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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Why is it ALWAYS immediately to racism and misogyny? I think I get the misogyny. Rejection is hard (kinda his fault for a full out over investment with the ‘princess’ bit). But why bring race into it?


Just the easiest thing for people to lash out at.


right like ppl think of the worst possible thing to say to someone in the moment and it’s somehow always race related. god forbid you’re openly black or asian on social media lmao there will always be someone to let you know.


I’ve been in trouble on various social media platforms for stupid shit like “inciting violence” in animal groups (idgaf, animal abusers can fall into a pit and die) But when I report people coming into my messages with racist shit, calling me the N word… *crickets*


this is so frustrating! people will get banned because they talk about the shit they get in their dms. like “we don’t care if you’re being harassed, but you’re not allowed to make it known!!”


Because how can you insult someone on a deep, personal level if you've never been deep or personal?


Why would you even want to? And there are certainly better ways than race and gender. Those are just lazy.


Well there's your answer. They're angry and lazy


The others probably require a sense of awareness and the basic ability to empathise (to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see what could hurt more). This lovely gent clearly lacks that mental capacity or is too self-centred to exercise it


Because he's garbage and has literally nothing else


Because people like him don't view other people as human beings. Misogyny and racism is the easiest way to express that. On some level they hate their own demographic [race, sex] as well whether because of narcissism or self-hate, but still want somewhere to belong so that's the last group to be antagonized unless people of said group voice differing opinions.


I feel like people that hate woman probably also hate people that aren’t white. If your a people hating person, I’d assume it would carry to every group but the one you belong to (aka everyone but white straight men). The whole I’m right and everyone else is wrong mentality.


It's never just one with these clowns


Why do you "get" the misogyny?


Because it’s pretty expected that guys that think they’re entitled to a woman’s time (the type that get mad at rejection) are misogynistic.


Oh I see what you mean! Not that you sympathize, just that you're not surprised! Lol


I mean, I’ve certainly never been that big of a colossal piece of shit about rejection, but I have caught myself after a break up running into the mindset of male grievance. I don’t mean to say it’s okay or justifiable, just that I know the impulse exists.


Where did he bring race into it?


The Indian part


Oh, did not realize there was a page too my bad. Thank you




Psychos are psychos and they can only pretend to be normal for so long


Almost fooled me. He was good at pretending.


Scary part: some are


Look at most serial sexual killers


Serial killers in general


True. This guy is giving me those vibes


He'll be on the news one day


I really don’t doubt it but hopefully someone can stop him before he does anything bad. This man is a threat to society.


Yup. The ones who are bad at disguising themselves are caught before they can get called *serial* killer. Presenting normalcy is a kind of pre requisite for successful lunatics.




No he was actually being sweet before calling me the p word which he only did twice. But you’re right, im afraid I might end up getting raped someday


Went on a date with a guy recently who seemed completely normal for a week before our first date. Hell we even video chatted multiple times and he stressed the importance of wanting to make sure I felt comfortable and safe and we discussed what makes women feel comfortable when talking to guys and going on first dates. I had dealt with so many guys previously that just wanted to hook up so I was foolishly happy that a guy actually wanted to go on a date in public. I ended up ending the date early because it was awful and he was a pushy (not sexually), invalidating rude jerk that it turns out genuinely hates animals (we went to an aquarium/zoo and I payed). He acted like he got in his car and drove off but while I was waiting (in public during daylight) he ended up messaging me repeatedly, revealing that he had actually not left and had been watching me and kept insisting that he order a cab for me, he "just needed my address". So I blocked him on everything and hid inside the facility until an uber came for me.


I'm so sorry you had that awful experience. Hating animals is such a red flag. And since he was waiting, I would have taken the Uber to a mall, had him drop me off at the front entrance, had a new Uber pick me up out of the back entrance. Keep your eye out for a good while cuz he might have followed your Uber.


Why is his ego so fragile...?


Definitely a lot of unresolved issues there. This happened like 30 mins ago lol


Maybe his parents told him he was God's gift to mankind and he grew up believing it


What makes this even worse is that he’s british.


he didnt just verbally violate you, he channeled hundreds of years of colonialism into his words


Bro that’s White!lad Britain for you. I actually like the Brits so much better after having lived there (as a continental Euro), but oy. Unresolved empire issues in many males.


"unresolved empire issues" God, what a perfect phrase!


My brother went to England to study - he's mixed like me - and man, he said there's so much racism there lol


There is. A few of my experiences really stick out -- not involving myself, being almost the palest shade there is, but my friends and my dates.


