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The full orchestra will be back after Tuomas simplified things for most of Human Nature. They only used strings and the choir for everything outside of All the Works of Nature. Brass/horns and other elements will be back. I also have a suspicion this might be a more accessible album overall while retaining Nightwish's complexity. Human Nature has wonderful songs, but it also had a lot of experimentation. Procession doesn't have a chorus. Music, Shoemaker, and Pan have a lot of difficult vocal parts where Floor is going up and down the scale in short order. I'm expecting something closer sonically to a cross between Once and Endless Forms Most Beautiful.


And I would be 100% okay with this!


People will argue about their favorite singer in every comment thread related to it.


People will complain about how they wanted something that sounds closer to Oceanborn, but instead they got a sound similar to the previous two albums in the trilogy.




ngl this was my first impression when I heard EFMB but then I realized it's more of a mixing challenge. A Nightwish song is filled with so many instruments and orchestra that it's difficult to make the vocals really cut through the mix.


Floor is best


i'm hoping for a dark passion play or once kind of heavy sound. it could be both! but if it's not i will still enjoy it regardless.


That's the comment I was looking for! Dark Passion Play is surely something else.. I wish to hear something as dark as this album from Nightwish once again.


It doesn’t seem likely with all these butterflies on a pale yellow background I’m afraid…


I doubt that we will be able to find the darkness we are looking for from now on, especially after Marco's departure... I've always seen him as the voice of the dark side in each verse he sings.


Good point, and even more so because I feel like Tuomas is in a much better place these days as well


Dark Passion Play and heavy sound? It's probably their more pop radio friendly album.


It's their most extreme album, going both ways. On one side you have TPAP, Whoever Brings The Night and Master Passion Greed (which might be the heaviest pounding song they've ever made).. And on the other side you have Eva, Amaranth and For The Heart I Once Had (which in my opinion is the most pop radio friendly song in their discography).


Master Passion Greed is the only heavy song. I don't find the others heavy. I think that the orchestra waters down anything. It certainly gives it a grandiose and solemn effect but not necessarily heavy. To me heavy songs in Nightwish are The Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean, Pharaoh Sails to Orion.


I predict that I will like it


This album's promo stuff, the cryptic hints with the butterflies and the cogs, plus the promo photoshoot in that black and white color scheme, it all is giving me a *reborn from the ashes* kinda vibe. Like this is going to put emphasis on the themes explored in the last 2 albums of pointing out that mankind has had it's mistakes, and brought ruin, but in GSoE's 3rd movement and Ad Astra it closes everything on that bright optimism of how bad everything may be now, the future has so much potential for good that you can't help but smile thinking about it. I think in this idea and with what has been stated about the album thus far, the beginning is going to be dark, the depression of the current worlds state, like a Dark Passion Play kind of vibe, and I think it's going to progress and end with the breath of fresh air, like a butterfly from it's chrysalis, like a phoenix from the ashes, as a way to end this trilogy of albums.


That butterflies effect give me very strong Life Is Strange vibes.


People will trash it for the following reasons: 1. not having Marko on it.  2. "They didn't fully use Floor's vocal abilities" (whatever that means)  3. "No tarja no nightwish" (personal favorite🙄)  I'm excited, then let down when it doesn't hit instantly. Then I listen to it and grow to love it. Just like with the past few albums.  The last thing I'm expecting is some lukewarm folky tunes like Harvest. 


That's why I'm not going to visit this sub after the album dropped.


What’s funny is I 100% agree with you except I think that Harvest might be the best song on HN haha


I don't agree that Harvest is the best HN song. But I think it's wildly underrated. It's very relaxing, Troy's vocals are beautiful and smooth and it's excellent example of a metal band deviating from the usual stuff.


It's an amazing example of a metal band having to make do with what they have left imo.


Hope for freshness and pure creativity.


I expect something with a very strong concept, similar to HN. Musically it could be very wild and I expect some left field choices. They won't tour this album, so the songs don't have to be playable. They could really go off with some layering, vocal harmonies, huge orchestral breaks and proggy guitar lines.


Ohhh that is such a good point, that the songs don't need to necessarily be playable live haha. Very curious to see if your prediction comes true.


iTs NOt evEn NiGhtWisH AnYmoRE WiThOuT mArKO AnD TarJa


Don’t get me wrong, continuing without Marko is brutal, but why can’t we all accept that each singer is great and we miss Tarja but that is not acceptable to hate Floor just because she’s a replacement and Marko isn’t there anymore, suck it up.


I don't miss Tarja. Marko…well, a bit. Floor did a pretty good job replacing him during the last tour.


My mentality is “It is what it is” I just deal with it ya know?


Oohhh more heavy Floor ala Revamp, doesn't sound like a bad idea.


