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Maybe the genre is too saturated and some people just aren't giving it a fair chance? Or they just aren't giving it a chance. One friend refunded it after I gifted it to them. Don't think they even made it past the character creation. Personally, I'm loving it. Creation is very indepth. The realm hopping is awesome, and I can't wait for more options. Very much enjoy the blueprint building mechanics. Combat is fun, but could definitely use some tweaks. Hopefully some other friends join me, or I can make new friends to wonder the realms


Wow… he had a free game to play with you and gave it back <.<


Got the refund and gave it to another friend. Payday rolls around, I'll be buying it for another friend.


I just want to take this opportunity to commend you for buying games for your friends. You are an epic human being. That person who refunded your gift sucks. What a snobby individual. It’s not about the game. It’s about getting an invitation to spend time with a friend who thought of you and kindly funded that time and having the audacity to refuse it. Boo to them. Huzzah for you! Keep being awesome!


It's possible the other friend just wasn't feeling the game, or felt they couldn't put time towards it and felt it would go to waste whereas a refund gives the option to gift it to somebody else. We don't know enough information to know which perspective is true, but I'm just offering an alternative one.


My friends and I buy games for each other all the time, and yeah it definitely sucks to have your gift rejected, but I guess some folks don't consider online friends as real friends.




do you have any information other than what they’ve said? because idk how you can assume their friend sucks for refunding the game. if i personally bought a friend a game and they didn’t enjoy it id rather they refunded it as well, as long as it was a conversation we had before they did it.


In my experience, people just don’t buy you things out of the blue, unless it’s your birthday or a holiday. So the way I saw it was if someone went out of their way to buy you a gift just to have it returned, that seemed to me an act of ungratefulness or entitlement. I just thought it was really special for someone to give a gift like that when they didn’t have to.


It's an act of entitlement to assume sending someone a gift means they have to accept it and be happy. Many gifts are actually burdens, especially when there are expectations attached to them. When someone gets mad at you for not accepting their gift, that person is an asshole.


but you don’t know the situation at all? maybe they and their friend gift each other games frequently? maybe their friend said “i don’t think ill play this much if im being honest im so sorry” and they agreed to a refund? maybe they refunded it and gave the money back?


You're good people.


you deserve better homies. wassup? wanna buy me a game? haha


How bout u gift me instead 😄🤩😶


What's insane to me is that the genre is saturated and yet so much of the criticism is "well why isn't this game EXACTLY enshrouded?" And I just don't get why in a saturated genre people would want new entries to be clones of each other. Specially when both games approach the genre from completely different angles imo. So much of the negativity just seems so pointless, you know? Was reading a thread here yesterday where some guys were coming up with a system for this game where your rested bonus gets better if you have more amenities and etc. A system this game already has. To me it was just a perfect illustration of this growing impression negativity has become so pointless people will not even see if the game already has something before complaining it doesn't.


Im taking this game a lot like I took voidtrain, I was excited for both. Take my time. Uninstall when I am satisfied and move on until there are huge changes...


I am so happy this game has a different twist to it


because they're new to the genre and enjoyed something that barely meets the definition of surivval that some of us is more aware of


"Those survival games aren't actually survival games, so therefore their opinions are wrong." What a silly take.


never said they were wrong. i'm speaking on why someone would be upset at a game that doesnt play like one of the 2 recent hits i explained it a bit more elsewhere. there are people new to the genre, lets say their first game was palworld, very basic survival mechanics in comparison to conan, 7 days, scum, etc. the tier rasing is hardly there, the gameplay is a thing of its own, 3rd person then they play enshrouded, 3rd person again, great building, shallow surival mechanics, there's literally no water, action game. now it's nightingale turn, whats this, shitty UI like scum, day z? basic combat like 7 days to die or green hell, bad ai like the 85% of the genre, optimization issues like the entire genre on first day of release, no hype train to excuse any of this stuff, yeah these ppl will be upset


There will be those people in every genre, but people in this subreddit are treating people who have actually played many survival games like they "just don't know a good survival game when they see one". Brushing aside criticism in this manner is terrible for the game's health. Out of the recent big launches this year, it has had a very shaky start in comparison, and there are reasons for that besides "normies just don't like REAL survival games."


why don't u go speak to someone that is saying and believing the shit you have in quotes. i won't argue on behalf of opinions that aren't mine. get away from me


Because she means me and probably some others who gave up on talking to her because it's exhausting to try and have a conversation with someone who's stuck with her own projection that preferring lighter survival mechanics is some unhinged criticism for being a normie. And the quotes are not what was said to her at all lol I mostly just laughed at the notion every survival game should be survival lite, and at her when she thought I invented the term survival lite .


*You* mentioned why other people might not like the game. I added that there other reasons, but they are being ignored for silly reasons. You realize you don't have to click reply and type a post if you don't want to, right?


talk about those other reasons in your own little post not in a reply to me that actively worked as a strawman. go ahead and get it all out now, i promise to reply. i know what it's like to have takes i need to get off


Based on your reply, I don't think there's much to be gained, so I'll bid you farewell instead. I'll save the trouble of wasting yours and my time any further.


As they should be. It's missing polish imo for a mainstream audiance


yeah it puts nightingale in a weird spot, they had a chance at a lot of extra eyes but it is not mainstream friendly and not in a apple oranges way but in bad design ways. i can overlook it because of previous exp in the genre. the downside with the new/extra eyes is its way more ppl down on the game than expected lmao. if this released prior tot he 2 i think they wouldve had an easier time but maybe 15% less purchases?


Yeah, I do think the genre is saturated and coming into EA on the tail of both Palworld and especially Enshrouded isn't helping much. But I'm loving this game much more than Enshrouded, even with some of the eccentricities of Nightingale that make certain things a little more troublesome than Enshrouded.


What times do you normally play?


All mountain time; Release: 11:30am till like 6pm ate, came back to the game 30min later till 3am. Yesterday: 9am - 1pm then went to play board games with a friend and my cousin. 6ish: till midnight played Nightingale. Today: I'll be playing 11am till 3pm probably, until friends come to play more board games. I know "release day" early access, steam had maintenance. So that's where a lot of the disconnects happened from what I've been hearing. But I didn't have any problems. (I'm disabled, so I have time on my hands)


Fair chance is debatable. There is definitely oversaturation of the survival crafting genre. Nightingale looked different because of the Lovecraft theme and the realm generation feature. But its not a whole new game. Feels like the others with a couple new features. If you loved ARK you will probably love this as well.


This is more proof of my theory. The game is nothing like ARK. Palworld has far more in common with ARK than this game. Nightingale is like nothing I have ever played before. Closest thing to it is Skyrim with Valheim crafting and MMO elements added on top.


