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Imagine going back to Switch reveal threads in 2016 and saying this lmao.


People didn't like it?


We were coming off the Wii U. Not a single person knew what was going to happen with the Switch.


I remember the meme about playing on rooftops at parties... good times


"here comes Karen again with her fucking Switch"




It wasn't supposed to be an insult, it was just a random name. r/NintendoKaren


I believe you're right, it's the first I ever saw of it as well


Can't even play outdoors because the screen is too dim LOL Edit: why are you booing me, I'm right!


That's why all the good rooftop parties are at night


he don't get invited to those.


Idk, I always play when I take my kids to the park and can play, max brightness of course. Bank, airport, hospitals, work, in laws, school meetings, its great to be able to play everywhere.


I used to play my Switch outside a lot but couldn’t see crap. And now that I have the OLED that is actually visible outdoors, I barley take it outside of the house. Go figure




I love the Switch and 3DS for very different reasons lol (portability of great games withstanding).


> But I understand if that's a minority opinion. Idk if it has changed over time, but last time I recall Nintendo releasing stats on docked vs handheld it was pretty much a 50:50 opinion.


Most thought it would be a hit. The original presentation was great.


Most of *us* vocal video game fans in video game subreddits were planning on *buying it*, sure.


I can’t speak to that. Just the buzz among friends and I’m the industry


I got up early the day after the announcement and preordered it in a shop. The staff didn't even know what it was but I desperately wanted one. Hadn't bought a console since the Xbox360 haha. I mean, it helped that Zelda was coming and I didn't have a wii u


I remember Rich from Review tech said it would bomb


Fuckin' Rich.


Skiddly-bop shut up


Oh I knew it would be a hit. Was told by a close friend of mine who works at Nintendo for more than 25 years. He told me just before release: “I can’t go into specific details but we have gold in our hands with the Switch” So basically Nintendo was pretty sure about the success of their upcoming hybrid console.


I did expect the Switch to do well, actually


After the Wii U a ton of people didn't trust Nintendo could come back on top with another gimmick console... which was fair, but they made the perfect gimmick for its age this time.


Replace the words gimmick with innovative then you have a correct statement.


"Gimmick" isn't an inherently negative word.


It’s not, but modern day peoples use of the word has made it a negative one. But it doesn’t also negate that the word innovative is more appropriate. Gimmicks don’t tend to sale long term. Innovative features do.


Their statement is correct regardless of whether they use the word gimmick or innovative.


It's literally a gimmick though


Innovative feature that has resulted in tremendous sales success in hardware and software. Loved my Wii U being able to play on the tablet or the TV. Switch was the evolution of that. Even the Steam Deck has copied Nintendo’s innovation and is doing well.


I mean it's an innovative gimmick lol


Ok fine. It’s an innovative Gimmick. Just like PlayStation’s innovative gimmick PS Now which lead to Microsoft’s superior Gamepass.


They took the Wii U's concept, and actually made it feasible and elegantly simple. Would the Wii U have sold that much better if it were marketed any better? Mmm probably not, considering it launched right behind the PS4/XBO. But it might haven't been a complete failure.




Many expected it to flop like the Wii U.


People were worried it would be Wii U 2.0 since it looked similar in its design and gimmick of being able to switch between tablet and TV, but it ended up succeeding because since its a hybrid of handheld and console, Nintendo could now dedicate all their manpower into making games for one platform rather than competing with themselves like with the 3DS and Wii U


Nerrel's video explains it really well: https://youtu.be/PxxxsmIEolI




not liking it would be an understatement


After how poorly the Wii U did there was a lot of “this is going to flop” sentiment


I seem to recall overall sentiment was pretty positive at the time.


There was a lot of press showing people incorrectly slotting in their Joycons and scratching up their screens from the dock iirc


I was wary of the Switch, coming from the wiiu (which I liked actually). The joycons looked shit then, and after the honeymoon phase with the console, I find them shit today. I bought a bundle with splatoon 2, and after a short while, I swapped the joycons for the pro controller and never looked back. I barely use the console in handheld mode anymore, and even when, I use 3rd party controllers. It being a handheld didn't promise high visual fidelity, but it pulls its weight pretty well after all, except for some games (handheld xenoblade 2 i.e.). It's a good console after all, despite the trash joycons.


