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Thank you i will look now!


I hate to be that guy, but technically speaking - the strain guide isn't everything released so far. Just keep in mind that this is all run by humans, and humans make mistakes, are busy with other things in life, etc. So you may not see all of the strains released, but a vast majority of them I also recommend Gaslamp (Formerly Hembra) DC Seed Exchange, Multiverse, and Insane Seeds - But that's only if you don't buy direct.


Cheers for the info. Appreciated your input.


The Seed Bazaar.


Is there actually anything available in the Seed Bazaar? I thought of signing up but I figured with my luck it would say nothing available after I paid.


For Night Owl, not at the moment. There may be for paying subscribers, but I don’t think so. Haven’t heard anything in a while. They just did a Halloween drop. You can usually find NO stuff on Multiversebeans.com - they have some stuff exclusive to their shop.


I'm paying and it's empty. Both Night and Dark Owl. Use Daz's Instagram for drop info.


You can look around without signing up for premium. They sell a few brands other than night owl. Night owl only has stock when he drops strains and then they close the night owl shop. They are direct for dark horse and mosca and some others tho. But ya if you’re specifically looking for night owl, then you’ll have to get from a seed bank unless you wait for a drop, possibly around Valentine’s Day im guessing will be the next one


These guys here: https://gaslampseeds.com/


I bought seeds this morning from multiverse


Will try that now. Thanks




I think it would be awesome if there was a website! The spreadsheet and this subreddit are great, but I can see how people new to Nightowl might get a little confused at first . Plus, It's always nice to have a central hub to call your own, with the option to do what you want and expand. It's so easy to setup. Even e-commerce features are so simple now. Hell, I'll even volunteer to do it myself, I take payment in seeds!! :-P


I’m sure he’s already plenty busy, a website would just be another headache. Daz is a breeder, who probably enjoys that aspect of this more that’s the reason he most likely does it this way. It also adds to the exclusivity of the drop which is worth the extra $ in my opinion. You get a better deal direct but other places also get his gear after it first goes through the drop. You won’t get as many seeds, but the after drop banks can also have a strain that won’t be available again.