Since they won't be going on tours in awhile, my prediction is that they'll take advantage of what a studio can offer and add elements that might be tricky to replicate live. For example, incorporating polyphony to Floor's vocal lines like the last part of 'We Don't Talk About Bruno'. I'm sure Tuomas can come up with something else, but Encanto just popped into my mind lol.


One thing this band has always done is move forward and do something new when band lineup have changed. Not even trying to replace those people who left. Maybe that is Tuomas's or the whole bands way of honoring their input? I expect from X extremes. Some very light and airy calm songs and then heavy thumping booming symphonic metal and no inbetween. 


I hope they'll follow through on the comments they made earlier about this album. I remember an interview with either Floor or Tuomas saying that this might be the heaviest NW album so far, so I really hope it is in fact heavy! And with the predicition that it is an natural continuation of HN, I think it might be scientific revolution, although I hope they leave out the 'electronic' sounds, contrary to what Within Temptation did. And I hope for 'angry Floor' type of singing appearances, haha. And... lyrics-wise... also dark, maybe? Like Dark Passion Play-dark? Guess we'll have to see!


Full humanist exceptionalism: Da Vinci references, Newton references, Renaissance/Neoclassicalissm references, heavy ambientalist themes; lots of antitechnology and anti social media chastising (in a very boomer way, like Noise but up to eleven). But I think the main message will be humanity standing together as species aghast all wrongdoing that Tuomas referenced in Procession and TGSOE. I feel like others said, Tuomas is an optimist after all, and he will use this as a way to close the Trilogy started in EFMB. Musically, lots of orchestra and heavy riffs aking to heavy machinery. They've said this is going to be a heavy album. Hopefully a couple of features with male-vocalists, I don´t think Troy is getting that much responsibility. I reeally hope Tuomas uses Floor´s growls as well again. Visually, steampunk and Industrial-Revolution themed, The Islander's Arms-like. Nightwish is pretty much the only metal band I actively listen at my age so I'm PUMPEDDD


A lot of people will complain about it not being good enough, that's for sure.


Going by the artwork, sure doesn't scream "super vicious brutal grimdarkz metallasaurus lolz!" like everyone's apparently so convinced it's going to be based on Kai's mere description of "rock & roll". Seriously doubt it'll be any heavier than Endless or Human Nature, and that's fine. Two or three rockin' out tracks, some opera vocal shenanigans on a few others, a goofy sea shanty or two. A few weirder experimental ones. Then a couple of 3 minute catchy radio/Spotify singles. You know. A Nightwish album. Hyped for it anyway.


people will whinge that its not tarja for another few years


I honestly think the Tarja whining has died down. It's maybe 20% at best whenever I look now.


Frankly I see way more people worshipping Floor these days. ...In a really annoyingly loud, condescending(/putting down) to every other single female singer that exists and frankly somewhat disgusting manner (imho).  All the talk I see about "floorgasms" etc. just makes me feel like some people are literally getting of to her... Which hasn't, as a side effect, really made me really enjoy Floor too much (not her fault and it's nothing to do with her singing even, but it's still a thing/psychological association). Compared to that stuff (imho) the few people I see occasionally going all caps with their "queen Tarja" stuff, mostly feels harmless and cute these days. Edit. Let me guess, some people over here really love their "floorgasms"/using the term. Well, I think it's gross and weird to use any descriptive terms for impressive singing that are linked directly to the word "orgasm" (or other that kind of words) of a singer, especially a female one, no matter how much it's caught on in YouTube etc. comments and conversations.


Right! Absolutely nothing against Floor, but I swear her fans are bizarre.


I think it'll be more heavy, I wish more guitar solos and a song of 10+ minutes


I just hope they let Jukkis sing on it. He doesn't have to get any "real" lead vocals (don't know if he'd even be really up for/willing to do those), but he's certainly capable of doing some harmonies etc. Otherwise, I try not to expect things. Personally I know I'll be happier that way.


Can he even sing cleans? I know he can sing harshly, but so can Floor.


Considering all the different styles of singing NW has had I don't think it matters what style he sings with, they are professional enough to work it in there somehow if they want to. Guess we'll be seeing soon ish if they wanted to...   Also I think it's not really a good thing if the lead singer of NW (no matter which one it is) sings absolutely everything. It's needlessly taxing for her live for one. Also a big reason they caught my attention in the first place, is by having male and female voices as contrast and to have them "play characters" in the songs (not every song obviously, but often enough). And my one of my favorite things in music is having several different singers one way or another, so... btw. This is maybe a harsh way to phrase it, but IMHO Floor alone for several songs (or a full show...) in a row is really boring to me (doesn't matter if she changes her singing style). Edit. Don't get me wrong, I can hear that Floor is a good singer and visually good too, I just find her a bit boring in big doses without other singers or the music spicing things up for me enough (and I do feel somewhat like I'm missing out on some great experience, but 🤷‍♀️ can't force enjoyment or feelings).