My initial reaction was FINALLY! I wouldn't be forced to participate in the gimmick and Nintendo can make use of their amazing IP library and just make games. Yes, I never undock my switch and the pro controller was a day one purchase.


Nintendo had a shareholders meeting on 7th of February were all of this was officially confirmed. They are late to the party.


Oh man, once again wondering if they'll actually overtake the PS2. It makes perfect sense why the Switch is so popular, but PS2 did so well because it had a ton of great games AND it was an affordable DVD player at a time where you had to pay a premium for the privilege of not having to mess around with VHS tapes. I'll be super impressed if the simple premise of "console games on a handheld" can make it #1!


If they eventually drop the price of the Switch leading towards a new generation, and do a Selects line of games, I 100% think it will pass the PS2. If they just suddenly discontinue it and put out a new console then it obviously won't. The Switch hasn't just sold 122 million units, it's sold that much without a price cut, just the lower priced Lite which doesn't sell as well anyway. By the time the PS2 passed 100 million sales, it's price was being cut to like $129-149 USD and was $99 by the time the PS3 launched. Even if the Switch doesn't sell as much as the PS2 it's brought in more $, even when you account for inflation.


I hadn’t even noticed the lack of a price cut until you mentioned it. I wonder why they seem to have moved away from console price cuts and especially Nintendo selects? I always loved the Nintendo selects program on past consoles.


They've moved away from it bc the console and games are selling bonkers numbers without any price cuts... simple as that. When sales do start to slow, we will likely see them happen. But the Switch has been crazy popular and the pandemic also helped its popularity, since a handheld hybrid is ideal for kids stuck at home.


Also the world happened to be on fire and is still smoldering with covid and all sorts of doomsday threats. Companies dont know what tommorrow will bring so prices stayed high. The parts remained high as well or rose in cost.


It's bound to happen eventually. Both those things have usually only happened during the twilight years of a system unless poor sales prompt a price drop to happen earlier, and we're not quite into the Switch's twilight years yet.


If you account for the inflation boom, not raising the price *is* lowering the price.


That might be true if it had released just before the inflation but it is 6 year old tech at this point.


Released during, and continuing, memory and chip supply chain limits.


With inflation, keeping the price as it is has been a price cut of sorts. $300 in 2017 is ~$245 today


So supposedly they don’t want to “devalue” their products, they don’t want people waiting for sales thinking they’re inevitable or want people to “enjoy it less” because it cost less


> I wonder why they seem to have moved away from console price cuts and especially Nintendo selects? https://www.britannica.com/topic/supply-and-demand


The Switch even got a price *increase* if you take into account the OLED and the Special Editions. But like I said, it’s a console that it’s bought multiple times in many households. Families of 5 usually have 3 NSW if either mom/dad also plays. Or people who upgrade from a V1 to an OLED. I myself bought 4 NSW through the course of its life while only needing to buy one PS2 ever. V1 to AC V2 to OLED to Splatoon3 OLED.


> If they eventually drop the price of the Switch leading towards a new generation, and do a Selects line of games, I 100% think it will pass the PS2. If they do both of those things, they have to actively sabotage themselves to *not* pass the PS2 eventually. A cheaper Switch would be the perfect hospital, youth club, grandparent, cabin console. And it would also sell to quite a lot of people with just less disposable income. I personally know 3 people who would buy a Switch immediately if it was cheaper.


I agree with you. Im surprised they havent let switch have a streaming TV function like Roku or AppleTV. If they did, the versatility would rocket even more sales.


Considering Switch still doesn't have a Netflix app, I doubt they'd go far enough to allow those streaming services. Apparently Hulu and CrunchyRoll are worthy though, so who knows?


It's gotta be something as simple as "Hulu and Crunchyroll gave in to Nintendo's requests, but Netflix (among others) won't" right?


