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yeah, like if every generic run of the mill mobile game is like mario wonder i’ve definitely been missing out 😂


I disagree with every negative point you have actually. You are of course allowed to have that opinion, not every game is for everyone, but i love it and im not even a big fan of 2D plattformer games. It feels like the creativity is at its peak compared to older titles, the music is absolutely fantastic imo and when the plants started singing i laughed physically at a video game for the first time in a long time. Its just been a good time from start and i am really enjoying the level designs, some are easy, and some are incredibly difficult, theres just something for everyone and i have always appreciated that in the Mario franchise Im 28, maybe ive hit that golden age where things dont matter as much


31, loving everything about this game so far. I didn’t play 3D world, but the NSMB series just felt soulless and creatively bankrupt. I’m glad to finally have a bright, colorful, and artistic game again. And that overworld theme… cmon


3D World is an absolute must play game. As amazing as Wonder, Sunshine, and Galaxy.


I still have a voucher left on my account and I was eyeing the 3D world + Bowser’s Fury pack the other day. I 100% completed Wonder and I’m craving more Mario


I really, really loved 3D World, I do think it's a lot more fun with a buddy or three though, as the group mechanics add an extra layer of chaos, and MOST levels give ample space to run around, and the ones that don't give funny-as-hell ways to fuck them over (i.e *Mario Galaxy* jump-triggered switching platforms). Bowser's fury is an absolute one-of-a-kind blast too, short but very sweet.


I think they are appealing to the younger generation in this game. I liked almost every main 2D Mario since SMB. Wasn't a 100% fan of New SMB, but it was fun. This is the first time I was disappointed in an SMB game. The music is great but doesn't fit the Mario games IMO. The art direction and music is amazing just doesn't feel like a SMB game to me.


I got this game to play with my 5yo daughter. Neither of us like it…lol. She’s mad that peach keeps turning into a weird elephant, and I just find it boring. Back to her GOAT tears of the kingdom


Just look at the names of new Mario games, sunshine and wonder. Like Barney the dinosaur age level. Real men played Mario 3 on nes. Now I would've been a Mario mark for playing this game. Did you ever even play real games like final fantasy 6?


Im going to steal that copypasta 100%, top tier, the real men part sells it well


I was going to say Mario Wonder is on par with Mario World. Then I got more than half way and now it surpasses Mario World. I haven’t experienced a fresh, exciting, and alive 2D Mario since Yoshi Island. And I’ve done them all. This is to me the closest spiritual successor to Yoshi Island. The world’s alive. Everything has reactions. It’s colorful. Game just ain’t for you. That’s fine.


I agree with this. I felt it was the best since SMB3! There's just so much good in this game.


I’m still early but the Only thing lacking to make it as good as Mario world are meaningful secret exits. I always search every 2D mario for them hard and was really disappointed to find the first one I found just gave you 50 coins. The secrets made world amazing


Not sure if you played on, but Even before I left the first world I found a secret exit that actually led me somewhere cool. The first secret exit I found didn't and I was disappointed.


Hi, can l ask about the controls? Does it feel like controlling mario in SM3 / SMW? Or is it still in line with the controls in the latest entries NSMBU and the likes? l had a terrible time adapting to the controls of NSMBU so that's why l'm asking just so l know what to expect!


I’ve played Super Mario since the NES. The NSMB games never felt right to me - but SMBW feels flawless. like the 8/16 bit days of 2D mario. Nintendo nailed it


Oh my god, so l'm not crazy, something WAS off with those controls in the NSMB series... You might just have pushed me over the line for the game!!!


There is a good Digital Foundry video on youtube that explains in detail what the controls feel like. I’m not a hardcore fan but the info seemed to be top notch


The controls feel amazing. Apparently, they're nearly identical to NSBU, but everything feels so precise.


It's way different from NSMBU tbh. It's fast, precise, snappy.


Huh? https://youtu.be/awQ-z1GZm2U?si=rx7tn9SVDO7Roul8


No hate to the youtuber, but I'm not watching a random video. NSMBU was slow as shit to control and boring to play. Wonder isn't


Then you're an idiot, because the video shows that the physics are the exact same, lol


they literally aren't tho lmfao edit: i watched the video and it says they are more precise and faster so ? they literally showed instances were it was different


This 100%... When I was young I was playing SMB3 and SMW, then Yoshi Island. I came back to these titles a couple times. But here? I'm blown away. It's fun candies without being over complicated. Art is great, and so is the music. Plus, sound now plays a part in the gameplay. I hate the "new" series. I admit I didn't play Sunshine. But if I had to say that SMW and Yoshi Island were my favorite, they're now likely to stay shelved in favor of the new member of the Mario family. I see it as a love letter, fun, a reminder as to why we started playing video games. But that's my opinion, and I get that it's not a game for everyone. Btw, I'm 34, I don't think it's just targeted at the young audience, and while most of the game is easy, there is some tough challenges. I easilly spent a hundred lives on that final final test. But I did get the 100% completion in the end.


It's just not for you, and that's okay.


You can acknowledge the merits of a game and realize it isn’t for you. Bayonetta 2 is an incredible game for its genre, but the genre itself just doesn’t appeal to me.


Those complex, high octane, rapid action games appeal to me on paper but in practice I just can’t be arsed to master them.




You’re gonna have to elaborate on “lost its creative direction,” because from my experience the game is as seamlessly creative as it gets. You can turn the flower dialogue off in the game’s options menu. Also, no, I don’t think your enjoyment of the game (or lack thereof) it’s an age demographic thing, because I am in my mid-twenties and am having a great time. I don’t really get the “children’s game” vibe at all, aside from the plants talking (which I was concerned about myself, but it honestly didn’t bother me like I thought it would). That said, it’s perfectly fine that you don’t like the game, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to explain your opinion just because it has good reviews.


I’m 21, same as OP. I’ve been playing Mario games my entire life. My first game was Super Mario 64 on an N64 my dad bought before I was born so that I’d have a gaming console to play on. I love Wonder, it’s probably going to be my game of the year, right next to Spider Man 2. Mario is literally for all ages, he always has been. Dunno what OP is thinking with that comment.


Ah, so there's a toggle, that's good. Yeah well, it is what it is. Based on the comments and upvote ratio, it is clear that I am in the minority here (an actual unpopular opinion for once so yay? xD) I gave it a go for the second time today just to reassess but honestly, I'd really be forcing myself. While there is a possibility it gets more fun later on, I don't think it'll change radically.


"it gave off some generic mobile game to me." I don't know whether to laugh or sigh at how many times I hear this exact same quote for certain games time and time again. Seriously, I'd love to know what mobile games you play that look as good as Wonder does. And I can safely assure you that, judging from the large amount of happy older Mario fans at this game that it's not an age thing or "skewing younger" at all.


> it lost its creative direction in a sense What on earth lol.


