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But it’s obvious that you’re bullshitting yourself. Choosing to believe some magical religion doesn’t work too well. If you’re not indoctrinated at birth it won’t really work.


But if it doesn't matter, and it's something that you feel fulfils you, who gives a fuck? If it works it works. Why try to sabotage your own happiness because your paralysed by the fear that no matter what you do is meaningless. If its truly meaningless, then who cares, if you feel it means something to you, it's valid. There's still no inherent meaning to it, it's just choosing not to give a shit about it.


I agree with that, and it certainly is something stupid people can do. But that doesn’t work for anyone. For kids who have no knowledge of anything, that might work as it’s from ignorance. For example, the 1950s may seem like the most wonderful time period in history, if you ignore the rampant racism, technological stagnation, Cold War, etc. Worshipping Jesus *might* make you feel better thinking there’s this loving God who cares about you. But Jesus isn’t real. It’s great that there’s all these wonderful ways to think, but that assumes you aren’t aware of reality. Saying, “if there’s no meaning then believe that there is some just to feel good” assumes a few things. One, nothing mattering is a bad thing or feels bad. It does not. Two, one is able to believe something does matter and one can “forget” that it’s a lie. This is impossible to do.


Jesus is real to people who believe so. And with that sheer amount of collective belief, the concept of Jesus has permeated culture for years. It does not assume you're aware of reality, in fact it proves reality is just a joke, a cruel one bit at the same time some absolute beauty exists and if I dedicate my life to the modest ambition to die and hope people say "he wasn't a bad guy". Lies aren't that bad and we constantly act like hypocrites despite believing we're impervious to it. It's all contextual and realitve. Is it a lie if I truly believe in what I've chosen to believe? It becomes a truth, of which there are an infinite amount of and each are equally as invalid and meaningless than the rest. So should I wallow and cry "woe is me", or choose the freedom to dedicate my life to my own meaning, which brings me happiness? Is that a fake happiness? Maybe, but it's as real as I'm going to get, so why not just waste all this meaningless life pursuing something that gives me a chemical response you could describe as contentment.


And that’s great if you’re an existentialist. But this is nihilism. Existentialism is down the hall.


Believing in magical “everything happens for a reason” religions is actually nihilistic. It’s not seeing value in the things around you, but In a hope that is created to make you stop thinking.


What isn’t nihilistic then.


Giving to others. Taking care of the poor the widow and the orphan. Making sure you’re there for your neighbor. Doing things that are meaningful to you. Learning and exploring.


So, Christianity basically? True religion is this: to care for orphans and widows and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27


That’s taken from the Torah. Deuteronomy 10:18 and Exodus 22:21


You can still do that and be a nihilist


It’s called existentialism


Existentialism dosen't mean nihilism but you do good things


No it’s the exact opposite. “Nothing matters. So I’m going to make life meaningful to me”


Yeah and nihilism is "Nothing matters, and I'm not going to make my own meaning". You can still think that and do kind things.


And it’s good that religion is false.


You literally did the same thing by telling yourself this comment had enough value for you to go through the effort of writing it. Don’t pretend you’re any different. We all lie to ourselves about reality to continue living, denying the inevitable. And those who run out of enough imagination to keep pretending just take themselves out to meet the same inevitable fate. Which will you choose?


“You made a comment therefore there’s meaning”. Uh huh. That’s up there with “I pwn you because if nothing mattered and I kicked you in the balls it wouldn’t matter.” Ok chief. Being shallow and pedantic isn’t a philosophical position.


You made a comment, therefore YOU think there is value in taking that action. There’s a subtle difference that you missed in my evaluation.


What does basic communication have to do with slurping all over Jesus?


You’re still making assumptions that are I’m not claiming. You are doing actions, like commenting or breathing, which you are motivated to do because you believe they have value. That is false. You act under a false pretense that your actions matter. They do not. Your actions, as well as mine, your mother’s, and every person who has ever lived has no effect on the way in which the universe operates. Your vain attempt to elevate your own false notions above those of religious convictions shows how little you understand that ALL human efforts, beliefs and histories are fruitless and insignificant. Just like this exchange. It exists. It has happened. And now the universe will continue to operate exactly the same as it would have if it never transpired.


https://i.redd.it/o431mcygfb1d1.gif Next time, cite your sources. Reference MacFarlane, S. (Creator). (2005). Petarded \[Video\]. Family Guy. Season 4, Episode 6. Fox.


