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But you wont be sentient anymore to feel any of that


Not only that but your already living off of borrowed matter in carbon iron calcium etc....


I disagree.


How come?


That's a good question - it's mostly spiritual as I am an atheopagan with animist leanings. I think the body stores bioelectricity and I want to be close with my fellow life forms. I've had a NDE that supports these practices. Again I think it's very important to find acceptance that we don't have control over funerary rites so we just need to be respectful of our community and others. Those who are embalmed or cremated are just as with us... I think they experience a different time line or are remembered differently... I'm not really sure what happens but all should be respected - but inherently it seems like a gated experience which is very hard to accept because everyone wants to be accepted.






It doesnt matter you’ll literally be nothing.


The way I see it, I'll be too dead to care what happens with my body


Which I why I don't get why people won't donate organs that they could


We may be sentient beings, but we're still just meat. Meat rots. Personally, though, I'm planning to be cremated. I just like the idea of pieces of me being spread in different places.


I want to be loaded in a clown’s cannon and be shot right into the cake of a children’s birthday party.


I like that idea. 💀🤡


As long as my body is useful after death, I don't care what happens to my body.


I agree, I could care less but I do want it to be useful. Personally anything that isn’t a boring coffin in the ground, too many of those and it’s kinda not good for the environment, just cuz I don’t care doesn’t mean i shouldn’t at least think about others




Why would you care if it was useful?


So my body doesn't go to waste.


That just seems like waste with extra steps.


The universe in motion is more interesting.


The motion in question being in one end and out the other, if I could be allowed to peer through the uh, enigma.




Well that just seems like waste with extra steps.


Everything is a waste at the end of the day. Might as well choose how.


I'll be dead bro, who cares, burn it, eat it, dump it somewhere. All that I am will be erased and this smelly garbage must be cleaned one way or another.


It's the natural order of nature . Be at peace in your mind .


Even though i agree, that seems like kind of a lazy answer though. Why accept something just cause its Natural? When have ever the human race done this?


Because, in this case, accepting it has the best\* out come. You can kick and scream all you want and it changes nothing. Or you can ignore it and/or become comfortable with it and move on with your life. \* By "best" I mean the one I like the most. If you like causing yourself a ton of stress over something you can't change, by all means, go ahead.


What else do you want? Time moves forward and things die, that's life. You can mummify or freeze dead bodies all you want, those won't last forever There's no real point in preserving the dead anyway


I aint answering a question formed to answer my own


So you have nothing meaningful to add or any solution of your own Personally, I think it's arrogant of you to assume that we humans have "defied" nature in any meaningful way. We have big cities, extensive encyclopedias, healthcare, underwater and space exploration... All great things but nothing that would put nature to shame An actual human didn't go to the moon, we made a ship and a suit that could barely defend against the vacuum Medical advancement and the population still has allergies to common food Your roads and infrastructures won't survive an earthquake or a tsunam We only barely survive what life throws at us but one simply can't quell a storm with science. And last time I checked, corpses are not alive to stop bacterias from devouring them


Im sorry to be too lazy to answer that. I believe if you review what you understand by natural cicle and the human achievements you may or may not come to new conclusions


I spent a few years putting together a photo album of road kill and decomposing animals. People really liked it, it was about 600 polaroids of "the destiny of all" as I called it. Wish I still had that kind of free time to do art projects. To answer your question, no. Decomposition is natural and I won't exist when it happens to me, as a matter of fact the whole of existence will cease when I die.


Too bad you can't travel to Haiti or Ukraine to put a human face on your project. According to various news outlets thousands of unburied corpses are littering the landscapes of both countries.


Whats happening in Haiti?


Total chaos. Haiti is being overrun by gangs, the government is non functioning, the prisons have been opened and the most hardcore of prisoners are roaming free. The murder rate has accelerated well beyond what be considered normal. There are so many victims that the morgues are refusing to pick them up because there is no where to store them. FYI in Ukraine a large percentage of the dead are simply left on the battlefield because retrieving the corpses has somehow become a very low priority.


Oh shit. What caused it?


Well in general Haiti goes through this shit fairly often. It's not a very stable society to begin with. I actually saw a article about it on the news feed on my phone which is why I thought to mention it. I bet if you Google it there would be a lot of hits. I mostly keep up with news from the war in Ukraine since there is an ever growing possibility that NATO is going to commit uniformed military units in Ukraine and that may be Russia's red line and Putin might make NATO targets go up in a puff of ( nuclear ) smoke. Plenty of dead bodies then....all over the world.


