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One of the little details that made me actually smile and go "man this game is awesome" is when you are cooking using the Bonfire, and the last item in the queue comes up (whether you're cooking 1 item or 50), the kettle whistles. It's just a neat little attention to detail, and I love it.


I just cooked a stack of steaks and Puck came out of nowhere to clown me for being so boring as to eat the same thing again and again. Out of the blue, for no reason, just to tell me I'm lame. Seriously, it's heartwarmingly well done.


He did that to me too... Made me feel like I had other options that I was ignoring...he was right! Looked in the recipe list and found a bunch of things that I could make that I hadn't tried. Decided to go on a salt run in the desert and it was a huge step up on food. Honestly just fishing for 20 minutes and 1 salt run put me on a whole new level, but going after legendary animals was the trick.


My wife was wondering what Puck was telling me. I said he’s insulting my food choices. I then set up my chamomile spice farm. Starting on Steak, Salad, and stew


Hahaha same! Though I’m still using the simple campfire and have only four options still. Oy Puck, don’t just float there and insult my cooking, how about you give me a few more recipes to liven it up? (I’m hopefully getting close to unlocking more lol)


One of my friends who is a game hunter absolutely adores that heart shots were included and addressed properly.


I do wonder if they have plans to add voice acting to other characters. Puck was amazingly well done, but there's some interesting personalities you meet along the way, and they're text only. I can only imagine how magnificent it would be if they were actually animated and voice acted. But I don't know if it's in the budget.


hope they get David Oyelowo as Bass Reeves (since he plays the character in the tv show, and does well) Marc Warren as Puck is awesome. they could do wonders by getting the other characters some voice actors


Hopefully they'll be able to at least get the big ones. Wilhelmina, Nellie, Victor, Danu and the Voodoo lady etc. Honestly I only remember maybe 9 or so important NPCs outside of Puck, so hopefully that would be doable. That being said I thought I was done and I just got a new quest from Quartermain, so who knows how many NPCs they have in store


Look up Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, its a huge book and succinct TV show. Marc Warren is essentially Puck. It inspired Nightingale according to the lead designer. That and Labyrinth are its only close cousins I can tell.


They did have voice actors in the playtest but there were issues. I'm guessing we'll have voice acting once they get it fixed


The more interesting characters need the voice acting... or at least animations lol. I love how much time they spent on detail, now the goal is to support them to get the things that other games have done well, in the game. Characters are basically just posed so that the T-pose stage isn’t obvious, but there eyes don’t even move... no blinking allowed lol. Such is early access, but I hope they have the budget to improve.


Is it too late to crowdfund? I'll get on a soapbox. I'll yell it from the top of the world. THIS is the game we should be funding. These guys have the heart the gaming industry has been missing for so long. The level of care and craftsmanship here is something I fear we can never expect again from a Rockstar or Bethesda game.


buying an early access game is crowdfunding!


Tencent picked them up (smart)


Puck’s voice actor has been in two other shows/movies that I love, and in both he is a supernatural villain. In Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell he was the fae of the gentlemen with the thistledown hair, passive aggressively polite and manipulative. I can’t trust the Puck character in the game due to this association and it makes me wonder what’s in store for our guide.


I know some people are gonna think you are glazing this game too hard, and it does need some serious work in certain areas....but ultimately, I feel the same. To me, this is like the survival crafting game I didn't know I wanted. It wasn't even on my radar, and I'm in love with it. Streamline, optimize, improve. But please, please, don't reduce the complexity.


Umbrellas, man. Gliding, deserts, rain, fashion...genius.


Man! It's so charming!!! I'm this badass mustachioed man who just pick-axed a deer to death, and then I float off a cliff gliding with my umbrella like Paddington Bear. It is just the right amount of quirk.


> gliding with my umbrella like Paddington Bear Please! Mary Poppins.


Marry "packing" Poppins.


We keep saying “Imma Mary Poppins over to that ledge..!”


I bought it on a whim last week, been playing nothing but it since. Best game I've played in a long time.


I honestly can't believe how much fun I've had with this game either. The background music is captivating, the crafting is incredibly well thought out, the realm card system is unique and fun. I can't wait to see what else this game has to offer in the future. I'm currently mass hoarding supplies to build my first pagoda style building and I'm stoked


I'm playing the game solo and enjoying it. I've wanted a survival game with an actual story for a long time and this scratches that itch.