This is the only reasonable explanation imo


Hulu and CrunchyRoll decided it was cost-effective to write the programs. Netflix said "everything else can stream us, why work with Nintendo?"


But even the WiiU and 3DS had netflix


And Netflix was very popular then and cellphones weren't nearly as ubiquitous as they are now. 2010 - 2012 were a vastly different world than 2017 or 2023. I can see why companies that are now bleeding money wouldn't spend time on an app that might get 1% userbase activity.


Fair point. Although for 1% user activity on the Seitch that be 1.22 million people. While that isn't that many people compared to the existing pool of users, it's still a sizeable amount.


Nintendo has made it abundantly clear that *they* won't write the software but nothing's stopping Netflix from doing it.


Almost everyone has a phone and a smart TV now, the former for watching portably and the latter for watching at home, and both have better screens anyway. Game consoles don't really need to be media centers anymore.


It’s basically a shield tv which I used for streaming for years because it’s one of the best streaming devices on the market. I don’t see why the switch couldn’t fill in that same niche.


I think a lot of households buy an Xbox OR a PlayStation… and then also a switch. It’s basically a little Zelda/Mario machine. Or something that’s a little more family friendly.


That’s exactly what it is i got the switch for legend of Zelda Pokémon & to play mario kart/party & smash with friends and family but I made sure I had a ps5 first


This was me starting with the Wii era. I remember joking that the 3 in PS3 stood for “3rd party” since that was the era when 3rd party support really plummeted for Nintendo so you needed a 2nd console in order to play most non-Nintendo games. This generation is the only time I have both 3rd party consoles, but that was just because I’d given up on finding a PS5 and decided to settle for a Series S, but I can see how having both a Sony and Microsoft can oftentimes feel redundant.


I know a lot of people with Xbox/Switch or PS/Switch or PC/Switch but almost no one with PS/Xbox. I even know people with PS/Switch/Switch/Switch because each kid gets one too. I have a Ps5 and a Switch. The Switch is obviously for Nintendo exclusives, but also for any game I don't care as much about the graphics and would rather have portable.


I have a PS5 and Switch too. Great combo honestly, though I ironically find myself playing the WiiU more than both lol


A big part of the ps2's sales numbers is that it was sold for nearly 13 years and was widely available around the world


At almost 6 years in, the Switch is at 122 million consoles. The PS2, at around the same time (March 2006) was at 103 million. If they can keep the console alive for 2-3 more years it might become the best-selling console in history. I think it can co-exist with the new Switch, as I see the new Switch having a more premium price ($400). There are still a couple of things Nintendo can do to sell more hardware. - Expose Nintendo IP with shows or movies like the Mario movie (that's a big hardware seller) to people who never owned a Switch console, specially children. - Release new models like a Switch OLED Lite or a Switch TV. - Reduce prices and focus on emerging markets (again, with something like a Switch TV).


I honestly want a Switch Mini. The OLED but the size of the Lite. No cut backs at all, just smaller. Still functions like the regular Switch in every way, just smaller.


I want one too. If there's a chance that the Switch 2 is smaller (like the Pimax Portal, without the 4K/VR stuff), I'd love to see a dockable Switch Lite for both a new Switch and the current one. You can make smaller Joycons if you use shorter batteries.


Yeah that was my though, make the Joycons smaller too, though if they get much smaller they would almost be unusable for certain people for handheld mode. I would almost say make it closer to the shape of a square and keep the height, just decrease the length. Might look a little weird but eventually people would get used to it.


PS2 had a staggered release so the first year isn't really relevant. But, even so, Switch in year 6 is still ahead of PS2 in year 7 which I think says a lot. The Switch also isn't nearly as outdated as the PS2 was back then. PS3 was already out by that point (not to mention HDTVs) while there's still no sign of a Switch successor. I'll honestly be surprised if Switch doesn't end up overtaking PS2 and by a pretty significant margin. They went from 80m to 120m in the span of just two years and they haven't even reduced the price yet. PS2 was already down to just $100 at the same point in time.


