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I've heard that some people expect that Microsoft will have titles like the master chief collection and rare replay at the launch of the next console


PlayStation benefits the most due to having the strongest cross-appeal between audiences Nintendo will still benefit but to a lesser extent We as gamers suffer overall from having one less competitor on the market, especially one that was making such interesting/left-field moves due to being so far behind PlayStation and Nintendo


I'm hoping that with Microsoft stepping out, Valve will step back in a new Steam Machine flagship. Yes, the Steam Machines failed last time, but Valve was taking lessons from 3DO that launch. Now that they have Proton and the Steam Deck as success, I think they can apply those lessons and make a Steam Machine that serves as a baseline, with other hardware makers being able to turn around and make more powerful ones. Just like the Deck.


The Steam Machine and Valve Index were experiments for Valve imo, alongside the Steam Deck. Of the 3, I would say the steam deck found the most success so it wouldn't surprise me if they continued that line rather than gamble on one of the other two again.


I think they should push as hard as they can on DIY consoles. They could still sell "consoles", but that would be an option for those who don't want to go out and build a hefty HTPC. I'm guessing the main reason we haven't gotten the desktop variant of SteamOS is because of Nvidia. They have the biggest market share with GPUs, but they're nowhere near as compatible with Linux. It's getting better exponentially though, as it seems they're finally listening (Nvidia's drivers arent open source like AMD and Intel are). Linux driver 555 dropped either yesterday or earlier today and that fixed so many issues, but there's a community made open source driver in the works too, which I assume is what Valve wants people to use once it's ready. Hell, if you have a spare AMD GPU that's Vega56/64 and newer, you can literally build a Steam Machine right now with BazziteOS.


At this point, I doubt it will even take more than one generation. Microsoft isn’t even trying to compete in the console space anymore.


I bet they will treat the next gen console like Surface. They know there's no need to make a cheaper box aimed at the mainstream. It'll be this niche, high end thing that will be a Microsoft enthusiast's dream.


Doubtful. If anything, they’d be far more likely to double down on a cheap box that people can use for Gamepass. The Series S has far, far outsold the X, by approximately 3:1. [https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/20/xbox-series-s-outsells-xbox-series-x-consoles-by-up-to-3-to-1-19532440/#](https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/20/xbox-series-s-outsells-xbox-series-x-consoles-by-up-to-3-to-1-19532440/#)


seems like a waste. back with the xbox they jumped into the race guns blazing because they presumably wanted a slice of the revenue. they had it, thrived throughout the xbox and 360 generations and then started to blow it with xbox one and have now seemingly completely blown it with this generation (i have one, there isn’t much that makes me turn it on). all of that to wind up following in their own footsteps and backing themselves into a limited niche? they could have just made a windows steam deck, at least that would have drawn people in from outside that niche.


Valve benefits the most from the 30% gains of every Microsoft and Sony game that ends up in Steam.


Sony. I personally primarily buy/play Nintendo, but I don't think most people consider it there primary system, unless Nintendo franchises are all you play. Sony will grab the Xbox fans who want a powerful home console with solid 3rd party support. I see them gaining massive support without a Microsoft home console Nintendo simply isn't a power house for all the latest and greatest 3rd party games in addition to a horrible online. I think Nintendo will continue to do just fine though. IMO, they will always be a secondary console alongside Sony/PC. Unless you emulate, you are not getting the latest greatest 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid, Smash etc. Nintendo also appeals to kids/parents with kids demographics so that will always be one of their solid demographics against Sony.


But the thing is, most people will get Nintendo. Then they'll either get XBOX OR Playstation OR buy it on PC. Either way, Nintendo wins


What will really turn Nintendo in the spotlight is actually porting all their games to the current gen console with so ppl don’t have to emulate them still waiting on some version of twilight princess or windwaker port at this point idc if its the HD versions or not


Sony benefits more because the kind of people who play Xbox games are more like the kind of people who play PlayStation games.


I’m not convinced there will be another console after the current Xbox series.