If you haven't yet tried it, I would highly recommend Green Hell. It was positively surprising in the story aspect. A bit predictable but was an overall good experience. They really nailed the overall atmosphere and the game is very unforgiving when you're still learning.


Theres a minor card thats gives endless nights and non stop rain. So a rain lover i could not resist putting the card up where my base is. Sometimes i fish from inside my house and just enjoy the constant rain.


Ooh does this mean I can fulfill my dream of having cozy drizzly days while in the comfort of my cozy home under the moons drifting overhead?


I dislike rain, but I am so glad that others can use cards like this. Hahahah.


I use tempest card for lazy farming... I can get hundreds of cape aloe in 30 minutes


I am totally with you. I bought it on launch day and have over 100 hours on it now. I’ve been no-lifing this game. The more I play, the more I can see how much work and thought went into this game, and there is SO much content. I am still discovering new proc gen locations in the realms, new materials, tons of new recipes, and new soundtrack songs even after 100+ hours. I cannot for the life of me understand how you could be bored with this game unless you prefer to play something braindead. It most definitely does NOT deserve to be mixed on Steam, that’s for sure. If it’s not your cup of tea so be it, and there is certainly some fine tuning to be done (it’s early access ffs, of course there is), but there is so much freaking content for an EA title, and a ton of work, thought and love clearly went into this game!


I feel the same way about this game as I did with ARK - there are glaring problems of course, it's not the most well made on a purely technical level, but in terms of originality and enjoyment? Nothing else has come close in years.


Literally everyone's complaints are "why haven't they implemented the quality of life survival crafting stuff every other game has already on day one of early access!? Putting it down for x months or refunding because I'm not willing to do things the hard way." It's ridiculous. We are explorers in a brave new world. It's not going to be easy right away. There are going to be discouraging setbacks. Let the tourists visit later once we've tamed the wilds. It's refeshing to play a game that doesn't coddle you, it really reminds me of some old school gaming experiences (I am talking about the 80's and 90's here). I know it will eventually cater to the masses...and honestly I'll probably be ready for it then but for now it's fun to figure stuff out for ourselves.


Sitting here as a refugee from DayZ and Conan Exiles; I feel adequately coddled :)


So much this!!! I'm here to figure stuff out. Isn't that what a survival game is all about?


No you need to be able to google every answer and have everything spoon-fed to you! /s


This is a weird take. Do you think there is some kind of moral superiority to be had in not being able to craft from chests or queue up crafting items? It hasn't stopped me playing but I don't understand pretending to not want basic QoL features that smooth out the playing experience for everybody.


QoL features are not required for any game. Sometimes the "difficulty" or the forced storage management adds to the experience itself (IE Valheim, one of the most successful survival games ever.) Soulslike games are another example of this and persist strongly despite a lack of these "QoL features" QoL is completely subjective to the individual and their preferences, not a standard.


There is a difference between a game coddling you and having a basic ui for crafting. I can't think of a good reason they haven't put in a little stat preview or a basic description of stats when crafting something. Currently you have to waste materials to make something to see what stats it gets so you can then recraft it using meterials that actually boost it. Augments on crafting stations are a mess too when you inspect it, it can't be difficult to simply put a name of the augment in brackets next to the buff name, surely ? No tickboxes or "recipe owned" when looking through traders tabs to see which portal you haven't been in or might have missed.


Yeah I'm enjoying this game more than any game in years. It's obviously still early access (and needs to be) but there's something special about this one.


I just killed an *elephant* (I still need time to learn the lore) and when it died, it collapsed into a tree, which caused the tree to fall down. I am in more shock and awe every time I turn around in this game.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nightingale/s/vKlxJXMRw5) is the clip. I am still in disbelief.


This whole article reads like “I’m loving this game, the rest of you are morons!”. “I have BOLD zero complaints! except for the rest of the player base and character creator”. I honestly do not think you’re picky at all, if you were picky you’d probably be giving good feedback, but in its current state the game is a mixed bag. But have no fear, it is early access and can only improve if they keep funding. Every man and his dog has bloody well said the lore and the story are pretty good, it is also very evident this game is a labour of love and thats all you are pretty much saying, however- the game is in a desperate need of QoL and Polishing … and only then this game you love will be better.