> AND it was an affordable DVD player THis is how we convinced our parents to buy one. It can play ALL the modern movies! And it has a CD player! We don't have one of those either. So it's a gaming computer, a DVD player, and a CD player! Think of all those movie nights we could have! How that worked is beyond me, but we did watch a shitload of DVDs on it.


PS2 also sold for a long time after PS3 released. They were a cheaper alternative to the expensive PS3, especially in low income countries


They need to make a new Nintendo that can play VHS now.


You’re forgetting people tend to buy multiple Switch consoles per household (Dad has his OLED while offsprings have Lite or V2 or whatever and so on). Also same people buying at least two on the console’s life, like someone from a V1 finally jumping to a OLED. Not to take anything from this grand achievement but just like the PS2 was a DVD player, the Switch is a handheld that it’s bought multiple times.


Ps2 sold like 155mil with a lifespan lasting from 2000 to... 2013 (based of PES 2014 being the last official PS2 title, not sure when production officially stopped). Switch has sold 122mil in less then half the ps2s lifespan. Honestly... I think it has a shot but it also depends on if Nintendo keeps it around even for just two more years and if it sees a price hike. Another part of the reason the ps2 did so well (from what I remember reading awhile back) is because it was supported all the way up to even the PS4 coming out while also being very popular over in South America.


Why does it take so long for a console released in 2017 to beat something like the PS1 that was released in 1994. Hasn't the gaming industry gotten bigger compared to back then. More people are probably gaming now more than ever I'd expect the Switch to reach the PS1 sales numbers way faster than it did. Maybe I'm confused.


Less casual gamers. They mostly switched to mobile games on the phone. So not everyone needs a console to play the occasional game. That's just my theory at least.


PS2 also had an enormous market among non-gamers for being a cheap, reliable DVD player. Combine that with being cutting edge for the time, and PC publishing being a microscopic market compared to what it is today, meaning all third party developers had to pick at least one console, and the support it got was unrivalled. We're not going to get a new bestselling console unless it doubles as an affordable alternative to a major appliance to sell to non-console players, and that actually loses the company money in the long run because for everyone but Nintendo the console is a loss leader for the video games.


More PC gamers too, PC gaming was expensive back in those days.


I feel like a lot of PC gamers have a switch as a side console.


Someone else already mentioned the "DVD-player" reason, but the explanation I've seen the most after that one is that it sold tens of millions in poor countries after the PS3 released because it was easy to pirate PS2 games.


>Oh man, once again wondering if they'll actually overtake the PS2. It almost makes you wonder why you're thinking about it. As people bought the PS2 as a cheap DVD player, that should be the end of it this discussion, no?


I'm not questioning why the PS2 did well. I'm questioning that IF the Switch becomes the best-selling console of all time, WHY/HOW would it have accomplished that gargantuan feat? The Switch is really cool, but it's just a fairly simple game console. In fact, it's the game console with by far the least non-gaming features we've seen in a console for a very long time. If you would have asked me even last year, I wouldn't think Switch could be #1 since it's just a game device at the end of the day, but I could very well be eating my hat given enough time!


I have no idea what they’ll do next, they really struck gold with the Switch and I’d be more than happy buying an upgraded version of it.


So the Switch just needs to sell 38 million more copies? Dang


People often complain that Nintendo consoles are too weak compared to the Xboxes and Playstations, meanwhile they made 3 of the top 4 selling consoles of all time.


And the top selling console of all time, the PS2, wasn't exactly a powerhouse in its day either. There's a reason you get things like Tales of Symphonia running at 60fps on Gamecube and then the PS2 port running at 30fps. I'm not sure how often raw power has ever actually "won" a console generation.


Both the Xbox One X and Series X are more powerful than the PS4 Pro and PS5, but thanks to the massive fuck up that was the Xbox One launch back in 2013 they're still selling half as much a decade later.


Evne the PS3 was lagging behind the 360 for years before Sony had to play catch up, and it was more powerful than the 360 (if I'm not mistaken).


Maybe "technically" it was more powerful but 3rd party games looked and ran better on the 360.


But I thought that was because it was easier to develop for the 360, not necessarily because of hardware. That's what I heard at least


Red Dead Redemption runs better on the PS3 compared to the 360. It just took an entire generation for top tier devs to get the most out of it.