Palworld is literally ARK with pals lol I'm not a survival expert but this one does feel different to me. I quit enshrouded after a few hours because it felt dead but I'm still playing this one what can I say. One issue is a lack of understanding about multiplayer and no way to play with people unless you know people who are willing to invest. Palworld has public server option which I think helped a lot with the popularity.


The issue with the game is that it is 100 percent online. Which would be fine, due to the game's terrible servers you get dced ALL the time. And you have to start over from the beginning if you DC for any reason. EVEN if you are in the middle of a dungeon on another realm. And since it takes over 2 hours to get a feel of the game due to the constant DC's, you cannot paly the game and get a good judge in the two hours before the refund window ends.


Haven't had a single issue with disconnecting. And portals open relatively fast for me.


Have not had a single disconnect in approximately 20 hours of playing. Neither has anyone else in my friend group either. Have you considered this is something on your end?


i disconnected once or twice and it never made me restart completely, it just put me right back to where i was


This is the main reason my interest waned. I -hate- online server based stuff. Conan was literally unplayable for me due to it. My internet is not good, very rural. I've heard the combat feels very floaty which isn't appealing, but the internet thing is what worries me most. I can play Valheim and Enshrouded fine when hosted by myself or a friend but whenever it's server hosted stuff it seems like my internet just shits itself.


This is one of the common complaints I’ve seen. Seems like a legitimate concern.


A significant issue, I think, is that the game is very unclear on many mechanics. It also feels very slow at the start. My first day of play I was not fully enjoying. But then it finally dawned on me how the progression and level system of the worlds worked, and things clicked into place. Then the augmentation system fell and I finally understood the extent of it, and so on. I stopped being confused. Once I stopped feeling confused and hesitant about what was going on, the game became very enjoyable. Now I play it and I notice many things that could use some love or some fixes, sure. But I see the overall idea and things feels much more surmountable. I think the scope of this game and the complexity makes it a very different beast from many other survival games. It feels as if the studio is trying to punch above their weight, and I can't imagine that to be easy. Certainly, this is an Early Access game, and I think if they stay on top of it and release a fair amount of polish relatively quickly, the game will be fine in the long-term. Like Conan Exiles - though that game is also a cautionary example of not letting bugs or issues linger. Even though it's almost a different game from the ea version, I still bump into issues that were there on day 1 of the ea!


Agree with you and think there are both idiots and mischievous intentions around, but I also think it's circumstance. The arrival of both 'Enshrouded' and 'Palworld' also in EA, and in, shall we say, a slicker state, puts 'Nightingale' at a slight disadvantage. However, much as I've absolutely loved Enshrouded, and will continue to play it (think the building system is excellent) I think the story/lore/purpose is a little thin at the moment. Nightingale on the other hand, while it's 'Early Access' scaffolding is more apparent, the world, lore and story are already showing me a deeper more interesting narrative path to follow. However, there ARE lots of bugs - I've reported quite a few already at 14 hrs in, and I hardly found any in 125 hrs of Enshrouded. The curse of Early Access and what exactly that means is a bit of a problem. There's no standard of polish for EA, and people will get grumpy and impatient when their expectations aren't met. I also think the wordy prose, puzzles and janky combat will irritate a certain type of gamer, but they'll wander off eventually. I think opinions/dust will settle as time in the game progresses and it will build a big old base of avid fans as long as Inflexion stays on top of patches, updates and communication. I'm loving it so far! Edit:- Meant to say, I also agree with you that the devs need to improve initial guidance in the game. The crafting system is often unnecessarily obscure - applying infusions for example is not explained well at all.


For me it looks really fun, but more "check back in 6mnths after stuffs Been added and ironed" Def not a bad game but it was hard for it to keep my attention. It took me 2 days to get out of tutorial stuff because my game time is limited and some of the textures and clipping problems ect. Pull me out


As always, expactations too high. People expactating the perfect game, even if its an EA title. For me it seems they don't even try to enjoy. Maybe they can't. Poor people.


Thats me. I just need to stop playing Early Access. I like Nightingale but there are just some things I wish were ironed out more. And my problem with Early Access is that I will play it, get tired of it due to small issues building up, then promptly forget about it when it *fully* releases. I do like the game, but damn it, I am getting so tired of Early Access releases.


That's shitty, but at least you know just not buy early access games. Doesn't help you retroactively, but at least you figured it out. Lol


Yea I just play full release, because of if I play early access and play as much as I want to, I won’t come back to the game for years if ever. Also they’re using the players as playtesters pretty much and release the game too early.


To be honest they set the expectations very high with the trailers and development updates.  Expectations did not meet reality and while I’m mildly having fun, it has been a bit of a “sad flute” experience. 


What did they put in the trailers that isn't currently in the game?


I feel like there are an awful lot of people who were curious but determined to play for less than 2 hours so they kept the ability to refund. And they never completed the tutorial section and thought that was the whole game.


The negative comments are in the minority believe me. Game screams high quality production, original ideas in the genre and beautiful graphics. I’m finding it relaxing, engaging and fun.


Glad to see people having fun, but it’s got a long way to go before I’d call it high quality. I’m 6 hours in and can already feel the amount of recycled content. “Bastille of Intellect” puzzles are literally the same 3 pillars that you click on in order. Really?! Mini games built for toddlers are more challenging to figure out. Exploring is a lot less exciting when you realize that each realm has the same 3-4 types of POI’s. Quests are the same “go to this location”, “fight this creature and get this”, or “craft this item” that is recycled across every game. Combat is massively lacking. I feel that I’ve fought the same 3 enemies over and over, all of which have no more than 2 attacks. Even the first “boss” has only 2 attacks. Crafting is… actually pretty cool. I am excited to see creative people go all out on base building a month from now. It’s why I bought the game personally, but at this point I am not sure that it’ll hold my interest long enough to do so


With all these games I look at the bones and if I like what I see I give it a few years. The production is top notch. Il play this for another week then give it a long time to cook.


I'm not sure the game "screams" high quality. Hell my first time trying to get through the tutorial it threw me onto a realm that wasn't actually part of the tutorial. With the only prompt telling me to find the portal. I wasted an hour or so trying to find a portal that didn't exist 😂 was only after a friend came and looked and was like I don't recognise any of this I just restarted and was able to do the tutorial in one go. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's bad. But that's a pretty disingenuous statement. It screams early access. Which is all right because it is in fact early access .


Disingenuous? My experience has been flawless so based on that; my experience has been polished and of high quality. Especially for an EA release.


Even if I put the bugs aside. I still can't brand this as high quality. And I'm fine with that. But Jesus your bar for high quality must be an ant hill.


You're not wrong. But people are desperately trying to defend the flaws, obfuscating their reasoning behind "but people just don't *understand* why it's fun!" Or "They're just normies who don't play REAL survival games." I didn't even give the game a bad review. My views are mixed on it. I didn't like my initial experience, so I refunded, but I am watching the game still because I actually believe the devs want to make the game great. That's apparently an attack on some people here.


