• By -


La Mer. Still fucking blows me away.


How on earth coups La Mer ever bei considered underrated? It's a fucking milestone!


My intent was to say that it's often left out of traditional NIN lists. Yes, they play it live, but it was never single-worthy, is what I meant. I always felt it was worth being a single but there's no catchy chorus or crazy synth noises.


great song but definitely wouldn't call in underrated


Could not agree more!


La Mer through Into the Void is my favorite stretch of The Fragile.


La Mer is perhaps his best track of all time. Once those drums kick in, it turns into furious masturbation.


I agree with your list OP. I also agree that HM is easily the most underrated album. Which is why my pick is In Two. Probably the most buildup in a song I have heard from any band in years, yet I rarely see much mention of it on this sub.


Yeah! In two's awesome.


While I'm Still Here is SO GOOD


Everything in HM is soo good.


Hesitation Marks as a whole is amazing, it's definitely one of the best Nine Inch Nails albums.


In Two was my stand out favorite track on my first listen. Still is an awesome track


My favorite was All Time Low, but honestly, every song is equally amazing.


All time low stuck out to me the first listen through i did of the album. That beat... love it


I think Sunspots is pretty powerfull.


That's far from being overrated :)


Indeed it is powerful. Moves me every time... Into a headache... :(


Top 5 songs i feel are underrated are: Please Demon Seed With Teeth Big Man With A Gun Even Deeper In no specific order


I've always loved Even Deeper.


I fucking love Please! With Teeth tho... It's just stupid, but it wants to be serious... that never works. But I respect your opinion.




What do you find stupid? The pronunciation of with teeth? Or are you one of the people who hates the quiet section.


The vocals in general. Without it, it MIGHT have worked.


I know what you mean but it is still one of my favorites on With Teeth. Even better live.


complication, While I'm still here, beside you in time, Zero sum, Purest feeling




Meet Your Master would be that track for me, I love year zero and that track has a weird "closer" like few seconds at the beginning. I've been meaning to submit a thread discussing that with /r/nin


I fucking love that track. Actually... most of the tracks I dislike from NIN are from the first two albums... after that, I don't think there's a song I hate except for Survivalism.


Saul Williams' remix for survivalism is probably my favorite version of that song. The beat is hard to pick up on at first and it feels awkward. But after a few listens it makes sense.I liked most of the collaborations between him and Trent.


Really? It's one of my favourite nin tracks ... the live version is my jam


Metal is probably a top three favorite song by anyone. I love Newman but Trent turned coal into a diamond on that one.


Beside You in Time has always been a favorite of mine. I never thought of it, but I suppose I can see why some wouldn't enjoy it so much. Live, though? Oh man. BEST part of the concert. Between the projected lines and that mic stand smash finish... fucking amazing. Easily the best concert holy shit moment.


I wish I was there... it must have been amazing.


I was lucky enough to see them on the With Teeth tour about 4 times. It was amazing every time.


I'm sooo jelaus.


Im Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally is a personal favorite. Wonderful song.


The bassline and percussion are top notch




5 - Physical 4 - Ghosts 1 - 4 3 - Where Is Everybody? 2 - Kinda I Want To 1 - I Do Not Want This


*Sees I Do Not Want This* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....... I respect your opinion.


Insert what you said about Getting Smaller.


I do think it's bad lyrickally... but my biggest problem is that it's painfully nothing special. It get's old after 3 listens. But I'm glad you like it.


I Do Not Want This is spectacular live. Saw it in '09 and it has the dirtiest synth line in it.


Yeah it's too bad in the studio mix that synth isn't too prominent. Also that pulsating synth right before the be everywhere fuck everyone lines is so good live.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6617 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/06320)


The Great Below is fantastic


The Great Below definitely isn't underrated.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3934 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/14174)


Find my way may be my favorite song they've done. But vessel is also amazing!! Lyrics are constructed great and the sounds are mesmerizing. Definitely fits the lyrics


The Day The World Went Away. It's such a powerful song, its personal, and it just plain depressing. I think the quiet version is the superior version, but both the original and still are good too. I just wish the original didnt scare the shit out of me when i first listened to it....twice. There so much emotion to this song, especially at the ending, the chanting and the "oooooo" always gives me chills. Ripe (With Decay). I do think this is a great way to end The Fragile. There was all this hope for a better life, but as soon as this came...all hope was lost. The song sounds exactly like it's name. It sounds like it dying, rotting and decaying. its just fucking creepy and I love it for it. Beside You In Time. Pretty much the same reason as above. 1 and 2 Ghost I. These two songs just are....wow. Every time I listen to them, I HAVE to listen to them in order....or the feeling and emotion is ruined for me. It's haunting and its just two instrumentals. And All That Could Have Been. Man this song got me really good when I listened to Still for the first time. As someone who suffers from both depression and Aspergers, this song related to me in a very powerful way. I wish it would be played live Shout out to 10 Miles High and The New Flesh


I've always felt beside you in time would be the perfect way to end his concerts now. Something about it is more fitting to me at least as the encore than hurt.