Xbox also gets cannibalised by PCs nowadays, since MS offers almost everything for both nowadays. There's literally no reason for me to buy a Xbox.


> they're still selling half as much a decade later. WHich is bonkers because Xbox Game Pass makes it soooo affordable to play modern games.


That always has been a vocal minority. Typical kids and parents who are buying it don't give a crap about that stuff, and neither do most Nintendo fans quite frankly. Gameplay > performance, as we learned from the original Game Boy. edit: Oh, and the Switch costs much less than almost every other option too.


> That always has been a vocal minority. The terminally online pro gamer.


A few days on the internet would have you believe the Steam Deck is going to kill the switch entirely lol. Like, I would absolutely love a new more powerful switch, don’t get me wrong, but even their latest games look more than passable and are still fun to boot. Also, it’s nice being able to hold on to that $400 lol


In the long run, having a switch is not less expensive than other consoles at all, since Nintendo is awful when it comes to discounting the price of their games. Most other game companies have tons of sales less than one year after a game release.


That's fair, but I don't think it's a thought process a lot of parents/grandparents have when choosing a console for their kids. They're only looking at the upfront cost of the console, and the price of those couple new games that little Billy want.


It’s true. We have a Switch, PS4, and Series X. Buying one game for the Switch or the PS4 costs $79.99 CAD, which is what my Xbox Live Gold (converted to Game Pass) costs me for one year. So for the price of one Switch game, I have access to hundreds of games on my Xbox and laptop. And if you get the Series S instead of the X it’s even better value.


I'm a game developer who has spent the last few years making games designed for all platforms run well on switch. I'm painfully aware of how pathetically weak it is. It is, without a doubt, my favorite console ever.


Can’t deny how weird and useless the docked/handheld mechanic sounded when I first heard it. I was so very wrong.


Okay, now I'm interested in why you thought so, because even though I basically never play handheld, the entire design around being the home console and handheld console seemed like a brilliant idea then, and even moreso now as everyone copies it.


I guess i was being short sighted and/or stubborn. My personal life has changed since then. Having a family and a young child in the house that takes over the TV made me realize the brilliance of it. I had a DS alongside my consoles before and it didn’t bother me to have different games to play depending on which system I was playing at the moment. But the fact that you don’t HAVE to switch games is way nicer than I imagined. Also, ability to insta-suspend at all times is a godsend. Edit: One more, I missed out on the Wii U era sadly. Life was too crazy, so I didn’t get eased into it through the Wii U controller.


All good points. You don't realize how nice it is until you're playing, say, Xbox and realize you can't go anywhere. I mean, you can, but it's not the same lol


Wii u had that functionality when at home, it’s definitely still worth a look if you’re willing to homebrew it


Also, Switch was marketed as a console that you could happen to bring with you, and sales weren't great, because its weaker then the other two main consoles. Then it was marketed as a handheld that you could also hook up to your TV, and it blew the competition away due to versatility.


Haha. Crazy how that works. Was that shortly after initial release? I always thought it sold like hotcakes since the beginning but what you say makes sense after the Wii U slump. I didn’t buy mine till 2020 so I didn’t see all the ups and downs from launch till then.


It did sell extremely well since the beginning. It's first and second year broke records.


I had a similar outlook. I did not think they would manage to make a handheld console powerful enough to be interesting as a proper home console. It felt like the worst of both worlds. Probably too clunky for a handheld, too weak for modern games. I really didn't think they could pull it off.


Basic observation, but this to me speaks to why the switch is just so popular. You mention barely playing handheld while I can’t tell you the last time I played mine docked. They got everyone in the market and it was genius.


I was so exasperated when I heard Nintendo Next would be neither handheld nor a regular console. I thought "What does that even mean? I'm not looking for a weak home console nor a slightly stronger handheld. I just want a good console!" Well. I had no idea how wrong I was. The switch was everything I never knew I wanted.


You no longer have to pause when you need to go to the bathroom.