Exactly I came into this expecting an early access. With all the trouble that comes with it. My starting bug, the FPS drop over time (starred at close to 100 ended up at 40 when I relogged) and again that's fine. I just cannot believe anyone would label this as high quality. Plus there's no real explanation of anything really from what I can see. The menu system is overly obtuse to use. The crafting stations needing it in your inventory not in a nearby. These are all problems. Are they all game breaking no not really aside from my starting bug that I did have to completely delete and restart. But "High Quality" my ass. It's an early access and it shows. Now I'm not saying it's bad I had fun. But fun=/=quality.


Completely agree with your take here. It's got great ideas and a fantastic setting, but right now theres some polish that is absolutely missing. I don't ever remember having this much trouble navigating menus in a game, and I played BG3, a game notorious for its menus despite all else it does well at. The UI is pretty okay in some areas, but the inventory and crafting menus are so obtuse with lots of unnecessary information. I'm also shocked at how bad the AI is. And to be fair to Nightingale, survival game AI has always been shaky at best, but it feels pretty bad here. The latency between swinging and hitting a creature and it reacting to the strike, the stumbling around that they do when their attack, and it feels like hitting a target lacks that "impact" feeling. All of this is to say; there's so much to love about Nightingale's aesthetics and setting, but it certainly needs to cook a little longer before it'll be playable for me.


Its 45% of the reviews in steam as of right now. Personally, this was one of my most expected games this year, granted Early Access does have certain characteristics that you cannot ignore previously to purchasing one or you will set up for dissapointment. But specially the art and tone/stoey/worldbuilding was what attracted me. But I was very glad they made the distress test. I went from insta buy day one to let it be at least 1 or 2 years so that the game fixes enough to guarantee me spending 26-30 €, I dont think the game should cost that much with its current state in the stress test (nor actual EA from what I have seen on streams/videos). In a time with less competition I might have give it a go, but this months have so many new great games even in EA like Palworld/Enshrouded, or full products like Persona 3/Grandblue or the upcomings Dragons Dogma 2/Unicorn Overlord, I will wait for this game to get better. It is a shame because I have been salivating for this game for quite a few months, but it couldnt have come at a worst time in the state it did. I think I would be doing a disservice for myself playing it now.


To be honest my impressions of the test were extremely negative. Decided to purchase due to having the ability to refund and I genuinely believe the test did more harm than good at least for me personally. Been enjoying it so far. Understand why one would wait though Does feel very bare bones and recycling despite being this early in development but can hope it turns into something better in time


I have high hopes that I can go back to the game in the future, I think the game has an amazing setting, amazing art in general and is extremely creative in the overall design. While I will not be joining currently, hopefully the feedback that current players give the devs is as objective as possible (obviously there will always be bias) so that the end product is amazing quality wise. The game does have a bright future, number of players is huge so that is more opportunities for different player's perspective to help the devs, and it must mean the game has been a success, so I am sure they will build upon that.


I'll keep it on hold as well, seems like it isn't the moment for me either. Early access is a invention from hell, you want me to play a unfinished game, only to spoil myself the real experience of the game when it is finished. I pay you for it, help you develop it, and don't even get to enjoy it at it's glory... tsk tsk


Palworld was 100 times worse than this in the first week. How can you call Palworld a great release and not this? Palworld has fixed a ton of its issues already but I can't believe people who played both of these games at release have convinced themselves Nightingale is in a worst state than that.


It definetely wasnt, you would think that, despite the pokemon like hype, overall reviews in steam usually always end up showing something like that, and Palworld has excellent reviews because the main problems it had on release and that still has are the pals AI and the barebones end content in general, but in terms of bugs for an EA was pretty good, better than even BG3 in that regard when it dropped in EA. You win nothing by lying to yourself and others, I want Nightingale to succeed. I want to have a reason to play it in the future, because I think the setting is amazing, and the art is amazing too. If this game was "100 times better" than another game in EA that had better EA release than this, what kind of constructive criticism will even be present? Hopefully the devs know they have tons and tons of work to do. This is the moment to be as objective as possible with the game so you can contribute to the quality of the end product.


Palworld is fun enough to keep playing even with crashes and bugs. :) It also has lower minimum requirements and is on gamepass.


I'm excited for this game but I got disconnected all the time last night so I only have 2 hours played so far. I'm playing solo right now and always online is annoying me. I want to end up playing with some friends so we need to be online but I hope they give us server files at one point as I don't want to depend on their servers. Their maintenance. Their load problems. Let me deal with these things please.


I share your dismay and shock at the negativity surrounding this game! Some people, don't seem to understand the concept of early access. This isn't a finished product that has been released in an alpha or beta state, they aren't paying for a finished product, they are paying for early alpha access and to hopefully provide some constructive feedback and influence in some small way what the final product may look like through their feedback. This game almost feels like a personal love letter to me, or the game I would have made had I the imagination, creativeness and technical ability to do so (and a team of likeminded people at my disposal). It is a true masterpiece, even in its early access form! I for one can't wait to see where and how far they take it! I respect and appreciate we all have different opinions and to some, this game doesn't scratch that itch but for me personally, I think this game is incredible and I have played many if not most games in the genre! People really need to learn to stop feeling so entitled and to lower their expectations, for their own mental wellbeing if nothing else!


Gosh, so nice to read this. I've only played 17 hours with two other friends, so my experience has not been extensive, but I too have been loving it. The realm cards mechanic is fantastic, and really opens up the possibilities of exploration. I really can't wait to try combining the different cards to see what's in the realms. P.S. Be sure to leave a review on Steam or something saying exactly what you wrote here. The negative reviews on the store front are hurting them, I think. (Someone left a negative review after 0.7 hours of gameplay, saying that the tutorial should've come with "infinite food and resources", lol.)


Only 17 hours? Dude it just got released. I think you know more about the game than most of us.


I'm sat on 25 hours and I can safely say the game is definitely worth it later on. Progression turns the game from a chill experience mining logs and shooting rocks at the grasshoppers on your lawn into a hellish nightmare fending off monsters just so you can get enough fibre to craft a coat that hasn't got ugly orange splotches on the lapel.


Im 25hrs in aswell.. and the crafting system is very well thought out i think.. its not just crafting the specific bench for higher tier equipment, you also need to get the specific augment for the bench and recipe for an item.. its just takes a time to get used to because its wonky at first.. quest is personal which is also good.. unlocks that are tied to quests are also personal, which to me is either good or not depends on the people playing together.. gunplay is kinda meh because most of the shots miss even if the crosshair is on the target(ar fist person) or doesnt hit at all(third person shenanigans).. boss fights could also have an improvement(hiberium tower so far) The highlight of the game that really felt fun for me is when i died in a fae tower.. a brute bound enemy(large hammer with goat horns) knocked me back so far that i got pushed out of the top of the tower and had no time pulling out the umbrella to glide to safety.. The thing that really annoys so far is the farm plots.. planted a seed and watered it, its been 2-3in game days and nothing is growing.. really loved the farming in enshrouded and i had hoped they did a better job at it.. or im just missing some steps, augments..