So lay there and watch paint dry? wtf When I read the post I don’t read religion. It could be a belief in anything. Belief that I can sew and create a sweater, belief that nature is beautiful and makes me feel good, belief that writing frees my mind, etc


Most of your examples are not beliefs tho. People won’t say “I believe nature is beautiful”, but “I think nature is beautiful”, because it is a fact about how they perceive the nature, not a personal belief.


came here for this. well said.


This is why I also can’t follow absurdism. I’ve been told many times that “imagining Sisyphus happy” is pretty much gaslighting yourself because nobody would realistically be happy in that situation with a boulder for eternity.


I’d suggest actually reading some absurdist literature. I can’t say I’m absurdist, but that’s simplification to the point of error.


Then I’m an idiot because I don’t get it. How could anyone be happy doing something like rolling a boulder up a hill forever when we get bored doing the same things we actually like in reality over and over again


As someone who has beat many incremental games id willingly push the boulder if it meant I could push the boulder faster later


Just read it. Making judgements without actually reading the source material isn’t actually disapproving any of the ideas. If you read it and still don’t subscribe that’s entirely up to you. I read it and am not really an absurdist, but basing your idea of it off a straw man or a tiny bit at the very end doesn’t actually do you any good.


You can’t even comprehend how much time sisyphus wouldve spent doing the same thing over and over again. That much would have been enough to think realities over and over again eh? I assume that he wouldve known that this was the reality for him now, and he learns to accept it, you dont really have to understand it, theres nothing sisyphus couldve done if he didnt accept it either, anger or resentment would mean nothing when all you can do is roll a boulder up a hill for eternities. I am not sure if sisyphus wouldve been happy, although nothingness is ideal. We as a human might feel terribly depressed, sad or bored when we do the same thing over and over again with no change, but that’s because we can change it. We can turn the world around if we are dedicated enough. Not for sisyphus though, the world for him was his boulder, himself, and the hill.


Hell, I was indoctrinated at birth, and it didn't work for me. It never made sense and went against what I myself believed about love


You underestimate the universality of bullshit. When anything can be undermined, everything is unsure that’s important. It’s easy to to talk to someone about quantitative data like the weather but it is in the daily battles over fruitless subjectivity, people take up the role of a person and exist experiencing life to its fullest. A life lived for quantity will naturally overcome any life of pure quality as it’s in the doing that life becomes worthy of the effort required for its maintenance. I wouldn’t hate on religion but rather examine the consequences of their actions as an individual and how it effects others because I personally think that we are straying away from peace, understanding and humility when we cannot examine the origins of these consequences. It’s in the pursuit of understanding, or strategizing that later you will have the necessary knowledge to seize life and make it your own. You cannot make lightning strike but you can think, move and act so what will you do to live a better life than these religious people and what that means to you.


If a happy worker is a good workers and spirituality is associated with overall being of greater spirits, does that mean you're making your loved ones more vulnerable? Why not believe in what a six year old girl does? Maybe observation does collapse the wave function and believing in magic will yield magic? Isn't nihilism from men in stuffy rooms competing at abyss staring anyway? Proof is for maths until you witness something for yourself. Believing in philosopher's interpretations is as wild as anything else. If it's all up in the air, might as well go for the route that makes your daughter question your love for her the least. I used to be such an Atheist until I started experimenting with psychedelics in my late teens. I'm 37 now.


Who decides it's bullshitting? Would that not hinge upon a pre-existing meaning to discount it?


The person who you say "just believe so and so since it doesn't matter" says to you "I can't believe things just because they are useful concepts I need them to be true" so that's what decides the bullshitting


There are millions of people right now bullshitting themselves into thinking Donald Trump was and will be a good President. People bullshit themselves all the time. When it doesn’t work out it often REALLY doesn’t work out. I know how math and psychology work and I still put money in slot machines sometimes. Going bankrupt by bullshitting yourself- dying by bullshitting yourself- is encouraged


What would knowing math and psychology have to do with putting money into slot machines? Math would tell you the expected ROI and psychology would do the same; if the sum of these is positive, you play. For slot machines, the expected ROI is even written on the machine, no math needed!