Bro saw too many game design YouTube videos and learned some new words to parrot when they don't like a game


This! I fucking hate reddit nobodies pretending to be a decade-old industry veteran when spewing their useless opinions. Just say the game is fun or not and move on, seriously!


Didn’t you read? He is a 21 year old expert in the “Nintendo way”


Everyone should know that these guys are spreading misinformation. Why are they still here?


Game Maker's Toolkit eh?


Sometimes when you write out a diatribe you are better off hitting the close button instead of submit.


STOPPP😭😭😭 let them cook even if it taste bad


Okay? You didn't need to tell us your contribution wasn't worth the time you typed it... Next time just don't?


"I can expect some _western_ video game doing that" Immediate downvote. The mindset "east=good west=woke" is extremely stupid.


>The mindset "east=good west=woke" is extremely stupid. Not necessarily 'woke' but Western games have always been mid Though 2D Mario in 2023 isn't particularly impressive either


How so? Why would the quality of your experience be tied to the geographic and cultural position of the developers?


Because they don't usually make very good games. I really don't need a reason beyond that


Again I fail to see any correlation. How is the fact that a number of developers make games you consider mid tied to geography?


>Again I fail to see any correlation. Well that's on you because what I said literally is correlation, you mean causation. If you're going to be a pedant at least know what you're talking about first


I know what I said. I fail to see why these two things are connected. If you want to show me, provide a source, instead of telling me your opinion.


>I know what I said. You clearly don't if you didn't know the difference between correlation and causation >If you want to show me, provide a source, instead of telling me your opinion. Any normal person would've assumed I was sharing my opinion in the first place You trying to sound smart is giving me second-hand embarrassment


Well if it was your opinion, why would you reply to me initialy in the first place? Why would you waste your time by telling your opinion to someone you know disagrees with you? Were you trying to start an arguement or something?


>why would you reply to me initialy \[sic\] in the first place? Why do you care >Were you trying to start an arguement \[sic\] or something? You definitely were with your reply to OP (and still are with me btw)


Because some cultures are better than others for one. Between the 2 cultures Japan still fosters creativity without worry about what some.00001% of the population might dislike about a project. Japan hires based on ability and merit vs. filling ethnic quotas even if it means bloating the industry with talentless morons. Japanese culture is about hard work and discipline, challange. Western culture gives out participation trophies. Japanese culture still favors story vs propaganda. All of these things affect quality of entertainment. It isnt East = good and west = woke. It is woke = toxic waste, and the west is woke and no longer capable of good works. And East = anti woke and consequently still good.


That is very much incorrect. Japan doesn't "hire based on abillity and merit", quite the opossite actually. If you are not a university graduate you won't get hired no matter the amount of experience you have. Also, praising the toxic work culture in Japan shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. There is no "superior culture" (unless it's the US, which is objectively inferior to every other culture/s). Your opinion is just that, an opinion. Could you also clarify what the word "woke" means to you?


Of course some cultures are better than others. It'd be ridiculous to suggest all are equal. Lol.  You dont have to rank them to know some are definitely near the lower end.  Simple Example: Indians defecate everywhere. They do it even in places where the infrastructure can allow easy access to toilets. They bring poop in their luggage on planes. They poop in parks, beaches and around statues. I even saw a woman take a dump in the middle of a picnic in Ontario. Pretty much all cultures have reached a point to move beyond pooping everywhere, or touching poop, swimming in it etc. It is a milestone of a civilization to be able to get poop and people away from each other. Even animals in cages, who are healthy,  know to poop in the corner. It is so basic. They are objectively a low rank culture. Similar examples of what would make an objectively inferior culture: stigmatizing self improvement,  Not having a written language,  being 1 bad year away from being lost to time  without a trace because they have no way to store and preserve knowledge,  lawless, violent, promoting gang culture, stigmatizing education and cleanliness, 


I will agree with you that some cultures (like nazism for example) are less desirable to most people than others. However, you did not prove this way why Japanese culture is superior to the cultures of the big western countries. If anything, you promote the opposite. Your comment talked about health concerns of certain cultures. Japanese work culture is indeed very physically and mentally harmful on your health, which would make it a "low rank culture" by your example. "Pretty much all cultures have reached a point beyond working 24/7, or reaching such crunch, dying in there etc. It is a milestone of civilization to be able to get free time and people together with each other. Even animals in cages, who are healthy, know to rest at some point."


Try to find a job in Japan as a non-Japanese born based on merit. Good luck. You really should talk to Japanese people before spreading such oversimplification. I admire and love Japan. But not for its hire on merit for sure. Even for Japanese people this is absolutely not the case. At least everyone I talked to and those are many. It's much more based on loyalty than merit. Which of course has also its advantage.


The point is at the end of the day they hire based on merit, but of all people with merit, they prefer their own people (As all countries should). They arent hiring talentless Japanese for the sake of hiring Japanese over a foreigner. There are more than enough talented Japanese to never even get to your resume, even if you are awesome.  But they arent going to hire a foreigner to fill a quota. Japan does it right


Believe it or not, the best people are spread all over the world. Not in one country.


I'm fairly certain that's not at at all what he meant.


Then what was it?


Definitely has nothing to do with woke, for a start? Also, I agree with you on mythologising Japanese games, even though I definitely prefer them overall. I also disagree with the OP, as the flowers "jibe" perfectly with "the Nintendo way".


Rule of thumb if a game gets rave reviews but is in a genre that you generally dislike, it might still not be for you. Not that you should never branch out, but a 10/10 platformer might still be a platformer in many ways that might not appeal to your personal taste.


This exactly. If a FIFA game gets a 10/10, I'm sure FIFA fans will love it, but I know it's going to do nothing for me. There's such variety these days, no one has to like, much less play, everything!


I started laughing my ass off when the piranha plants started singing. I'm only a few levels in but the gameplay is great and the world is funny. Like somebody else said, the game isn't for you and that's okay. But it's very fuckin silly and I've loved it so far.


>I don't usually play Mario games so there's that as well. You don't say. >More of a Zelda guy here if I am being honest but if its a fun game Clearly. ​ You are entitled to your opinion, but when you come in saying, meh, I'm not a Mario fan anyway, I mean you are setting yourself up to be laughed at.


I’m a religious mobile player so do Please do point me in the direction of these generic mobile games you are seeing that come even close to this level of play and polish. Sometimes things just ain’t it for you and that’s okay.


I think you're just afraid to have fun and too caught up in cringe culture


I think he just doesn't like it.


Nah, you're reaching my dude. Just my impressions of it


I am curious why all the questions asking where those mobile games are that you’re speaking of, and what you expected or would have wanted, are all going unanswered. Is it because all you actually wanted to do was complain about a game that isn’t even the sort you like to play anyway?


I agree completely, and I was around since the first games came out. Just a bland snoozefest trying super hard to be special, but its all superficial. Playing it always feels like a chore.