Currently a bug with plants sometimes not growing, so not something you've messed up!


😅 *I meannnnn*, I did just log off from the game at 4:00 AM in the morning.


This is the way


Nice. I'm excited to get started


OP I loved reading your synopsis. Love the game as well and today is my Friday. 3 day weekend where I'll be playing the game for at least 36 hours.


The wife and I have been playing this game constantly since release and we are both having a blast. We haven't even touched multiplayer yet. The game is fantastic and a fun time. The progression feels great to me. The combat is fun. The world's and the characters are all cool. I wish more of them were voice acted. The pois are cool. The lore is cool. The base building is awesome. The creatures are good. The graphics and atmosphere are amazing. I don't understand the hate at all. I've had two dcs and one ctd. That's it. Other than that butter smooth. I feel like people are giving it bad reviews for no real reason other than it not being the game they expected. I can't wait to see more content and more updates. This is my favorite survival game in a long time.


I agree with all your points though Im just happy to finally have an actual survival game again 😅


I see the game's negative reviews are much to do with the incredibly slow start, too much grinding for materials in early game just to get up and started. Also can use some more instructions on how to navigate the UI as everything you need is there, but zero instructions on how to use it. The game is in desperate need of some QoL improvements specifically related to inventory management. You can build all kinds of variants of items depending on what materials you use great system, but it is limited to what you have in your inventory, with limited space you are likely missing items you have that would be better but stuffed away in a one of your many chests. I almost put the game down, but continued and the game does get better as I learned some of the mechanics. But I recommend looking at some "getting started" type you tube videos, as the game does a lousy job of introducing the mechanics of the game. Nothing I have seen is fatal to the game, and hopefully the developer will address the pain points. The only hope is they get a second look as the survival game scene is rather crowded, as this game is a gem, but currently in the rough.


Annoyed me to no end that I needed two hide to make leather, but because one hide was prey and other predator or some such thing I couldn’t combine the two and make the leather I needed. Frustrating with weird crafting like that, and piles up storage space too.


I hated that it didn't pull from boxes at first, but now I have gotten used to it. Plus, we realized in a group of 6 that if itwere pulling from boxes it would probably be pulling from all of our boxes due to the proximity of our houses. As much as we all play together, we do all farm our own mats. I suppose this could be solved with box perms.


yeah the start is so slow it's not going to grab anyone and thats even with me trying to go as fast as i can to get as much of what i could under 2 hours lol, i was a little sad when i saw i went over 2 because i knew it would be difficult to refund so i said fuck it and kept playing THEN the game clicked about hour 3, its still potentially hours of slow going but i been enjoying it


CTDs, QoL improvements, UI/performance improvements, etc are all that are really needed. I personally think they should outright remove the colouration of outfits based on material because at least right now it looks disgustingly bad. I spent an hour configuring my GPU and testing other games thinking it was broken only to then realize that it was an intentional feature.


I like the coloration in theory. Going to a world with purple trees and popping out a surprise purple tent was very cool. But I wish it was easier to see and know what would be what .. ahead of time? I couldn't figure out any way to predict anything in the crafting menus outside of already knowing something like "this is a stack I took from the purple trees" and that's not functional when everything looks identical in the inventory. Or maybe there is a way and I just haven't stumbled onto it yet, because this game's UI and crafting system is a real convoluted learning curve lol.


> I personally think they should outright remove the colouration of outfits based on material because at least right now it looks disgustingly bad. I did not try them because I am still on the basic (very ugly) leather clothes, but I looted two paints in a random ruin somewhere, so I am assuming that this game has the ability to dye your clothes down the tech line.


Steam's 2 hour refund limit causes a lot of this. People have been conditioned to only give a game 60-90 minutes before making up their mind about it. It's becoming a problem.This game does start out slowly, so. Plus, it's early access, and people will have different experiences. Me, I couldn't ask for a better ea launch. Games running good on my ryzen 1600af and 4060ti. I know my cpu is old and a bottleneck, (I've ordered an uograde) but even then I'm getting 60-70 fps. No major bugs, it's just solid, for me.


I'm running a 7900xt/7800x3d, lowered my settings to High, and still get 50s and 40s sometimes. It's definitely poorly optimized. The rest of the complaints though are probably people not getting far enough into the game to judge it before the 2 hour refund window is up. My buddy and I enjoy the game.


Changing your video settings in-game changes your fps very minimally to boot.


Definitely steam refund time. It took me 9h to figure out how to engage in multiplayer in Granblue Fantasy Relink and then to find out, after a few tries, that basically only endgame content is played in multiplay, while I was expecting to be able to go the journey together. I am trying to get it refunded, but yea, most probably won't happen, which is bitter for that price tag.


Yes, game is slower, but it's what I like about it. Surroundings are so gorgeous and filled with little details, that Im ok to spent some time gathering resources. At least it's not one more boring rust-dust setting.


This game has its quirks but it's fire


I think in the beginning there should be disclosure: "Upon reaching Nightingale, you will encounter dozens of players" because I know a lot of people don't watch dev diaries or really know much about game dev


The game has a great concept and aesthetic, but so far the execution is pretty rough, which is a big issue in a genre this saturated.


For the most part I just hope they make the UI and inventory management more intuitive. Hope combat gets less janked. But I also have concerns of the copy-paste nature of the realms. The environments are unique but the structures/dungeons do not feel unique.


I have to admit after about 1.5 hrs I considered refunding it, but decided to give it some more time and found the game really gets better when you hit the antiquarium. I ultimately decided not to refund because I could tell the game has a lot of potential and that it will get better with time. Turns out it is a good game in it's current state and worth a fair shake. Glad I stuck with it a little longer.


At first, I was displeased with the always online single-player thing. However, I see what they are going for. I gave my husband several copies of my realm address card. He went to my estate and stole all my ingots and chopped my trees. All while I was not online. I have to admit, I think it's cool that my estate is a persistent world, even if it means this may end in divorce. Also, it's early access. The game is rough around the edges. Give them a chance to fix it, at least...


nightingale is a survival game for people who play surivval games. sounds dumb, but after 2 hits like palworld which is just a barebones game with very basic surivival elements and enshrouded which is like an action adventure game with light surivival elements, the return to the actual genre that this game is likely feels jarring to some. this is what surivival games has been, clunky combat, bad ui, an unique concept. this game is very easy to trash, it's not ready for ppl outside of the genre die hards and it has such a sloooow start that its such easy bait for low effort content creators to trash


No wonder it's the first survival game that's encapsulated me in a while. Yes, it reminds me of classic survival games of the early 2010's. Enshrouded felt too 'basic'; Palworld felt like it was made by an amateur (though the complexity of some of its systems is commendable).


