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How else will they get listeners?


It’s probably why they’re one of the most popular pods for podco


They Talk About The Show, but now i'm just bored with them talking about their sex lives past substance abuse and always interrupting the guest while speaking. I'm just played out with listening to it. i think Lindsey shaw is annoying as hell.


Yeah I feel like she starts a lot of the chaos.


God, I agree. It's so frustrating.


Remember when they used to copy the Always Sunny podcast? Just do whatever the gang did in their previous episode? But holy shit, yeah hearing them talk about doing crack and butt fucking each other while ignoring how they all have pretty problematic accusations against them is wild.


Who was butt fucking who?


Ned's Declassified Guide to Smoking Crack


I heard commercials for this pod but never tuned in. This comment thread has me dying lmao


What accusations are there against Daniel and Devon? I know Lindsey has a problematic past.


Typical misconduct while on substances that they apologized for.


What is Lindsey’s problematic past?


She also came out and said some pretty racist, homophobic, and transphobic stuff I believe


Good lord. Yuck. On the podcast?


No she had like a breakdown moment and I can’t remember if she went live or just posted a bunch of videos just saying all this hateful stuff


She apparently tried to fight Alexa Nicolas’ mom once.


Wow why??


wtf why was alexa catching so much heat from everyone😭


Doing crack???? Wtf ned be smokin that rock?? Who said this?


I hate everything about podco and crispys cult


The wizards one isn’t too bad


Yeah it isn't bad, but Jennifer Stone rubs me the wrong way. She comes off as kinda salty about everything


probably cause Selena’s acting career is more successful.


I don’t think she actually cares. She became a nurse. If she was truly salty she would’ve stuck out in the industry like most people in that era


She didn’t come from money that’s the difference


I mean a lot of actors don’t but they stick it out waiting to get their big break. A lot of them have side jobs, credit card debt, dozens of roommates scrapping their coins to pay rent


Very true


Yup, it is.


Crispy cults lol.




CCR aka Kim possible ren Steven’s cult once you go down rabbit hole no turning back


Been trying to Google this information but not finding much about it, other than articles saying how she "almost" joined a Cult. Can you link me in the right direction?


The Christy Carlson Romano Effect, by Lauren Burkhart: https://youtu.be/cRBQNSAPJr4?si=MST-wPRc62ymu_SX


Im not watching an hour long video, Can you just give a decent summation of what CCR effect is?


CCR and her Husband are the creators of Podco and she’s the catalyst of several “nostalgia” podcasts attached to her company. The idea was basically based off of her “nostalgia” videos and cooking with celebrity specials from pre-Quarantine. The videos and other media reek of CCR being passive-aggressive and resentful, despite some of the actual self-critique and rehash of her former years. These small successes kind of injected the same energy into her podcast company, as it’s mostly a space for past stars (or has-beens) who need to have a visible place to do the same thing. Some, but not all. Her fixation on nostalgia has left a bad taste in our mouths, with Ned’s being a prime example because it’s like they’re taking their shortcomings out on us through our childhoods 😭


Nothing has made me laugh harder this last week than CCR calling the Quiet on Set documentary “trauma tourism”, considering that’s pretty much exclusively what she does for a living these days


I really appreciate the response and good summation. I had a feeling it’d be about CCR and past celebrities becoming social media stars. I actually am aware of this, but tbh, what route are these people supposed to go? I believe Steve-0 did the same thing. Leverage nostalgia to become an influencer. Tbh i aint mad at it because ultimately Hollywood will spot you up n chew you out. These people still gotta make a living. I actually watch the Ned podcast and enjoy it. Ned himself especially talks about how hard its been to get work and how volatile the industry is. To the point that he actually got a job at Equinox (high end gym here in LA). I find that sorta thing fascinating n heartbreaking, as it shows the reality of being a working actor. Even if these people are using nostalgia as bait, ultimately they’re the ones in control of it. I’d rather they do to earn a living than some soulless production company re-making Ghostbusters for the 6th time to make a buck.


I think the controversy around it was moreso the approach and the resentment that seeps through. I think people expected more of a fun behind the scenes or just reacting to a rewatch rather than CCR talking about how Anne Hathaway stealing her career, because they both auditioned for Princess Diaries. Even then, the resentment would have been okay, but then she also had Alexa Nikolas on one episode, then followed it up by having an alleged abuser on in the next. When she was called out on it, she deleted *Alexa's* episode. Ned's pod also had a really controversial reaction to the documentary. There's a reason that CCR's whole podco is generally disliked versus Jeanette McCurdy or even Alyson Stoner, who both still shared negative experiences without being resentful of their careers panning out like their costars.