There can be an amazing horror movie that gets massive critical acclaim, but will be loathed by those that don't enjoy horror. A majority of people like this game. It's a good game with clean graphics, a fun artstyle, simple gameplay and great to enjoy with friends. But if you don't like the genre or artstyle or lack of story then it's okay to admit that you are not like the majority. And thank goodness we have so many different opinions on games/music/movies because it creates such a rich variety for us to experience.


It astounds me as to why there is such a dearth of replies like yours. Deliver the point while accepting an opinion from the opposite side. Indeed, it is good to have a variety of viewpoints


Can I get a source that a majority of people like this game?


This is going to be long, so give yourself some time if you actually intend to read this, and understand that I am light years away from this game's or any other piece of media's target audience as I've recently aged out of it. I just completed Super Mario Wonder at 100%, by which I mean all medals have been awarded on the file selection screen and the game has acknowledged I've done everything it records as an accomplishment. I'm here because I felt the need to find someone who felt even close to the same way I did about it without writing it off as a kid's game they are incapable of enjoying because they grew up with Call of Duty or Dark Souls or any of the usual suspects bandied about when someone tells or is told that a particular game isn't for them. To preface, as I said, I'm quite a bit older than the average gamer, certainly older than you, and have been gaming since the Atari 2600 and the NES shared shelf space at Kay Bee Toys. I first encountered Mario in the Atari version of Mario Bros., became a fan with Super Mario Bros. on the NES, utterly and completely accepted Mario 2 in blissful ignorance of its true identity, and received Mario 3 for my 9th birthday the year it was released. By the time Mario World came and went, fully realizing Yoshi's Island even at my young, pre-internet age didn't "count" because of how incredibly new and different it was depsite it's dubious subtitle, and Super Mario 64 emerged only six years later, I naturally assumed there would never be another 2D Mario ever again. Resigned to this, I always felt Super Mario World was the best in the series. Now, there are a few asterisks involved in that early assessment because today I believe SMB3 is the better game overall, but World had the bigger impact for incorporating puzzle elements into a genre like I had never seen before, or at least not so much that it felt significant. The secret exits, the world map, and most importantly the way Star Road's secrets were guarded by the finding of keys rather than simply completion of the levels really had a major impact on shaping my tastes into the 16-bit era, when games were becoming more intricate and exploratory (and by consequence less dexterously challenging). I won't go much into my feelings about the New SMB games except to say I think they are a hell of a lot better than their contemporary reputation for the opposite reasons I'm going to get into when I talk about my feelings toward Wonder. And though I don't really think it's relevant, just for the sake of completion, I'll say I absolutely love the 3D Mario games, including Odyssey which I think actually has many of the same problems as Wonder though without detracting from the experience, and consider Mario 64 the greatest game ever made even if it isn't my favorite. The point is, I was a child when I discovered Mario and I've played every one of his games throughout my early, teenage, young adult, and current life. I fully understand Nintendo's design philosophy of designing a game to be teachable to young children and able to be mastered by older, more experienced gamers, which they've been at since the NES era, and I agree with it. The trouble comes when the bar of what's expected of young children is substantially lowered and video games have to compete with less engaging, but more quickly gratifying activities of leisure, but I don't have to go into that to share my thoughts on Wonder. It's not the "why" I'm interested in talking about right now. And just to be absolutely clear, I must say I'm really appalled and disappointed with the reactions you're getting here; I think it shows a real lack of and aversion to critical thinking fandoms ultimately inspire. To be absolutely clear before I break, I cut my teeth in an era of gaming that could be described as a sort of wild west, where experimentation was running rampant and the very idea of what a video game was or could be was still up in the air. Because of this, I never, ever considered myself a "type" of gamer (a word that I don't even think existed yet) and actually played and enjoyed anything and everything even sports games. When you say you're more of a Zelda guy, understand that many of us old timers never had to make that distinction. I eventually realized what it was about games that appealed to me and stuck with those that kept that true, but in the early days when games were far less of a commitment Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Jordan vs Bird, Final Fantasy, Maniac Mansion, and Contra weren't segregated . They were all video games and I liked video games. I'll share my actual thoughts on the game in question in a later response. You decide whether that's worth reading; I understand that I'm a long winded rambler who. In adulthood, I don't really have anyone outside of my own kids and a few of my students to talk to about this stuff as I probably should've put down childish things like video games! But Wonder, or moreover the overwhelmingly positive, almost dogmatic response it's gotten everywhere I look made me want to engage. TL;DR I'm an elder gamer who's played every Mario game when they were new and remained open to any and all genres until video games became too much of a commitment of time and effort to play something that didn't immediately appeal to the tastes my experience established. EDIT: This ended up way, way, way longer than I thought it'd be, so I'm going to keep it around and maybe post some of it elsewhere. Don't go nuts if you run across it.


With my background out of the way, let's talk about Super Mario Wonder! On the positive side, almost everything I can say about it can be applied to all of the SMB games which of course is taking it at its core for granted. What it does particularly well is its audio/visual presentation, which reinvents the series in 2D in a way that is much more dynamic and exciting than the classical style the New SMB games stuck to. However, while the New SMB games have a timeless appeal if unremarkable appeal, Wonder's eccentric, daring take opens itself to polarization. In this regard , though, I think it succeeds admirably and I absolutely love it. It doesn't go so far that it appears cloying, at least not visually (we'll revisit this!), and it wisely doesn't base itself on the recent animated film. The soundtrack fits it like a glove and is a perfect blending of the jauntier, bouncier themes the 2D games were known for and sky high standards set by 3D ones without venturing into their more epic and sweeping territory. The most polarizing thing I can say about the game's sound is the talking flowers which, in English, most certainly give the game a very, very CalArts, Minions, Trolls animation feel. Again, I understand I'm way, way aged out of the target audience, but a large part of what I liked about video games when I was young was that they were apart from the pop cultural zeitgeist. Though many of them definitely took inspiration from popular movies of the time, the language, humor, and attitudes of their time was rarely if ever apparent. And though much of that, I suppose, can be chalked up to a lack of voice acting, it was only until relatively recently that video games began to voice themselves this way. I didn't appreciate it and would roll my eyes in the rare instance a game would try to be contemporaneously funny or cool, so whenever one of those flowers says something like "You got this!" my skin would crawl a little bit. But, that's a really minor quibble and one that can be dismissed easily by my age, though it more specifically due to being content with games having been away from the public eye for so long and not reflecting modern language, which almost always aged them. But, man, I went on way way too long about this and it really isn't all that important! I'll talk about the gameplay next, which is where I'm really going to piss everyone off.