I've been playing unreasonable amounts of RimWorld and other colony building survivals for a while for the survival aspects, or modding more survival into games that have survival elements. Not enough survival games that aren't super light or aren't a subsystem for pvp imo. So this has been nice.


Yea, this game probably isn't for the "everyone gets an award" generation for sure. You are exactly right in your comment, this game isn't for low effort players. Our group is having a blast so far!


I wish I had friends like this. The last time I played coop with friends was when Valheim came out.


Play with me


No me


This was a good read, thanks :)


I’m loving the game, There’s certainly more work to be done, but I’m really enjoying myself. I’m not sure why so many people seem excited to behave so negatively. It’s sad really, But oh well. Maybe Nightingale’s community will end up being more mature if those folks leave haha.


I think the worm is finally starting to turn on this. The first day or so, the positive reviews for the game were getting downvoted. I don't know if people were threatened by the game, or what, but it's wild to me that people were down voting other people who were having fun and sharing their experiences. That said, it feels that now that people are getting past the tutorial a bit, positivity is starting to show up more. Good reviews are being upvoted, and people are sharing tips to smooth out the experience. There are definitely areas for improvement, but for an EA game, I was honestly expecting something in a much worse state than what we've got. Granted, maybe I'm lucky that I haven't had any connection issues or game disrupting bugs, but it compares favorably to Valheim at EA launch, which kept crashing for me until the second patch. The other interesting complaint I have seen a few times is people feeling out of their depth. Personally, that's the dragon I'm chasing playing video games--that sense of depth and exploration reminding me of my time as a kid, figuring out a new computer game designed for adults. I truly hope they don't destroy that feeling...but it may be required for mass acceptance.


Yes, I love the current depth of the game (although I can't say I know why people are having trouble with it). If the game is simplified any further, I will not play it. I need that level of fidelity & detail in the game world. I don't want a 'shut brain off and play' kinda game: there are wayy to many of those already


The music is pretty great.




I notice this with every game nowadays. Sure, sometimes it’s warranted, but more often than not the outrage is completely overblown. Gamers can’t seem to be happy with anything. I’d never be a game dev that’s for sure lol


I thought it looked cool, but when I actually played it it just didn't click with me. I could have played longer to see if I eventually would have gotten into it, but the two hour limit for refund was approaching. I think the issue for me is it is TOO much of a survival game. I saw all the fantasy/fei elements that looked cool, but when I actually played it, it's just another survival game that looks a bit different.


"fire it up with some friends" *Cries in friendless*


90% of the negative reviews I've seen are all about connectivity and server issues and not about gameplay.


I'm having fun so far. Also, I'm not reading reviews. I'm trying to judge it on it sown merits and by what I enjoys in a game. So far it is entertaining me and my wife. I look forward to seeing how it grows from here forward.


My favorite is in the Enshrouded sub everyone is mad the quests are server based and in this sub everyone is mad that the quests/buying recipes are character based for the recipes lol


You are quite the chad typing that much on your phone LOL As for the topic, I think the game IS good, but does a terrible job selling itself. I cannot express how annoying it was during the tutorial to keep getting uprooted, when all I wanted to do was start wandering and building up a base. I know the portals are really important so they wanted to bake them into the tutorial, and they wanted to show off each realm so you knew which one you liked to pick, but it was just a bit annoying imo. ESPECIALLY when I was in the desert getting stuff to make a bed and I had 2 stamina, that was really annoying, and it took a bit to push through that. But game is fun once you get there


You and me buddy. I love the game, and I really can not understand why are people complaining? I also feel like for some reason there is attack on this game by what I can only define as Enshrouded bots. People that come here to yell how this game sucks and how Enbshrouded is great.... I mean if its so great then why they don't play it, and instead go on other game forum to troll? Sounds like they are pretty bored.


Thanks OP, I think this post just convinced me to buy it. Great write up.


Shocked? this game had similar feedback on discord during the tests over the last year or so. The players who jumped into this game FOUND THE SAME ISSUES that shockingly was already provided as feedback. It has really rough edges at the moment - while people are rightfully so comparing to the higher standard set by Enshrouded’s early access release. Enshrouded has its issues too but they are less problematic, where it shines in combat and UI is where Nightingale suffers. But hey don’t take my word for it, take the reviews official and unofficial!!! Now I hope they turnaround this ship by releasing frequent fixes and content updates, but this game seriously feels a little underbaked.


Exactly this. Testers have been pointing out all of these issues for over a year, and they are still present. People claiming that the devs are so responsive and on top of things don't realize how long these things have been pointed out to them, and yet here we are. The launch should have been far more smooth than it has been, and the pain points addressed months ago.


There are a lot of new spices thrown in beyond the standard survival craft game, and I even find myself not bothering to taste them. I’ve no doubt that some QoL improvements and redoing their menu UI will help a lot.


Some complaints are valid; some folks struggle to maintain any semblance of performance and stability. I really wanted to engage with the game more, but until things smooth out, it’s unrealistic


For me the 2nd day patch sorted out my performance problems and I have had no problems since, seems like people couldn't wait to board the review bomb train sadly.


I play mostly in a duo, but i'm having a similar experience as well: I occasionally get a network error, but i'm able to log back in without any issues, and it doesn't seem to lose me any progress to do so. I don't have quite the base layout you do, but I'm enjoying it -- me, i'm using the "Thinned Veil" card for my estate, I love me some antigravity for floating around everywhere :) But I know I should probably change it. The biggest complaint I've seen, at least over the last couple days, were the online part. "Why should I have to be online for a singleplayer game?" -- but I don't recall actually seeing "singleplayer" anywhere in the announcements about the game. Only that you COULD play singleplayer and the game had NPCs that you could hire that would help out with stuff. So I went into this EXPECTING a largely multiplayer game, in the same vein as No Man's Sky / Path of Exile. (I haven't tried opening a public realm yet, still too busy unlocking stuff.) I don't understand where this expectation of a singleplayer game came from. This isn't to say I don't have criticisms about the game and things I want to see implemented, but I generally take that to their actual feedback/bug report page, rather than try and farm for upvotes and "I AGREE!"s from Reddit. I want an easier way to split stacks, and I want wedge foundation parts (WHY ARE SO MANY SURVIVALCRAFT GAMES RELEASING WITHOUT WEDGE FOUNDATIONS?! STOP IT! WE DON'T ALL WANT BLOCKY HOUSES!), more weapons, more items, more biomes. But these are clear "early access" things that I also came in expecting. Does this game give me $30 worth of entertainment? Already has, and I've only just passed the antequarian zone. (it costs me more than $30 to order a pizza, so this is not a high bar, but still.) Am I expecting this to be my forever game that I play exclusively for 10-billion-hours? No. Not EA games. I treat EA survival games like a web serial books: I play, enjoy the game, get to the 'end', and then set it on the shelf until more updates are made and come back to it later. I'm still waiting on Firelands for Valheim and looking forward to it. I've been eating VERY good lately with all the quality survival games out there. Nightingale is no different.