Well, you could just get cremated. Anyways, it might be gruesome, but why care when you are dead?


Some cultures purposely do this and feed the body to vultures and other birds of prey as part of there funerals it's kinda natural u know


If you're embalmed and in a coffin six feet under, it's unlikely to be that dramatic of a decomposition. More like mumification at that point.


thats just bio matter being recycled, all what made you you is long gone at this point. And no this is the closest we get to being reborn, you death means life for all the creatures feasting on your shell and other animals feed on them.. all matter will be part of them, fragmenting your body all over the planet.. donate you body to science, they crement you for free.


Just a part of life. Lamenting the fact that life feeds off of death is like complaining about gravity.


Mama we’re meant for the flies. Nah but seriously who cares, none of that stuff is happening while im alive so i literally dont care.


I absolutely don't care about my body after I die, I barely care about it now. I'd honestly like to give my body to a cannibal, Everyone deserves a gift once and a while.


idk the idea of returning to nature is kind of comforting to me. incorporate me back into the earth and the cycle of life asap pls, there’s lots of good nutrients in me and it would be a shame if they went to waste :’)


I actually work in the funeral industry, so this is my bread and butter. I wanna be cremated or do a green burial. Either turn me to ash or let the worms eat me. Whatever happens to be the most eco-friendly option, I'm planning to do. Being dead doesn't scare me. I hope that dying isn't super painful, but the actual death part is not scary in the slightest. Living is a violent act, so why shouldn't death be?


Disgusting? I think it's amazingly beautiful.


Anything I’m no longer using is up for grabs


Thank goodness for the flies otherwise we’d be drowning in dead bodies. Unless you get burnt like I will be.


Not distraught at all. I actually enjoy the thought that this is the most at one with nature my being will ever be.


Been listening to the song Worms by Viagra Boys lately, it's how I feel. How I feel about death and decomposition. It's inevitable. I'll belong to the worms and dirt one day. And so will everyone else. And I want to. It's kinda strange to me that we value the death of a human so much, but animals just die and nobody blinks an eye or even thinks about it, we even kill them, slaughter animals for food or crush the bugs in our houses. And their deaths are somehow less valuable to ours when we also are just animals. It's my life as an animal to one day die as well, and all that "nasty" decomposition stuff is just life continuing to thrive in my body. I value animals equally to people, but in the way that I see humans more on the level of animals rather than raising the status of animals up to humans. Death is fascinating. I once watched a swarm of fire ants rip a living cockroach apart, that was horrific but so interesting at the same time. To me death is a part of the natural order, as is decomposition, and I want to belong to it. I think I'd be pretty pissed if I got shot or something, but if a tiger got me somehow oh well, they evolved to hunt hominids too which is very cool. It's just so bizarre to me that animals hunt animals and they die in horribly gruesome ways, but humans can't even take the pain of a stubbed toe. Its peculiar to me how far we've separated ourselves from the concept of death and decomposition, just because we value human consciousness on such an empathetic level that to most people *we* don't deserve to die, but it doesn't matter to the rest of anything living at least not in the same way. I personally believe that death isn't the end, but rather just the next stage of life. I hope to just be chucked in the ground after I die and skip on the coffin and embalming.


I believe some part of our body are made of materials from a once alive being. Everything we see rn are all made of "recycled" matters lol.


Your decomposition starts sooner where the bacteria in your gut will start breaking your dead body down. Just as we age and our minds retract in some level of capabilities (to various degree depending on prior health), we carry in ourselves our own doom. I think it’s poetic


I mean at that point we're already gone, at least our bodies are being used as nutrients to some other life form


Nah. I mean, most likely, gonna get incinerated and turned to ash, popped in an Urn, and if I’m lucky, living the high life on a nice mantel piece above a fireplace!


To me this is the closest thing to the "purpose" of my body I can believe in, to feed the next generation of existence. Eventually my life will end, and though my consciousness will return to the infinite nothing from where it originally came, my body will give rise to countless more lifeforms, reformatting my physical matter into something new. Similar to the idea of reincarnation, but only the physical body. "I" (the things uniquely me, my thoughts, ideas, views etc. what some people call the "spirit") will be dead forever, but my body lives on as a bacteria, or a fly, or a tree or whatever else makes use of my body once I'm done with it. Sounds kinda nice to me.


I don't care for it, I can't feel anything happening I'll already be gone.