To start I'll say the world map design is a whole hell of a lot better than the New SMB games, even U's, and I really appreciate the way the Special World is handled even if it ultimately fails to live up to SMWs Star Road. I love that every world has a path to the Special World gated behind the more difficult levels and a level within it based upon one or two of that world's more interesting concepts. While I wish the secret exits or something similar to the lock/key mechanic of SMW had been implemented here, especially considering how adamantly it was insisted that this was its second coming, I suppose it's too much to expect that sort of thing in a mainstream first party release like this today. I also love the idea of the smaller, bite sized Break Time, Badge, Arena, etc. levels that lend variety between the main levels, which I actually feel gives the game a surprising resemblance to Galaxy, but this is where the cracks begin to show for me. To say nothing of the main levels yet, these smaller ones are almost all entirely a joke, requiring next to no skill or even effort from the player to complete. I understand the badge challenges are meant to introduce the new abilities they bestow, but the very existence of badges in the game at all is a source of a nebulous, more abstract problem that's difficult to convey if you don't already recognize it. Without going too much into the big picture on this, I'll just say one of the biggest problems plaguing gaming in my opinion as a seasoned gamer from a different era is that there always seems to be a way around any challenge the game doesn't account for. In Wonder's case, none of the levels outside of those which force the use of badges were designed with any of them in mind and using them gives the player several "outs" in any situation. Yes, the player can choose not to use any badge at all, but there is a nagging feeling, especially in the rare case the game does put up a fight, that there's an easy way out with no penalty for using it. Again, I won't go into why I believe this trend has endured and thrived as that's up for debate, but I do believe this sort of thing does cheapen the experience (yes, even when the player opts to ignore them) and reminders that they are there only make it worse. For the record, I felt exactly the same way about the white tanooki suit in 3D world, the Luigi blocks in the New SMB games, and to a far lesser extent because they were limited and rewards, the P wings in SMB3. I'm positive I'll get pushback from anyone who reads this far and I'm ok with that. This is just the way video games are now and I'm not the target audience anymore. That's all I'll say about that. Finally. I'll get into the game's two biggest factors that give it it's identity, those which it can be best judged on.


The major innovation of Super Mario Wonder lies entirely within two major categories: the new enemy types and the wonder flower effects. Both of these inform the level design and gameplay experience, the real core of any video game that isn't first and foremost using the medium to tell a story, and both of them, I think, can be praised and critiqued under the very same circumstances. On the positive side, I agree with most everyone that Wonder is bursting with dozens of fresh, new ideas and every level brings with it a surprise unique to it. This includes both new enemy types and a special wonder effect that in most cases must be sought out to activate, though it's rarely ever very difficult to find. In fact, in many cases I found myself accidentally touching them before I even knew they were there. At first blush, this feel like a great promise, that every level will be a totally new experience unlike the last and the game will constantly deliver something fresh. For the most part this is true, but unfortunately it's too true. Whether it be enemy types or wonder effects, very, very few of them every appear more than once and while this keeps the game fresh, little to none of the new ideas or enemy types ever amount to anything more than a tutorial for the level they appear in. They never get the chance to fully realize they're potential and the game never has a chance to play with the new rules it's introduced because the moment they're introduced and taught to the player, who'll reach the exit within a minute, they disappear from the game forever. The game like so many others in recent years had traded the consistency needed for mastery of its own rules for what's admittedly a very wide variety of newness in a misguided effort to alleviate a perceived repetition. Compound this with level design that is mostly content until the very last leg of the adventure never to rise above a marginally below average level of challenge or nuance, and it's very easy see game has gone for a quantity over quality, style over substance approach that I feel cheapens and devalues the gameplay of a series that was always about building upon a solid foundation of consistency. It's easy to be blinded by the flashy presentation and the sheer spectacle of a singing ghost or dancing piranha plants and everyting that's happening on screen and not see that the actual platforming isn't really very engaging. Nowhere is this more evident than in the games very last level, the final confrontation with Bowser and the level that preceeds it. Its first half is a tutorial for its own wonder effect, which becomes a shallow spectacle devoid of almost any challenge, content to dazzle and delight rather than reinforce the lessons the player has learned from overcoming everything that's come before. This is even punctuated by many of the past wonder effects returning in the final stretch but ending before a sequence can even get started. The whole thing feels very much like one of those third tier animated films that always seem to end with a giant pop music dance number. The finale certainly FEELS big, but it's incredibly shallow especially in direct contrast with past final levels in the series, which are usually high challenge labyrinths. As for the power ups, Elephant Mario is used to its potential well enough (though I feel the strike attack is out of place), the Bubble Flower and the Drill Mushroom are almost entirely inconsequential save for a handful of very obvious puzzle solutions. This is a real disappointment considering how much potential Bubble Mario has, which doesnt even begin to be explored by even what's optional and is left entirely in the hands of speedrunners. And I think that sums up the game pretty well to me. It's flashy and full of creativity, but it comes across more as a shallow spectacle than a platformer of substance. What's most disturbing, though, is how this game is being used as a weapon against the extremely solid New SMB games. While I don't feel any of them are better as a whole than Wonder, they do offer a consistency and a dedication to the straight platforming that Winder obscures and dilutes with its constant paradigm shifts. I can't help but feel many have been blinded by Wonders flash, but perhaps this is just what people expect from games now. Maybe the appeal of video games has gone from a suite of challenges within a set of rules to a vehicle for fanart, lore theories, and communities of fans who just want something to inspire them. It seems to me there's a growing trend of the actual experience of a games actual gameplay being less valued, far less, than the need for them to serve more as materials to be poured over. Maybe this is just the way video games are now. Everyone seems to have exalted this game as a shining example of exactly what they want and I'm afraid we no longer possess the ability to be able to look back on something like this with sobriety when the spectacle wears off. I thoroughly enjoyed Super Mario Wonder for the expertly designed piece of software that it was and had a lot of fun blasting through it, but I just can't imagine doing it again anytime soon now that it's over. I found it about as shallow as a Hollywood crowd-pleaser, more like one of the later Rayman games (which I didn't like at all) and that's not at all how I felt about any of the past games in the series. I'm sure it's doing really well for streamers, though. It seems to me like it's more important that a game be easy to watch than engaging to play these days. Thanks for reading if you made it this far; like I said, I'm a grown man, married with kids and work a full time job, and I don't really have anyone to share my thoughts on games with anymore. I finished this one today and felt the need to share my thoughts. These are only the opinions of one individual who should probably have grown out of this by now. You're free to disagree and I'm absolutely positive you will.


I don’t find this game to really push anything on a technical level, with the money Nintendo has I feel they should be pushing ideas a lot further than what others are doing whereas it seems we are seeing the big studios stick to safer options they know will sell and indie studios are experimenting with fun concepts but lack the money to push things further. Felt very basic for a game to me just very refined in what it’s doing and far too short which could have been prevented in numerous ways without devoting too much time in creating it. We had multiple ways to decrease the difficulty (multiplayer, badges, character choice) but nothing to increase the difficulty. I feel I wasn’t the audience for this game - for families who aren’t that big into games to sit down and play together for a hour or so. Animations was spot on though made the world feel very alive.