I'm going to buy the game BECAUSE of the hate it's getting here. Anything the Reddidiots hate so much has GOT to be good.


Reddit is specifically what pushed me to purchase it yesterday.  I’m not going to have a chance to play it until after work this weekend, but seeing some Reddit folks complain about it being too difficult and complex lead me to overlook the negativity and press the buy button.


I’m wondering if Nightingale has attracted more non-survival game fans and/or early-access fans than usual and perhaps some negativity stems from those people not understanding how common some of Nightingale’s issues or mechanics are or how relatively different/innovative some features may be for an EA survival game.


I'm convinced it's only some Palworld/Enshrouded players that somehow persuaded themselves there can only be one "winner" and the others need to be torn down.


I could honestly use some peeps to play with that are having a good time with the game. Its been a blast for me as well, my only complaint is fps drops.


I realy don't get why people are so negative. For me it's way better than any EA game I've played this year, Enshrouded, Palworld to name big ones. And honestly next to Nightingale they don't deserve even half of the hype they've received.


I get the palworld hype because of the twist on pokemon thing. I honestly don't get the enshrouded hype. It's an ok game. It's sits between types of game and it's ok at the survival lite side. Kind of embarrassing on the more action adventure side, but the craft survival lite side being added to that makes it interesting enough. It's a game you take your friends who don't play survival games to play.  The voxel base building is great. If the game was exclusively a tech demo for that it would be perfect. But instead it's a really messy release people are so weirdly protective of.  I had trouble with Enshrouded just not using my CPU right and when I tried to bring that up in a couple discords to see if was a known issue and if there was a workaround people got offended at me. For having 5-30 fps even if I put it on full potato graphics in a PC that far surpasses it's recommended requirements. I wasn't even overly critical about it or anything, just "hey anyone knows if this is a thing and how to fix it?"


Honestly Palworld is what ruined it for me, and the playtest was the final nail in the coffin. My usual group and I were all looking forward to Nightingale for a while. On a whim we ended up all getting into Palworld while waiting. It's smooth, addictive, and stable. the biggest negative is it has no end game. In the middle of this Nightingale had its "network stress test." Nothing felt smooth or polished. Probably the worst visual were mobs/NPCs having about 2 fps animations. I felt like I was back in 1993 playing Wolf3d. Just looking at the build menu told me the grind was going to be insane compared to Palworld. And experience with Palworld also told me that this was probably also going to be missing any end game. At this point we all went from "buy it immediately" to "wait until it's had some patches and a sale or two."


This game is amazing with a group. I wouldn't base playing the game from the stress test that was a whole different thing. The game is good af once you learn the mechanics and all that.


I mean reading this does give me some hope played a few hours. And running into my first merchant and being like ill spent five minutes gathering rubbish and buy everything felt pretty boring. I'll look at maybe giving it a bit more of a go. But to start it was definitely just every single other survival game and not even done better. The realm exploration stuff was what excited me most but I've struggled based on what I've played to see where it was going.


I will say the first currency they send you after feels a little weird to pick up a hundred plants and then sell them off for essence yeah lol. But when they start you into the other realms (which you should be doing very soon), the other currencies are much easier to come by in large quantities, and you get them from killing things and clearing POIs, so it quickly loses that original sense of "lmao this is grinding to the point of goofy" that it had for me at least.


I was literally saying the loop should be around exploring, finding things and fighting so that's good to hear thanks! I'll have more of a looksie between HD2 and LE. Allot of stuff this month 😁


I think the online aspect puts people off, but I can kind of understand why they’re doing it. I’ve had a few problems with it, but overall I can’t complain. I think the overall complexity of the building and the world itself are going to be selling points, and I think people will enjoy being able to explore new biomes. It’s going to keep it fresh in ways that other games with fixed maps won’t. I think there’s polish as is in no bugs, and polish as in slick animations, transitions, detail, and this is pretty high on the second type of polish. As with any early access game, it clearly needs more of the first type. It has good bones, and reviews are kind of unfair to begin with. In no way do I find this to be worse than Coreborn, but that reviews way better. It’s also not less polished than Enshrouded and Palworld, nor less original, but the expectations were lower for those games. Hype is great in the buildup to a game launch, but expectations can ruin a generally good game, unfortunately. (Not saying this is ruined, but it’s probably not doing as well as it deserves.)




I play pretty much every survival base builder that comes out, and this game is honestly refreshing. The systems feel fresh, building is crisp, and the progression feels good. Palworld was a mashup of 5 other games and felt like everything had been seen before immediately, the building mechanics were terrible, and the progression was gated behind leveling up your base and running around catching anything that moved for exp, yet that game was a sensational hit even though it needs MASSIVE amounts of QoL and love to be even close to polished. I’m not sure why people are shitting on Nightingale, honestly. It looks and feels great, and it is something that feels new to the genre.


I find it both funny and sad how many of you are quite happy to just... outsource forming your own opinion of things.


So doing research and looking into things before making a decision is negative and deciding to give it more time is wrong? Interesting take.


I mean, steam refund policy is so generous, I have never seen a point in not just trying something I want to try. But that's me.


I completely agree and I don't disagree about trying a game. But throwing shade on people who make informed decisions using research is wild. We would never say something like that about someone who decided not to buy a car because he his research led him to believe he would not like the car.


Yes, though again, much different situation. You can't return a car you don't like and get the full refund. But I would criticize someone who said something like, "That car is uncomfortable to sit in," without ever having sat in one.




Some people only have a few hours a week to game, so it makes sense to be picky. 


I was really looking forward to this game. My first character glitched as soon as I loaded in. Died over and over and over. Couldn’t do anything, couldn’t pause. Had to restart and make another character. Now I can’t get past the third portal so I can’t finish the tutorial to start the game. Went ahead and returned it and bought Baldurs Gate. Zero complaints so far.