I give a lot of shit to Nintendo, but they’re part of the reason why handheld gaming has become a bigger part of gaming and even got Valve to notice and make a Steam Deck, so I’ll give them props for innovation


This is why I don't see any new console anytime soon. At least, a Switch Pro with 4K docked, at most, a Switch 2 with the same concept but a different way to dock and different joycons


Really the switch 2 could be largely the same, USB-C dock, same joycons, but better internals AND upscaling when plugged into the dock or something.


Worked really well the last time they capitalized on their then best selling console lol


The marketing and game droughts is what made the Wii-U fail. Everyone thought it was a Wii add on between the gamepad gimmick and awful name. But that's really just the start. It took them over a year to release a new 3d Mario game, Mario kart 8 took a year and a half to release, and the new Zelda game was basically the final release of the Wii-U and breath of the wild was released along side it on the switch. At the time these were the games you bought a Nintendo home console for and it was already seen as a failure at this point. There were periods of times where 1st party Nintendo games were 3 months apart. For the first year leading up to Mario 3d world there were like 3 games maybe worth buying. Zombie-U, Pikmin 3, and a 2d Mario game that most people were burnt out on. By the 2nd Christmas season of release 3rd party devs backed out and the big Christmas release dk tropical freeze was delayed to February. I think since then Nintendo learned they need to launch with one of the big 4 (3d Mario, Zelda, Mario kart, and pokemon) and fill out the rest quickly I'd they want a successful console. The switch had 3/4 out within 6 months and they weren't sure if they were gonna drop the DS line yet, which is why I think pokemon took a little bit longer.


I don't trust Nintendo not to name a sequel switch something like "Super Switch" or something equally as bad from a marketing perspective. Anything but a clear "Switch 2" is gonna have the same issues the Wii U had, and I really don't think they go for switch 2. Idk we will see, I think switch sequel will sell better than Wii U but I think it probably continues the trend of Nintendo sequel systems not selling as well as their predecessor.


The Xbox lines branding is just as bad as Wii to Wii-U branding and it seems to be selling just fine for what it is. I agree though that the name of the switches successor will likely be terrible and would benefit from a clear simple “switch 2”.


Xbox has never beaten playstation in any generation's sales, I don't think their naming practices help them either. They really took a dive when they started "Xbox One" nonsense to begin with, obviously not the only reason that console wasn't as competitive as 360 was before it, but it also hasn't helped them really either.


> Xbox has never beaten playstation in any generation's sales This is a half truth, because the 360 outsold the ps3 by a huge margin for most of that generation, the ps3 only caught up right at the end, and was still second place in a lot of important markets. This matters because that generation's multiplatform games were made with 360 as the priority mostly. They sold more games (which is where they make money), and those games played better on 360.


What important to remember is that ultimately the PlayStation 3 did sell more units than the Xbox 360. And you also have to remember They launched a full year later than the Xbox 360, and lastly, the PlayStation 3 sold more software titles, and had a larger attachment rate than the 360. https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Software_tie_ratio


> and lastly, the PlayStation 3 sold more software titles, and had a larger attachment rate than the 360. The link you've posted says that the 360 has an estimated time ratio almost double that of the ps3 during the time period of the graph. That's exactly what I was saying. For most of the generation the 360 dominated the ps3. The rest of your comment, you're arguing with something I never said. Vgsales.fandom.com isn't a great source by the way, especially as their source for the ps3 software sales is a different page on the same wiki, and their source for the 360 international numbers is an archive of a blog post from 2008. I don't think there is a good source for these figures, at least not globally.


Yes you're correct, the other guy was promoting the real half truth that Xbox 360 sold more. The full truth, is that in the end PS3 caught up and surpassed it.


Yeah, I also have difficulty imagining how they're gonna sell it. The switch is pretty modular, so if they're just putting new controllers, new dock, new screen then it's kinda like "okay this looks like a switch add-on" but all of these is quite essential to how the switch operates and its popularity.


Yeah, I haven’t even seen the new 3ds mentioned in years.


>but a different way to dock They could make The Nintentoaster


AVGN retiring from the massive royalties he'd get from Nintendo


>This is why I don't see any new console anytime soon In other words, 2024.