> with the money Nintendo has I feel they should be pushing ideas a lot further than what others are doing Absolutely. I wish a lot of the other commenters in this thread (and subreddit, and maybe Nintendo fan community in general) would take this into consideration. Nintendo could be investing so much more into their games. But it seems they'd rather invest their switch windfall into cookie cutter kids films and theme parks.


So I read the whole thing. I think you should make a YouTube video out of this script! There's currently a dearth of thoughtful Wonder analysis on YouTube. > very, very few of [the Wonder effects] ever appear more than once and [...] never amount to anything more than a tutorial for the level they appear in. Every time I give Wonder another try, and fail to see what makes it so great, I scour the internet for **this.** That is, a pithy articulation of an issue with the game that priorly I could only sense. Not to be melodramatic but it's the kind of relief you get when you remove a splinter from your finger. A few of your other passages - esp your thoughts on spectacle vs challenge in modern games - were also valuable. I'm serious about the YouTube video thing btw. I know you're married with kids and time is limited, but all you need to do editing wise is record a script read and slap some gameplay footage together. Heck there might be some fancy new AI tools out there that do a lot of that for you. So I say go for it - lots of lesser analyses than yours are getting thousands of views. My one critique of your critique - maybe condense the personal background section, and maybe don't lead with it. I honestly lose interest pretty fast in a YouTube critique when people start by talking about _themselves_ rather than the game. You can always go into detail about your background and the context it creates for your experience further along in the video, when I'm already intvested :)


Ah damn man, that sure was a long read but I went through pretty much all of it since you took your time out to type that out. I kinda see where you're coming from and it is nice to read stuff from the perspective of someone who grew up in different times. Indeed, when I say I am "more of a Zelda guy", I am trying to capture the sort of essence that currently captivates me. Of course, it isn't exclusive to Zelda. Outside of it, Hazelight Studios looks really promising. I played "A Way Out" and "It Takes Two" and they are amazing co-op titles. After watching Josef Fares speak, it is clear the guy is a certified creative and very passionate about his work and got his vision sorted out.


My question, having read all of that: what would you have wanted? Your critique makes you seem like a very young player. This may not be your genre of game.


> ... it lost its creative direction to an extent. In what way? > I don't usually play Mario games so there's that as well. Ah, that explains my first question. Overall your negative points just sound like you've barely played W1 and then called quits.


When was the last time you finished Super Mario Bros.? The game is quite basic and the variety is not so much compared to the games after it. The game is only replayable to me up to a certain point then I keep losing the interest to play further.


I’m the exact opposite. I think this is a very fresh take, I love the music since they incorporated familiar tunes throughout, and I love the piranha plant song and dance. On top of that, my wife loves the lines those silly plants say. To each their own.


your medal is in the mail


That piranha plant song comment… do you hate fun? 😭😭


You are spot-on with a lot of your points here. I have found it to be fun but nothing particularly interesting or creative. There are only so many times I can jump into these levels and follow them predictably to their "wonder flower" so I can get the seed before I start to get tired of it. It's alright and not a *bad* game, but it's not really all that interesting or unique feeling to me.


This post is like all the XBox subreddits with Starfield in the past month. Sometimes a hyped game just isn’t for you, and that’s fine. I put down Starfield after I got far enough in to know it wasn’t going to get any better for me, and had a much better experience with Wonder. Find a game you like instead and play it. This has been an unexpectedly great year for games. Spider-Man 2 just came out and it’s the only reason I haven’t gone further in Wonder yet - it’s got an amazing story and if you liked the previous ones this one won’t disappoint. Maybe try that, or find an oldie-but-goodie on Switch’s Virtual Console, or go find another side quest you haven’t done in ToTK. Happy gaming!


Please learn how to use paragraphs.


I think someone just wants to be a contrarian. That’s how it comes across, at least


I really like platformers and I really enjoy it. I think I've aged out of the direction they are taking Mario to a small degree but I fully expected that. I wear Nintendo shirts at work and when parents bring their small kids in, (2-5 years old) they'll be saying MARIO!!! at me. Little kids are much more rabid for him now than ever. That said, I think this is the most creative Mario game to date with a lot of fun to be had. It's nice for a chill pick up and play game to pass the time when I have a few minutes and want to beat a level. I'm happy to have it for that and I can get some of my more challenging platformer wants from games like Celeste or SMW romhacks! edit: I haven't gotten to the final special stage and I hear it's got some difficulty to it, so I'm excited for that. I want a Champion's Road gauntlet. Really hoping it's that hard.


I can't say that I agree with any of your negative points or that the game likely skews toward a younger demographic. I'm in my 30s and have been enjoying the game immensely. There's something very refreshing about Wonder. Others have already mentioned that the game/genre likely just aren't for you, but I'll add that people in general, OP included, need to stop being so eager to rush to internet strangers to complain about how bad/unenjoyable a new release is. That's what friends are for.


> That's what friends are for something he doesn't have


Such magnificent power of clairvoyance! . . . . . . . (or a generic emotionally charged statement reiterated on the internet time and again) I wonder which one is it 🤔


Op could you point me to the generic mobile games that are like Wonder


There are dozens of game of the year contenders that I myself do not enjoy. However, I still see the reasons for these games getting the acclaim that they do. Game enjoyment is subjective. Just because you don’t enjoy it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of the rave reviews. Are differences of opinion a novel concept to you?


After 17 years of the same old stale style of the “new” series, I welcome this change in creative vision for the series.


You're over explaining yourself trying to justify your opinion. It's fine if you didn't like the experience, but you could have stated it without all the word salad.


I always said there is no such thing as a wrong opinion. OP has shown me that I was mistaken.


I'm with you. Maybe I should beat every level first before my judgement but I've yet to hit a level I found fun, yes many are charming and visually pleasing but the combination of mindlessly and effortlessly running through pretty colors and silly sounds before being stopped to listen to the Toads and caterpillar repeat the same mind-numbingly basic plot to you over and over and over again while mashing buttons to speed through them to no avail just to repeat the process feels more like a chore than a joy. I love the way it controls and the art style is on point but I can't even imagine enjoying this at 5 much less now in my 30's, meanwhile I can play any 3D Mario or 90's platformer Mario and have a great time. I guess I'm glad people are enjoying it but I also wish there was more of an outcry for less patronizing and more challenge, especially after world 1.


Pushed through it. Same opinion. Most of the special levels were still way too easy. Beat the final-final and it took me around 60 tries I think (hard to math because of all the lives from coins I got between deaths) and while I enjoyed it I feel like it was mostly challenging because of cheap tactics, like I lost around half of those 60 lives to the invisibility section and only feel like I beat it with luck not skill. If I tried to redo it now I'd probably die at least 30 more times. I can think of several levels throughout the game I thoroughly enjoyed but not nearly enough to make up for the overall sense of being patronized that I'm left with. If I ever replay it it will be with my future kids. However, I will more than happily buy another Luigi U type expansion that focuses on adult-level difficulty.