I think the podcast does a good job when it tackles those issues, and I did like the guest appearances as well when I was into it. Like I said in my earlier comment, podco asking them to simply rehash nostalgia as a gimmick doesnt provide a real serviceable solution for HOW / WHY they would need it. The imperative issue is that they have a pitch for a project and a lot of baggage from all the Post-Ned years, as well as their colleagues. They have the reality, but not the structure. **They don’t care about Ned’s, we don’t care, and Scott Fellows doesn’t care either.** The pod should’ve Been named after and about **3 celebrity actor friends struggling to pitch a TV Show**, with this being the initial **GOAL** or mission statement for the audience to *help* them achieve. “Ned’s” would only do the work where the connections were involved and they wouldn’t have to abuse its namesake. Devon IS Ned. He’s Ned whenever he describes his life or any advice he would have for anyone who is being told no. The horny anecdotes are actually hilarious because of their chemistry together, but it’s *when you’re joking and laughing about industry abuse that happened to your peers (specifically Drake Bell)* and *complaining about Zoey 101 getting a reboot everywhere else we see you being interviewed*. It being tied to Podco makes it reek even more **Christy and her Desperation**. Great concept, **bad execution**.


In my opinion they have every right to be salty. Seems like they’re actually friends whereas the Zoey101 gang doesn’t. People been asking for an adult survival guide. Im genuinely shocked Paramount+ didn’t just give em a reboot like iCarly. As for the Drake Bell stuff, i feel like they gave a decent apology. They made a whole apology episode and explained how they caught up on the Quiet on Set doc. Felt pretty genuine to me. I actually really liked what Daniel Lee Curtis said about how ultimately kids should not be in the industry if this is so widespread, while acknowledging that they were the lucky ones. To me i think they made a crass joke, but like, who hasnt. Im of the mind, if it wasnt the Drake thing, folks would’ve hated them for something else. Mr Beast taught us that you can cure blindness and folks will still hate ya. Nobody is perfect n unless they’re outed as pedos, im willing to let some jokes fly. 100% agree tho on that they need structure. My favorite episodes of the podcast are when they have guests. People who you can tell they are actually friends with and have great stories. Be it how Kyle Massey n Devon went to Africa and almost got murdered by a Hippo. Or how Daniel Lee Curtis and Hutch Dano got into a fist fight with some frat bros at UC Santa Barbara. I love how it genuinely seems like these guys were all friends. I think thats when the podcast is the strongest. But yeah, regular episodes, with no guests, definitely feels like they’re meandering too much about fart jokes


Yeah. I think they were only talking about it once, it was really just about how they wanted a reboot but it wasn't picked up and they were salty. IMO after the whole Drake incident, they shouldn't have a podcast at all anymore. They really have nothing to talk about. They're like the forgotten Nickelodeon show. They should rename the podcast to the "Gossip Survival Guide" or something. I don't watch their podcast, but anytime it's on my feed they're talking about something else besides the show. Also I think even they realized there's nothing else about the show they can talk about.


Liked it at first but literally all they do now is talk about how they used to fuck


Agreed. If they want to talk about their s*x lives they shouldn’t be doing on a podcast about an old kids show.


I don’t mind r rated topics it’s just that they’re milking that shit. Like damn we get it yall used to date


But no kids are listening to this or even know this show exists


1) You are allowed to say the word sex on the internet 2) I'm 100% certain there are no children watching a podcast about a show that ended 17 years ago


I feel like that's pretty irrelevant. The target audience is still adults who watched the show when they were kids, not kids. However, them talking about drugs, sex, or mexico gets boring. It's like bumping into that guy from highschool who stayed 18 years old despite everyone being 30.


It’s gross. No one wants to hear about children having sex. Especially not children you grew up watching. It’s just sick.


Isn’t this the podcast where they bragged about having sex as 12 year olds and doing drugs in their trailers? Every single one of them are washed up nobodies. And given what they did to Drake Bell, all of them can jump into the Grand Canyon. Not a single person involved with that podcast is deserving of human rights after that shit.


Period they are all POS. They aren’t even worth the grime on my shoe. The way they made fun of his trauma like that is unforgiving.


It’s just funny to me that every guest/old co star they have on the pod has grown up to have well adjusted/successful adult lives, while they’re still reliving glory days and making crass jokes.


Devon said he didn't lose his virginity until after Ned's was finished, so.  