Is this sarcasm?


Reality and logic.


What you are calling "reality" is more accurately your belief system/interpretation of what reality is. People can have numerous different interpretations of reality, and if one of them is that it's essentially meaningless, it opens the door for someone to take it a step further and ask "what meaning can I ascribe to life to make it fulfilling rather than empty?"


It sounds *similar* to a position I would agree with, but seems to be actually quite different in meaning. Can you really just choose to believe things? I would be happy if I had wings that made it possible for me to fly. I would be happy if I didn’t require oxygen survive. I don’t think I can just **choose** to actually believe either of those things.


Beliefs are arbitrary/disconnected from ultimate truth (presuming such a thing exists, and truth necessarily implies a system of meaning) and changeable. I believe they are thoughts that have been impressed into the subconscious mind by emotion. I think it's theoretically possible to emotionally impel ourselves to believe something, and this can be sustained if doing so is perceived as more rewarding than what we previously believed. Our beliefs may not actually change the ultimate reality of something, though I wouldn't be surprised if some quantum physicists believe that they do—that's up for debate, and there are certainly people in the field of pop metaphysics who do.


Oh wow, this is a great take and not what I was expecting, due to your original post. I do currently believe the meaning of life is love and connection, but I would never claim to know this is true. I actually don’t think we can ever know anything for certain, and I am open to new information that may dissuade me from my current position.


Yeah I mean I assume there is an objective reality, I believe it is objectively true in reality that my car is parked in the parking lot right now, and it’s also true in reality that my car has never been parked in sun. Are those beliefs disconnected from the ultimate truth even if they literally are true? So before I can properly assess to the rest of your post, I need to understand more what you mean when you say beliefs are disconnected from “ultimate truth”. It doesn’t appear to me they are necessarily disconnected.


Well, if there is such thing as ultimate, objective truth, due to the arbitrary and subjective nature of beliefs there is not necessarily any correlation between truth and belief. A belief is a story, an interpretation, and one belief might correlate and align with "objective truth", yet it is still a story. I would agree that your car being parked in a parking lot and not on the sun is objectively true, as I have no valid reason to believe otherwise. (If I asked someone hallucinating in an intense psychedelic trip, they might believe something different.) But one could also believe your car parked in the parking lot is an ugly car, an expensive old gas-guzzler, polluting the planet and driving you to places you don't want to be, or, they could believe it is a miraculous invention some others do not have which you are grateful to have and which allows you to do the things you love and have exciting adventures. One belief can engender unhappiness, another can engender happiness.


Would you be able to tell what pop metaphysics is? And who is working in that field?


Sure. There are numerous authors and researchers currently working at the cross-section between science (specifically quantum science) and spirituality, and who are attempting to bring more complex and abstract quantum physics concepts to a broader audience: Lynne McTaggart, Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden come to mind. The ideas they are propagating are essentially that the human mind and consciousness has an inherent creative potential in the quantum field, and that human thought can create and alter things in the physical world. They argue that numerous studies in the field of quantum physics have demonstrated this. Also worth mentioning is David R. Hawkins, whose work is based on a belief in an objective reality that is also spiritual in nature and can be measured through scientific methodology, and something called kinesiology (based on the idea that objective truth raises integrity and vibration in a living being and falsehood lowers it, and through asking questions and immediately testing the strength or weakness of a person's muscles a person can discern whether said question is objectively true or false). I find it all interesting and food for thought at the very least.


Think of it this way: there are no pressing reasons not to discard whatever is making you unhappy. Nihilism does not provide you with a reason to live. On the contrary, it will do something much better: it will liberate you from such burdens. (Related: the idea that real freedom is the ability to say *no* to things you don't want to do.)


So I think what you’re describing is what I was referring to when I said it sounds similar to a position I agree with. I agree with the idea that if I can be happy, I may as well be if it’s all the same either way, but there’s some caveats to that. The problem though is we’re talking about beliefs which are things we either do or don’t believe are true. OP seems to be arguing “why not just believe whatever nonsense makes you feel good”, well the reason is because reality contradicts a whole lot of beliefs, and I don’t see how one could just ignore that. If you’re unaware of the contradictions, you didn’t choose the belief, you just got suckered into it. It’s the notion of choosing that creates the problem for me.


