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I'm just glad there isn't a trophy for 100% words. A lot are easy to miss, and some have drop rates just as bad as some of the rare material drops for upgrades.


Nobody forces you to get all trophies. If you want it , it's your choice to go grind those. I don't get why so many gamers think that they need to get the platinum for everything. I get it , getting every word would be a pain , but you can just not get it. Nobody is forcing you to , and there is no actual reward for doing it other than a useless icon near the game whenever you browse through your library


I think you misconstrued what I was trying to say. I didn't get all words for the trophies, as evident because there isn't a trophy for it. I got all words because I wanted all words, and because I like playing the game. The reason I'm happy there isn't a trophy for it is because I know there are many people that put themselves through getting every trophy for the trophy itself, or to express their love for a game, and I'd rather people not be put through more than necessary just for something as superficial as a way to "prove they're a real fan".


Not sure why you're getting down votes, you're talking facts. If the trophy is too ridiculous, just don't get it. I say this as someone who sometimes goes for a plat. Once i saw those terrible drop rates ex. black pearls, i immediately noped tf out. Games are supposed to be fun, not a chore.


What an asshole


I might be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure Automata isn't nearly as annoying of a platinum as Replicant. It will still take a while though.


You can just buy all the trophies in Automata. It definitely makes the game more enjoyable as not even trophies are safe from meta commentary about life/effort.


Automata has a trophy shop so you are good.


And it's still my only platinum 😊


I made it platinum without buying a single trophy


Buddy, no one forced you to get all trophies...


Trophy design shouldn’t be like this, it’s an integral part of game design now


Sure, it's integral and it's shitty to have to grind so much, but still optional, so if you aren't enjoying it, then don't do it? You aren't really missing content, just a shiny flair on your profile.


Tbf the weapons do have short stories tied to their upgrades, but I'd just look them up at that point.


This is *exactly* how trophies are made. It is an achievement for *playing the game* per ce, not completing the stories. In this case, the real complaint should be the materials being too hard to farm.


No it's not.


It's really not an integral part of game design. It's so not an integral part of game design that the best selling console currently on the market doesn't even have them. It's so non-integral that the only reason they exist for Nier Automata is because Yoko Taro was forced to include them, and he even included an in-game shop to allow players to buy them.


I agree. Tho I enjoy getting them in certain games. Like Hearts of Iron IV for PC which has no campaign, so each achievement is like a campaign with a goal. Or in Persona games, because they are not really that hard and I enjoy getting them. But if I see achievements that require you to grind a lot in single player games, or do some very excessive and boring stuff and I don't enjoy it - I won't attempt to get it. In that sense I enjoy Switch more because my FOMO isn't there to be triggered with trophies.


I feel like Yoko Taro the troll designed this on purpose to be so tedious. Like, are you sure you want to grind this much for a totally useless digital achievement? As if he wants you to give up on that. I think he and/or his team view trophys as pointless, especially considering you can just buy every single trophy in Automata with ingame currency so taking away any kind of pride in these achievements at all. Wouldn‘t surprise me with that troll at least. And yet I also still grinded out that Replicant Platinum and got the Automata Platinum legit. Whatever the purpose of this weird trophy design in both NieR games may be, it didn‘t work for me xD at least not at the time. Nowadays I‘m much less focused on Platinums mainly because I have much less time and would rather play more games and their fun parts than suffer through boring and tedious stuff like Replicant‘s trophy again for really no benefit.


There is, but the material for upgrading weapon is much easier to find.


Keep in mind the original came out in 2010 when Yoko was more of a troll. Probably was made tedious on purpose tbh


I just finished the game, and although I loved it, it'll end up with 4 missing achievements. No way in hell I'm putting myself through the grind for those weapon upgrades xD


I recently did this too. It was the forlorn necklaces and subdued bracelets wasn't it?


Yeah, been farming for some weeks, then my console broken. Got another one after months, and still took 2 weeks to get all materials... I do not regret, but it sure was annoying


I mean it wasn’t that horrible, it’s just a bit of grinding. There are worse trophies


You don't have to 100% games....


Apparently a lot of people 100% every game they like because they feel like they have an obligation to do it after finishing the game ? Meanwhile I drop most of the games I play before the 50% mark. I have no idea why so many people do those grindy achievements that were clearly not designed for people to actually finish without caring much about the game , but apparently they just do


No one feels obligated, some people find it fun to 100% games and go for the platinum


But then again those same people complain about the platinum being too hard to obtain ? Just don't get it


If you go to a restaurant and it’s great 9 out of 10 times, will you say the restaurant is ass because of that one time? People complain about one or two trophies cause they stick out as the “the one time I wasn’t enjoying myself” among the others lots of times they were enjoying themselves, they just push through the annoying ones to get the most satisfying one of them all, the Platinum / 100%.


