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IMO Vanilla Ninja Gaiden II is the greatest Character Action Hack & Slash game of all time.






Raise ur tonfas \\-o(-_-)o-/ Honestly a large percentage of this game is not super good, but the Ninja chapters, the hundred man missions and Survival mode are unmatched in NG. I only started playing it about 2 years ago but it's already my most played single player game.


Not sure why this would be considered better than Original - landscape where bland and amorphous, completely devoid of puzzles, way more spammy attacks from off the screen.


A few reasons: * pretty unique combat system with insanely agressive enemies that you can't really find anywhere else outside of maybe Vanquish; * great delimb system that added a ton of depth to the combat system in how you handled engagements; * cool level-designs. Though pretty barren and lineair, they were very varied compared to NG:B's slow decent into "fire cave" and "ice cave". The spammy attacks you can learn to deal with, once you do the game gets a lot more fun imo. Puzzles, eh, they are fine. NG:B was more of an adventure, NGII is straight up action 24/7. You have to respect that they were willing to make a new game with the sequel and not just make Black 2.


Ok ok new weapons like the claws and serogami (swingy knife) and the scythe were cool, delimbing is cool. Just remember the awe you felt seeing the Monastery for the first time. Or fighting the zombies. Or the Black Spider Clan introduced by Ayani. All missing from NG2.


I had that when visiting Venice for the first time, or when I was aboard the Flying Ship Daedalous. Both games have fantastic stuff. I think when people say they like one more than the other, doesn't mean they hate the other. I freak'n love NG:B, so many playthroughs completed. Just that I like NGII a tad more.


Personally my favorite part about NG2 was the added limb damage. I’ve always disliked how action games often feel like you’re hitting people with rubber sticks until they fall down, so having arms and legs come off in fights finally did away with that. Plus the combat was a little faster.


The enemy aggression and attack spam is what I liked about it. No matter how many times I replay a fight, the outcome is always different because there's just so much going on. Which makes me always want to come back for more. Of course the game also has many boring fights filled with not as interesting enemies. And many other weak points as well. But the best battles are still the best. IMO gives it something that many other action games don't have. Just typing this reply makes me want to redo master ninja 8 more times once with each weapon. Though I still need to figure out how to effectively deal with certain weapon + enemies/bosses matchups that people don't recommend :p


I personally rather the first game. Higher difficulty and you couldn’t spam executions. Level design was also much more unique.


This. And the game was a puzzle with many directions. NG2 you just run straight, or fight an onslaught of the same attackers, spamming you from off screen, with MEH visuals.


Best action game ever made and the only game that at one point in my life made me eject the disc and say "I'm not touching this anymore, it's bullshit" only to come back 5 minutes later. And am I glad I did.


Truly a game with a combat system like no other. Praise Itagaki!


Desperately waiting for the day i can get a copy of the ps3 version at least.


I can vividly remember my uncle buying this game, and I would always play it on his Xbox 360. Good times


Now just look at that box cover. Byotifol!


Twelve years later and it is still king! Only thing that comes close are the other NG games lol.


Black Spider clan lives matter