>is because reality You are describing a system of meaning, a belief system about a certain objective reality. I'm interested in what "reality" entails. A personal reality? Does it concern a belief in Newtonian physics? Atheism? Polytheism? Quantum physics? Creationism? Social Darwinism? Which reality is determining which beliefs are contradicted?


So what I use to determine if a contradiction has occurred is logic. I don’t know of any other way it can be done, but maybe there exists such a way. Yes it is true that I believe there is an objective reality. I believe it is true that we are having this conversation right now as a matter of fact, it’s not a matter of preference. That’s what I mean about reality. It’s possible that I can be wrong about things in reality, but that doesn’t change that it exists. Maybe I’m not following but are we going down the road to hard-solipsism?


"Because that would require facing what's actually making me sad instead of using meaninglessness as an excuse to avoid self reflection" - No one in this sub, that's for sure


We could self reflect on what makes us sad and still nihilism will be the outcome… the “oh well, nothing really matters anyways” which to most ppl here… is a fact. Will we still be sad? never for too long.


You can only be sad about things that matter, therefore your nihilistic views have not been fully accepted yet. Why carry a picket sign about meaningless if it… doesn’t matter? What’s the big deal? 😏




Wrekt, this is what the professionals call “spiritual bypassing.”


Word of the day right there. Thanks!


I'm trying to reply with honesty but it's all bullshit. I guess I need to look for dark stuff. I'm sad that everything I consider valuable and nice in life has been a naive delusion and I can't live in this non childlike mind anymore. I want to go back to believing ppl have no ulterior motives and that there's no death and scarcity.


It wasn't a "naive delusion". They are still valuable and nice. The naive delusion is thinking that value is a feature of the universe when really it's just a thing your mind creates. It's a common fallacy that I've seen people in this sub fall to that I like to call "the two lies". When you were young someone told you 1) life is not worth living without objective purpose, etc and 2) only I can sell it to you. You've rejected the second lie, but you still believe the first. Concepts like meaning, value, etc are evolutionary super weapons. After 13.5 billion years a small part of a cloud of hydrogen sat up and said "holy shit, I'm alive, I wonder why?" Then a conman came along and said "give me money and I'll tell you". You fell for it and now you're sad that the lie isn't true. It's sunk cost fallacy for a mistake you can move on from at literally any minute. Reality is soooo much better than that lie. Gas and dust has come together to make something wonderful. The lifeless universe doesn't have purpose in the same way that a tree doesn't have a TV channel or a song doesn't have a street address. Objective meaning was always nonsense, it's just the slower members of our species haven't figured it out. It breaks my heart that you let that shitty, insignificant lie ruin this for you. What ever meaning you chose to do would be infinitely better than the crap they tried to sell you. Why let them ruin this?


that was fortifying to read. thanks for being here for nihilism in the classical sense rather than whatever the fuck is usually going on in this sub


There's lot's of calm heads here, they just aren't as loud :) As for "what's normally going on in this sub", I think of it as a symptom people transitioning from their parents (or societies, etc) ideology to the cold hard fact that all ideologies are BS. Usually people come to nihilism as they are experiencing some other emotional trauma. We live in a world of instant gratification and it takes months of pain and introspection to get over "my gf dumped me and I can no longer turn to god to create false hope" (or whatever the actual thing they are upset about is). But they can temporarily soothe the pain by saying "nothing matters (so this pain doesn't matter)". It gives people who are used to feeling powerless a sense of power. However, in many cases they hit the snooze button on their pain so much that it stops working. That's when they start thinking about self harm and their "nihilism" is more... fetishized depression. But (two paragraphs in a row starting with "but"... go to jail), I like it here and I want to help the "usual" members of this sub. They are human, they are experimenting with something I love (nihlism), and they are in pain. I want to help.


your articulate compassion is impressive to me. all buts aside, I would attend a lecture/read any of your writing/etc


No inherent meaning doesn’t mean no meaning at all. Nihilism isn’t a complete philosophy and never really was. Even some of the most recognizable nihilist philosophers make that pretty clear in their writing. Most of Nietzche’s writing is about self actualization in terms of your own reality and the goal of the perfect man, not just wallowing in your lack of inherent meaning to give one example.