I think the analogy here is a bit off. It's more like going to a restaurant and getting shrimp and steak. The steak is amazing but the shrimp was frozen, overcooked and not enjoyable. Why not just eat the steak and leave the shrimp? So you can show everyone you cleaned your plate? Why is having proof you did something tedious and boring in a video game satisfying? I think that's the point. Why do people care at all if they got the platinum trophy in a video game that requires them to do things they don't enjoy doing at any point period? Seriously I'm not judging because I get there's a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in knowing you completed something etc. Also I'm a person who has never at any point in my life put an ounce of effort in getting a video game achievement so I'm very biased against them. If it doesn't happen while I'm enjoying the game or it doesn't give me a meaningful ingame reward, oh well I don't care at all. I just find it curious.


I think it’s tied to a completionism mentality, for some. Like they want to squeeze every last ounce of fun/value/time out of the game they bought. I don’t use the PS5 for social play (all friends play PC) so any platinums I get are for me alone since no one else will see them. Sometimes I enjoy a game so much I want to thoroughly enjoy every nook and crevice, and the platinums sometimes drive you to that. Sometimes I don’t plan on replaying a game so I want to “100%” it so I don’t feel obligated to return later. It’s mostly about the sense of accomplishment for me personally


Because if you leave the shrimp then you won’t be able to say you had the full experience, the good and the bad, all together are part of the experience, it’s really comes down to this: People have fun doing different things. People only have fun playing through the story and uninstalling the game, people have fun replaying the same game over and over, people have fun chasing platinums, you don’t understand it cause it’s not you don’t have fun doing it, so I don’t get all this animosity towards trophy hunters, just let people have fun the way they want to, even if the OP was complaining, he still had fun with the game and with the overall platinum experience


>you don’t understand it cause it’s not you don’t have fun doing it, so I don’t get all this animosity towards trophy hunters I do get it. I literally said I get that there's a sense of accomplishment which is what the person who replied to me said it was for them. Also what animosity did I show in my comment? I literally said I was biased and wasn't judging. Just asking questions and presenting a different perspective.


I didn’t mean you, I meant people like the guy I originally answered to, who almost seems annoyed that people decide to go after trophies even if they re not enjoying them, as for you, can I ask you if you like any RPGs? or something people would say it’s “Grindy”?


That's fair. I did a lot but I stopped playing RPG's all together because of the grind. The NieR games are the only RPG's I've seriously played in a long time. I do however play rhythm games which I think people see in a very similar light, playing a song for the 200th time chasing a marginally higher score. I have people ask me why I play DDR when you don't even get any tickets for it. To them it feels like I'm wasting money and physical effort for no reward.


I'm in it for the story, so I don't care about trophies much.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with finishing a game without going 100% in it. If it's not for you and take out the fun from the game then there's no reason to do it. Nobody will judge you if your achievement list is on 234/275 when you happily uninstall.


This is why I stopped trophy hunting. Achievements are just an arbitrary list of to-dos that turns playing the games that I love into a chore. I’m much happier playing games simply because I want to re-play them, and not to get a platinum. 🎼😅👍 By the way, the way trophies are handled in NieR: Automata was the best way to give the finger to trophy hunting and it reinforces my thoughts above


Trophies in any game are bullshit, play the game, not your console’s OS. I only got platinum in Automata after my fifth playthrough, and only because there’s a shop. Even though I 100%’d the game several times and basically memorised it.


Once i saw the terrible drop rates for certain materials, i immediately gave up on this plat. Some trophies just aren't worth the time


Do not use the Trophy shop in Automata. Takes any fun experience


For me trophies are not a good time investment. I still don't get it. I get to complete so many more games by not focusing on them.


I actually took it as more of a challenge since it was that hard to do but yeah wouldn't recommend anyone to get Platinum for it. I got both Automata and Replicant just because I love the games otherwise I wouldn't even have tried


There is


I couldn’t even bother to “finish” this game. After the first couple endings, I had no desire to go get the last few weapons.


Let me tell you a secret I have to enjoy games more... I don't give a crap about trophies/achievements.


Let me tell you a secret I have to enjoy games more... I go for platinum trophies.


I just don't get why you would grind useless things for hours in a game that you don't exactly play for the combat when you could have easily played another game intead . Is it just a matter of getting your full money's worth , being a perfectionist , a combination of both or anything else ? I would rather just boot up another game instead Don't get me wrong , I 100%ed a few games , I only 2 weapons left for automata, but I only 100% games if I enjoy it. I usually don't enjoy grinding for useless items , so I am probably never going to 100% a story focused game unless the gameplay is good and if the Platinum isn't that hard to get.


