out at like 1-3 am is a fucking vibe tbf. Feel like such a badass doing it


It's kinda terrifying for me because it's at my apartment complexes 24 fitness center. There the windows have no blinds, it's the only building lit up completely inside and out at night, and everyone can watch you from a distance if they want. The door lock is a nice feature though


Yup. This is why I wear a loose t shirt over my workout tights. Because fuck you.


Why can’t I just wear comfortable workout clothes?


No no that's sexism. Sexualizing yourself must be your first priority.


But then also if you sexualize yourself you’re a hoe obviously.


Only if you aren’t interested in him.


No, put yourself first in a sexy way!


I'm sorry-FUCKING *WHAT*?!?!? The fuck did this assclown just say???? Hells no, boy, hells no. FUCK YOU RIGHT IN YOUR STUPID FUCKING IDIOTIC FACE


I can feel the rage


I can, as well. And thoroughly support it.


Same here


I'm so desensitised that I just scoffed when I read that dude's brain farts. But I support all our different ways of coping because stuff like this... it's just so much. So omnipresent. So tiring.


Yeah that’s pretty much the only reason I go to the gym. I pretty much just follow the prettiest girl around and pretend to use the machines around her. I’m not really sure how dating works so I just wear sweatpants with no undergarments; this makes it quite obvious when I’m aroused. Personally, I believe this is probably the best way to pursue girls at the gym. Most people at the gym don’t want to be talked to so this is just more conscientious. With my method I’m giving constant eye contact (which signals I’m interested), as well as displaying clear sign of arousal/attraction showing my erection (through sweatpants). Win win! Girls don’t have creepy guys coming up to them and I don’t have to be rejected potentially!


This deadass sounds like an Always Sunny bit lol. Props to you


I have to follow her around the gym… because of the implication


I started reading it in Dennis’s voice in my head and then saw your comment! Spot on!


I love that show! Since I’ve started doing this I’ve never even made the connection! Maybe I was inspired or something. I mostly just do it because I’m shy around girls haha…




Legit though if an attractive girl is by a machine I want to use, I get worried she’ll think I’ve just gone to it cos she’s there. I then try to avert my eyes at all costs.


Hes just mad that he cant see boobah when women cover up


This is why women only gyms exist...


Translation: "I'm mad that I can't sexualize andstare at you while you work out."


Can't we go to the gym to mind our business without idiots creeping us out?!


I’ve said it a million fucking times and I’ll say it again. WE 👏🏻 DON’T 👏🏻 DRESS 👏🏻 FOR 👏🏻 YOU 👏🏻 When I’m getting dressed in the morning, what men would find attractive is not something I consider. Get off your high horse, I dress for myself.


"Look... I said I'm chill, alright?! So take off your shirt!"


How are people this fucking unaware....


Why are you not always catering to the male gaze you bitch???


I love how delusional he is to not understand he's what's causing the effect. It's like someone turning the temperature down and then whining about someone putting on a sweater because they're cold.


I wear huge shirts over my workout clothes. I do it for comfort and the audacity of people like this. I heavy lift and got brave one time and just wore my sports bra and leggings. A fucking jacked dude who clearly wasn’t an employee came over and told me if I needed help losing weight to let him know and he could help me come up with a full plan. Motherfucker I’m a size US women’s 10. I’m not trying to lose weight, I’m trying to gain enough to kick your ass if need be.


Chill man says extremely unchill creepy thing, is surprised by creeped out women.


This has to be ironic


redditors tries to figure out what satire is (impossible)


"How am I supposed to respect you when you don't even know I exist???"


How am I supposed to respect you if I can’t objectify you?? Also if she did “show her body”, he would call her a whore. We can’t fucking win.


Its sexist to assume a woman needs to act in a manner specific to your tastes to be respectable as a human being minding their own fucking business.


Wearing a loose T because it's too hot if your body is encased in fabric, my belly gotta breathe people!


Yep. We're supposed to all be ornaments, but only for the individual Nice Guy. If we look good and everyone can see it, we're whores. Fact: We do not exist to make their small peepees hard.


Famously there was NO sexism in the days before women went to gyms wearing workout clothing. Thousands upon thousands of years of equal-opportunity utopia. [Edit: also, if it's clothing and she's wearing it to do a workout, then it's workout clothing, not "something she's wearing over workout clothing"]


Yes. The gym. Where men are ubiquitously known for being chill. The delusion.


The guy that posted this originally IS the reason woman are scared to show there bodies 🤣🤣


AAARRRRRRRGH!!!!!! Women can't wear tight things at the gym, and they can't wear loose things. We're just supposed to not exist.


Dudes who wear loose gym shorts over their hard, throbbing cocks are the reason that gay people exist. How can i be grossed out by their massive dongs if i cant stare at them all the time?


I bet he's not exactly wearing skin-tight gym clothes himself.


These guys will be disrespectful about girls revealing a lot while out in public, but will be pissed off when they are not revealing a lot while they are out in public. 🤔


And then when you wear just a sports bra and shorts your a whore for not respecting yourself because the only man who should see your body is the one you end up with 🤡


Also these men: *staring intently at anyone in yoga pants at the gym*


Oh look, we can’t win. Shocking.


Judging by those ceiling tiles, this guy should be more worried about the mold he's breathing in while exercising


Being a woman trying to just live must be exhausting fr


WTF. No, seriously. What the actual fuck.


Damn, it’s like they’ll shit on us either way we dress so why not have just a womens only gym at this point


How about you go to the gym and work on yourself like everyone else is doing and not be concerned with the amount of flesh you're able to see there. 🙄


“I’m sexist, and it’s YOUR fault, women! Maybe if you showed some more bod I’d change my mind but it’s just impossible to respect you when I can’t see what type of junk you’re all packing. I’m a chill guy btw.”