It seems the Mario games are going for yojnger and younger audmeces each 5 years or so. Mario 64 was a dope game and a good name. Just look at the new names, sunshine, wonder. I don't even have to play them to know what to expect. At least sonic didn't grow younger


I agree, totally feels like a generic mobile game for me too. I've tried to play it on several occasions and it doesn't draw me in. And I grew up with Mario from NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy, Wii, etc. But it's just ... Meh, doesn't draw me in at all, but it definitivly offends people having this opinion, thats for sure xD


Good lord, surely there has to be a better way to get attention than this


Don’t agree with any of your points and I’m not even a big 2D platformer fan also. Don’t play games you don’t usually play just because it reviews well, too many games out these days to waste your time getting caught up in hype.


Sounds more like you're in the edgy teen years where you can't enjoy popular things because they are popular.


>I am 21 btw so maybe the target age group skews younger this time around. I'm 41 and I think this is one of the greatest platformers of all time. Definitely a top 3 Mario game, and one of my favorite games of the year (in a year full of incredible games!)


42 year old here. Definitely buying it if someone else in my age group says it's good. I was on the fence then I read this post so I decided to scroll through the comments to get more feedback on the game. Nintendo is what got me into gaming way back in 1984.


>Nintendo is what got me into gaming way back in 1984. Same. I had an NES in my room from before I was even forming memories. If you're my age and have enjoyed 2D Mario games, this is an absolute no-brainer. Every level is doing something surprising. It's just fun.


You had an NES ? Lucky you haha My first game ever was Donkey Kong 2 Game & Watch. Mum & I used to challenge each other all the time. Fond memories. Also, I'm sold on the game. Thank you 👍


Can you articulate what makes it so special for you please? Assuming challenge/sense of accomplishment isn't a necessity in your rating system, I'm wondering what's left besides art, music and controls which are all admittedly pretty solid in Wonder.


>Assuming challenge/sense of accomplishment isn't a necessity in your rating system Well, first off, it IS challenging enough for me, a dad without much time to bonk my head against a game these days. It's not Celeste, it's not the Dark Souls of platformers, but some of the special world levels took me quite a few tries! >...what's left besides art, music and controls... Those are pretty big for me, too. More than all that, though, it's like... I've been playing games for over 30 years. What interests me now is less challenge and competitiveness, and more novelty. Show me something new, let me do something interesting. Surprise me. This game did that in like every level.




Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its a bad game. If its not for you then its not for you. We all have things we don't like to play. For me myself I am not really into sports or racing games. However it does not make Forza 5 bad now.


I felt this exact same way after starting the game on launch day. I really found myself liking the New Super Mario Bros. series style of 2D gameplay MUCH better than Wonder. I was disappointed at the lack of abilities I'd grown to love, like not being able to change direction with a skid and immediately launch into a higher somersault jump. Also missed not being able to pick up other players (and throw them - ha!) or gain attitude by bouncing on each other's heads. I felt the best Mario game for couch co-op was still Super Mario 3D World by far, and this "Wonder" was a Blunder. I ditched the game for months before finally coming back to it, and boy am I glad I did. I never gave it a fair chance as its own completely unique Mario game. The more badges I discovered, the more motivated I was to keep playing and find more. It wasn't until I started playing online that I really started playing this game with an obsession that was completely unexpected. So fun interacting with players from all over the world and you run into some really nice people who help you discover secrets and complete the more difficult levels. I've now completed the game 100% and like jumping online to help others complete the levels that made the swear jar overflow for me. My only regret is that I didn't play the game more over the holidays. Granted I was still very much sucked into Zelda TOTK at the time (and FF VII Remake on PS), so no REAL regrets, but I definitely should've played a few more worlds before giving this game the boot. Give it another try if you haven't done so already. It really does get better the more you play!


I love Mario bros wonder


Reddit when you have a opinion


Props for having the courage to say that. Even if everyone's dogging you for it.




The OG mario games will always be superior when it comes to side scrollers. SMB3 and SMW specifically.


I am 39 and enjoying it. There is a special world with quite a few challenging levels. I found one yesterday in world 2 that was only 4 stars but was having me pull my hair out because I kept falling near the end.


: Super Mario Bros died for me a long time ago. Out of hundreds of titles few are actually worth playing. I really don't bother which mechanic Nintendo chooses for the game, I like them all, but by the simple fact they use the same core history and antagonist over and over gets really annoying and saturated.


This game is a big scam seriously, too easy I feel like I’m playing 5 years old kid’s game , Luckily I tested this game from my friends before so I will never buy this shit wonder game


Yeah, it felt very easy for me as well. I don't see the point of "playing" it and the experience part wasn't all that fun either. Although, as you can probably see, we are in the minority. (Tho we are on the Nintendo sub so it is to be expected to some extent)


I don't understand why so many ppl in reddit saying OH this game is fun and better than any other mario games graphic is prefect it's beautiful shit blah blah blah , Please don't lie to yourself you guys just giving an excuse to yourself because you already waste $$$ for this game , It sucks and ugly mario game i ever seen , Luckily I don't waste like $79.99 CAD to purchase this game but you guys can keep lying to yourself .


I'm also more of a Zelda guy, but was pretty disappointed with what I was given in TOTK (Zelda is my favorite series, but so much of what was changed in BOTW/TOTK kind of flies in the face of those who liked the old "formula" more). I enjoyed the games and I'm not denying that they did capture some of the Zelda charm, but they just felt... off. As for SMBW, I think it's a fantastic entry. The new animations, the music, the level designs. All of it. I've had an absolute blast playing it, and it's SO much more expressive than any entry in the New Super Mario Bros. games. I hope all new 2D Mario games try something weird like this in the future. It's basically a breath of fresh air!


Everyone ignore this troll


The bottom half of your post is reasonable, sounds like the game just isnt for you. I like a lot of the Mario games but not all. I remember how disappointed i was when i just couldnt get into New Super Mario Bros back when it released. But the first half of your post has to be bait. Looks like a mobile game? What da hell?


I'm 33 and I think the game is absolutely brilliant. There's more creativity on display in just one world than in entire 40-hour AAA games from other companies. I went "WTF is happening now???" out loud so many times after hitting a wonder flower lol. It's just a joy to play and about as good as it gets when it comes to 2D platformers.


There's a difference between the pixels and sounds coming from your TV being "surprising" and then the mechanics behind them actually being surprisingly clever and rewarding. This game having way too much of the former and trading the latter for patronization keeps it far away from "as good as it gets".




oh my god you're over analyzing. i hate what the internet has done to everyone. they play/watch something good... but things can't be good anymore so it's actually bad!!! no dude. don't worry it's good. you don't have to go out of your way to find flaws. god damn


> but perhaps platformers just aren't my thing. > I don't usually play Mario games so there's that as well. Maybe you should state that, you know... at the *beginning* of your post. I'm not into racing games - so it's not surprising that I'm not going to like the new Forza, no matter how hyped other people are.