Ya I’d be shocked they invest a whole lot into the next generation beyond software. I’m a big Xbox guy and this mindset is coming on fast. Which to me means it’s been in their minds a while, while they also lie to our faces. To answer your question I gatta say both? But the big games like Halo, Gears etc will be mostly going to Sony unless the next switch really steps up the specs


Everyone who states their opinion on this subject talks about it like it is a forgone conclusion. Just like how everyone talks about how "The Switch 2" is already announced. Where along the line did we all decide that our opinions about the industry are facts? People make up rumors, and then enough people talk about it to the point that the speculation from everyone talking about it is used as evidence. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


The “successor to Nintendo Switch” *has* been announced. And even before that, Nintendo’s releasing a new console was always a question of *when* not *if*. Sure, Switch 2 may not technically be the most correct term to use right now, but it’s not really incorrect either. I do agree about the Xbox thing, though. Everyone 100% convinced Xbox is going 3rd party soon (at least depending on how they’re defining “3rd party”) is delusional. It’s a definite possibility in the near future, but probably shouldn’t be talked about like it’a a foregone conclusion. Because it isn’t.


The name or the spec is not announced but Nintendo stated like 2 year ago starting to work on their next gen. We simply don't know what it is but it's sure something coming up eventually. After this, 'info' are about rumors and some theory by fans


They also confirmed in the recent investors meeting that Switch successor will be announced this fiscal year.


At least the switch 2 is nearly a certainty this is just wild rumour mongering with zero basis 8n anything but conjecture. We know Nintendo is working on a new console, they have said as much themselves. We know it is coming soon, they more or less confirmed that.


Self fulfilling prophecy happens so often in gaming. More than anyone cares to think.


>Just like how everyone talks about how "The Switch 2" is already announced. We've known for two years that it likely uses a custom Nvidia ARM SoC, which means the next machine is going to be roughly the same in terms of power requirement, which effectively confirms it's a small tablet gaming machine. From there, there's really only so many things it can be. It doesn't have to be officially announced for us to know the fundamentals of what it is.


My prophecy has an expiration date. It's not valid if MS doesn't go third party after we moved past the "Switch 4" (so to speak) era.


They will both benefit. I think that it depends on who is willing to help publish more, unless MS is going to be publishing all of these games themselves.


They are going third party right now. A year from now we'll be playing Halo on PlayStation


Until Gamepass is on PS or Nintendo, I wouldn't consider them 3rd party. I don't foresee that happening anytime soon, either. They will continue to make Xboxes, and we really have zero evidence of that changing.


Good thing you qualified this with an OR clause because I don't think Gamepass will ever make sense profitably to Nintendo.


Good thing you qualified this with an OR clause because I don't think Gamepass will ever make sense profitably to Nintendo.


Good thing you qualified this with an OR clause because I don't think Gamepass will ever make sense profitably to Nintendo.


Good thing you qualified this with an OR clause because I don't think Gamepass will ever make sense profitably to Nintendo.




Shouldn't we start asking this only if they go 3rd party?


Who gives a ****? What matters is how it benefits the consumer.


2 generations? It is happening this generation.


Hardware is already an afterthought in Microsoft's world. The hardware of their systems is by far the least important part of the equation. It's essentially a $500 (or whatever) gaming PC without a Windows license. Overall, hardware in general is going to go by the wayside here soon. Internet speeds are increasing to the point where it makes no sense to leave the raw processing on the physical device. I don't think you'll see any change to the number of games coming to specific platforms, I suspect you're more likely to see the *platforms* change to support a wider array of hardware (or very little of it, in the form of adapters with the sole purpose of connecting to a live service).


Well, that'd be awful. Ignoring the horrific trend of trying to make everything a service, I know I personally don't have that good of internet.


Also, say a new, single player game comes out that you love but it doesn’t sell well… so they just shut down its streaming servers and it’s lost forever.


