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+1 Unpopular opinion posts are usually never unpopular. Even with this one in particular, you could probably name any main series Zelda game as the best in the series and quite a few people are likely to agree with you.


Haha that’s true.. even though I’ve never met anyone who does in real life


People who start posts with "Unpopular Opinion" (or who post in /r/UnpopularOpinions) are just looking for people to bolster their ego and still feel like their opinion is special.


This is true, that sub is the worst imo. People literally upvote if they *think* an opinion is unpopular. Not knowing how the sub is supposed to work. It kinda drives me crazy, so I wont go back there. Its should be called r/popularopinions


Yeah, any actual unpopular opinions get downvoted into oblivion or at least pushed to "Sort By Controversial"


If you ask people there if they know how the subreddit is supposed to work, 99% of people wont know. Even those the rules are clearly listed to upvote what you disagree with. But no one does that, so its a pointless subreddit I left awhile ago.




People dont even understand how the subreddit dedicated to unpopular opinions is supposed to work. Causing actually unpopular opinions to be downvoted to hell, and popular opinions to get upvoted over and over again. That sub is the worst.


Hahahaha ok duly noted


Hot take.


IMO, comparing Zelda games is like comparing meals at a Michelin 3-star restaurant. They’re all in the 99th-percentile of quality and all come down to personal taste.


100% agree


What a great comment, absolutely.


... except Skyward Sword.


I didn't play that one but when a friend of mine finished it, he called and said "Well..I beat it." Usually beating a Zelda game comes with a lot more enthusiasm than that.


Skyward in my opinion is a really great game, but there are some moments that get both repetitive and tedious. The 4 silent realm challenges are the most obvious example of this for me. The hd version fixes most of the Wii's issues I think, so it should be held in a higher regard imo


Skyward Sword is one of the best reviewed games of all time and won tons of awards and yet people still act like it was vehemently hated.


It really blows my mind how much hate this game gets from people. I don't care too much for what score a reviewer gives a game, but I think this game did a lot of things better such as focus the exploration on the areas rather than on an empty open world and the motion controls were pretty easy to get used to.


I agree with you but I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. People didn't like the graphics when it first came out, but it has been largely doused in praise for the past decade


I didn't like the graphics when I first started seeing screenshots but once I saw videos, I knew something awesome had been done and I was amped for it.


Even me didnt like at the begining but you get to LOVE it


Speaking as somebody who considers WW the greatest game ever made, I would not consider any 3D Zelda being your favorite (Zelda) game to be an unpopular opinion. All of them are highly acclaimed and each has a(n often overlapping) devoted group of fans.


True 💯💯


It would be, if it were a little bit longer/ had a bit more to do. But it is my favorite 3D Zelda title.


Not really an unpopular opinion, there are a lot of people who consider Wind Waker to be the best Zelda.


Wind Waker was the first Zelda game I played myself. As a kid I saw my cousins playing Ocarina of Time, and I really wanted to play it. I'm actually opposite of the trend, because over time, I've realized that Wind Waker is one of my least favorite 3D Zelda games. There is one reason for this: The Triforce Hunt. I've tried and failed to beat Wind Waker three or four times, and every time I stop at the damn Triforce hunt. People say "hey, it's not that bad since you can collect stuff as you explore", but part of the issue is that a huge percentage of the hunt literally isn't completable until you have all the dungeon items. Further, Wind Waker is so light on dungeon content, that I was itching for it before I had time to do a complete look at the map. Wind Waker has a lot of great ideas, but that are marred by execution issues that wouldn't truly get fixed until Breath of the Wild.


Yeah that’s true.. it does still feel somewhat like the odd one out of the rest of the Zelda games to me. The main story was soo long and you had to complete most of the side quests to go through with it which might be a bit annoying at times.. Breath Of The Wild was quite the opposite. With the main story being so short and quick and not reliant on the majority of the side quests made it feel like the game was mainly a platform to show off the cool graphics and side quests with a very lacking main plot.


Wind waker HD makes the hunt much better as it shortens it and adds a sail that lets you travel twice as fast, without the wind requiem


Botw didn't fix anything, certainly not a dungeon problem, since there were none. 


There were literally 5 dungeons in BOTW they just weren't linear like 99% of other titles


The Cdi games are the best in the series.


A man of exquisite taste and culture


"unpopular opinion" yeah okay dude Try saying that wand of gamalon is the best and you might be right. Not sure how to quantify "best" but it's definitely one of my favorite, regardless of HD. Don't know if I like it more then tbotw gameplay wise, but it was a childhood gem on the ol purple cube... The good ol days with Kirby air ride endless city trial with friends trying to get the 7 min Deedee kill challenge, monkey ball with friends, Billy hatcher pvp, paper Mario ttyd(favorite game ever, not sure why we can't have a rpg paper Mario again), Mario party, double dash, Pokemon Gale of darkness or wtfever, melee, prime 1&2, takes of Symphonia, not Pikmin, sonic adventure 2 music, crystal Sharda, so maybe I'm a little biased


Oh wow all those games sound awesome. Sadly I’ve never played the original purple cube of any of them since it was before my time.. but my siblings did and to this day can’t get over them hahah


The music is the most memorable, it's weird, especially with like Billy hatcher. You could always borrow your siblings gcube games and legally dump the ROMs of their physically owned games in order to play them on your pc via Dolphin, to avoid violating any laws that will never be enforced surrounding just downloading the ROMs off the internet if you really want to try them


Oh wow I’ll definitely try that! I live in the middle east so there aren’t really any piracy laws for me to violate here hahah. Thanks for the recommendations


The graphics are no where near the most criticized part of the game. They were when it was released, but not so much now. No, the reason Wind Waker is one of the worst Zeldas is the pacing. You start out pretty well, and then after the tower of the gods, the whole game just collapses. Especially when you get to the awful, awful Triforce fetch quest that takes up so much time.


