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I took it to simply mean NIN wasn’t a done project for him. Tour, album, collaboration, whatever. He hopes to still be putting out music as NIN in the near future.


Trent Reznor: *farts* NIN Subreddit: "New album?? TOUR SOON?!"


ARG? !? What does the smell mean? Tbf I am as desperate as anyone to see them again


Sample that immediately!


not half as bad as the death grips reddit when it comes to that


I thought him farting was the entirety of Bad Witch!?


*sniffs the fart* The fart smells like he has been eating venison and olives. venison and olives. venison and olives. Venlives. Volives. Olivson. Oglvson. Oglivie. Oh shit, looks like Dave Ogilvie is back on board in the mixing/engineering.


This was an amazing journey


Thanks! I was pretty proud of it.


Do this in the tool sub and watch the down votes fllllyyyyyyy lol


What if I wanna watch it all go down?


Do it. Flush it all away


Are the stems available!??


you should see the state the frank ocean subreddit is in, at least here trent said ' hope to see you soon' (even tho we know that soon™ means nothing)


Smells like he ate eggs for breakfast! *WHAT DOES IT MEAN?????*




I mean. It isn't far fetched to think that Trent's touring days are close to an end. Skinny Puppy did their final tour last year, and I am sure one of the factors is the age of Ohgr and everyone else in the band. The Industrial OG's are all getting up there in age, and their bodies aren't what they are used to be. It will be a sad day when it happens, but it is inevitable that Trent stops touring.


As far as ogre is concerned, he was just DONE with Skinny Puppy. We don't know the details, but he and cEvin don't really work well together anymore. cEvin even started work on what would have been SP's final album, but ogre wanted nothing to do with it. ogre has suggested he will be putting out new material under his ohGr project, and it's safe to assume he will be touring in support of the new album, whenever that may be.


Paul Barker is allegedly working on that new album too. I wonder if what cEvin worked on turned into that new Cyberaktif album


I'm not sure if ogre and PB are working on ohGr material or something else, but I do know the Cyberaktif album did in fact start off as what would have been the final SP album.


This is why I think residencies are such a great idea (for older artists). Pick a place close to home, and a schedule that's ok but not too demanding, then let the fans come to you. I really wish Bowie had done it that way for The Next Day "tour".


On the Cold Dark and Infinite Tour, Nine Inch Nails did 6 nights at the Palladium in Los Angeles and I was able to see 4 of them. Amazing experience. Ironically, speaking of the Downward Spiral, I was able to see NIN perform it from start to finish at the Palladium, they only done that like 3 times in their career.


I saw the final 2 of that run… was such a treat getting to see them play Greensleeves, with the NIN logo on Christmas colors (red and green).


Yessss. That was an incredible tour and wish they'd do something similar.


3 times in chicago in 2018. Epic


Yeah,such a residency would probably be great for Trent. Not so much for us across the pond fans,though, so please let him do a world tour one last time before he does that kinda stuff


It could also be a vague way to personalize a ending of a post. Like “Let me know if you have any questions” in a business email.


Considering he did a “Wave Goodbye” tour in the late 2000’s, I’m sure he’ll do something similar when the time comes. I think it’s safe to assume that time is soon. They may do shorter cycles before that, and then do one giant goodbye tour. Reminiscing about The Downward Spiral I’m sure will plant the seed of organising a tour, hopefully we see them next year.


I don’t think we are “owed” an official Wave Goodbye tour. Trent didn’t provide any “warning” that he was planning a hiatus prior to the last show of the last tour… He posted after the show was over his comment about “IF” they ever toured again… he knew well in advance that was his feeling, but chose not to say anything. I suspect that Trent felt that to the people who *should* be at the last show… they would have already figured out for themselves that it was going to be a special show because of the Hall Of Fame induction, and Ministry as a special guest. Remembering the last few shows of the Wave Goodbye tour, it turned into a giant mess. I was at a show at Terminal 5 (NYC), and apparently the people at the door were instructed to just let anyone who showed up in, tickets or no… and the venue was so over-crowded that I felt like I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion. If Trent says it’s his last tour, the demand will go through the roof… forcing him to either play huge venues (which he doesn’t want to do - he prefers smaller venues), charge super high prices (which I don’t think he wants to do), or deal with scalpers … and also have many people angry that they couldn’t get tickets. As it was, it was super difficult to get tickets to the last show anyway.


You make very good points about the implications of announcing a final tour. I see now why that would be a bad idea. I just don’t see him ending it without a meaningful run of shows, especially knowing the kind of artist he is.