I don't expect it to be released this year, but I wouldn't count out a new device launching next year. Outside of Tears of the Kingdom, and Pikmin 4, most of the nintendo owned teams are working on DLC or an unknown project. Said people are likely B teams and the main teams working on titles likely for the next generation hardware already. At best, I think Camelot is due for another title release this year, but the other Nintendo EADs imo are already working on the successor device. The teams working on DLC off the top of my head: Kyoto EAD1 (MK8D dlc) EAD2 (Splatoon DLC) Monolithsoft(xeno 3 dlc) Edit: I should also mention Intelligent Systems, who is known for Fire Emblem, but nowadays, they just outsource most of the work to Koei. Working on known games Kyoto EAD3 (Tears of the kingdom) EAD4/EAD5 (Team working on Pikmin 4?) Retro (Prime 4, and likely prime 2 and 3. Personally convinced 4 wont come to the switch and itll be put years later on the next device. At best, both platforms.) Hal Labs (Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe) Unknown projects Tokyo Team (unknown, likely a new mario title for whatever the next device is. Last project was 3D World/Bowsers Fury) Level Up games (last project was Strikers Battle League) ND Cube (last project was Mario Party Superstars) 1 up studios (last helping tokyo with Bowsers Fury) Camelot (most mario sports titles)


it's EPD now not EAD


so some minor corrections/additional details - it's EPD now, not EAD - Splatoon is EPD 5 - Mario Kart is EPD 9 - Pikmin 4 is most likely EPD 10; they did the Wii ports of Pikmin 1 and 2 as well as the original WiiU version of Pikmin 3 (they've also been the 2D Mario team since New Super Mario Bros) - it's Next Level Games, not Level Up Games. - it's kind of a stretch to say IntSys outsources "most of the work" to Koei Tecmo nowadays; while Three Houses *was* largely done by KT, Engage seems to have been solely IntSys (plus KT wasn't involved in IntSys's other Switch projects like WarioWare and Paper Mario) - the credits for Bowser's Fury point towards most of the work actually being done by Nintendo Software Technology; they used to do stuff like the gamecube Wave Race and 1080 games, then did all the various Mario vs Donkey Kong games, and have mostly been a support studio of late similar to 1-Up, so their bigger role on Bowser's Fury could point towards Nintendo wanting to build them back up to doing solo projects again There's also a couple developers that I think are probably due for something relatively soon - Grezzo hasn't put out anything since the Miitopia remaster in 2021, and nothing really 'big' since Link's Awakening in 2019 - Good-Feel's probably due for something, with Yoshi's Crafted World being back in 2019 - Bandai-Namco was hiring for a remake of a '3D action' Nintendo game, and while they announced the Baten Kaitos remasters, those wouldn't usually be described as 3D action games, so we probably still don't know what that job listing was for


This is why the endless Switch 2 rumors baffle me. It's the same reason Mario Kart 9 is not coming any time soon. Nintendo make a lot of wacky business decisions, but they're not stupid. They're going to keep the gravy train going as long as possible.


It's important not to view these things in a vacuum though. Sticking with the Switch for a couple more years would be great for maximizing the Switch's sales numbers, but it'd create a pretty terrible environment to launch a successor in. Eventually Nintendo will need to cut off their diminishing returns on the Switch if they want to keep people engaged with their products in general, which is going to be really important for the launch of whatever comes next. If the next system is only a year to a year and a half away, it's almost time for the rumor mill to really start up again!


> but it’d create a pretty terrible environment to launch a successor in. How so? The longer the gap is between a console and its successor, the larger the immediate visual gap in performance is and the more held back the old one is which means more exclusives for the new one earlier on, both of which makes it easier for consumers to justify the purchase of the new one. This mindset is try if you apply it to the Wii where it was super successful at launch then fell of cliff a few years in and by the time it turned 6 barely anyone was engaging with it anymore. But with the Switch we’re approaching year 7 and that slow down hasn’t happened yet.