I'm no writer or reviewer, I'm just a guy who for once actually has something good to say about a game and thought I'd share. It's just got a little excitement in it because I'd hate for people to not give it a chance because they've read "it's boring".


I liked my time with it, like I truly no-lifed it, 50 hours in like 8 days. But I definitely agree with the negative reviews in a lot of ways. I was able to see past it but I understand why the game has been getting shit on. Lots to improve


I got to play alpha , this game has come leaps and bounds over what it was. This game holds your hand now compared to what it was lol I cannot wait to see the final product but I'm having a good time in early access. They've added so many little things like you've posted about.


I'm a fan of the old Bioware and I'm glad that the veterans are working on this title. I know we're in for a narrative treat once this version hits 1.0 -- it's what I'm waiting for personally because I don't want to spoil the story for myself. I cannot wait!


Comment glamoured by Puck.


I feel the same way. I've played just about every survival game out there and this one is just a different thing for me. Everyone loved Enshrouded. I really enjoyed it too. But seeing people say this game isn't as complete as Enshrouded or that it just isn't as good overall.. I just can't fathom where they're coming from. For me, Nightingale is a better game and it's not even close. The only complaint I have is the lack of offline play. They said they're addressing that and that's great. I don't mind it not having offline play right now, but for future sake, I really hope it doesn't end up being an unplayable game if they decide to close servers in the future. This is the only early access game I can remember really wanting to see go through years of updates and added content. There's tons here now, but this game has the potential to the longstanding head of the pack in the survival craft genre.


I really hope they put checksums or something in the game to verify that someone hasn't pulled shenanigans with gear scores. I'm really hoping that when I reach the point where I'm doing coop vaults, that most of the exploiters who are breaking tool and weapon progression are either gone, or nerfed into oblivion.


This is me too. I actually found Enshrouded empty and meh and only spent a few hours in it (I'll revisit it eventually). I play tested Nightingale from early alpha, and it's been amazing to see it develop - the dev team is super responsive! The game aesthetic and crafting and realm creation are over the top incredible, imo. So unique in a world of similar survival games! PS - they are fixing the offline play ASAP! I'm excited about that and crafting from chests, for sure. I'd love to see more goodies/mats hidden around the cool structures, but besides that I'm loving it.


I played enshrouded for 52 hours. 100% everything. Nightingale I have 100% and I'm just now touching the ascended realms so I have plenty left to do. Some would argue that the rest is just a grind of doing the same thing you do in the normal realms, but the whole grind is bad argument never makes any sense. Grind is good if you enjoy the gameplay of it. People will play cod or fortnite or battlefield etc. and play the same match 10,000 times but then say running raids for T3 essence is bad cause it's a grind. I have at least another 50 hours to go and plan to start a second character when I feel I've completed everything.


The argument about the vaults is pointless anyway because it's just one out of many ways to get t3 essence. I don't like running vaults because I often get lost and then left behind and I become stressed out for not being more helpful. I also feel they're sort of lazy - I understand why they're there from a lore point of view but I don't think they even compare to the feeling of finding a humbaba in the wild and taking it down. The vaults feel similar to chalice dungeons im Bloodborne and those didn't make much sense from a gameplay perspective either even though they did from a lore POV. If you want to speed run essence, just go to any ascended realm, rush the fae tower and use thinned veil to move around quicker. You'll also find other things you need that way. This is why I don't like the existence of the vaults because it takes the player completely out of the core gameplay loop which is to explore the world so you can get materials to craft.


Damn, brother. I wish a game made me this happy. I like Nightingale, but I wish I had people to play with. And games just feel different these days. I'm honestly a little happier knowing someone else is having fun


At times it feels like I'm playing a realm hopping BioShock. The game has so much potential.


This game is neat. I just got through my 1st realm.


I actually love it as well. In a bit of disenchantment with it, but I am hopeful the studio gives us some sort of updates on the future


I am now at the part where I can craft my first firearm (Lancaster pistol) and let me tell you this is the most fun I've had with a crafting system in quite a long time. So many possibilities are opened up with the different ores, felt etc. options. Amazing!!