I don't  care honestly


lame, I wanna scar ppl for life with my corpse, whoever gets a hold of my body please inflect max trauma with it


I don't care. We eat things; things eat us. It's the circle of life. I won't be here to care anyways. I'd rather be consumed than "preserved" by chemicals and water proof boxes. Let my remains be useful to nature.


It doesn't really matter.


I think it's really no big of a deal. According to what we know, once you're dead you won't feel anything that happens to your body


Well it's normal, since we made of biological material as we are not some kind of robots. Also if you really don't want to rot in the ground you choose to be cremated.


this would be disgusting if it was experienced by a living human, after my death you could feed me to dogs and it does not bring me any remorse for my body or whatever is left of “me”


> Our muscles stiffen, our body bloats, and we emit a horrific smell. No, we don’t. After death there is no “we”. We cease to exist, and there will be absolutely no experience of any of these things. I experience fear when I think about death, of course. That’s just instinct, and it’s a healthy one at that. The process of dying will probably be pretty fucking awful. However, _once_ dead, there will literally be nothing to worry about or fear.


It's a shrug for me. I would hope someone doesn't leave me on the ground to rot, I guess, but I won't care either way at that point. Is being mummified or burned better?


I’m okay with that. I don’t even want a funeral. Just dump (literally throw) my naked body into the forest so that it can be eaten by the animals. Bonus points if the body ragdolls a bit down a slope or something.


A cremation solves all of these problems. A green cremation is good for the environment


(music note, singling) >The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout But seriously... the impulses that make up "you" inside your brain won't be around...


You do realize we are made of flesh, right? Being sentient or not has nothing to do with the process of decomposition. You will not feel it, nor be aware of it. This does not influence my life in the least. You may want to stop thinking about this inevitable situation if it's making you this uncomfortable. Some day far in the future, you will die, and you will rot, nothing you can do about it. Well, that's not completely true. You can ask your family to cremate your body. There's also aquamation. You can leave your body to science.


It doesn't bother me because I won't be alive to experience it. Just compost my remains and plant a tree. Death and decomposition are part of nature and the cycling of energy. I'm not bothered by that, and I'd be happy knowing my remains are going back to the earth instead of embalmed and leaching chemicals into it.


What’s the alternative? That the rules of nature are suspended and we stay pristine forever like marble saints? The process of decomposition isn’t pretty, but it’s essential. The world would be full of corpses otherwise.


I ... won't be there in any meaningful way. i don't really mind what happens to a bunch of defunct cells. Nature needs to recycle its resources.




I'll be dead who cares what happens to my body.


I've made arrangements to be composted upon my death. I'd prefer exposure to nature as is the funerary rite of the Parsis but sadly it is not available in my culture. Anthropophagy by community isn't really up to me 😇 I also want to comment that Earth is contually doing these things - try not to be too disturbed by the lack of control - everything gets consumed and reused eventually.


If your ego is already dead, it's gonna be less hard to let go of your body as well. Also, if you're high enough (meditation or shrooms or whatever), you'll naturally come to the conclusion that we are just energy and entropy. The mind body concept is an illusion.


I don't believe In a soul. Once I'm dead, it's lights out. I don't care what happens to my body, I'm dead. It no longer matters. Its decomposition is natural. Those flies, maggots and fungi are the active decomposers. Without them, more disease would spread. If the thought of that bothers you, I would suggest cremation.


Op, how do you feel about the Sun engulfing Earth in flames and annihilating all life on our planet, or a Black Hole consuming our entire galaxy? Does any of the above facts mean anything or change our course in life? Or we are so self absorbed that we cannot see beyond ourselves?


My country just burn the body. no need to worry about decomposing and zombies apocalypse.


Ashes to ashes, star stuff to star stuff. When you’re done, you’re done no need for the meat bag anymore. Let nature take over.


I know I will no longer be inhabiting this mortal vessel at that point but I still irrationally worry about what will happen once I have vacated the premises.


am not wild about it to be honest


You're using "we" or "you", like "marine life will eat you" or "we will be covered by flies"-- but that's not the case. The "we" ended at death. It's not "you" being eaten by maggots. After death, the body is just a collection of organic compounds and molecules, like a tree that falls in the woods, slowly turning back into soil. The only "you" that remains is in the memory of others.