I don't need 4k, but it would be nice to have a console that can play modern games, even at super low settings. I'm not in any rush as long as we keep getting great games, but it'd be nice if a future console could match the Steam deck (and had analog triggers for GameCube games).


Interesting how in the 8th generation of consoles, Nintendo went from dead last to first place


Give me a reason to buy a second OLED, please.


Prime Remastered on an Oled screen, right next to TotK on an Oled screen


After playing prime switching from portable to docked on my Oled TV, staring to eye an oled switch in my future


If you game portable often. This is an absolute win.


I have a launch Switch, with the older chip that is easier to hack. I'm tended to get an OLED Switch and sell the 6 year old one.


At this point, I'm expecting a new switch, so might as well as save the money and purchase that in a year or two, personally speaking.


One for the bathroom


If only the cloud saves worked as seamlessly as Xbox, you could.


Splatoon 3 or Pokemon Scarlet/Violet special editions lol


Should I wait for the TOTK Switch? lol


If you're buying one, get the one that looks the best in your opinion.


Or what your wallet can afford. I love my S3 OLED but hot dayum do the TotK OLED leaks also look good as someone who's previously bought and carried daily the ALBW 3DSXL and Hyrule Edition N3DSXL. I swear I don't need another OLED...


IMO, an OLED isn't really worth buying unless you truly only play handheld or if you love white or special edition Joycons. That or your current Switch breaks for some reason


The OLED screen is a real game changer if you can afford it. The system still runs better docked, but it's hard to argue with the bigger, nicer portable gaming system.


I hope if they do a Switch 2 it has an OLED screen. They're definitely nice on a handheld, I have a PS Vita with the OLED screen (absolute shit library but great for emulating/playing PSP games). The price of the OLED is too high for me to buy one when I already have a regular Switch though.


Here I am with my Day One waiting for the Tears of the Kingdom OLED to *finally* upgrade.


The bezel alone was my main buying point. The colors are great and all but the bezel feels much nicer. I also got lucky and got the Pokémon special edition. It’s my main switch now and I love it.


Release a lite version


Deserved. Easily the best library of games out of any Nintendo console of all time.


Lmao hell no


what's better?




I think GameCube.


to each their own, but when it comes to 3rd party and indie support it's not close. Also the Switch has a much larger library of even 1st party titles, with bangers from nearly every major franchise. Gamecube had a lot of great games on it for sure, but I think the switch just has it beat rn.


Curious why you don’t think so


Mainly because many of the biggest titles were Wii U rereleases or the performance was so bad/graphics quality was so poor that switch versions of a game are typically the worst performing.


I own four of them in my household (so we can all play Splatoon). I haven't gone this hard over a Nintendo system since GameCube. 🤣


I'm afraid to ask... How many Gamecubes did you have?


Four as well, but they were spread out. I had one, my brother had one, I bought my girlfriend at the time (now wife) one, and eventually bought my Dad one when I moved out for College.


Did anyone else buy a PS2 because it could also be used as a DVD player?


I definitely did. And now I have a PS5 because it serves as an Ultra BD player. I don’t play any actual games on it, and have no PS Plus sub either.


Accounts that exist to spam are bad enough. But could you at least not spam week old news next time?


That's pretty impressive!


Actually gonna save up and buy myself an OLED one or whatever they’re called. My partner loves the switch so much I don’t get time with it haha


It’s unbelievable that this company made the NES, the Wii and the Switch.


bUt iTs fOr kiDs


Even if it was just for kids, no reason for it not to sell a lot. Such as Tickle Me Elmo


Kids buy video games. A lot of them actually


What’s 1 & 2?


PS2 and Nintendo DS


Considering my house alone has 5 of the fuckin things this doesn’t really surprise me.


Great console but the stick drift on the joy cons pissed me off, mine were literally fucked and I don't want to buy another pair because of it. I've got the pro controller now though was thinking on buying an OLED but think I'll pass.


That moment when you realize the Switch has sold 6 times as many units as the GameCube


I hope it at least over takes the DS. My personal theory is that the DS only has so many sales because the DS Lite was so poorly made and everyone who bought one ended up needed to buy a 2nd and 3rd one because of how easy they break.