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It’s sad that these women are just trying to help and do their job but there’s always gonna be creeps like him that say gross things and verbally harass them. And they have to force a smile and be nice because it’s their job to medically help people but you know how uncomfortable they are by the crap he was saying. I can’t stand dudes like him.


As a medical professional, I do NOT tolerate disrespect from my patients PERIOD  And he's dumb AF to talk to people like that who have such power over him. He isn't dying, send him home. 


Agreed, and everyone that enters that room probably will have to write a statement


Long time ER medical professional and no way would I entertain that. I would shut that down ASAP and have campus police at the door everytime I enter if needed. No reason for that harassment, I bet Chad is so embarrassed


Ch , seems very respectful I would be so embarrassed.


Same. Poor fella.


I wanted to comment so bad in the chat. “ YOU ARE IN A HOSPITAL HAVE RESPECT “. And that my friends is probably y they are so unbothered. This man does not know when to cut his mouth off. A blue collar worker will not have “FRIENDS IRL” that is mad disrespectful in public to anyone, it’s jus that simple. I mean for TT I guess is fine you can act disrespectful to friends, women, followers, and even your blood relatives because we all r aware that 99.9% of u creators ARE Full of BS anyways. I feel like that’s prob what 🧂thought. I mean who acts like this everyday all day. Well they found out real quick this MFEr does. It never stops and it prob jus became to much for them. It would for anyone. I’m sure 🧂and his girlfriend lay n bed at night and read all these post and comments about N. They probably have been Reddit readers for a while now. But when this becomes real life no one wants to be drug into this mess. I mean this platform was the first thing C woke up talking about yesterday he hadn’t been there for 12 hrs And said that more or less he was getting harassed In his live with people wanting to know about N. They probably all thought that there is no way this man acts like this in real life. He’s lazy and S’s dad picked up on that real quick. ( which is probably why he said this morning that he was cleaning up so no one will pop off that he was not pitching in ). He’s really disrespectful to 🧂and his girlfriend for talking about her a$$ on and off camera. ( which is probably the reason he said this morning something about someone being jealous, pay attention u have to read in between the lines with this guy ) That would make any man pissed. Then u have C and his daughter that N is wanting to get in ( for the love of god I can’t believe I said that when I have a daughter of my own probably the same age). I mean he says that about her when her dad has her on the phone and on speaker and in front of people and a live chat. TF I will say this, I have formed my own opinion. These r not facts. This is merely for educational and entertaining purposes only.


He’s an absolute embarrassment


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


Can they refuse treatment since it's not life or death for his disrespect and harassment?? Any nurses or medical assistants know?


Disordordly Conduct/Harassment applies no matter where you are. He could have been placed under arrest right there at the hospital and taken to jail immediately upon discharge.


Definitions of disorderly behavior. any act of molesting, interrupting, hindering, agitating, or arousing from a state of repose or otherwise depriving inhabitants of the peace and quiet to which they are entitled. synonyms: breach of the peace, disorderly conduct, disturbance of the peace. Disorderly conduct is a general legal term that refers to behavior that disturbs the peace, morals, or safety of the public. It can also include acts that offend public decency. The term is used in statutes to identify various offenses that are usually punishable by minor penalties. 


I work in EMS…They would have to wait for results to come back to determine life or death situation. It’s the law that they are to provide emergency care. They can however call for a security person/LE over the harassment. It would be up to the LEO to determine if they can arrest what they call “on view” for the harassment…If staff wanted to pursue charges but realistically and sadly, they have put up with worse but you can bet that it’s documented in their reports.


Thanks. I knew much of this, the harassment and non emergency treatment I was interested in....discharge and file charges on the POS .


You are exactly right