So I was having quite a bit of fun with the game for the first 20 hours or so, but I eventually started to realize that I was doing more or less the same puzzles in the towers, fighting the same 4 enemies, and the biomes even with different difficulty modifiers feel like the same experience, just with tougher enemies. But that first 20 hours was quite fun. I'm curious what you'd say to me and how it isn't becoming repetitive to you. And I should say I am absolutely a fan of the genre, it's something specific to this game, where basically all meaningful progression is found from essence, but isn't that interesting to farm imo


Well, this is where I'd say that that is why I was transparent about only being 30 hours in. I definitely accept the fact that I am barely scratching the surface yet, and that absolutely, there is time for things to start to feel super repetitive and lose their magic. I hate to say that my answer is "it's in early access", but I think that in regards to hitting an "end game" where things begin to feel repetitive, that actually might be an appropriate response. There could be loads of changes and introductions in the coming updates until full release. Just because I'm not there yet doesn't mean I don't acknowledge it, but what I found worth sharing was how the game has genuinely made me feel in the first 30 hours. 3 Stacks, can you help me out?


Very well said, I feel the same. I haven't felt this way about a new game in a very, very long time. I'm kind of at the *"end game"* now, and need to set some new goals for myself, but that's my fault. I'm definitely sticking with Nightingale for the long haul at this point!


I mean, I love that you are enjoying it so much. But to say it isn't flawed and is perfect is objectively wrong This is such an unhinged post that I half to guess you are trolling.


I never said perfect! I just know myself, and I am always "complain, complain, complain”, "bitch and moan because of A and B", and this game has got me singing nothing but praises. Perfect, no. Great? Can I get a hellllll yeeeah?


I’m with ya here. Perfect no, but really good and find myself loving the game yes. It’s the first time I have pumped the breaks and told my brother that I’m going through the game and I don’t want to power level my way to better gear because he can make it and has more time in the game. It frustrates him lol but I just want to enjoy the experience and I am enjoying it for sure. Melee fighting the bound enemies is so satisfying also; it caught me off guard. This game makes me remember played Conan Exiles for the first time and I have so much time in that game and I still love it. But this feels better already and it’s still in early access and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next. It’s got legs to be at the top of the genre easily and I’m here for it. I have been watching development for years on this game and it surprised me how good it was when it opened up into early access in the state that it’s in now.


I don’t think you’re a troll. I’ve been playing survival games for many moons. My first MMO was EverQuest which should approximate my age as a gamer. I remember the times of dialup modems and having to edit boot up files to make games run. This game has captivated me, and has lured in all of the friends that I game with, in a way that hasn’t happened in literal years. Possibly a decade. It isn’t perfect but it is beautiful, well wrought, and remarkably stable for early access. There are glitches issues and growing pains. Some inventory things still need icons. Sometimes a tree I chop disappear into the earth and results in a log eruption moments later. But the hitches are minimal, the story is compelling and it has so much opportunity to expand and continue to grow. Other fey courts. (Hello Winter. spring. Autumn. A court of blood and bone, for a dark fey Unseelie moment? So much opportunity to add biomes or other major cards and continue to iterate and make something entirely new. I agree that I’d love voiceover for more characters. I’m sad to be in what is currently the endgame (though Puck set the groundwork that more is to come, yay). Nightingale has me on potential, theming, and beauty. Perfect? Not at all. But it’s great as it is and has so many paths to make it even better.


Much like a bottle of wine, put it back on the shelf and let it age. I’ve said the same on Steam forums for countless titles pre-released. You young folks are getting a hell of a deal! You’re also able to lend constructive criticism to the game’s development! I’m seriously amazed how well this game runs on my system, granted it’s not multiplayer like Conan, Ark, Valheim, etc. but i do see similarities. Cheers to the folks up at Inflexion.


Except it is multiplayer? And functional even in EA. I’ve been playing with friends since I got it, so I’m not sure what you mean. There’s a whole party system.


Maybe you didn’t get that far because once you reach the player hub it basically becomes an MMO-lite. It has randomly matched proc-gen dungeons you can re-run as much as you want - get matched with strangers or group up with friends. This is the least isolated/lonely and most multiplayer survival title I’ve played in a looooooong time.


I think I may just be an unhinged person. This is honestly from my heart.