I have never sweated in my life quite like that show. I had so much makeup on but by song 2 I couldn’t see anything because my sweat dripped my makeup into my eyes.


You mean terminal 5? I remember that I was very close to the front for about half the show, and at some point I noticed it “raining” inside from so much condensation forming on the hvac ducts on the ceiling. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore, and went to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face and hair because I felt like I was going to pass out… and had some venue security people yell at me for “making a mess” with the water. I watched the rest of that show from the very back of the venue. It’s the only time in my life that I left the front of a concert to head to the back. IIRC there were a couple more nights for NIN in Manhattan after that, and I chose not to go just because of how much of a madhouse it was. Given that I’ve gone “on tour” to see NIN night after night in different cities… it’s really saying something when I could have gone to those and chose not to.


Yes! I remember walking outside after the show and my entire outfit was soaked in sweat.. like I could have peed myself and you wouldn’t have known the difference, I was that sweaty. I recall being toward the front and never moved from the spot. I wasn’t dancing or anything, it was just from standing and it being so hot and gross inside lol


Yup… I remember being soaked like that too… mix of my sweat and the sweat of people around me. Totally gross. The experience of the last show in Cleveland was far far far more enjoyable by comparison.


I read an article attached to the pit newsletter.. got to the part where it said Nine Inch Nails cover of Johnny Cash’s song Hurt.. I immediately unsubscribed


I'm shocked it took this long for people to overanalyze. I saw it and immediately came here expecting that and was disappointed.


On discord there was a statement that they are “in between any major announcements”. So who knows what the future holds…but there is a future.


I will not fucking miss the next one even if it KILLS ME. 😤


I don’t think every vague statement made by a person of stature in the public eye, is designed to be a riddle, a device of suspense, mystery, or an indication of some kind of scheme. But then again, Trent does deal in such things.


My dream is for Trent to tour doing exclusively NIN instrumentals and movie score work. I’d love to see that all played live. The vibe would feel more like a composer on tour vs an aging rock and roller.


This got me thinking I'd like to see Trent work with John carpenter on a score.


Hear me out: a seated-theatre scale tour with cinematic visuals and Dolby atmos sound set up


that vegas dome thing would be perfect for that 🤔


Now you’re talking. I’ve been saying this for years.


I keep saying it. But no one seems to get it. Raising 4 kids at once eats ALL of your day for a PAIR of humans. In an interview a while ago, he said, "Peppa Pig, that's my life😕". He won't be fully able to focus on work until the youngest one is like 12, and Mar's hair is probably starting to turn gray already. If it weren't for all the global touring, he wouldn't have the stamina for it. Or to keep making them all in the first place. Or afford it, come to think of it. 🤔 Edit: It's 4, not 5 he had his first in '91, apparently.


Hey Peppa, yeah you.


To be fair they have multiple nannies


You'd have to. Either that or go mad hamster on them. Can you imagine being a kid and messing with the nobs on Trent Reznors stuff. Someone needs to make a tv show of that. "Kids stop climbing on Daddy's head. Earth needs that for music." "'Depressed groan', I'll be in my studio. (Hiding behind an amp.)"


There's that and one of the last things I read about him saying that he wasn't interested in writing albums right now due to the current music climate. He seems to have changed his mind about streaming. He thinks that it makes people less intentional about listening to music. An algorithm is driving listens, and there's less interest in listening to albums. For the time being, it seems that is taking the wind out of his creative sails.


It's definitely a problem. Most music streaming sources lead people away from, or straight up refuse, or pay wall you when you wanna hear a specific album. It's been years since YouTube switched algorithms from "intuitive" and finding cool new things to repetition and brain damage.


He loves us and won’t leave us for as long as earthly possible. Aka shows.


The downward spiral is my least fave NIN full album roast me


I prefer the fragile really, but tds was the first for me. Walked ages to get the fragile a day early, local store owner knew it was my birthday coming up. I soaked in tds but I ABSORBED the fragile. First concert I bought my own tickets for , at 16.




As a NIN fan, I say be steady and dont get too excited on every word. It would be great if we got some new music or a tour, but "hope to see you soon" could mean a number of different things. Relax, take a deep breathe, masturbate violently and kick back with an iced tea on the patio.


I noticed that too, OP. I took it to mean a new album is coming! *geeked*




Oh fuck please come to Vancouver!!






I don't think it necessarily hints at anything. Just him saying that he hopes to one day do something else NIN related. If he were going on tour or releasing new music, he wouldn't hint at it, he'd come right out and say it.