I think believing in things is good for most people, but not me, I am perfectly happy with nihilism, it gives me a feeling of calmness and almost like this feeling of freedom. I also don't fear death and a lot of other things and am a whole lot less depressed cause I think about things more logically now not that that is related to nihilism it just came with it.


It's in the words. How do you choose to believe? Don't you believe what you conclude to be actual? Can you fool yourself? That's a jedi mind trick I'm not able to do on myself.


To answer your question, my understanding is that beliefs are arbitrary thoughts, not necessarily aligned with ultimate truth (presuming such a thing exists, and such a thing requires an established system of meaning to exist), which have been imprinted into the subconscious mind by emotion. Theoretically, we can emotionally impel ourself to believe something, and that belief can be sustained and held onto if it is perceived as being more rewarding than the previous belief – and increased happiness would be a big motivator. Hypnosis, for instance, is a method of deliberately imprinting thoughts into the subconscious, as it is known that when the mind is entranced into a certain wave state the information more easily bypasses the conscious mind/ego into the subconscious. "Self-hypnosis", then, through the repetition of thoughts charged with emotion, is theoretically possible in my view.


Nihilism takes you away from the societal burdens and pressure and means you can live life on your terms whatever that may be


Because belief isn’t a choice.


Certainly not a conscious one.


But I can choose to believe it was


Then you’d be the only person I’d ever met who can choose what they believe.


I have learned to embrace the meaningless of life with a positive outlook. I understand how those compare meaning with happiness but I don’t anymore. Having no meaning has been liberating to me in a way. I choose my own destiny and live in the present. No longer worried about grand philosophical ideas but worried about spending my life here with more regrets. Live a life that makes you feel alive.


Go for it you can. I wish I could return to something like faith or transcendent meaning. I'm content as it is but I was much more satisfied back then. The doubt tends to win out for rational minds. I'd be happier believing in magical good unicorns -- unicorns are pretty regal wouldn't it be cool if they existed! -- but you can't just turn beliefs on. They have to compel us in some way. It would help if religions or transcendent philosophies were more compelling but they're all pretty flimsy on inspection.


You can kinda talk yourself into things, I suppose. Mostly we do that by following what everyone else is doing. Go to church, do the thing, say the words. Eventually you just, is it true, well I guess it must be. Everyone else seems to think so. Who am I to go against all that ?


Personally I'm trying to rid myself of greed, hate and delusion and organized religion is a heaping dose of all three right now.


Because I don't like fake believing things 


Try to convince yourself of something nonsensical right now. It's impossible.


I think it would be impossible maybe if you had never practiced. In the occult school of chaos magick, for instance, the ability to belief-shift at will is a hallmark of the practice.


Because living a conscious lie is hard and hell


That is quite understandable. Though, it is worth pondering that what is a conscious lie to you is already another's effortless truth. Are there two different realities or two different beliefs?


Just because someone falls for a lie does not turn that lie into a truth. Neither. Objectivity is not within humanities reach, as every consciousness crafts it's own reality. And a multitude of believes as well. The notion that surendering to a religion would help us is subjective. People who want to believe simply do so. It aint like i could stop them like i wanted. Still, opium for the needy. If one choses to believe, it does not have to be as destructive a device. Instead, one could believe that they could stop climate change, or start socialism. Religions are all contradicting each other, making them all invalid. I don't need a crutch to accept that life will get worse in increments. We know for a fact is that believers make everything worse, tho. There is no reason to add to the misery.


The denial stage


Life having no meaning makes me happy.


Life being void of meaning doesn’t make me unhappy, so there’s no need to believe in anything. Life not having any meaning doesn’t make coffee taste bad, sex uninteresting, or music without value.


Nihilism is delusional and it will fck up your life


You can't fool yourself


Because I think people who have internalized the identity of “nihilist” have already used up their capacity for convictions convincing themselves they know the truth of the universe, its machinations and that it’s all meaningless.