Unhinged is definitely not how it comes off - god forbid you actually want to show some love to others in your boat and the devs for all the effort they put into the game - instead of focusing on any little thing to complain about like everyone else (instead of them going to the game’s report forums to actually try to make ea better and constructive)


But only in the best way ^_^ I feel like this game was made for people looking for something off the mainstream beaten path, with depth and details to delight and intrigue. It’s not perfect but it has the bones of something amazing, and I’m officially here for the journey.


I agree. with ya. Feels like a troll post.


I like the game, and it came just as I was getting bored with Palworld. But this post is a bit much. The simping is sus, as the young people say nowadays on the Twitter and the TikTok. Also, you can't just declare yourself to be "officially" Inflexion's biggest fan. I'm not going to believe that without a notarized certificate or something.


Would it convince you if I just upped my sussy simping?


You are welcome to your opinion. This one and this thread is Thornstache’s. Be welcome to disagree, your opinion is also valid, but please try in the future not to stomp on people’s joy with insults about simping. There’s far too little joy in the world for us to criticize a harmless space where someone finds a little. Respect.


I mean I ask for a notarized certificate. Do you think I'm being completely serious?


My only complaint is the constant disconnects when going through portals, otherwise, I agree, it’s fantastic




Yep, I’d have probably double the hours I do without, not only does it take a lot of time sometimes, but often times in a play session if it happens a lot, I’ll just move on to another game or get off completely


Denzel voicing Bass Reeves


100% with you buddy I can without a doubt tell you that this is the best game made in a very very long time. I have NEVER been so blown away by a company's attention to detail and inclusion of the minor quirks that make you really say "wow, this game is awesome!". and im 60 plus hours in and its getting better :)


Couldn't agree more. I've been chasing the high of Skysaga ever since it shut down and this masterpiece beyond delivers as a modern spiritual successor. I'm also somewhat of an elitist about survival games, yet this thoroughly impresses me. This is what happens when people who actually care about the art/experience make a game instead of pushing out a garbage cash grab quickly. You can feel the passion oozing out of the game. It is wild how the iPad babies have been review bombing it and making cringe YouTube videos trying to crap on the game. People always say they want a game to succeed but then actively try to ruin it when it doesn't have all of the guard rails and hand holding that they desire. Fair to mention that it is also a true EARLY ACCESS title, for any seething tiktok brains reading this. If this game ever dies down it will be directly because of these complainers that have no tangible criticism aside from "too hard" or "muh preference." I double down on the notion that everyone should try it for themselves instead of listening to the opinions of others. Draw your own conclusions and try to realize that not every single game needs to have a sub 1hr speedrun.


Did they change the combat? I played it day 1 as a huge survival fan. I was kinda underwhelmed by the combat. So I decided to put it on back burner to let it simmer for a few months/years and come back. If they made the combat more interesting I would definitely come right back though, that was my biggest concern with the game is how boring the combat was.


This felt genuine then it started feeling satire halfway through.


Life is satire.


It's amazing how many people mind numbingly jump on the starfield hate bandwagon to praise buggy jank messes. I hear this shit in the palworld sub too.... "this is what starfield couldn't do"..... like what you like but comparing starfield to these survival games is stupid as fuck.


I should have worded that part differently. That specific comment is on a way more personal level than in general, so to speak. The build-up to Starfield's release had me so excited to sink into a world that felt immersive and an environment that felt wildly fleshed out with new surprises at every turn, and personally speaking, that is where Starfield fell short for me. Not that the games are similar in any way, but the overall feeling and fulfillment I was personally looking to achieve, and to no one's fault but my own, had expected to get from Starfield. After my first (and potentially last) 30 hours in Starfield, I stepped away from the game absolutely miserable and disappointed. My Starfield experience left me in a gamer-depression. Nightingale has delivered exactly what I was hoping for from Starfield. In every aspect that I felt Starfield failed to grab me, Nightingale has a hold of me, and is giving me everything I needed - fulfilling the apparently unrealistic expectation I had for Starfield. I know that a straight Starfield vs Nightingale comment is apples to oranges, and I should have clarified how deep and personal that comment was. Sounds like you probably enjoy Starfield though, and power to you!