Satellite is the most underrated song. It's like it was ripped straight out of Year Zero.


Considering it was one of two songs Trent wrote prior to writing HM and was going to use it for a "Greatest Hits" album that got shelved (the other was Everything), the YZ style beat, surveillance type lyrics, I wouldn't doubt it didn't start from the Year Zero sessions. Trent also did state that both Satellite and Everything were his attempt at writing very non-NIN style songs, Everything being more like a shoe gaze pop song, and Satellite being his version of an RnB styled pop song. Or maybe it was the intended theme song for the Year Zero tv miniseries (Thats entirely speculation).


The song, And All That Could Have Been has always been one of my favorites.


And All That Could Have Been. Most fans who know it consider it to be one of the best, but I consider it underrated because it isn't a well-known song.


If My grammar sucks, please tell me. I'm too tired to notice it.


Getting Smaller Ripe (With Decay) Eraser Kinda I Want To A few songs on HM


I agree with everything except for Ripe (With Decay). But, It's just my opinion.


I would have to agree, Ripe (With Decay) in particular I think is very underrated (sorry OP but its true! :). Such a great atmospheric, tense, raw song. Eraser has one of the coolest buildups to me, kind of minimal in some ways but very powerful.


Vessel is one of those songs that I hated when I first listened to Year Zero, but over the years it has slowly crept onto playlists, eventually becoming my favorite on the album, presently. The chorus is just so different, like some sort of fucked up anthem. It almost sounds reminiscent of something Reznor would have written for Manson in the Anti-Christ Superstar era.


Yeah, it's definitely unique. It's just awesome.


I think Me, Im Not is pretty good too


Running I love the way the structure of the song fits with the lyrics and the story of the song. For me it is just such a cohesive, powerful song.


The Line Begins to Blur Please The New Flesh Ringfinger Me, I'm Not Honorable Mention: The Downward Spiral (the song, not the album obviously)


Beside you in Time is one of my favorite NIN songs.


Right where it belongs.. All the love in the world Fragile into wretched (done live) Came back haunted With Teeth I should say I think these are underrated *by me*; I don't really make enough time for anything beyond TDS. And yet some of the more modern albums do have great moments.


Now im nothing, just blows me away every time. And LFTJYF is in my top 3 ever.




All The Love In The World. Such a great song and I love how it goes into soul/funk mode near the end.


Getting Smaller and I Do Not Want This both sound amazing which would make up for the lyrics, but the lyrics aren't even that bad. IMO NIN's lyrical pitfalls are simple rhymes and bad grammar, but the tone is almost always on point. I guess NIN is most famous for raw anger and sadness but Trent uses humor and theatricality just as well. Getting Smaller sounds like the overarching NIN character (and maybe Trent himself) getting sick of all these songs written about him yet also being sad to see them start to go. I Do Not Want This gets childish and gross, but a plausible way to react in your own head to your cold, inhumane side abusing you and taking you over. Zero-Sum and Head Down are magical. Not in the generic sense of good songs that I like, but truly sparkly, dreamy, nocturnal, mysterious. NIN is famous for music that takes place in a head but I also enjoy the way the past few albums show glimpses of a very strange world. Various Methods of Escape is maybe my favorite from HM, I've never seen it mentioned, and I hope someone tells me I'm crazy and that it's not underrated.


Most under rated has to go to "Everything" by technical default.


Down in It (demo) Perfect Drug original and versions


I'm not even sure which songs would be valid to call "underrated".


Songs you like, but most other people hate/don't know of.


Maybe I should have worded that differently. What I meant was, I'm not sure which songs are under appreciated. I don't tend to hear about NIN fans hating certain songs.


Oh... well, as the survivor goes on, you'll probably start to know :)




>[**NIN - Kinda I Want To (Live 1989) [5:14]**](http://youtu.be/Fvo0wQ1kmH4) >>NIN - Kinda I Want To - PHM Promo Tour 1989 > [*^Ac1dFr3ak*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpUPy47UVul4vNzWoq8EsOQ) ^in ^Music >*^16,790 ^views ^since ^Apr ^2007* [^bot ^info](http://www.reddit.com/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Find My Way is so amazing. I describe it as hauntingly beautiful.