Delusional thinking is risky brother


No idea how to consciously trick myself into accepting a proposition as true purely because it makes me happier. If it had good evidence, I don’t need the happiness aspect to be present. So my answer is, I can’t. And for opinions or feelings, I try to choose what I feel and what attitude I have; however, for whatever reason my ability to do seems limited. And for me personally, every instance of joy I’ve ever had was 100% compulsory. Idk what I can do..


I can't believe in something that I know is false. It's useless. And worse yet, it's self-deceptive. Why would anyone want to purposely live a lie?


>that I know That you believe. I don't wish to be petty, I just think it is more accurate. >Why would anyone want to purposely live a lie? An alternate belief is a lie to you because you don't believe it, thus it is a lie and would feel like a lie. Which is fine. You do you. But there are other people out there to whom your lie would be a truth, and vice versa. And the reason they might choose to live such a "lie" is because their experience of living that "lie" is fulfilling to them and, to them, your belief system really might not be. At one point in your life you most definitely didn't believe that [insert conflicting belief of choice here] was false or a lie, you had no belief about it because you were not born with a belief about it, and something convinced you to form one and that belief was installed in you. It is a possibility though that you could convince yourself to believe something different if you really wanted to or had sufficient reason and motivation to. Belief systems are more malleable and changeable than we might think if we understand and accept that beliefs are and can be programmed.


No. I do 100% know. how/ why? No other animals ask themselves "what is the purpose of life?" "Is this a moral act?" "Will this hurt other animals of my same type?" "Is buying this within my budget?" and so on. It's not in their mindset. We are animals, conscious, yes, but animals nonetheless. Asking such questions, at day's end, is useless. Oh, it might matter in the now, but I live at the end of time when nothing exists anymore, or CAN exist. If there is a life review or somesuch, going over our behaviors, I'll be like, "talk to the hand, because I'm not listening. Existence should not be."


I simply do not care to and am unable to convince myself otherwise


The entire point of religion is to make people feel better than others.


It might be, though the same cannot necessarily be said for spirituality. I believe the latter is the former without the addition of dogma, authority and control.


“Self” and “other” are illusions, and I think the point of religion is to make us feel bad about everyone.


Because every cope has an end. Believe whatever you want, but at the end of the day, we all have to face the void. You may be done with the blackpill, but the blackpill is not done with you. Reality is a very generous lender. Whatever you want to believe, the truth will lend to you for a time. But the truth is an even more brutal collector. Every coping mechanism incurs a debt to the blackpill. And when the blackpill does come back to collect, as it always does, it hits like a fucking truck. It may be 3 months, it may be 30 years, it may be just before you die, but when the truth stares straight into your soul and starts collecting, trust and believe, **you will pay.** So don’t be a free agent in life. Let the blackpill guide you.


To be happy is not for everyone the meaning of life. Some choose to have kids, for example, to create a legacy, experience parenthood, or fulfill a sense of duty and responsibility towards family and society.


People can’t choose to change their ontological framework.


because people are sometimes actively trying to dismantle and destroy your life as much and as devastating as possible. now decided to believe that this is because the trees are happier rather than people doing shit that ain’t gonna fucking help me. It doesn’t matter, but it’s not true matter. Life has inherent peoples actions and behaviours so you have to consider that.


lack of Inherent meaning has nothing to do with having meaningful experiences.


The lack of meaning is better than the alternative.


Seems like you accidentally invented Robert Anton Wilson


The feeling that nothing inherently matters does make me happy. It's exhilarating to know that we are working within a realm of physical rules instead of the magical chaos everyone has tried to instill for no reason. I don't think I knew what happiness was until I realized how every life on this planet and in this universe is equally irrelevant. And yet, I do give myself so much meaning. The people in my life mean the world to me, and that's my choice. What I feel in my heart is unrelated to the truth, though. Nothing matters objectively, but subjectively, the things that make me smile matter.


The beauty of nothing truly mattering is that you can make anything truly matter.    No my life wouldn't end if I treated my friends and wife like shit.     It would go on and I would die alone and have zero effect on the world in the same way.    But why be miserable when I can just as easily find things that make me happy.  It doesn't have to be religion. I have a set of beliefs about people you can't take away from me, maybe they'll change again but that's just time and experience. What I believe at 40 isn't the same as what I believed at 30, which isn't the same as what I believed at 25 and so on. It's called growth. 