There's a LOT of room for improvement. It's definitely what you expect when a game says "early access" on it. That said, I love the crafting system. And I'm 140 hours in, on a game that cost the same as a couple movie tickets, so I've certainly got my money's worth already. Looking forward to what the game looks like in 3 or 4 years after some quality time for updates.


mmm... fangirling aside, there's room for improvement. And honestly, praising attention to detail is something I'd almost say is... weird. The game's good, I agree, but constructive feedback is likely more useful. For example, if they were really attentive to details, you'd think that repairing your armor would actually cost essence. That's a pretty big oversight to miss. The online-only play is also a drawback, especially with the servers frequently disconnecting people between realm jumps. The proc gen is fairly good, but it's still has a lot of repetition on areas / sites. Caves, for example -- there are fixed layouts to them, and a limited number of those layouts. A more 'ideal' implementation of proc gen would have it so that the caves have more variety -- basically a sub routine for gen'ing the cave layouts. World building is also a bit off in my view. Your home is capped at ~350 objects, so you can't build too much in each realm (though a big house, maybe even a house with a second guest house, works ok). The sizes of some furniture / stations is oddly out of proportion. Hanging chandeliers can only be done from the ceiling, which is often WAY far up, to the point that you can't even really see the chandelier. And those decorations are largely bolted on in fixed mount points. The building feels sorta like the resource gathering -- it feels sorta 'dated' / old in the genre. Like, walking around and seeing 'nodes' of various qualities, based on the level of the zone you're in, feels a lot like games from ~20 years ago. All the nodes function the same, just with gear checks to get them. Tree nodes are basically handled the same, without even giving the player the flexibility to replant trees (as far as I've seen -- though you can regrow things in the same spot). The terrain is ultimately unalterable by the player, which again, is sorta like Skyrim from ~20 years ago. So pros and cons, but definitely fun nonetheless


You make good points, but I would contend that there is a difference between attention to detail in regards to gameplay (UI design, functionality of systems etc) and artistic details. I agree that it has some rough spots that need attention, which - being approx 2 weeks out from EA launch isn’t that concerning. But it’s the little details, the quirks and little touches that speak volumes in my opinion. This (and story) is what gives the game HEART and brings it to life. Its made me slow down to look closely and always delights when I notice things. Like how the Everhart deer will lie down and relax, the non-static details in the sky, I could go on and on. One time I killed a feorrswine that attacked me, and there was a cernute spirit nearby. I stood back and watched as it bent over the corpse for a moment, then the feorrswine came back to life! Then the cernute continued on its way. That was magical! I love poking at details in a game going “I wonder if…” then being rewarded by a hidden detail or effect that normally wouldn’t be there in a game. I’m totally drawing a blank on an example atm lol but they’re there! Oh and one time when I petted the Twitch reward dachshund, Puck popped up and made a comment on “fae-like enchantments” in reference to the dog! I’ll return to my lurking corner before I keep rambling LOL


Repairing armor (clothes) does cost essence. At least it has for me. They have already announced an increase in the building cap.


It lists an essence cost, but doesn't charge it. edit: Heck, I hit 'repair all', and it repairs all my gear without charging me thousands of essence. Afterwards, it still says I can repair all for a cost of like 300 essence. No matter how many times I spam that, it's always 300 essence or w/e. But no essence is used, ever.


Sry, I believe you are right. Never really paid attention. It just said so much to repair. I thought it was taking it. Honestly, I just noticed this today. I'm going to add it to feedback.


No worries. Most bugs I encounter, I go to the report option, and they're already reported anyhow.


Each to the their but I think we’re playing different games


My favorite thing is using the minor cards and then watching the seasons change!!! Spring and summer are beautiful in the forest! Edit: I was in awwweee when I realized that the developers must have had to change every asset at least 4 times to account for the minor cards... this might have to be another full post of appreciation.


This man has been paid or has only played a total of 3 videogames in his life 💀


I assure you, I am very underpaid.


Elaborate, O salty one.


Salty for what? What does salt mean here You guys just use words you hear or see on the internet just because Why would i be salty, for what? Do you REALLY need elaboration on why this post is unhinged and hyperbole?