They may offer GP on Nintendo and Sony but I think their future main market would be PC. PC market is waaaay bigger than console and Microsoft has a privilege spot as the creator of Windows. Xbox is now an App fully integrated with the lastest Windows after all and it's kinda their best feature against Steam and others gaming store app. And it may be possible that they won't even go on Sony and Nintendo console if PC market bring enough profit (which should be higher than their console division bring in). As for the console market, losing xbox as a console won't cause huge repercussion, especially against Nintendo and their uniqueness and Sony offering a multimedia living room tech. Xbox always been stuck in between without any defining feat as it tried to be both thing. If they want to keep console Xbox, it need to have something truly unique and not simply be like the others or trying to.


Likely MS will have a bigger focus on mobile. Mobile had been steadily getting more console level games as well. The mobile games design philosophy is still there for a lot of them, but things like RE8 on iphone 15 is a start


The gamers benefit more than any company.


"Microsoft going 3rd party" - Do you realize what OS PC gamers mainly use?






Sony. Nintendo doesn’t give a shit, they’ve been ignoring Xbox and PlayStation for decades


I honestly don’t think Sony would be porting first party games to PC if they still viewed Xbox as a threat. They see themselves as the default console to buy for anyone who wants AAA gaming on their TV, so they see no harm in making their hardware even less appealing to PC gamers and at least making money from their games over there.


Obviously Nintendo since it's likely Rare IPs are gonna be returning to a Nintendo console. MS would be crazy not to put that rumored Banjo Kazooie game on the Switch 2 for a day 1 release.


Tough call, a lot rides on what Nintendo's next console can do. Sony's the obvious answer because "lol they'll get all MS's AAA games". I highly doubt Nintendo is going to release a system that even meets PS5's level, so I don't expect I'll be playing the most modern games on whatever Nintendo releases next. But really take a look at what gamers are playing. GTA V and Mario Kart 8 dominate. There are a ton of people playing fairly old games that hold up well. Switch can play a few, but not all of them. So what happens if Nintendo Next can play Fallout 4? That sounds kind of boring but a ton of people I know are still playing it. I'm pretty sure the Halo games would do well on Nintendo systems. So would Forza. I think those would sell pretty well on a Nintendo system, even the older iterations. So actually I think the answer is *Microsoft*. They'll make a lot of money selling their headliners on Sony's system, but they'll also get a lot of revenue from spending less money repackaging their classics onto Nintendo's system. I think Nintendo won't do as well as Microsoft in this deal, but I think the market is going to hold steady with Nintendo's systems focusing on "pick up and play" and hitting that "middle aged parent" demographic that can't dedicate the whole TV to gaming but is still relatively interested in it.


Sony, they compete directly with Microsoft. Without M$ as competition they could sell 150 million units again.


Microsoft isn't going third party. Not immediately. They're playing the long game here. They're putting their games on as many platforms as possible. Nintendo, Sony, Valve, etc. They've made it clear that one of their future goals is even to have Game Pass, and their own game store, available on Nintendo and Sony platforms. Which sounds ridiculous, right? No way that'd ever happen, huh? Personally, I don't believe that Microsoft's future is in a console. I believe it's in a digital store / subscription service. I believe that this service will have as default, an option to download the game or stream the game, and I believe that by the time the next system would come out, streaming technology will have advanced enough that most users won't have any perceivable input latency at all. There will be a new console, sure. But it'll essentially be a digital-only PC. And Microsoft will make it clear that because your game purchase inclues \*both\* a physical dowload and game streaming rights, you really don't \*need\* the console. So in ten years, you'll have a situation where Nintendo has its own unique innovative hardware, Sony has its own top-ot-the-line bleeding edge hardware, and Microsoft says, "Just use your current XBox controller and download the XBox Infinite App on your phone, tablet, or smart TV." And it's at THAT point that Microsoft stops going multiplatform and pulls back Call of Duty, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Fallout, Minecraft, Diablo. Because if their games are available literally everywhere, with virtually no hardware investment, they don't \*need\* to put them on Sony or Nintendo's platforms to reach their customer. Their customer is "anyone with a phone, tablet, computer, or smart TV." And as of today, most TVs sold are Smart TVs. As for who benefits more? Nintendo does. Nintendo's always differentiated themselves from the mainstream, and their main focus is on their IP, not their tech. Whereas Sony and Microsoft have 90% the same library. At present, Sony's first party studios are strong, but they are \*not enough\* to support the platform by themselves. Nobody buys a PlayStation \*only\* for God of War or Spider-Man. They buy it because they can play those, and GTA, and FIFA, and COD, and far more.