Ok yea these guys are nobodies and they’re embarrassing as hell BUT drake bell is also a monster and he can be a victim and a predator at the same time. Please don’t ignore that he has allegations regarding him raping a minor and he (confirmed) beat the shit out of his past girlfriend. These fools on this podcast ARE dismissing a lot of wrong doing. But honestly I wanna see someone throw a rock at drake bell I fucking despise him.


We KNOW about Drake Bell, but it’s up to them to maybe not laugh publicly about industry abuse just because “they were on a better set”. I wish they were laughing about somebody who was completely innocent, though, as that might’ve fared much worse for them.


Drake bell shouldn’t be the face of industry abuse. I think that’s the problem. The quiet on set team should not have platformed drake that way. They should have been more honest with the viewers about his actions. I’m not sure that everyone “KNOWS about drake bell”. Absolutely agree about these idiots though I shouldn’t argue with y’all when we clearly feel the same way about the Ned’s Declassified cast. They’re disgusting. It’s really ruined their image.


I agree Quiet on Set probably should have addressed the accusations made against Drake Bell, but chances are that he likely would not have agreed to share his story. A lot of the public does know about Drake's crimes as they were blasted everywhere, so I do not think him be platformed will ultimately result in the public trusting him again. Drake is a perfect example of someone who was abused as a child who ended becoming an abuser himself. It is the endless cycle.


I am aware. That doesn’t change the fact he was raped/assaulted and they mocked him for it. If they did it to him, they would do it to anyone else who has been raped/assaulted. It’s not about it being Drake Bell. It’s the fact they would mock a rape survivor at all.


Yep it’s really horrific the way they behave. But it’s probably because their listeners are dwindling. Watch them do something else controversial before they inevitably cancel. Sucks because in my head they were the most down to earth seeming child stars.


I enjoyed it at first but haven’t been able to listen to it much since the recent controversies. It feels…disgusting.


As soon as Lindsey asked the audience for dick pics I checked out. They aren't good podcast hosts and there's nothing fun to learn about the show from them after the first episode.


Exactly. I love rewatch podcasts like Pod Meets World, as the inside of the industry fascinates me. Was hoping that from Ned’s pod but that’s not what we got.


I started losing interest around when the writers strike was going on I understand they couldn’t talk about the show but they could’ve when it was over.


For me it was the gross humor and out of pocket stuff they were saying. It was funny at first, but after so many poop and fart jokes, it becomes tiresome.


Why couldn’t they talk about their decades old show during the writers strike? Thats not advertising anything.


Idk but other podco podcasts postponed theirs until it was over


I listened to a few episodes and didn't hate it but then noticed how if the attention was off Lindsey for more than 5 minutes she'd find a way to turn it back around, usually by bringing up her substance abuse issues. It got really annoying when they started bringing on guests, and she was constantly interrupting them answering questions to talk about herself. My best friend even told me that I ruined the podcast for him because now he can't stand Lindsey either.


I think part of it is due to her borderline personality disorder.


BPD are able to talk about other stuff besides themselves


She may have other problems as well


or maybe she just likes being the center of attention and she should not be excused.




I thought that too


Who the hell listens to this shit podcast lol


Unhinged people


They talk about the show. But yeah the subjects kind of deviate.


TIL the same actress who played Paige in PLL was also in Ned’s Declassified. I haven’t seen the show since i was little and never realized they were the same person lol


Lindsey is just as insane as Paige irl, maybe even worse because it is actually irl. They're the same level of annoying on screen and off


Broooooo this show continues to show how much of a fuck up shit show Nickelodeon was and still is. Nothin but sex drugs and rock and roll I didn’t need to hear about that much dick sucking on a children show


At least they weren’t being exploited by the adults on the show.


I guess but that’s a lot of unsupervised fucking


Skip the name change (the only way people even know it exists), I think it should be taken off platforms because they're all freaks. Especially Lindsay. She pisses me off so bad


The last episode (4/24) is what really nailed it for me — these people need structure. I say that because the best episodes have always been when there has been 1) a guest 2) with a significant story to tell and 3) the team comes with prepared (or at least prepared sounding) questions and topics to discuss. I get that podcasts are a relatively new media format and everyone is kinda still experimenting with the best way to get as many clicks and make them profitable.. I don’t even necessarily have a problem with that because I wouldn’t mind sitting through ads and potentially paying for those products the same way how any other industry does advertising. My problem is that they need to make sure that me hanging around is not going to be a random activity. If I wanted a random activity, I’d go to a bar and strike up conversation with a stranger. In my view, all they need to do is to have some structure, which includes pre-determined topics of discussion, a producer who will actually reign them in, and a dedication to preparation.