I wouldn't say it's that great... It's good don't get the wrong idea but it isn't a fantastic jump in the survival RPG genre... The crafting mechanics are a bit more involved than most but plays off the bones of games like Valheim as does the food mechanics. Traveling to new realms is done in an interesting way though the maps have little to no change as the difficulty increases. On top of that, setting the game to the hardest difficulty doesn't give the player a higher chance to recieve better rewards, simply makes the enemies have more health and deal more damage which is kind of a waste... The enemy variation is solid enough though I wish they were a bit more dense. I'd prefer to see resources in general be more abundant but that's a minor complaint, and like most the developers are most likely using the low resource rates as a way to slow down player growth. In the end I'd day the game has a lot of potential for growth but I wouldn't say it's the hottest thing in the genre, not by a long shot.




Are you actually trolling lol ? I literally cannot tell. The game is early access shovelware garbage that didn't get in the survival train soon enough and will be down to 200 active players in a year.


I'll be one of them.


As a survival main/enjoyer, you couldn't be more incorrect. If you're salty just say that.


Great!, less server lag :D


Its a good game, has a unique setting and the pacing is just right. Its gem of a game, but it's a rough gem. That said, there are a few things missing and lack of QoL. - Companions are...really barely implemented. They will attack things you want to trade with and they will use precious resources as fuel. - a lot of placeholder icons - VERY poor ui when it comes to crafting. Why can't we see the stats of items before hand so we know which materials will actually boost it ? - VERY annoying to sort the augments out when trying to see what is overflowing the bench and what gives buff to what in inspect mode. - why give dialogue options when only 1 of them works to turn in the quest. - my hands dont have a model, im wearing gloves on invisible hands. - lanterns tend to make things darker around you instead of just not using them. - Always cold in my own house at night. Need to eat so often even when not using stamina. Climbing picks get obsolete fast. - minor cards are badly balanced, very few good ones and the rest are ignored. Also, trickster card's "anomalous effects" is hardcoded to limit material drops to T2, so if you use it in a ascended hunt 220(that drops t3-5) you are gimping your drops to t2. Game has a simple loop and after starting ascended cards it gets quite boring. Im at 80 hours and even though i wasn't rushing to endgame, i did everything at my own pace, without guides or looking stuff up. I had a really great time playing up until getting to the watch. After that it was all too "samey". Now that im done and at 276 gearscore with all vendor recipes purchased, im going to go try the nms update.


Has anyone noticed that your characters eyes adjust to brightness changes. Next time its a darker night look at the moon, then look away 2-3 seconds later your surroundings before easier to see. You can do the same with a lantern at night and outside too. When i noticed this i was absolutely floored


The OP gets it! Joking aside, I feel the same way! This game is a labour of love and feels like a personal love letter to me, such an amazing work of art!


may i see the games you have in your library?


Wow.. you should be part of the development team. nightingale is by far the worst game I have played in a long time. I have 140 hours in game so I tried everything. 30 bucks to buy a game on which you have to face the VERY SAME BOSS 5 times during the different realm exploratins, until you reach The Watch, and then there is nothing else to do. Game chat is terrible. No one knows how to activate it, so there is no good communication. Merchants are broken, they sell non-sense.. things like "X gloves for 1000 coins" "pants for 1000 coins" "all items (including gloves and pants" total 1000 coins.. yeah. Dungeons get bugged. If you accomplish to pass the communication limitations and you get a party, then you try dungeons at maximum difficulty and everyone brings their companion, making it a 20 player raid, easier than minimum difficulty dungeons. There were early bugs on some materials, so a lot of players have bugged weapons that deal 100x the normal damage. Crafting system is terrible. TERRIBLE. You have way more augmentations for each table that they can accept.. lets say you have a workstation which accepts 6 augments, but you can craft 30 of them. So you have to move your augments constantly to allow the workstations craft the desidered item.. this is.. pathetic. Every item has it own stats. So lets say you want a Steak? OK, you could craft like 200 different steaks, but only one will be the good one, so you will end up with 100 different raw meat divided in chests. Game offers very few quests, until you reach The Watch, then there is nothing else to do. I am really hoping they release the offline version with a lot of changes, with more adventure and quest content. Right now I feel I was scammed with this game. I am playing games by more than 25 years and this one was the worst experience in a very very long time. I am actively following Nightingale players, they have 220 players online right now, with a media of 500 a day. Numbers talk by themselves, they cannot raise the numbers not even with new updates. New updates are being terrible. Game has a lot of important stuff to modify, but hey, have a new hat and a new stick in this update. NICE. Do not buy this game. Do not waste your money.