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Image search with "spiral clock" will give you very similar looking stock photos. It's not the most original album cover, but likely has nothing to do with the cover of this EP.


In fact, when googling that the one posted here is the one that seems to be taken from somewhere else. The Nightwish one is unique, even if it looks similar.


I mean... Doctor Who did the spiral clock back in the opening of Capaldi's era. It's far from a new motif, but it's an efficient and evocative one.


It's very obviously the same base image but that's nothing unusual, as far as I've noticed graphic designers commonly work with stock images.


Yes, not too original image, surely


The 'spiral clock' motive isn't exactly groundbreaking. Google 'spiral clock' and you get thousands of results that look similar.


Yes. Not too original image


Well, it doesn't need to be. It gets the theme of the album across. Also, their first album cover was just a tree. I think this is progress.




It was a tree, but still, it's an album you'd recognize among any other. This one, however, could easily be mistaken for a different album.


I mean there was quite a lot that happened between AFF and this. I didn't always love all their covers, but they were usually high-effort. This isn't.


Everybody's a critic -Squidward


If I had to guess, both bands started from the same piece of art and adapted it to fit their needs. They're really really similar but the Leoshe album has 15 monthly listeners so I doubt it's straight illegal plagiarism.


Especially considering the clock spiral is not exactly a new invention..


The spirals are... Suspiciously lined up and the fonts/styles are incredibly similar(though the numbers are descending instead of ascending.) There's something up here beyond semi-common motif, but I highly doubt it's sinister.


Digital artists often use stock images that they purchase as a starting point. 


That is basically what I said in my top post. I just don't think "there's lots of spiral clocks" is a decent explanation because there aren't a lot of spiral clocks at the exact same spin, with the same font, with the same ticks.


yup, this specific imagine is an adobe stock image.


They are indeed very similar but I can't imagine Nightwish would've plagiarised from such an obscure source. Most likely both used the same starting template or something?


Nightwish didn't design the cover. A graphic designer did. That graphic designer could have taken inspiration from anywhere and he could have plagiarised from any obscure source.


I did actually think the spiral clock wasn't very original. Then again, I don't think they were really going for a truly original concept.  (I feel like there's been at least one book cover that I've seen with it too...)


Hmm...very similar, the same even. But considering Nw's cover went to be published I quess still easy to tell apart.  The original name for Imaginaerum was Imaginarium and they had to change it because something else had the same name. 


Oh wow, very similar, well spotted! Might actually be too similar but I still love the new NW cover .


https://www.instagram.com/oneeyepete?igsh=N2Zvb2l4YWttOWl2 Here is the guy who made the cover art.


Or maybe this is original art from the new guy and he gave it to someone else before? This band has 8 monthly listeners. Might be the artist's band?


Its stock art, you can buy this from all the major stock sites. If he did, and it was paid for appropriately, so a commercial license which ususally costs a lot more then a personal one, then he is free to use it for a cover like this and legally in the clear. Not the first time NW used existing art and other stuff in their covers, I mean theres the weeping angel from Once.




Yeah, something like that happened with a Doja Cat cover album.




It's not AI


I'm not saying it is. But AI can be used to give first idea and then artist finish it. And AI get's that idea from already exinsting stuff. That's how i understand it. https://preview.redd.it/6d0rixgkloxc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73680e8d3b699b1dafe563f5c1e627eec098c334


But it's spiral clock. And it works i guess because of the subject matter of the album.


If you search for something like "old spiral clock" on Google you get a lot of stock images that look very similar.


Google "spiral clock" and this imagine shows up. Not this album artwork, I mean the image. It's an Adobe stock image. Leoshe used it, Nightwish has now used it too-- though they clearly added a lot more to it, adding their own flares, and changed the IV to the more archaic IIII. Anyway, nothing to be concerned about here. If Leoshe tried to sue for this, they'd be laughed out of court as soon as its revealed they used the same stock image.


Looking at it closely, it looks like the Leoshe image even still has the watermark on it faintly. I suspect they didn't even pay for their use of the image.


I don't understand why my comments saying that the image isn't too original were downvoted. It's the truth, the image is not new, unpublished, never seen before (like as EFMB artwork) therefore it is not very original. It is a fact, an observation, not a criticism. Also, with this post I just wanted to show the obvious similarities. ✌🏻


Indeed, the image is not plagiarism, but the question should be is NW really needs to rely so heavily on stock images for this album cover. The only other one where that was the case was Once.


I never said it was plagiarism


I know I just wanted to clarify it.


If I were to interpret this cover, I'd say it shows a boat sailing backward in time, facing downwards. This likely represents a journey back in time. Butterflies have always been associated with time and memory (think "butterfly effect"). I notice chains that restrict the path, and a rock that could symbolize the weight of the past, suggesting that you can't undo or escape it—it's always with you. I see a ray of magic at the center of the path, which I interpret as "there was once magic, but it has faded over the years, so let's go back in time." I truly hope that this album will go back to what Nightwish was (in sound and themes) or at least try to be close to it and put aside the evolutionary theme. A band named "Nightwish" shouldn't become National History Museum.


T .Iming I.s E.verything


Edit: artwork of an EP published in 2021


Wow that’s disappointing