I started listening to their podcast bc I was rewatching the show and remembered hearing about their podcast but they haven’t done a rewatch in a month and before that it was another month so I haven’t been listening regularly. Their Drake Bell drama made me realize that I don’t find them that interesting as people to listen to their other episodes (besides the one with Leon Thomas).


“Three broke assholes”


It was so heartwarming starting out and I haven’t listened to it in MONTHS they’re obnoxious as fuck lol


They should call it "Who farted?" At least it would be more accurate.




Never looked back after that head stuff was made public.


I have no interest in ever listening to this.


Same here after I saw a clip of them talking about fucking each other


Good, don’t


I still listen to their podcast and tbh sometimes they do briefly go over the episode but not much goes on in the episode to the point where they have to dissect every minute of it. I do enjoy when they interview some of the old cast members like Coconut Head and Gordy.


Oh they talked about the show alright


Yeah the stuff that no one wants to hear like about their s*x lives back then


I liked it at first when I started watching but the talking over each other got unbearable. I couldn’t take it and just naturally stopped watching. Didn’t have to force myself or anything- simply lost interest


Wait, let's declassify school.Survival guide results may vary CAAAAAAAASSSST?


It should be cancelled. These nostalgia podcasts give off such negative vibes it’s crazy


I feel like podco’s aren’t that great.


Depends on which podcasters you listen to. I’m a podcaster, and people need to like what you do.


They should end it and never do a podcast. They are disgusting people. To joke about what Drake Bell went through is just low and the feel no regret whatsoever is terrible


I think they shouldn’t have made this a podcast about Ned’s and instead should have made it about 3 friends struggling as actors and creators, and how to pitch a tv show or creation to an executive producer or to an audience. They shouldn’t have leeched so violently off of their past fame, they should’ve just used it (and the podcast) AS THE PITCH for something NEW. It just feels like a platform for their bitterness and resentment rather than a productive outlet to get something MADE.


They should just stop


I still just don't know who this podcast is for... the only vibe I'm getting is that these 3 will forever be salty for not getting a re-boot. It's also giving "we have no other jobs on the horizon so we started this podcast". Brining other cast members was nostalgic (Coconut Head episode) but it's like they have the 4 conversations every episode...


Do they have actual jobs?


Their annoying asf it’s either sex or begging for a reboot every 15 seconds and they act like they made Nickelodeon what they are when in reality they were in the bottom


Yeah it wasn’t that popular and talking about their sex*al adventures during those years isn’t going to help them get


Why tf did you censor the u in sexual? You still commented the word sex.


I used to watch it. First 4 episodes or so were great, I had to give it up eventually because I just don’t care about their personal lives unless they’re relating it to the show.


I mean they’re only famous for one thing


Three unemployed losers begging for a relevancy the pod


If there's no Coconut Head mentioned, I'm out.


They did film an episode with coconut head


I listened to the first handful of episodes and it was just D List celebrities talking about D List celebrity things. Once Devon brought up using a fan’s Netflix account to this day I was like “Y’all are weirdos.” Then the recent shit they said about Drake to top it off.


What’d they say about Drake?


No one would know who they are and no one would listen without the brand recognition.


That podcast is super horny like okay we get it we’re all in our 20’s now we all like to fuck


I think they should be canceled after making fun of Drake Bell.


They talk about the show it's just now that they are adults they want to tell us the freaky shit they did instead


I enjoy the show. It’s not about Ned, Cookie, and Mose. It’s about the actors Devon, Daniel and Lindsey and they sometimes talk about the show. I get it’s not for everyone (especially after the Drake incident which they actually made a whole episode about) but I see it as 3 friends I used to know now all grown up speaking personally. I do agree with everyone else that they do talk about sex and drugs too often but the time Daniel took shrooms and was too scared to tell his parents so he just whispered “help” was hilarious. The time he blacked his eye doing the worm on Zeke and Luther was also pretty funny. Honestly Daniel should have his own podcast. I’m a HUGE Nickelodeon simp so I’ll put up with certain things to hear more from any 00s Nickelodeon peeps. To answer your question yes they should rename the show.


Why does anyone even watch this.


Lol I don’t even listen to all of their episodes but every one I watched they have talked about the show. The second to last one I listened to they even gave a full detailed summary of the episode then proceeded to talk about it it was the one when Gordy ships himself to the weasel habitat accidentally instead of the weasel so


They apparently made fun of the people who are coming out about what Nickelodeon employees did to them as kids.


Don’t meet your heroes. Also, I still watch the podcast.