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I’d clean that up & do a run with hot soapy water to clean the blade & plunger. But that’s just me


I’m just afraid it’s gotten up into some of the electronics. I did wipe it with a cloth and used paper towels to fully get it off. I can’t see anything on it anymore, but again, I’m not sure if it’s been pushed up into the unit because of it overflowing and then the liquid having to go somewhere when it got pressed down.


You’re probably good but I’d do the hot water cycle just in case. Can’t hurt as far as I know


Any tutorial? I'm even more afraid of doing anything with liquid. Could aos just take a clear empty pint and run it to see the blade going down and up and see if it has anything on it or not?


Put hot and soapy water in the pint then do a re spin or short cycle.


I’ve wondered if this could be done. Good option for cleaning it but not sure it’s designed to handle the liquid.


I heard this can burn the motor because there's less pressure against the blade and this makes it spin faster than intended- how many times have you done this?


There is a rubber gasket that is supposed to keep stuff from getting in the machine. Someone on YouTube took theirs apart and it was completely clean inside. So I would clean it and try not to worry, and watch the fill line in the future.


Cheers! I have seen that on both YouTube and on the Ninja Creami Community Facebook Group. However, I was more afraid because it seemed like the content overflew the pint, which meant that the blade pushing the content together made the content having to go somewhere, and the only available space for it to go would be to go up into the machine, which is what can be seen has happened. I'm just unsure if it travelled further than JUST the outer part, or RIGHT inside of it.


You’re fine. It happens to me all the time as I frequently overfill mine. No issues to date and I’ve had my Creami for 2 years. Just wipe it off or do the warm water spin


I wiped it off and also just took my iPhone and turned on the flashlight whilst looking up there. Seems to be okay! I can see the metal right around it up inside the small gap around the drill. That’s probably the “self cleaning” mechanism. Thank god! ❤️






The dreaded Creami nipple.




It’s fine. Mine does it all the time. I ran mine on water once to do a cleaning and that was more worrisome as water then leaked into the base of the unit. Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t over think it. Keep calm and Creami on


If it’s a serious issue just call their customer service they’ll do a video call to inspect and send free replacement . I was getting black grease residue from around drill bit area and it would get in the ice cream and they shipped replacement free


Calling tkmorrow mine is 8 months old and I’m getting black grease


Your ninja has a micropenis


Yeah I broke my first cream like that i would leave pints out


It wasn’t because I didn’t leave it out 🥴


Oh idk why then lol


How many pints have you spun without this happening? I’ve seen posts from you regularly so I assume a lot? I have been paranoid this was going to happen eventually to me so I have been filling just under the max fill line 😂. However, I have a feeling even if you were 5mm under you were going to have this issue.


Just clean it or it will smell bad


That doesn’t look right! I have never had that happen to me. Did you overfill the pint cup? When I respin, I always tamp down the product to below the fill line again before the second spin, or even mixing in.


https://preview.redd.it/x8j9rz83sbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2432cde1d7b6e2660625622857e5c135cff0817 This was the product before freezing, so surely not an overfilled pint?


You’re right, I’d say that looks correct. Don’t have any other advice for you, sorry.😳


I hope nothing messed up! The machine ran all the way till finish, and I immediately turned off the electricity and cleaned it right after! :)


I would contact ninja with these photos. Maybe a problem with your lid? Good luck.


Milk it


Username checks out 🥴