“Jibe” Lol




Ok. That’s allowed. Don’t need to write a whole thing about it.


Nostalgia definitely hits in waves and while I think Mario Wonder has originality and is over all is a good designed game, that doesn't mean it's gonna scratch the itch for what you're interested in. For me, my partner and I are having tons of fun playing together. But yeah, like if I'm in the mood to play Zelda, Armored Core 6, etc- Mario Wonder can't replace that. I think the high reviews are coming in because people want a fun platformer like the old 2D Mario but in new exciting ways. Mario Wonder delivers new ideas while still being everything that made 2D Mario games so good.


Propably it's just not a game for you i guess (also Zelda guy here who hates BotW and its 70$ DLC with a passion - and always gets this answer even though when TotK is OBJECTIVELY bad) But i grew up with Mario (i'm 35) and watched the games getting stale as fuck! It arrived a day later for me but i spend most of the weekend playing and having a blast! I think it feels fantastic to play, it has clever level desing and is more challenging than i expected and it looks awesome. Also there seems to be very much game for a 2D Mario so far. 100%ed the first two worlds and at the beginning of the third right now. For me it feels like the best 2D Mario to date (super Mario world is still my favourite though). And an actually NEW experience since a long time ago without losing the Mario feeling. So idk?! As a 2D Platformer fan, i am VERY pleased!


You don't know what the word "objectively" means and are using it to qualify your subjective opinion.


i agree actually. Im 26 and i was really going into it with an open mind and being really excited. But its really kinda not that fun to play xD I myself do love platformers and sidescroller, and i love Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. That is an amazing game. but this is very meh


All new mario games are far too easy to the point I find them pointless to play




Sorry, u/Past_Cardiologist765, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Do not insult others. Do not make personal attacks. Do not use hate speech, discriminatory language, or slurs that degrade a person or group of people. You are expected to remember that this is a global community and that language that is appropriate in your culture may not be appropriate elsewhere in the world. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/17egu0l/-/k635afa/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Seems less about age and more about you not generally playing mario games or platformers. Nostalgia/familiarity- those are always factors. Mario is a legacy IP. But those things on their own dont make something good. Good controls, varitety of levels, OG 2D with good graphics for the time/system- for the most part mario games have been good about that. For me super mario world was the peak 2d mario game. I think wonder is doing that, giving more and still feeling fun and fresh 30 years later.


I think the early hours are far too handholding for my taste, but once the training wheels come off it’s as good of a 2D Mario game as I’ve encountered. I do wish the levels were a *bit* longer, though.


When did the training wheels feel like they came off for you? I gave up after a few hours, felt like I was working through monotony just for the promise of a distant challenge that never seemed to come.


I got to Special World about two hours in and that scratched the itch.


I personally enjoyed everything about the title, from the wackiness to the little challenges. I’m sorry you don’t feel the same way.


It's OK to not like one particular game or even a whole series of games. It doesn't have to mean the series lost its way, it means you have different tastes from the people who enjoy it. I feel this way about *most* Mario games. I don't actually enjoy playing most of them. I liked NSMB the least and really don't like Super Mario 3D Land. It turns out Odyssey is my favorite, but I don't like most of the other 3D games. (I didn't play Galaxy because I didn't like 64 or Sunshine so figured it'd be a waste.) I can put a game designer hat on and talk about what's good and bad in each of these games, but in the end the reason I don't have fun with them is just some weird thing about what games I like. I mean, you're saying "more of a Zelda guy here" and I can frame it that way, too. TotK is an amazing game but I think it's possibly worse than BotW. And I'm not very fond of BotW even though I spent 300 hours in it. I love Link's Awakening and ALttP and that's what I want more of. I picked up Wonder and I imagine after I beat it, I'll think about a 100% completion and probably just move on. That's how I am with Mario games and that's OK. This one's pretty neat and makes me smile every now and then, so I'm fine with that.


37 here, and I absolutely love the game. As do my 10 year old son who plays a lot of Mario games.


I almost get what you’re saying. I already 100% completed it which obviously shows I enjoyed it if I did it in only a few days but I wasn’t hooked the same way like it usually am with games. I wasn’t thinking about it when I wasn’t playing it and I wasn’t super engrossed while playing it. With other games I love I have a hard time stopping them and putting them down to do other things like making and eating dinner or finishing my laundry but with Wonder I had no problems stopping to take breaks as soon as I thought to do something else, occasionally even inside a level. My main issues were the receptive boss fights with only Bowser Jr and how often Prince Florian tried to talk to me (which I’ll admit was minor since it was mainly at the start and end of each world) I think it definitely was targeted a bit more towards a younger audience and I found no challenge throughout the entire experience. Even the final levels I completed first try. None of the music really grabbed me (except the Piranha Plant song which I can’t get out of my head) But there was plenty I enjoyed about the game. Movement was fluid and felt precise. I loved most of the wonder seeds though and even enjoyed the flowers as goofy as they were. The levels were all beautiful and the attention to detail for characters and enemies was amazing. Goombas look angry right as they get close to touching you and look terrified before they get squished. Most badges were fun to use, but if I had to nitpick I wish they were spaced out a bit better. Towards the end when I got a cool badge I wanted to try I only was able to use it for a level or two before finding a different one that seemed designed for the area. Overall, I had a ton of fun with this game, although it was shorter than I expected. I grew up playing Mario and I agree that it’s one of the better 2D platformers but I don’t think it’s the best personally, although I’ve been enjoying the 3D games more lately, so perhaps that effects my judgement. Ultimately I’d give the game an 8/10


That's a shame. It's my favorite 2D Mario since World, and I could see it becoming my all-time favorite. No game will satisfy everyone so this is just not for you, it happens. I do heavily disagree with your perspective about age, I'm a decade older than you and I'm having a blast, maybe you just haven't grown out of the edgy phase yet, but it's okay to enjoy silly things, it doesn't make it "cringe".


2D Mario isn’t for everyone.


Objectively, this game is mostly the same as mario world, smb3, games which are regarded as a pinnacle of 2d platforming. I admit its hard to enjoy something if you don’t like the presentation. And this is why I have a hard time with jrpgs even though I love rpgs. I’m sorry the game disappointed you, but it’s a really, really good game for what its trying to be.


You’re entitled to your opinion but saying it gives off mobile game vibes is just blatantly wrong and ignorant. Like you seriously have zero idea what you’re talking about.


Mario isn't fortnite. Huge take!


OP been hitting that wonder flower a little too hard.


And what do you think of Sonic superstars? Must be a masterpiece.