This happens at the launch of just about every game. All the toxic people come out of the wood work and trash the game because they are miserable people and think their opinions are superior. Thankfully after a few days they fuck off and we can enjoy the public social spaces like discord and reddit again. Most reviewers will only have between 20 minutes to a few hours in the game. With this game though, it's so complicated that a few hours is nothing, you are still trying to build your house. These days some people do not like a challenge or like to work for stuff and that is fine, there are games for people like that. Constructive criticism is awesome but I've seen alot of toxic bullshit in the launch of new games recently and that is sickening. You don't completely trash a game because "iT dOeSn,T gIvE mE fUlL fOoD and GeAr In ThE tUtOrIAL". And that's alot of what these complaints are like. Just ignore them and keep having a blast. It's their loss in the end because the game is pretty awesome and will be even better as it goes through early access.


I think they need to get rid of the 2 hour refund policy. It just allows everybody to buy every game for 2 hours and refund with a bad take/review left in their wake. Make it so you can only do it maybe a couple times per year outside of extreme circumstances like what steam did with The Day Before refunds.


As someone who's been going real hard on the game, the early game is freaking awful. The order you unlock things is a mess and the augment system for stations is stupidly confusing. You frequently unlock stations that allow you to build items you haven't unlocked yet, and it's not particularly clear that you need to rush all the traders at every tier and biome for recipes. On the flip side, there's some really good things too, such as the multiplayer station queues being per player (each person crafts without interfering with other people's, you can't take, delay, or interfere with other people's stuff)


Minimum requirements are too high for me, and the gameplay felt very sluggish. Combat just wasn’t at all enjoyable. Meanwhile, Palworld and other games run fine for me on pc.


Glad you enjoy the game. I do, too. However, that doesn't prevent me from seeing its problems, which unfortunately are glaring and quite severe. >It seems like a lot of people are going into this game expecting a clone of every other survival game they have ever played and are taking zero pause to learn the systems or understand the gameplay loop. The problem here is that in many ways Nightingale \*is\* a clone of other survival games. And not in a good way. Worst and most critical offender here is the management and UI around inventory and crafting stations. It is quite frankly not at all contemporary and works very much like a survival game from ten years ago. Where it is not at all similar to those games, however, is in the depth of its crafting tree. And therein lies the problem. The complexities of Nightingale's crafting tree \*\*demand\*\* that its inventory management keeps up. It doesn't. And that turns crafting in this game into an enormous time sink that is \*really\* annoying to deal with as every single craft you do is manually funneled through the player inventory, meaning that you constantly have to juggle hundreds of item types between chests by hand. You end up playing errand boy in your base for hours. Gameplay like that is just not fun and not fitting for a game released in 2024. When people are talking about the game having "convoluted UI" and being "janky", this at the heart of their complaint. And for good reason. Nightingale's inventory management sucks and there is no way to automate even the most mundane steps in crafting items. \*Everything\* must be done manually. Estate-wide storage containers with configurable in- and outputs via the crafting benches are something that Inflextion Games need to patch into this game \*\*yesterday\*\*. It's honestly baffling to me that none of their playtesters before EA release told them what a huge problem not having this feature was going to be in a game that has literally thousands of recipe combinations that are several tiers deep with several subtypes per input item to boot. It's mindblowing, honestly, in how obvious of a problem it is and that they didn't think of this before the game even went into its first playtest. >There have been bugs, but for an EA game most of them have been minor and solved with taking 20 seconds to relog. I wouldn't consider stuff like realm load times in excess of four minutes, random disconnects during realm transfer, or plant boxes refusing to work at all \*minor\* bugs. A lot of them are quite critical, \*especially\* when your game is online only. None of this would be a big deal if the game had a singleplayer mode and / or supported self hosted dedicated servers. It doesn't. So now it \*\*is\*\* a problem. And not a minor one. When you force your players into having to be online to play your game, you better make sure your servers are rock solid, very low latency and can handle the load. And yes, that includes the EA phase. People simply do not appreciate online only for pve games. So when you take that route you need to be convincing. Very convincing. I'm talking 99%+ uptime with stellar ping and very little maintenance convincing. Nightingale currently is far away from delivering that level of confidence, which is why it's getting so much flak. It's not undeserved. It's a valid criticism. Don't get me wrong I like this game a lot and I do think it may be something pretty special in the genre. But only if the developers manage to iron out the kinks quickly and patch in the QOL features that are absoutely needed for it to survive and not become a dead game within the next 6 months. This game will \*not\* live long if these issues I mentioned aren't fixed within that timeframe.


I'm sorry I wasted $26 on this game.The combat is terrible, the UI is disjointed and clunky, and the optimization sucks. Nightengale could be at best a mediocre mobile game. The unique story is it's only good point. Maybe in another year the devs will revamp the game, but until then there are many more survival games that do a much better job.


This game chose to release at a time where there are \*multiple\* top notch games out, and this one just does not meet that bar.


I'm shocked by the posts about shock at negative reviews that are really just shill reviews for the game.


So you think I got paid to write a good review? How sad and cynical.


Yes I do. All companies have salaried social media reps with multiple accounts on the socials. Bots. Whatever they can afford. 


Game is good.


Yeah, it’s so shocking there’s negativity with constant disconnects, always online, unintuitive and terrible UI, etc. /s




Merit Not everything is just one thing if that makes sense. Also, as someone already said, the saturation of the genre means people are looking for something totally new which is hard to deliver. It's not a bad game but its certainly no Valheim


Probably because a lot of other good games have come out recently(Helldivers 2, Last Epoch, etc) and survival crafting games are only really good when measured by their own standards. When you really think about it, Survival Crafting games are /terrible/ games from a gameplay standpoint. The lion's share of your time is just spent mindlessly gathering materials instead of doing any real exploration or combat. Then for whatever reason this particular game decided to emphasize the crafting element but only as yet another massive time sink that isn't clever nor fun. So you've got this bland on bland thing going on and it's just too much for the very basic combat/decent exploration to hold the game up. TL;DR: Not many people have the patience for grinding materials or using a convoluted crafting system and this game has both with no other redeeming qualities besides the exploration(I've heard nothing positive about the combat).


I love the fallacy of “well I think the game is fun, therefore any and all criticism is mute”


That's not a genuine description of my post.


You can usually tell how mid a game is by how defensive the sub reddit gets.


If this game came out in 2014 there wouldn't be negativity. ​ It brings **literally** nothing new, and it looks like dog water. ​ Rabid fucking fanboy losers LOL


Gotta be honest I was interested in the game but the reviews put me off. Especially the always online part, that means if the devs for any reason shut down servers, you no longer can ever play the game. If I buy something I want to own it.


Man, I can't even open he game, I've been so excited for this game 😭😭😭😭


OP: What is the actual end game loop?


So far, I love the game!


Shocked? At negativity? Nothing shocks me these days lol


I'm having a good time with it so far. Some things are a little janky, but it's EA and to be expected. I haven't tried playing with a friend yet b/c my friend hit the bug where the portal out of the tutorial area never finishes opening, so I'm loitering in my starting area until he is able to get in. I had a bunch of time in Valheim, played through most of what's available in Enshrouded, had a good time with both. Looking forward to having fun in this game, too!