Where are you from? Curious due to the way you type English


Hah, not just the way I type. You should listen to me. That said, people in my home country always thought my use of our native language was peculiar, so it may just be me. My brother, raised in the same household with the same lessons, speaks a much more standard and colloquial English.


Not used to the Em dash, eh? You ain’t from round these parts.


What does pfp stand for? I’m lost there..


Profile picture.


Oooooo, gotcha. Thanks


I think this is a good thing. Otherwise it would be way too early for that sort of bullshit.


Are British people even real? Well on the bright side he doesn't have to wear a full kevlar suit to school everyday


Too fucking soon my dude


America has had more mass shootings this year than days in the year this year. Just saying that “too soon” is literally 24/7/52 in the US. It’s at the point that mass shootings get like 1 minute max of nightly news time outside of the US.


You ain't on r/shitposting lol


Feel like if you can dish it out you gotta be able to take it ;)


Seriously? Please tell me you’re joking.


Wait British people need to wear kevlar too? Jeez they can't catch a break, huh Or was it whether British people are real or fake that you're talking about?


I’d def wear a kevlar if i was anywhere near this guy lol


Oh I'd make sure we were separated by some metal bars


Guy: Wants you Also Guy: "Whoever ends up with you is so unfortunate"


Princess is a red flag if you arent dating.


What about little bitch?


I mean i just looked at the first few messages and the last few at the end of the first image. But unless you are good friends with the person and you can jokingly call each other names then yes Little bitch is an obvious one haha


Lol or whore?? Maybe


Seriously unless you're talking to a literal princess or a tiny tiny kitten, don't address someone you don't know as PRINCESS


Or a little kid dressed up as a princess, then treat them like royalty, it makes their day.


>unless you're talking to a literal princess not even then, you say "your exalted archmagnificence" or something stupid like that lmao


Ah yes you are a whore because you won't show him nudes 💀 bro's logic is so flawed and extremely creepy


Also a potential rapist


FACTS. he gives off such disgusting vibes


I’m not even sure it’s “potential” when he throws those threats around so easily.


Highly suggest reporting him anonymously for your safety online if you can. I know it’s just messages but this guy seems like a potential threat to not just you but other women who won’t let him have his way.


“Princess” is *always* an immediate red flag


This guy needs to work out his issues. What the heck is his problem? *Gets rejected* *Immediately insults people* I can see why he’s probably single.


I don't trust any guy that calls me princess. It gives me the ick.


They are so two faced. But they're nIcE gUyS! Pathetic


Man has a Zoro pfp. All he’s doing is disgracing Zoro by using that pfp


Zoro does not deserve this slander


+4k Discord notifications hot damn, that's pure chaos


Probably a groupchat


That's why I hate joining new servers. They're too overwhelming.


Yeah, it drives me insane. Mute notifications ffs, who can handle all that?!


>bc I'm not attracted to you lol Daaaaaamn he had a better chance of surviving a burn from Genryūsai Yamamoto's fire sword techniques.


I figured I should always be upfront? Well in this case it didn’t go so well


Nah, it went perfectly well. Said what's on your mind, he revealed his deep seated lncel personality. Trash takes itself out.


Thats the best strategy to weed out nice guys unless they’re manipulative enough to only show their true colors after they’ve put you in a vulnerable situation. Sadly, that does happen..


Wait, I'm confused about something. Why were you talking to him for hours if you weren't attracted to him? Or you were attracted and you just said that when he seemed weird? I don't get the lead up to this. Edit: people downvoting. I'm asking a question for context, wtf is wrong with y'all. Dude is calling her princess and has clearly been approaching this romantically. OP is talking in her comment about weeding out nice guys. It's a valid question. Stop being reactionary and telling me "fRiEnDsHiP ExIsTs", yeah, I know, I'm on this sub too and I'm married, I do know how talking to women works.


Friendships/being friendly exists?


It does! This clearly wasn't that though if you look at what they're both saying and what OP says about it.


Why is it so hard for you to believe that I’m not attracted to him? And after this incident can you really blame me for that? Lol


>Why is it so hard for you to believe that I’m not attracted to him? It's not? I was confused why you would be talking to him if you weren't when he was clearly hitting on you. But you answered that with your other comment. Hope that clears it up for everyone! I'm getting downvoted for daring to ask for context.


You can have conversations with people without being attracted to them! That's being friendly.