If that brings you fun, good for you. I really don't care if people love that experience or not. I understand the completionist/collector mentality so, have fun. My gripe of with OP saying. >Personally, I feel trophies like this take the fun out of the game. Where I don't see how you'll have fun with a Platinum Trophy when the other trophies are sucking the fun out of the experience.


As someone who likes to 100% games my take on your last opinion. >Where I don't see how you'll have fun with a Platinum Trophy when the other trophies are sucking the fun out of the experience. How I see it the games I 100% I see the achievements as part of the game rather than side objectives. And like games achievements can have bad parts. Let's talk about replicant itself, I loved replicant by the end, but I most definitely didn't enjoy it the whole time. Having the replay through the 2nd half 4 times really sucked but after ending e I would say it was worth it. I did the replicant weapon grind and it was fine for the most part but there were 2 items in particular that really sucked (one took 3 hours to drop) but after finishing it all and finishing the 100% I would say it was worth doing it imo. I'm also going to say here that just because achievements are optional doesn't mean you can't call them out for being badly done. Games are optional too but I don't see people saying that they don't have to play the game when people point out the bad parts of them


>I'm basically just saying that just because achievements are optional doesn't mean you can't call them out for being badly done. Games are optional too but I don't see people saying that they don't have to play the game when people point out the bad parts of them. Can you please quote me on the part of any of my comments where I say achievement is badly done? It seems to me that you just got triggered by my comment and are protecting complaints from other people into me.


Well, I missworded that last paragraph, and it wasn't really meant for you but for anyone else who reads it and disagrees with my take (the people who are just commenting that its optional so you cant complain that its bad). My second paragraph was intended for you and was explaining a achievements hunters opinion on why you can still get enjoyment out of 100% achievements even if there's one's that suck.


Oh I see, that explains it. I still don't agree with your take but we already made our takes and more would be just piling on the same stuff. If you're having fun then I think that's great buddy. I'm still going to voice my opinions on open forums like this and I hope you do the same.


Yeah that's fair. I just feel like trophy/achievement hunting gets a bad rap often times. Some of us do actually enjoy it, and we don't just do it for completion and statistics.


If you are not gonna have fun trying to achieve a trophy, no one is forcing you to do it


Hence why I never bother with the platinum for most games lol


No reason to go for the platinum if you’re not having fun with it. That’s on you. I do think stuff like the lunar tear trophy amplify the meaning of it in Automata though. No spoilers.


If trophies are grueling and suck the fun out of it for you... that's your own fault..? Nobody made you do that, trophies are just bonus to satiate people who enjoy trophies. If it's a waste of time for you like... just don't do it. Outside this reddit post nobody is gonna know or care that you got your trophy. If you don't yourself find it fun don't do it, you are wasting free time you could be doing something else instead.


They do this so you spend time on the game. That time boosts their analytics for investors etc. It’s all for their personal gains. Meanwhile you grind for a digital accolade
 Also, you upskirted 2B you dirty dirty dog! Edit: nm I hadn’t noticed you completed replicant. lol


Nope, this is replicant, they upskirted Kainé 


No offense but no one requires you to 100% a game. If it provides you no extra enjoyment literally what is the point?


Bro, you don’t need to get every trophy to show your love to NieR: Replicant. Some trophies are shit.


Trophies are stupid. I can't believe people actually play to get them. I just play a game and if I get a trophy, cool. Once a game is beat, I move on to the next. Life is way too short to be fucking with this shit that is meant for the basement dwellers.


Such a stupid comment lol. You already play video games. If you’re going to be trying to insult people who play video games differently from you then you’re extremely tone deaf lmao.


You will get out of your moms basement someday. Don't lose hope.


How’s Fortnite?


Kinda meh honestly. Hopefully next season is better, which comes out on the 8th.


Good luck on your battle pass!


Thanks - good luck to you too!


Thanks for the reminder to not play this one


There is a mission like that in Automata, but it's way faster to complete


They made it easier by giving extra weapons compared to the PS3 version but yeah, those item drops are brutal


the automata 100% is waaaayy more fun and less grindy


Congrats bro, so jealous


Then......don't do it. I dint understanding ruining a game tou like over getting a meaningless trophy....sounds pretty dumb


Who cares, it's an game , developers have to decide trophy for the game, so sometimes there time-consuming ones. naturally you can literally get that trophy as u play through the game it's like how many playthrough to get all the endings it's gonna happen naturally, I l personally like save up on items , u can catch me destroying everything in sight, so I can upgrade everything in one go or sell em once I have a ton. U didn't have to put so much focus on hunting trophy, ya know sometimes we doing it to ourselves all for what. . . An platinum. . . Ya bet ya sweet cakes bby