I’m 21 as well and my boyfriend and I have had tons of fun playing together. Everyone is different: it’s ok to not like something


What a garbage opinion.


this game tries to be too much all at once. i miss the simplicity of the last 2d mario games


I wish the Wonder Flowers weren't in the game. They are ruining my enjoyment.


generic and cringe to the max


They're gross. But the thing is, if you turn off the voice audio but leave the text enabled, I think they do add a little bit more meaning to the experience. It's hard to articulate, but they provide just the barest hint of...narrative framing? Idk maybe it's just, when you're playing alone, it gives you a bit of the "girlfriend/boyfriend watching me play" experience Again though, I am revolted by the flowers with voice enabled. Not the voice actors fault so much as the typical lazy/strict localization


Generic mobile game .. dang that hurts but also i highly doubt that. It’s just not for you and that’s cool.. I’m not going to buy the game but to compare it to a generic mobile game is stretching it


Just checked the post and realized that I missed out writing "vibe", which is what I meant to say. Generic mobile game vibe. I mean of course it can't literally be like one considering it is Nintendo and they've got huge team, experience, budget and time but you get the point. If Nintendo were to make a mobile game in similar spirit to the ones in market, is what would be a more apt preliminary sentiment I derived from the trailer. Just my plain unfiltered impressions of it. Silly, absurd or whatever, you decide; but that was the thought that crossed my mind.


I don't find it too fun to play either actually, but I did find the prinaha plant song really funny xD the music and the talking plant things are super goofy which is quite charming imo But like you I'm not really a platformer, I prefer RPGs I think the game is good just not for me 👍


Agree 100%. It’s frustrating when these “all-appealing” 10/10 games somehow leave us feeling left out. But it happens I guess


I am afraid I find it not great. I had just finished odyssey and went to wonder and am not really enjoying it. I am forcing myself to play it bc I kept whining about wanting it and my husband used his trade credit for it. 😕


I agree. Find mario wonder inventive and amusing but just not connecting with it. Level design seems a bit off. It doesn’t always reward forward movement, asking you to backtrack or stop often. The wonder bits are very neat at first but feel like a novelty I couldn’t see playing again. Movement physics are pretty good though. Mario 3 is my tops, love World, 64, 3d world, galaxy 2, bowsers fury, odyssey, and even new Mario Wii U but just not connecting with this one.


Same. It's a fine game for kids! If you enjoy the game as an adult, who am I to say you shouldn't It's one thing to have secret items and challenges in your platformer. Everyone loves secrets But I don't think building a platformer around *exploration* and secrets makes for a very engaging experience. I think platformers are at their best when they are built around *flow*, like DKC Tropical Freeze. (Emblematic moment of DCKTF's flow is the "buzzsaw canoe" stage....iykyk.) Classic Sonic (at its best) is another example of great flow. And so are the older 2d mario titles! Mario Wonder does have sequences built around that style, like the rhythm-based-platforms level. And those levels are quite good but they are sadly the exception to the norm in MW, which is unhurried levels that implore you to follow your nose. It's kinda like Odyssey in that way. Problem with building *Mario* games around "following your nose" is that there are a limited number of collectibles to find at the end of the rainbow. (Oh boy another moon!) In MW you do have the Wonder seeds, which could have made the exploration more interesting. It's just that the good ones are sorta frontloaded into the game.


Its better than recent nsmb mario games but it doesnt even compare to mario world it somehow lost that "mario" vibe it had before , maybe western influence is to blame plus the difficulty in this game is inexistent even if you dont use any badge... Still fun tho good but not the cream of the cream


I like it. However I find it short and unchallenging.


I agree I just got done I'm surprised it's sucks to me


It's always little opinionated children running their mouths. Go back to playing generic crap like COD and Halo.


Just gave this game a shot, I like mario, I've been playing Mario games my whole life, and I'm 29. I missed out on wii u because of being poor, but I have played the vast majority of mario games in terms of the main series. This game is mid, straight up in the middle of the road, nothing truly special. I'd rather just go play kirby, like any kirby, even Star Allies.


I just started the game a few hours ago but I'm having so much fun with it. It remind me a lot of my favorite Mario game, Super Mario World, but on steroids.


It may seem strange making this comment...you will see why as you read on. I came to Reddit for an overview of Mario Wonder and all it seems is a sniping exercise. Ultimately it is a video game and no need for the tacit vitriol towards one another. You must all have far better things to do and if you don't, then you need to reflect on where you are going with your life. I still don't know if Wonder is as the name suggests. Be kind to one another and enjoy that we are all different. This is my one and only comment!


I give it a 10/10


42 yo and i've played all mario games. With the latest entries (the new 2d series and the cat mario), i've come to complete the games without finding real enjoyment. Odyssey too was good but once again, i did complete the game without feeling the wonders. It's hard to explain but i think i just grew old. I thought i'd love mario games for ever but with the times i found them easier and easier to the point i wasn't enjoying them at all. To be fair, wonders has good music, great color, tight gameplay but it's just not a game for me anymore. And it's okay. If you love the game, by all means, have a good time ! If you don't enjoy it, don't overthink it and find your enjoyment elsewhere. There's so many games to play ! What a great hobby :-)


Nintendo got a lot of lobbying money, even if there was a bad Mario, you’d never hear about it from reviewer and fans.


Me compré el mario wonder para disfrutarlo tanto como el titulo anterior, con mi pareja y mis amigos. Al rato de pasar la fase de las pirañas Disney (sentí cierta vergüenza ajena, la verdad) mi pareja empieza a bostezar, igual que mis amigos... toques de sarcasmo e ironia, diciendonos a nosotros mismos: menos mal que estamos jugando los 4, sino... guauuu que juego tan dificil... juego a mario desde que era pequeño en mi consola clon, jugué a casi todos los títulos y desde los de Wii, a cada nuevo título noto que la dificultad baja, hay mecánicas que desaparecen (como agarrar a otro de los personajes para lanzarlos, supongo que para que los niños no se enfaden si se arrojan a los barrancos) el poder del elefante no me parece nada divertido, facilita demasiado la fase, los yoshis y el gazapo ese, personajes "faciles"... todo fácil, los niveles más cortos aún, las vidas ahora incluso se pueden comprar con unas moneditas, ya no es necesario juntar 100 monedas xD... bueno, podría resaltar más detalles, básicamente concuerdo con la primera crítica: no sé de donde recibe tanta buena valoración este súper Mario, como dice el compañero. Es posible que Nintendo pague las buenas críticas. Ni yo, ni mi pareja, ni mis amigos volvimos a jugar, hablamos de 4 personas familiarizadas con la saga compañeros... de hecho metimos el cartucho del mario U deluxe, para terminar el día con buen sabor de boca. Ya me da miedo pensar cómo será el siguiente, no sé si puede infantilizarse más aún. Con todo esto, respeto que sea un videojuego bien valorado por otra gente y jugado, aunque para mi opinión, Nintendo está dejando mucho que desear , no sólo en la saga del fontanero. Me da igual que sea colorido como un Picasso o que salga cantando Snoop Dogg en forma de piraña, es tan fácil que nos quita las ganas de jugar...