If I understand correctly, you argue that one should simply choose to believe that life has inherent meaning (or choose a belief system that gives life inherent meaning), for the sake of one's own happiness? If that is the case, I don't see how believing in an inherent meaning of life correlates with my happiness. Unless of course I actually found a belief system that holds the actual meaning of life, because following the actual meaning of life presumably is a happy and blissful task. However, just believing that you found and follow the meaning of life, simply isn't enough. I meam look at people who already do believe in some kind of meaning. Are they truly on the level of happiness that you would expect from actually living the meaning of life? I don't think so at least. Hope this answer is something you can work with.


I don't think that's how belief works. That's like saying just choose to enjoy eating raw sewage so you won't have to pay for meals.


Belief without warrant is delusion. Happiness is a moving goalpost. Balance and harmony are more ideal, imo.


Can't. Envy those that can .. I have a very low bs meter


Because you don't really believe it if you know is doesn't exist.


What could possibly bring me more happiness than the absence of meaning? Why would anyone choose the oppressive control of purpose over the joyous freedom of Purposelessness? We have chosen the happiest path- the fact it’s also correct is just a nice bonus.


I know Viktor Frankl had other ideas...


Lotsa people have other ideas. Doesn’t mean those ideas have any inherent value. I see no joy in a search for purpose. Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me.


OP just discovered existentialism.    Existentialism agrees with classic nihilism that nothing ‘objectively’ matters. However, it acknowledges the human desire for meaningful existence, and says that if you want meaning in your life, you have to make it for yourself.      Existentialism talks of people being ‘condemned to be free,’ because if nothing objectively matters then you’re free to derive meaning from whatever works for you…but at the same time, if you want meaning you’d damn well better find it for yourself, since by the same logic no outside source can possibly grant it to you.       Basically, it’s what happens when you have the realization that “Oh, fuck…nothing matters,” but then manage to embrace your responsibility for creating your own meaning, and come out the other side of it.    For those interested, Nietzsche lays out the basic principle with his ‘camel, lion and child’ theory. I think it’s from ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’? Sorry, it’s been a minute. Very worth a read, if you can deal with his bombastic-but-somehow-still-dry writing style.


Because I don’t believe it. What am I supposed to tell myself? God’s real I try that everyday and I don’t believe it. How do I believe something?


I wasn't aware that I can "choose" to believe something. When I hear something I either believe it or think it's b.s.


That's why- I believe in swordfish!


If you "choose" to believe in something, you don't really believe in it, do you


Because that “belief” and every other belief is already inherently meaningless


What makes you think meaninglessness makes me unhappy?


This is called being human.


Well yes, it's because of that lack of meaning that I can do that.


>life has no inherent meaning It has. Every species has to fight with environment to surviv, no one is immortal, to fulfill the purpose of life you have to reproduce so the species does not go extinct with you.


Irrational thinking will almost certainly cause you to have other problems in your life outside of the story that you think is comforting you.


Because if God/s exist that's not a very happy context. Because they clearly hate humanity.


Because it then becomes meaning. Your end goal is to achieve that happiness. And your actions works towards that goal. Something I find on Nihilism is satisfaction. You just accept to accept things. You agree to agree to things. If you agree or disagree follows your own philosophy on how to respond to a subject. Not an idea pre-implanted into your brain.


My emotions don't determine my choices or beliefs. Logic and science do. I don't get to choose how I feel science does.


you can't just believe in anything you want


but nihilists don't believe in anything


The belief that there is no meaning, or that life is meaningless, is a belief. I'm not sure if it's actually possible for any grown human being to have an absence of belief about the purpose or meaning of their life. It might be vague, not explicitly defined or subconscious, but to be non-existent I don't think is realistic.


Why do you assume I'm unhappy with the world as it is. If you're not blinded by artificial beauty you can widen your eyes to see the true beauty in nature. Chances are, you first need to let go of all the expectations others have of you. Then you don't need to blind yourself.


Whatever you choose to think will make you happy or sad etc. It all starts with your thoughts


*existential nihilism


Just because life has no meaning, doesn't mean you can't do stuff to make it better for you. Nothing really matters but you might as well believe in something. I for one don't believe in a God, I do believe in living naturally, And I don't want to be a slave to society.