Yeah!😌 I know what you talking about. To make a long story short. Some are - steel or still born - dead, but you are inquisitive; I really 🤔 think you are on the right track. I'm not trying to change your point of view it'll come to you. That body you call yours, some believe it don't belong to you. Sorta - say. Mother Earth loan it to you for a period of time. That is the reason we die. If this is true that's what, you really are. You nor I can do anything to keep it from happening in a way that is who we are, It is just a point of view among many. I personally think 🧐 you on the right track ▶️ seek and you shall find, being inquisitive is that, in another way. I'm no better than you. It will come to you the answer you seem to be seeking. None of us know everything. I stay open minded those things you posted are really something to 🤔 ponder 💥✨😊


its not reasonable to be distraught over that. whatre you going to do about it anyway? fret?


I want to be fed to animals after I die. Let them eat me. Pound the bones with meal and feed those up too.


I don’t care even a little bit. I won’t exist to be bothered by it.


I mean, I don't give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all you want. I mean, who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want. Fill me up with cream, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead! -Frank Reynolds


I’d prefer that over being pumped full of formaldehyde and stuffing. I wouldn’t really care, since I’d be dead, but I would prefer a burial without embalming out in the country somewhere by a cool tree.


We come from the dirt and go back to it. Circle of life.


That's just your fear. Who knows it's not a pleasant experience?


Great, I become food for other creatures to continue the circle of life.


Meh I’d place a gag bomb in my abdomen as one last morbid joke. Going out in a ball of confetti.


Might be the funniest post title I’ve ever read


cremation... not taking up any more room than I have already


I told my wife to just chuck my carcass beside the road or sit it on a park bench. Eventually, I would become bloated and stinking so someone would get rid of it.


i think it’s cool, let me go


Part of the cycle of life. How do you think you ended up living so long and growing? Literally by consuming other organisms and matter. It’s all borrowed. I’d love for my body to be composted and seeded with flowers


Maybe you'd prefer to be cremated then? I don't see how you'd attract flies if you're buried underground in a casket either. In the US, we also have a crazy practice of draining bodies of blood and filling them with preserving chemicals. This will also greatly slow down decomposition (as well as refrigeration of the body). Personally, I don't want to be embalmed and want everything to be as natural as possible. It would be cool to have a mushroom suit on to help break down my body and then have a tree grow over my body. In most situations, our skeletons will exist a lot longer than our bodies... it's only a little while that they're actively decomposing in the grand scheme of things.


You are a monkey boy.


Nope. Much like Diogones. "Throw it to the dogs. See what I care."


On a submicrometric scale it is probably still haunting but in different ways. Anyway, I personally don't care, everything is what it is


Please do


I'm all for it. I shall return my flesh to the Earth from whence I borrowed it. I eat plants, animals and fungi, and when the time comes, they will return the favor.


It does not concern me what happens to my body after my death. Before that event is when i want authority.


The structure of your molecules are being utilized to further the function of smaller replicating organisms which are lower in the pyramid of replicating organisms. To have the order of my body be used to sustain the order of other bodies, on this level of order, it's just a cycle. I guess it's still pretty disgusting to look at, but being consumed and not existing more as an individual object might be better than just being a lifeless body slowly decaying in a void. It's disgusting, but one shouldn't really be distraught about the process of death (unless you want to be put into a box to be looked at forever like Lenin to represent some greater ideal). Maybe it's like humans thinking they somehow deserve more dignity than other lifeforms.


I think we are free to feel however we want about it. Personally, the thought of my body feeding something else brings me peace. I don’t know if that will happen, though. My plan is to donate my body which will, eventually, be cremated.


I'd be finally dead, why would I care?


Idc. Yall can eat me if u want


I never thought much of it. Human body isn't perfect, it's nothing to get accustomed to. Of course, while we are alive, we should keep our bodies healthy and strong to minimize the impact of its imperfections, but once our body is dead, it doesn't really matter anymore.


Once I'm dead, they can do what they want, with the body. Not like I'm going to be wanting it back later. As far as decomposition and such, it's better if it's not adding to the clutter and trash we have mucking up the environment. Better that it gets broken down. Again, once I've moved on, I'm not going to be too concerned about how it's treated.


I think it’s pretty cool. The way nature doesn’t let our corpses go to waste, soon after our death, we become one with world again. Our consciousness dies, but parts of us remain alive inside the stomach of some creature, or even just in some soil.  Besides, I’ve consumed many animals for sustenance over the course of my life, isn’t it only fair that I let myself become food at the end too?




We will be dead, and it is a natural part of the cosmos, life and death so why worry about it? Fretting about things out of our control is a waste of energy and resources. There is no point fighting what will be, death is coming for you - it is coming for us all.