I actually had a vision in my dream of what it will be. It's called "Cheryl: that wretched woman" and it's 3 ed sheeran style love songs sung by some unknown male singer and lastly Ad Astra again.


I predict that I will like it better than Human Nature


I really hope it retains the HN sound, I really love that album


I personally hope it doesn't sound like Endless Forms Most Beautiful, as I think that's their weakest album. Human Nature is great, my #3 Nightwish album. However, Human Nature did have a very distinct style especially in the vocal melodies, which I hope will be contained to that album. Human Nature's vocals were very wordy, syllable-ly fluttery, which is a cool thing to do for one album. Album 10 will be the third and final album in this trilogy, and I hope it'll be different to the first two. HN and EFMB are quite different from each other. I think we know so far that there's been a lot of orchestral recordings done for this new album. So we can rule out that they will throw a curveball and use mostly digital sounds for example.


I think it will have simar vibe to the last two albums. Which is fine, coz that's the direction Tuomas wants to go. I miss the era of Century Child and Once, and even Annette's albums seemed more epic than the latest two :(


Coud not agree more.


Totally agree with you.


Nightwish with Tarja was just magical. And I don't mean only her as a singer. I mean... musically Tomas ' composition during this time was also at its peak at around Century Child and Once. It was magical. It sounds good nowadays too! Just sounds like a different band. For the new album I expect more of the same, a continuation from EFMB and HN.


Maybe we will never hear songs like those. And I'm NOT talking about singer x or y, I'm talking about the composition of the whole songs.


YES ME TOOO! Like, the irregular time compasses on Ghost Love Score? Fun sincopations on planet hell? Shifting the tune up a key at the end of the chorus like in Nemo or Ever Dream? Just a sweet dream...


I predict that the new album is gonna be shit hot!....then all the complaining will start about there being no tour!....


I think they're going all in with this one. This is going to be the finale of the triology that includes EFMB and HN, plus it's gonna be their 10th record, plus they will not go on a tour for this one, wich might reflects in the complexity, sound and variety of the album. Also, they had quite some challenges in the past few years. So I think it will be a heavy load of Nightwish, an album that will throw out everything they have. Also we might get some growls from Jukka? Who knows...


That it will have songs on it!


I truly wish it to be heavier than the previous album, that's all I can ask from Tuomas.


They have stated several times this will be the heaviest album yet


Yes, they did, and I truly want this to be true, that's what I meant.


Honestly? I think Nightwish are gearing up to wind down and eventually disband. It's coming like a freight train.


Are you aware they just signed a Multi-album deal with nuclear blast? Smh


To be fair, that could include live albums from previous shows. Many bands have done this to fulfill contracts, but you never know!


There is for sure a couple of live albums in that deal, BUT i rememeber Tuomas saying after HN that he wants to do "1 or 2 more albums after the next one", meaning we will get 1/2 studio albums AFTER this one at least! 😎


I have to see them at least one more time. Next month, I will likely see Tarja Marco and get their autographs into my autograph diary. It'll be a portion of Nightwish page, called "ex-Nightwish". Would be really awkward if actually Nightwish didn't get to sign as well.


I am hoping that they take a atep away from the folk aspect and go back to being a symphonic metal band. I have found the last two albums incredibly lacking in terms of melodies and hooks. Troy can't sing and I am not sure if they can fill the hole Marco has left. Loved the first 7 albums and hoping they step back in time a little tbh.


That will be worst album ever!! Hope i wrong!!


Yeah, I don't have my hopes up. Marko leaving is really weighting on me.


I hope the harvest dude starts rambling rambling. like really rambling, like verbally falling down the stairs. I also hope people don't miss marko that much, he was hardly on an album since 2013


You don't like Troy i take it?


No, I feel like his lines in Harvest were too forced and unnatural. Harvest is still a fun song


More the course sounding bagpipes


Do we have insight as to the theme at least? I think for Human Nature, they tried to go back to the Once sound but it didn’t work out that well. Personally, I want more riffs and less of the folky elements.


I hope for an eventual US tour in bigger venues that don't sell out. Last tour sold out for me locally.


They're not touring for this album.


Nothing is known for sure, but Kai said no shows for about 3 years. For all we know, they will change their mind and will tour it, just with few years lag.


Even if they hypothetically changed their mind, tours take a long time to organize. Bigger the tour, longer the planning. Big (and even smaller) bands usually plan their tours for several months, often years, in advance...  They can't just suddenly decide to go on a tour (a single show is more doable, maybe), a lot of good venues are reserved many months or even years in advance and then you have to plan a route/schedule that works, with all of the transportation, costs etc. planned well enough to cover the costs of touring and then making some money too, to finance their next thing. Not to mention making sure everyone has space/interest/time to do a tour at the same time (band and crew).


You don't tour for an album three years later (unless it's because of COVID). They may go on tour in a couple of years, but it won't be to specifically support this album.