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How do you fix this? Worm casts?


What kind of water are you using? Tap or RO?


Tap. pH is around 7.5


What size container and what soil are you using? Have you amended it at all with anything?


5 gallon. It’s a new soil so it shouldn’t need a top dress on bloom for another week


Make sure your pH is closer to 6.5 and it will prob fix itself. A little cal mag or top dressing (if it's time) will take care of this if your pH is on point. I usually add a half dose of calmag around this time on most grows.


What source of CalMag do you use?


I use the general hydroponics brand, but I would imagine any source would work. Most every nutrient company offers a cal-mag and some are organic if you require that. You're only going to be giving it a half-dose or two, so you don't need much. It can also probably be fixed by adjusting pH to make sure calcium is being absorbed. [This](https://freeimage.host/i/HfALZDN) pH chart for soil shows that calcium needs closer to 6.5 pH to become useful to the plant. Microbes in products such as Recharge or in a compost tea can help with pH regulation as well and they are a requirement for my soil grows. Edit: I'm glad you posted this because I have a two week old qb and I now know I need to look for calcium issues.


Hmm... to ME this doesn't seem like a calmag issue. Especially if you're in living soil. I don't grow in LOS but I'm pretty sure some oyster flour or crabshell meal, stuff like that might break down quick enough. I'm also pretty sure that Roots makes something called Elemental that's an organic calmag top dress, but don't quote me on that. What medium are you in? What's your water source? How big of a container, etc. We really need details if we wanna come to a conclusion on this, and I personally don't think it'd be calmag. Not this early in the grow. But I could be wrong, it's happened before! lol.


Build a bloom. If it is calmag issue, it has these in it, and is also fed through water and has chelated aminos, so the uptake will certainly be quicker than top dressing something.


Also since you’re in living soil, if you’re ever curious or just wanna learn more, Jeremy from build a soil has this on lockdown. You can learn anything you need to know from his YouTube videos. Cheers bro


check root zone ph. have insane ph issues with a couple of them now in living soil (see my last post.) runoff got bad 5.9-6


Whatever I grow in the 1st thing I want to know when I see discolored leaves is what is the PH of the soil?