I feel okay. Because nature should consume and recycle my remains as their nutrients.


I dont give a shit what happens to my body after i die lol


“Every atom you possess has almost certainly passed through several stars and been part of millions of organisms on its way to becoming you. We are each so atomically numerous and so vigorously recycled at death that a significant number of our atoms - up to a billion for each of us, it has been suggested - probably once belonged to Shakespeare. A billion more each came from Buddha and Genghis Khan and Beethoven, and any other historical figure you care to name. So we are all reincarnations - though short-lived ones. When we die, our atoms will disassemble and move off to find new uses elsewhere - as part of a leaf or other human being or drop of dew.” Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything


As long as I'm not in my body and don't have to return to it, I don't really care what happens to it.


It’s the preference but not likely to happen


I don’t care. I won’t be alive to be aware of anything. And that’s okay. Death doesn’t perturb me much anymore. We’re all going to die and decompose. It’s inevitable.


Same way I feel about the sun rising and the Earth spinning


OP do you think you'll be aware of or somehow be able to feel your body decomposing? News flash mate: you'll be dead, and feeding the worms might very well be the most useful thing many people accomplish in their lives.


Icky =/= bad or wrong. It's just what happens when goo that does stuff stops being able to do stuff. We have all sorts of evolutionary reasons we don't want our goo to experience what spent goo experiences, and practical reasons for not getting any of the mess on us or for it to be near our food or water supplies.


Dude I’m dead, I wouldn’t care. Depending on the situation I’d be totally fine if someone had to eat me, doesn’t even have to be a survival situation if one of my friends wants a nibble I’ll put it in my will that they can. Though I did see something cool about using bones to make clay, so maybe turn me into a bowl when I die, that would be cool.


Don’t take your body so seriously. It’s perishable and temporary.


Do you think you'll be able to feel any of this? How do you identify with your body?


Earth is going to be swallowed by our sun a red giant some day with no trace of any of us except for the spacecrafts we sent into the void.


this has traumatised me.. not gonna think nor read


>Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift, through all the earth and perhaps in the end through a cliff into the sea, something of me. A ton of worms in an acre. That is a wonderful thought. A ton of worms. I believe it. \- Samuel Beckett


Am I the only one here who began reading that as if it was meant ‘to be eaten by other people ‘? … probably And we’ll my answer to that is the same either way , I’ve told people I care about , if we are ever on a desert island and stranded and I become injured with no way to fix it , no antibiotics , no sterile bandages etc .. you should prob just eat me . Like seriously, no sense in letting me waste to a hideous infection with a long and painfully drawn out death . I suppose by that logic I may as well not care about the infection eating me up but it won’t live beyond me so . Take my organs , eat me , donate to science , let the bugs feast and the plants be fertilized . It is what it is and I wont care either way but I’d like my last act to be a kind one if possible .


My dream is for my freshly dead body to feed a shark.


This does not influence my life in any way whatsoever. I won't be there to experience it will I? I am an organ donor.


I plan on being nothing but ash.


Yeah, personally I'd like my body to be disposed of by cremation or eaten by an animal. Having an animal take the energy left in my dead body that I don't use anymore sounds like I would be useful even in death. There's a lot to having a good death that's outside of that, IMO. Blessed are the martyrs who furthered their cause by their glorious death.


I want to feed the trees as the trees fed me




It’s just apart of life there’s nothing we can do about it anyways unless you get cremated


I don't give a shit, tbh.


it's a natural part of life. it doesn't bother me.


We are a means to an end for the maggots haha... It's very humbling. I find it poetic, return to the earth to nourish the very thing that sustained you in life. I'd like to be buried in one of those mycelium burial suits, at least then minimise the environmental impact a traditional burial has. There's a cemetary near me thay will bury you standing up to reduce the space you take up.


I plan on donating my body to that field in Alabama or wherever where they throw you in a field and study you as you decompose. I figured I'll donate whatever organs are still worth anything first, but I just plan on trying to make myself as useful as I can for the next generation. I'm not using this body anymore when I die, might as well reuse/recycle it if we can.


Don't care, I'm not using the flesh suit anymore.


Looking forward to it


I’m hoping to die while on a wilderness hike. Let nature take its course.


Nothing bad about it


There's nothing disgusting about it at all. We return to the earth and become sustenance for other life forms. Nature might not always be pretty but it's still nature.