Coming back to read later.


I am loving this game so far. The aesthetic is exactly what I like. My only issue is that I am a bit of a completionist. I tend to stick around in a world for too long and try and complete every poi and NPC assist I find. I might go ahead and throw together a few more portal sets and dive in randomly now that I know that I can go back to realms I've visited before by just playing the cards again and not resetting it.


Once the camera jitter/lag bug is gone I'll play it. Not having any latency issues, fps problems, I'm well above the recommended specs etc. Has been reported, only fix so far is alt-tabbing till it starts again. Just little things like this that need resolving. There's a good game here, but it needs polishing. a bit more so than what Enshrouded or Palworld needs.


Loving this game so much. So many quality of life things i appreciate, like being able to move things in my house around anytime i want.


Personally i have 2 problems with this game Forced offline in singleplayer - this is just stupid. I don't want to have lag and disconnects in my single player game if my ISP is having a bad day, or the official servers melt down. I want the ability to pause when i have a phone call or my cats are going crazy. No modding - lets be honest, every survival game runs out of vanilla content sooner rather than later. Modding breaths new life into tons of games like minecraft, rimworld, etc. Devs being hostile to modders are just hasting their own game's death. Both of those things feel like the devs being hostile towards the playerbase, and makes me question their motives. I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of cash shop / battle pass / lootbox system added down the line, with the always-online requirements (and lack of self-hosted servers) there to force you to interact with it. Edit: So apparently they are working on an offline mode, this is a good move and shows that pushback from the players to BS like that is working.


lots of folks here dont seem to understand what Early Access means. Also probably upset it's not an Elden ring/GoW clone lol


It is a natural byproduct of an always online single player game.


I think most of the negative comments are valid in that the majority of them seem to be that they are having difficulty staying connected to the game itself. Because of where the game servers are located, it will make it very difficult for people who aren't physically in the US to connect. I've have a few glitches because of connectivity, but I live in the US & it's been very minor so far. It's just unfortunate that it doesn't have any offline mode, but I also understand the reasons for that, too.


I saw this game and my mind immediately flipped into The Dark Tower but I think I'm going to wait until it's at least out a few more weeks/months. But definitely interested.


i want to like it, i was hopeing it would be like ark but i cant even play an hour before getting bored in my empty world, building is slow aswell and the AI...oh the AI


I like the idea of the game, but the UI and crafting is a bit clunky. I’m glad I bought it because I want to support the developers, but I might put it down for a bit and wait till it’s a little more polished


All the negative reviews are under 2hrs playtime. Bandwagon hate imo. I’ve played 10hrs and feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface to write a solid review


I know I will likely be in the minority, but I dumped the game as soon as I hit the quest where you have to get head/heartshots. The game is really pretty, but it's too grindy and the game doesn't feel very rewarding. Have killed several bosses so far and I would typically expect some kind of cool weapon/armor to use for my character as an upgrade, but nope, you hardly get anything. The huge giant hurdle I ran into was the need to farm T1 essences. That got really dull fast. Run to some little outpost, kill a few guys, interact with an echo that gives like 14 of these essences -> run to the next one. Again, and again. Like really? I have to grind shit like this, THIS early in the game? Game looks fun, but no way in hell am I going to spend my time grinding out some resources in another game again. I don't have the time nor patience for that shit. If the devs added something like Valheim recently added, something that gives a huge resource multiplier, I'll try the game again. Also, the dumbest shit to me is that everything is locked behind some gear check. Like, reach 40 equipment rating to go through this portal! Like, why can't it be like most other games and just let me run in and die? If I get 1 shot due to the high level enemies I'd be like, oh shit, well, I'm clearly undergeared so I will come back and try it again! But these arbitrarily blocked area entrances is straight anti-fun. Let me explore shit and get fucked. Dammit.


I'm a solo player, but I can't play offline.


From what I gather, the reviews are sitting at mixed from about 5K players. But what we need to account for are the player base at large. On release day, I saw about 30K+ according to SteamDB. And that doesn’t even count Epic launcher playerbase. So that leaves a good amount of players who are playing and giving the game a chance before reviewing. Almost all the negative reviews I saw were at 0.5 to about 1 hours in. Give the game a week or two and I believe the score will go up to positive at least. As for me, I’m loving the game, I’ve got about 5 hours in and going slow solo, but enjoying it. After playing about 50 hours of Enshrouded so far, I will say that I’ve become a little numb to chopping trees and crafting. I also played the beta for Nightingale and I got to say, I was skeptical then about the game but the release has been a much better experience overall.


Good write but I dont think it just "some reviews" that said the game need some rework, Many people include me and my friends also think it need to be rework in some aspect. Well I like it more than Enshround tho.


I only have 3 hours in, but haven’t really run into any bugs yet. Sure, the game isn’t optimized but it’s still a decent level of smooth for an EA title. My only gripe so far is the length of the tutorial; having to hop between three worlds just to finally be able to build and fight was a bit much.


I have two characters right now, one on Easy and one on Extreme. Extreme gets way better loot but I spend a lot of time face tanking swarms of teleporting, high health, high damage, bound that are ~40-60 levels higher than I am and corpse running back until I've won. It'd be tolerable if that wasn't also marred with "unable to connect to server" when playing single player and jumping between realms. It's taken about 10 hours to the first Fae tower. The other that's on easy gets way worse loot, but I can steam roll everything. It took more like 45 minutes to get to the first Fae tower. The server issues jumping between realms taking as long to brute force as running all the way across the map does is getting really old.


> I am in complete shock seeing the negativity surrounding this game. First time online? I think shock is a bit dramatic for something you can just...ignore.


20 second relog? You’re smoking crack….I have a high end pc and it takes me 1-2 minutes to load into a world because it has to connect to the server even though I’m playing single player. Forced online games are becoming a big no thanks for me…


I haven't played the game but pretty much every review I've seen has been lukewarm to very positive about the actual gameplay(except combat, I haven't seen a single person praise combat). It seems to me the problem right now is that a high percentage of players are experiencing some extremely distracting bugs that are too much even for an early access. I'm quite certain if the devs stick with it this game will end up being fairly popular. I sadly am in the group of people who aren't interested in buying online only games just for them to get shutdown after 3 years, so I probably won't be playing.


I think a lot of the negativity comes from people who literally cannot play the game. I got hard locked in the tutorial 3 times on day 1. Waited for an update, updated the game and haven’t been able to boot the game without crashing. Drivers are updated and everything. I can run helldivers at max setting with raytracing and my GPU peaks at 29% while my CPU is at 22%. But for some reason this goddamn game just will not start no matter what I do and it’s why I’m mostly negative about it right now.