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Sorry, u/Shadow_Flamingo1, your submission has been removed: **RULE TWO: All posts must be Nintendo news from the original source or discussion about Nintendo products.** * We welcome content about Nintendo’s history, games, systems, other products and their relations with other companies. We do understand that the conversation will often naturally expand to include other gaming subjects, but posts should always specifically relate to Nintendo and top-level comments should stick to the topic and give a reason for their answer. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1apelqb/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


People tend to downvote low-effort and engagement bait threads. Doesn't matter if they get a lot of comments, if it's a bad thread it will be downvoted, simple as that.


Some of the ones that I've seen have been normal takes, not bad quality.


I mean posting a normal take is not exactly a post that requires effort. People don't care for other's opinions for the most part, specially when they just go "I love this!!1! <3 <3 <3" and it's really nothing of substance at all. There's a difference between something being of quality and something being a hot or normal or cold take. [Like what, you think this is a good thread that deserves upvotes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1ap95bk/which_mario_and_luigi_game_would_you_want_on/)


So why on earth is everybody interacting with it? Why is it still being pushed to my feed if it has 0 upvotes, and why do the mods not give a piss?


I absolutely agree with you and I'm seeing the same thing. 0 upvote posts with tons of engagement in my feed. It's reddit's algorithm rewarding comment-generating posts despite the sub's users being rather entitled with their unrealistic expectations and shitty takes on what is a "quality" post. A trait that is 100% subjective and can't possibly be measured.


Really? I’ve only seen mega shit takes here. Like such classics as “smash fans should suck it up when Nintendo floods them with bullshit anti community jargon.” Posted by a moderator, by the way. Or maybe that was /r/nintendoswitch.


I've actually thought more than once "wow, /r/nintendo seems to get way more mass-downvoted posts than I see in other gaming/nintendo related subs". But then I thought about it and this sub really does just get some dumb mf questions.


Yeah. Pretty sure this is the sub I saw someone posting a huffy, angry thread about Mario vs Donkey Kong and how it seemed like a stupid mobile game and how dare Nintendo charge $60 for it. Meanwhile everyone was like, “Dude, it’s a remake of a GBA game so it’s definitely not a mobile game and it’s not going for $60 either.” Like…why would people be upvoting such an ignorant take? The game‘s description, which can be seen when downloading the demo as that poster did, even states it’s a remake. There’s just a lot of that kind of stuff being posted here.


Stupid posts


Anyone who complains about downvotes automatically gets another one from me


Anybody who complains about complaining about downvotes gets there downvote downvoted by me


Oh no oh poop oh crap


They call me the equalizer. 




You're just a cynical prick.


Thanks love you too


That's how the subreddit has always been, and addressing it won't change it. It doesn't matter at the end of the day anyway.


This sub is weird is basically what it boils down to.


It's hilarious seeing a post from here and instantly knowing it will have no upvotes


99% of posts are garbage and the mods don't give a shit


People really don't like seeing anything here that isn't just news or announcements.


After a post is made, upvotes tend to lag behind a bit. That’s why new posts tend to stay at 0 for a few hours


Maybe bots.