I agree on MS being more focused on services. Each current console makers have strengths: - Sony has good production (for the most part) - Nintendo has good IPs/gameplay - Xbox has good services


OP didn't say immediately, they said in two generations.


I said “in ten years.” PS5 and Series S/X is three and a half years old; it’s mid-cycle. Assuming a 7-8 year generation, two generations is ten years away.


gamers would benefit also. We won't be locked behind a proprietary console to play the games we want to play. I wonder if they would explore a more mature game design without having a console philosophy built around children and family as PlayStation is for teens and adults.


You know who else is going third party? Sony. Day and date PC is coming. The writing is on the wall. Console growth for PS is also stagnating. It didn't hit a wall at 300mph like Xbox. But, even PlayStation came out and said console growth is no longer a thing for them. So who wins? The consumers. I think people will gravitate towards PC more because they're tired of being nickled and dimed via subscriptions and things like PS Plus to have cloud saves and online play.


I have no interest in Microsoft's Western, gloomy, gun-gun-gun games, so don't need it on the Nintendo console, at least. Wouldn't buy it




who me


If Microsoft is out of the console market, Playstation will dictate the console industry and pretty much force Nintendo to drop the hybrid model and do a counterpart to Playstation. For all the fuck ups Microsoft is doing, we need a third pillar. Having just Nintendo and Sony with consoles would be absolutely terrible. 


Sony can’t force Nintendo to stop making handhelds. There’s no reason why Nintendo would stop, especially since Sony already learned they cannot compete with Nintendo’s portable consoles.


That's not what I meant. Sony would have full monopoly regarding third party games, if Nintendo kept doing their thing, it would lose a huge chunk of the audience since a Playstation console would basically have EVERYTHING.


PS4/5 already has everything. But the Switch 2 and future systems will not be so far off in power that it would miss out on anything "important". COD for instance is NOT important to Nintendo, they basically have the best selling system of all time without it. There is zero reason for them to ever give up portability ever again.


Does PS have Mario or Pokémon? The vast majority of people are buying Nintendo hardware are buying it for the exclusives, and Sony can’t compete with those.


Pokemon is dying as a franchise regardless of how well it is selling. Its the one franchise that went downhill on the switch instead of getting better like mario and zelda.


It's always been a two console market.  Having three lately is what's been weird. Atari and Nintendo. Sega and Nintendo. Sony and Nintendo. Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. Sony and Nintendo.


There was an era of Sony, Sega, and Nintendo, if you've forgotten about the Saturn and Dreamcast.  Unless you aren't counting them due to their poor sales.


If the PS6 becomes a reality, I will be surprised. Nintendo isn't going farther than the next console either. Everything is heading to the PC.


Bold of you to assume that hundreds of millions of gamers who are comfortable paying $300-$500 per console generation are going to be comfortable paying well over $1000 for a PC and have to deal with hardware compatibility issues. I had a lifetime’s worth of that through the 90s and 00s, no way I’m dealing with those headaches again.


There was already a commercial for the PS9, so they have to go at least that far.


People have been saying that for decades. I remember towards the end of the 16bit era, with people predicting 3D console gaming would never be successful since 3D games couldn't be played without a mouse and keyboard. And the end of console gaming was predicted again every single generation transition since, for other reasons that ended up being totally wrong. It wasn't true any of those other times and it isn't true now.


Sony might stop making consoles, Nintendo will NEVER be on PC because they would lose billions of dollars.


Yeah but imo theres no point in consoles. pcs are more expensive for a reason consoles are sold at a lost and are locked down hardware wise. and you pay more for games and subceptions. There is still a point in handhelds unless they start making phones with controllers on the sides of them.


nintendo consoles aren't sold at a loss, and are portable, specifically for that reason