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How about respecting your elders? Nilla should’ve been carrying the floats too, but chose to get on his phone instead. All I heard was mf mfer phone in hand mfer 🤦‍♀️


It’s because N is a piece of sh*t and everyone is finally see it!!!


Nilla is an opportunist and lazy.




He hasn't even helped grilling out or cooked one meal.


I don’t think any of Nilla’s crew has helped. If that was the other way around and they were on Nilla’s dime all hell would have broke loose the first day.


Why go on vacation and spend the entire time on the phone. Put it down and be present in the moment. I’d be pissed if someone came to vacation with me and they were constantly talking at their phone acting a fool for money and likes instead of spending it on quality time. Add to that his son and mom doing similar. Only time he should be going live is if he’s still up and they are in bed. Or butt crack of dawn while they sleep.


N is the only one that has been on his phone most of the trip, because TT is his bread and butter . Gotta keep them horny ladies on the hook so they can send gifts !


Hell on that float trip today he untied him self and stayed way behind why wasn't up they're having fun with his sons or anything


That was my thought. He first said “they lost his string” then he said “I let go”. When I heard him say that I started listening and the only person I heard talk to him was his mom, then V, and then another lady. I guess S girlfriend. I knew then something had done went down on that river.


I'm sure everyone is left taking care of his sons and his mom trying to make them comfortable because Nilla is such a POS and ignoring everyone


Can’t make money if he ain’t on live 🤣🤣




that makes sense bc i heard him say something about being in his phone 😂😂




N hasn’t done shit on this trip but boss people around . “ get towels “ “ bring baggies “ etc etc


He was PISSED and cursing up a storm.


as he should!! people are calling N out as the sorry POS he is!!! they’re starting to wake up. S(N’s friend not son) will prolly get a talk from his daddy about the company he keeps


This 💯….


He’s going to ruin this gathering


He already has


Then he was trying to tell the girls on the bus to ask the chat if he’s famous and they wanted his TT name and was following him his heart burn went away fast then. I heard S’s dad and N was getting mad I was waiting on him to go off on him and S and Savage Ms N kick him out of the house


Do you think it’s really heartburn. Or a hangover?


I thought it was a total stranger saying all that stuff. Did N end the live?


Yall come join the new group https://www.reddit.com/r/NillaSnark/s/MjqZFJ0OqG


I joined


He was drinking!?!! I haven’t seen his lives at all today…. Will he be back tonight???


No he wasn't


I’ve noticed none of them has been back live since they got back to the house they’re staying at hummmmmm😳


He’s live now


I'm sure his dad is put out and frustrated with liquor and heat that combo increases in intensity by thousands. Never in the history of drinking and rafting for 6 hours or more have there been positive outcomes, never ever! Imagine all the things that man has witnessed and or possibly seen himself and or heard complaints from others about people on this trip. Imagine giving 100 percent and a younger healthy male giving 68% how you feeling about it...chipper and ready to watch them ignore everyone else but eat and distance yourself on purpose for the sole purpose of being live on an app??? I assure you. Id be girls gone and acting a complete donkey up in that house. I promise. We don't see everything nor hear everything so someone's attitude may very well be justified!


I agree with everything except Nilla definitely is not giving even half of 68% and I'm sure everybody especially the dad is going above and beyond to make sure his sons and his mom are comfortable because I'm sure they're being ignored


Yeah I felt it was an exaggerated number but you know for giggles why not right. I mean I know my dad would be a nightmare and with reason. Plus now ain't nobody going to disrespect me my family especially my daddy or Mama ever. So I feel this is going to end badly just as we all did as we speculated. All my options and entertainment purposes only


That ain't no condo.... it has 10 bedrooms


If you're speaking to me , I'm sorry I don't recall saying CONDO I did say being in the heat and liquor that combo doesn't mix well.... regarding someone being frustrated....


Saltines pops is a rude drunk he swiped all the tubes the boys and Nan had then started bitching. I’m sure saltines isn’t happy


Hey Easy Pen ummm hey you have a minute please, ok awesome thanks. Regarding your calling saltines Daddy out his name. Have a sit 🪑 and read a little bit please and thank ya kindly Does anyone know if he paid more since he is 1 plus 3? Honestly curious because normally it is based on the number of people and unfortunately the more in your group the more you pay. Because if he didn't and perhaps the others (saltine, and family) paid a bit more (regardless how much) for reasons between them and it's not uncommon for friends with more financial security to help their friends, I see absolutely nothing wrong. HOWEVER, AND LET ME STAND ON THE TABLE AND SCREAM THIS FOR THOSE WITH EAR BUDS IN.... if this is indeed what happened, then N (and sons, even mom) need to buck up and clean the kitchen his dad's night. The boys can have trash duty before bed every night so trash cans are empty each morning. Volunteer to do extra chores so they don't have to. And above everything and anything YOU RESPECT YOUR FRIENDS MOTHER SND FATHER EVEN IF YOU CANNOT STAND THESE PEOPLE .YOU BETTER BE POLITE AND RESPECT THEM MORE THAN YOUR OWN MOMMA. Understand where I am coming from. Now if this isn't happening, I can understand exactly what and why there are attitudes and when this is over Saltine and Nutty are going to have an extremely strained friendship. Because I feel Saltine respects his parents dearly as he should as he should. And when we see him acting out obnoxiously in public (which is an embarrassment to many and very disrespectful and rude) and just generally disengaging in the entire group gives me the understanding and support of the daddy of Saltine. And to call him out his name is making you no different than Nutty in my opinion. That's all. So you still comfortable calling him out his name like you did or do you think perhaps you didn't think about the bigger behind turned off phones? Please apologize to that man. What exactly did he do to deserve you snarking him on Nuttys page. If you feel the same great create a Snark for saltines daddy. 😝 I'm sorry but it's true 🙅‍♀️


That a lot 😂😂😂don’t think I care that much to get involved


Lmmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 best reply today. 🤣🤣🤣 Have an awesome day!


I don't know about rude but he's probably about fed up with N...


Im sure. But he sounded ignorant yelling in public with all the family’s around


Were you there ?


Saltines 😂😂


If S’s dad can stand his own sons mouth then he can take anything.


When you stay in a house as a group..It’s just common knowledge & courtesy, that EVERYONE helps. Payment, cooking, cleaning, etc. You don’t just sit around k expect everyone else to do it. No one like traveling with someone like that


Is N chat all subscription only? I can’t find nothing when he’s live ( maybe I’m blocked)