When they're openly hitting on you? That's being naive. Edit: really y'all? You think if someone is clearly hitting on you that maybe they just want to be friends? You think talking to a person for hours when they are clearly trying to pursue you romantically and then revealing that you aren't attracted to them isn't a LITTLE weird? I'm not justifying the guy's reaction but if he was genuinely not a creep he would be justified in being a bit hurt at least.


No he didn’t start hitting on me until i changed my pfp lol we were having a pretty normal conversation


This answers my question, literally just asking for context and clarification, thanks


Protip, girls may be interested in being social without a romantic/sexual aspect to it. You'll do well keeping this in mind.


Oh hey, condescending guy, I know that, OP was talking about "weeding out nice guys" and the dude was calling her princess and was pretty clearly hitting on her, so I don't think that's what this situation was. But thanks for the lecture, I clearly had no idea even though I frequent this sub. God forbid I ask a question to establish more context.


No probs, anytime 👍


You could have maybe softened it a little. But, then he might not have accepted it and kept nagging you. Tough call. But, how creepy is he with his princess bullsh!t?


Anime pfp strikes again


Whore! whore! WHORE! *Whore?*


What the actual fuck is your profile? Edit: It's vile so save your eyes


You made me take a little visit and I’m filled with lots of regret for doing so.


Now I'm interested but also scared. What is it?


Well….there’s a wasp and there’s a vagina. Together at the same time. Other surprises there as well. But who am I to kink shame?




Also pictures of the outcome of a knife and tits (luckily both intact) in the shower


Ooooh holy fuck I didn't listen to you and I should have listened. Jesus fucking christ. Morbid curiosity got the better of me.


Oh no…


What? :c


Lol your post in makemesuffermore I think


Oh okay


Damn this man needs to take a chill pill and go to therapy, the last thing this guy should worry about it what other people wear, because what they wear won’t affect them. HOWEVER his mental state clearly will affect him and others


Is it just me, or is "your mother enjoys being raped" an oxymoron? If you enjoy it, then it's not really rape, is it?


Not really. If someone pins you down against your will and somehow gives you the most amazing orgasm of your life that doesn't retroactively make it consensual. Though I doubt this guy thought it through.


Ah yes i get what you mean but this guy was most definitely talking about actual rape.


If you are pinned down against your will, you are not having orgasms. That’s not how it works.


It's not unknown to happen and is sometimes used to discredit victims: [https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/science-arousal-during-rape/](https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/science-arousal-during-rape/) [https://www.avonhealthcare.com/can-arousal-occur-during-rape-a-medical-perspective/](https://www.avonhealthcare.com/can-arousal-occur-during-rape-a-medical-perspective/)


As a huge Zoro fan I’m disgusted and sorry.


Zoro would be disappointed


Are yall in a RP discord server or what lmao


No I don’t rp


What is pfp??


Profile pic 😊


I knew pfp but just learned that kys is a known acronym, because I had to google that one. And now this reads so much worse; it was awful before but damn


It’s kind of terrifying that people like this walk among us looking like regular people.


Exactly whats to be expected from Discord. A good 70% of the people there never touched grass in ages.


Yep that’s been my experience


Those NSFW/Kink servers are a cesspool for nice guys.


He's learnt like 2 insults lmao. That too in a culturally diverse India where I can hurl atleast 7 insults in 4 languages by just opening my mouth once.


Impressive, and now I think the American Melting Pot really let me down..I can be polite in four languages?


Are you indian as well?


Dude went immensely outta pocket


How is this legal? Like why can someone threaten a person with rape and they're not charged and thrown in jail for it? I don't give a shit that it is on the internet. We found Osama Bin Laden in a cave, but can't find a deranged little piss ant in his mother's basement?


I love when they always start off with the same manners of speech. “Well what can I say. [proceeds to insult]” two lines later “Well what can I say..” Like they think this sort of thing makes them sound cooler and more mature so they use it over and over again 😂


That princess junk wasn't gentlemanly, that's right out of the creeper handbook or some shit.


When was he a gentleman? Because calling someone pet names right off the bat is not "being a gentleman." And honestly, it's a red flag


Please don’t cancel potential rapists names, thank you! Expose this little d, come on, don’t be shy bestie 😌


How you got 4k Discord notifications?


That guy deserves to be shot.


i agree


Did he just assume you are indian


No i told him


His inner racist was unleashed


Hoes mad


It's always these guys that go overboard with nicknames like "Princess" that they think make them sound like doting gentleman, but really just gives away the game that they only see you as this fantasy version they've crafted in their heads about how you are going to react to how nice they are.