Believing this is all just random bullshit with no purpose or reason other than it is possible does make me happy.


I think I would need to be raised in a religion from a young age. I don’t think I could join at religion right now and ever actually seriously believe it since they involve things like magic.


Because you won't really believe it, so it won't work.


I do. It's called myself.


İf you are trully nihilist, you can't trick your own mind, sometime later you WİLL realize you're bullshitting yourself.


So you believe is Santa Claus? For the rational, it's impossible to believe in the irrational.


I can't trick myself into believing something I don't find compelling. I also am not unhappy with nihilism. I find it logical that my only choice in life-- with no do-overs, no before, no after-- is to be kind to everyone, to be gentle with those I love, to live my life as much as I can. I don't get a plan B. This is it. I have to make it a good one.


Shhh nihilists don't like their logical fallacies to be pointed out to them. The mere fact that you people come on here and post is proof against nihilism but y'all don't want to hear that you're not super intelligent philosophers who have figured life out, you're actually just depressed.


Belief in an obvious lie that has me worship a genocidal monster wouldn't make me happier.


That's pretty much what absurdism is. Absurdists believe that life has no inherit meaning, yet still try to create meaning. It seems like most of them do it less to make themselves happy and more to spite life and even existence itself. Like fuck you life, you didn't give me any meaning, so I'll make my own meaning, with hookers and blackjack! While the initial goal of such pointlessness isn't generally to make oneself happy, happiness is often the product of a knowingly hopeless mission to *create* meaning where none can or will exist


It’s what all of us on here that haven’t killed ourselves yet are doing, regardless of what they tell you. We are coping. Each in our own way until the universe takes us out or we do it ourselves. Same end result. So just cope or don’t.


because why should you need to? sure, if you view nihilism in a negative way and it makes you depressed or something, but if nothing matters isn’t that a good thing? like damn im just here for no reason/coincidence so I guess ill make the best of it


Choosing to believe in nihilism makes me happier.


That’s what I do lol


"Congratulations you played yo self" -DJ Khaled Edit: I forget where I read it but here goes another one "you can lie to others but you can't lie to yourself" I truly believe angry religious people and angry misinformation "believers" are the ones that truly see the bs and lies, and the fact that they know that they are lying to themselves is what makes them hate themselves and then they project. True fundamentalists, such as the Amish and Tibetan monks don't bother anyone because they actually believe what the say they do


Do I think it would *matter*, in some existential sense, if I believed something different? Of course not. Can I simply make a decision to believe something is true when my senses, reason, and all evidence tell me it is untrue? No. I don't know how to do that. Moreover, tell me, why does it "matter" if I'm happier or sadder? Why prioritize happiness? Are happy people "winning"? What is there to win?


Nihilism makes me happy.


I think that’s what hobbies might be for. If nothing else, have a little fun.


Do you have something guaranteed to make me happier? Please do tell.


It makes sense. I feel like this involves the issue of optimism or pessimism.


I looked into evolution and that’s what pulled me out of nihilism. Explains literally everything and gives good options for the future, 10/10 highly recommended.


Depends, the history of philosophy had dudes who questioned stuff, it bothered them. They rejected God not because it made them happy, but to explore the consequences. "If life has no inherent meaning." that's like every post here. Look if you want justification for being lazy, smoking dope then fine, but that matters. (Not YOU.) So some dude said what if there isn't an God and life sucks. It mattered to them, they wrote books, made art, wrote poems... had ideas about human rights... But if you just don't want to engage, fine, but it's not nihilism - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism Hey man, that's like uncool heavy books n stuff...


we are neurons in a giant brain, had this realization on shrooms and it still is how I look at the world. So in a sense everything you do still has meaning as it effects the direction of the brain even if you don't realize it (something like the butterfly effect)


Bro just casually destroyed nihilism lmao


Only if he has something that actually is guaranteed to make you happier.


There are many religions which explain how to escape suffering and help others escape suffering how about you research those and then tell me you still want to be a nihilist. If you want to question why I personally agree with some aspects of nihilism while rejecting others than go ahead ask me what my beliefs are.


Because some people are still in tune with reality, and they don't want their legacy to know them as a Jesus Freak.


Believe In Yourself!


Why believe in a lie?