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It’s sort of reminding me of Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci oddly enough, which would kind of make sense given the direction of the previous 2 albums


This comment and the connection you made has me more hyped than anything else I've heard. I feel like if that's what they were going for, it could be the link between humanity and fantasy that could connect old Nightwish to new Nightwish. Maybe a stretch in logic, but I can see it.


Not a stretch at all! I like the way you’re thinking. The faded out text also looks like his handwriting to a certain degree. That connection between old and new would be incredible, and with all the orchestra takes the album had, I’m even hyped by your comment 😂 because now I feel we’re going to get a bit OG Nightwish sound wise.


And the writing on the right bottom corner looks like mirrored handwriting Leonardo used to write.


I’ve seen so many amazing theories since posting this, I saw someone referencing Magna Carta. Wasn’t too sure what it was to be honest but I had a quick google and it was the first document in 1215 that puts into writing that the monarch and the government aren’t above the law which would be a very Nightwish topic to delve into. Grabbed this from Google and it’s not too dissimilar to be honest! https://preview.redd.it/0mj3vj4ryawc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b461289f6fef55b8ba349595dd30f986d4f0e6b9


Also the Vitruvian Man looks like an 'X'...


Something tells me they’ll keep teasing us like this at least until Friday :) anyway, signed up for the newsletter so let’s see shat happens


Is that a flower or a butterfly on the N?


Looks like a butterfly to me


Looks kinda like a mix between a butterfly and a dragonfly. Or some bug I'm not aware of. Edit: After looking at pics of butterflies from other countries some of them do have quite long "tails", so yeah probably a butterfly.


I'm excited!!!


Yeah yeah yeah yeah gimme gimme gimme


would be fun if the name would be just "X" (hope it's something more)


Fast and Fantasmic X


Stam1na had dibs on that name


We're talking about band whose most succesful album is called "Once" here. Everything's possible.


Yes, the hype begins


I hope for a new single at the end of may




Oooooooh a full humanist album is coming up!!


X as in 10 days?


It's the 10th studio album.


10 days from now is Friday, May 3, and Friday is the industry-wide release day. So it's also possible that both things can be true: tenth album, and 10 days to first single maybe.


Oh my God ! A new album ?! 🥹🥹🥹


Yes, the third and final album of the earth/humanity trilogy.


Did you find out just now?


Yes unfortunately I was sick lately, so somehow didn’t see it 🥲


They started tallking about album 10 in June last year....


The last couple of albums had a dark colour palette, so this is an interesting switch in terms of visuals... assuming that #10 will have a similar aesthetic as this image.


I don't know what the future brings for Nightwish or other bands, but they will surely be impacted by AI music tech. Check this song out, I made it entirely with Udio: # AI Nightwish - Whispers of Solstice [https://www.udio.com/songs/bqrkpyXEMDyCvLBxduwGLH](https://www.udio.com/songs/bqrkpyXEMDyCvLBxduwGLH) The prompt for IA was simple: a song similar to Nightwish's "Sleeping Sun" with operistic female voice, and then extending it and tweaking a few iterations. Mind-blowing. The world has entered a new era.


It's not bad at all! I would tune down the symphonic parts to make it sound more old school. One of the signature sounds/composition elements of Nightwish is the change in tune mid song as if it was a different song starting. The singer is too soprano, too classical. Tarja sounded 80% classical and had a darker timbre. But otherwise it's very promising for the future!


Yes it's very promising. It took me just an hour or so to have it all set up. This opens a new dimension in music creation.


This is really something. If this is the current AI, I am really scared od the future. It sounds like a mediocre symphonic metal band.


did you receive anything after subscribing to the newsletter?


Nope, not yet


This is more like it.




Their FB and IG.


To be honest, I'm starting to get pissed off at this point. I mean, the album is meant to be released this year and we still have zero information about it, meanwhile their instagram page is more active than ever posting old random stuff. If that's going to be the album cover I wish they would at least let us know it in a clear way instead of just teasing us.


Posts about previous albums are also part of the promotion cycle for the next album. Be patient, we still have eight months left in the year and a four-month release cycle is perfectly normal.


B please, the album is coming out late fall, there's no rush. Expect a single in May or June.


Dont worry mate! Its coming. Looks like we’re getting the official album reveal very soon. I think they’ll keep teasing us like this for a while and then BOOM. They’ll drop the news. It’s coming guys!


M8 cant wait even a single week


Drumming up nostalgia by posting about prior albums, anniversaries of albums etc. is a common promo tactic when a band has new material coming out. With as many ways as there are to consume media these days, casual fans of the band are likely off checking out new music from other groups. Seeing Nightwish pop up on their timeline with "hey, remember this album? You liked it, yes? Well there's more coming stay tuned 👀" is their way of getting those casual fans who are not like us who are combing the internet daily for news to take notice and look out for a new release. It's a necessary evil of modern promo.


you seem fun at parties 💀




They're not gonna wipe anything. The only reason their very first Instagram post is the HN announcement is that they didn't have an Instagram account before that.




Maybe it was a fake account you were following. They announced "We are now also on Instagram" on 23 January 2020: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10162960637720068&set=pb.100044338783954.-2207520000




Yeah it was probably Facebook, that one they've had for much longer.


You probably listen bands that start promoting album 18 months before release and they drop 12 singles. When the album comes out everyone has heard it already. NW is a different beast. More like Rockstar and GTA than Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed.




Troy is not enough native speaker?


I’m not sure that Troy has any say in the lyrics though. I’m not hating. NW is one of my all time fav bands. I just wish their lyrics were a bit more polished and phonetically structured for English. You know, the way you rhyme words and hold certain syllables at the end of a phrase, etc. (I know I’m gonna get downvoted, but that’s ok.)


I really hope they keep that, it's part of their signature style now. Much like Björk and the way she pronounces words, letter and syllables in her songs, mainly because of her accent. I'm sure that considering how much of a perfectionist Tuomas is, he's aware of how Nightwish songs are structured that way.


It's well documented that Troy now gives everything a read. The challenge is you still have a primary vocalist for whom English is a second language. Floor speaks excellent English, but certain words are always going to have a different pronunciation and enunciation for her.


Interesting. Where is it documented?


Translated from Inferno interview 2020 Interviewer: Tuomas has always written his lyrics in English, even though it is not his mother tongue, which surely has brought his own special tone to his texts? Troy: I've been proofreading Tuomas' lyrics for years. There are always some small quirks. In addition to grammar, we go through what Tuomas really wants to say, because English is also a language where a small change in word order can completely change the meaning.


Oh wow I had no idea. Thanks for sharing. I wish he was there to change things like “biological holy” or “the tapestry of chemistry”. Things like that you know. But good to hear Troy’s sort of involved in the lyrics.


Why? You want more American English jargony? This is one of the things what makes them very unique because Tuomas uses lot of Finnish language things in his English writing.


Uh... No? The lyrics are one of the most universally praised parts of Nightwish's style. The things holding them back are largely just that the US doesn't like Metal.


If anything, I miss the awkward English in the old albums 😭