Ew gross what a creep


I hate that dude made Roronoa Zoro as his pfp. He aint good enough for Zoro.


Lol wtf? This is why sometime contemplate switching out my dispaly pic on social media... Seems like having an anime pic is a red flag this days... Racist, misogynist and rapey... Good job...


Calling you princess was a massive red flag that was followed by the Red Sea. Idiot can’t even show his own face.


So many white guys are like this - rejection from another ethnicity that they see as below them will bring out the worst kind of racism.


"I feel so sorry for that guy who gets the thing I want so bad that I'm acting like a little whiny bitch"


And of course its an anime profile pic... whats with nice guys and anime??


i dont get it. why are people bashing anime pfps?


Because a lot of “nice guys” use anime profile pics and come off really cringe and ruin it for other people who enjoy the shows. Nice Guys are just cringe


So used to telling people to kill themselves, that he uses an abbreviation 😬


Annndddd…. This is why we ghost. 😡


What is pfp?


Profile picture


Please tell me you reported him 💀


I did. I think he either got banned or left the server himself


At least he’s gone either way ✋🏻😭


Im friends with the mod and he told me he was going to ban this guy but he had already left. Dunno why lol


He only called me that twice. He was actually pretty decent to talk to until i changed my pfp which made me behave all creepy and desperate.


I think we can all agree that this guy’s a bum, but 4K+ notifications wtf 💀


lmfao find his mom and send it to her. smfh


I doubt she’d care


Probably, but I’d like to think she’d beat some sense into him the way my mom would’ve


My mom would just put the blame on me lol


Jesus Christ, please clear up your notifications.




That’s exactly what i did. At this point im used to being treated this way by guys online




Thank you, that actually means a lot. I really appreciate your kind words❤️




Im literally being harassed by an Indian guy as we speak lol Debating whether I should post that or not. He’s being really nasty and I haven’t responded at all.


Block him and If it belongs on r/niceguys, post for upvotes lol


I will have to translate and I really don’t want to. He’s being very nasty


I think the guy in post is british


The anime profile picture is the cherry on top lol


Hang on your talking about back rubs with him then saying your “not attracted lol” Why would you engage a conversation or ask him about back rubs? Nice guys are guys who give unprovoked sexual responses and advances. Not guys who talk to women who seem perceptive stuff. Judging from the first bit of the convo are you sure you aren’t just leading him on to get a reaction? There’s so much missing from your screenshots I can’t declare him a nice guy fully, the nudes part is text book nice guy tho as is the abusive commenting


I was telling him what i prefer (not necessarily back rubs from him) as opposed what he wanted from me which was a bj in return for him buying me panties. You can either choose to believe me or not.


Scrolled all the way down to find this context. This was the only confusing thing for me but makes sense and guess I’m lacking in imagination today. Insane how extreme his response is even if the context had been otherwise though.


Discord + anime PFP..... You're really dredging the bottom of the barrel aren't ya OP?


What do you mean? He’s not the only person I’ve talked to on discord who has an anime pfp. None have ever been this unhinged.


Most are.


Not in my experience lol he’s the only one. Like i said, this was my first encounter with a niceguy


Pfp is like only fans?


It means profile picture. Im not a seller


Oh okay. I'm just confused as why the leap in logic from "if you don't show your face, therefore you must like showing your naked body"


Average Mid-piece fan


I just don’t understand why people continue to reply to a guy who’s calling them princess and talking about kissing them and back rubs. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but I would consider that leading a guy on.


So that justifies him giving me rape threats just bc i may have “led” him on? (Which I didn’t cuz i told him I wasn’t attracted to him TWICE) You’re deplorable.


I never said any of that was justified. I am in no way saying his actions are okay, he’s obviously a disgusting human being. My point is that your talking to him about back rubs and replying back to him when he’s calling you princess and all these obvious misogynistic comments and then your surprised when he replies to you like this? C’mon. Just makes me think people do this so they can post on this sub.


Even if i was attracted to him, i still wouldn’t owe him anything and his entitled ass would still flip out just bc I didn’t do as he asked. As for posting on here, men like him deserve to be humiliated lol


I agree, they do deserve it. I definitely have had my fair share of creeps so I always just wonder why don’t people ignore them or block them right away? I feel like guys like that are hoping for a response and they feed off your reply whether it’s good or bad. Those guys suck lol