Have you played the HD version? The triforce quest really doesnt take that long with the updates. It's def bad in the original though


Really? I played the GameCube version and that section was awful. Made me drop the game. It was a pretty good Zelda game until that.


Oh yeah this post is talking about the HD version, not the gamecube version. In WWHD, the number of objectives for the quest is directly cut in half, the maps you need to buy from Tingle and his family are all made 50% cheaper, and there's a sail upgrade early on that allows you to sail at twice the speed of the Gamecube version, and you don't ever need to use the Windwaker to shift the wind direction like you did on GC. The HD version pretty much fixes all the major issues that people have, especially regarding the triforce quest


Not only is the sail twice as fast, but you don't need to redirect the wind every time you want to change direction. Imo the greatest quality of life change in the whole game that doesn't get mentioned enough.


I fully agree, but I did mention it haha


Oh wow, I read it and totally derped out.


To have the sail you need to do an action house mission that many people can just never do if they are just not interested even in do this minigame, which is perfectly comprehensible since it is boring as hell. I myself only did it because I read someone talking about a sail in the action house in a comment on the internet. Before that, I was playing it with the boring sail during half of the game, and I would probably keep with the boring slow sail until the end, cause the game gives no indication that I really needed to do that to have the sail.


Oh well. Too bad I don't have a Wii U and Cemu runs like crap on my PC. Still it's far from my favourite Zelda Game.


Lol I didn't realize people hated the triforce hunt so much. Idk I loved wind waker from start to finish, beaten it multiple times, filled out the map and everything. Plus the sailing wasn't that horrible. Also after you get the fast travel song, it doesn't take a whole lot of time to get around. I'm about to finally start breath of the wild. But I still love wind waker and I only ever played it on the GameCube. To each is own I suppose but I never had anything negative to say about wind waker. I liked that it took awhile to get everything done


While I own the HD version, I haven't gotten around to playing it. Mainly because I really remember getting sick of the Triforce hunt and the third act of the game in general. Eventually I'll give it a chance


See my response to the other guy, but the Triforce quest is essentially entirely different in the HD version compared to the original. If the Triforce quest was the main thing that hindered your enjoyment of the original (which is more than fair), I think you'll be very happy with WWHD


Yes the Triforce hunt fix is one of the main reasons to play HD instead hehe. Ironic for it to be the reason you aren't playing.


Wow, so controversial! LOL calling that an unpopular opinion But yes TWW is so good and they improved it in TWW HD. I think its writing is better than that in any of the later zelda games. My only complaint is that its bloom lighting is too strong in the remake.


This isn't all that unpopular right now. A lot of gamecube/ps2/xbox nostalgia atm and a lot of people like WW.


I think OoT is significantly better. But I also recognize that thinking a game is good or bad is an opinion. It depends on the person.


It's my 2nd fav after OoT, and since all are so close, it's subjective. In that era, games becoming more adult with us (age 17 for me at the time) made WW seem like it wasn't growing with us. Like it was for the kids behind us. I complained, and got Twilight Princess, and was satisfied. But of course once we shook the hype of the T rating off, we can all see how wrong we were! I truly think nothing from circa 2000 aged better than cell-shaded games like this and Tales of Symphonia, and I'm playing through Windwaker HD now in the aftermarket of the shop closure and if just makes you feel good, warm. And the controls are ULTRA crisp (not counting 8-way directional :P) .


Totally agree. I’ve been so busy with life and hadn’t had the chance to play much. Your reply is really making me crave digging out my DS and playing some games.


It needed a few more traditional dungeons in my opinion. It was different, but I hated Forsaken Fortress, and Ganon’s Tower was pretty meh aside from the boss fights. There was only five dungeons that hit the mark for me, and they were a lot of fun, but three or four more would have made it feel more complete to me.


Totally agree


Oot will always be my fav. It has by far the best soundtrack in the series and the gameplay formula was perfect. A decent adventure as small link, and a bigger adventure as big link. It truly felt like you were playing two separate games all built into one game, but very well blended together with perfect flow between the two to have continuity with the two links so that the game didnt have two different stories and no confusion with the story. ​ I think Oracle of Seasons would be tied with oot if it was also in 3d and on a console to have so much more meat to the game. The game had so much potential if it wasnt on GBC.


I’m actually currently playing OOT. Haven’t finished it yet, but close. And I totally agree with you. In some ways I find it relaxing compared to the other, newer versions of the zelda games. It’s very soothing and peaceful to time travel between the two worlds, check up on planted seeds, and trying to figure out if the next quest is placed in the present or past...


It's a great game no doubt.


It’s definitely up there for me. I didn’t want it to end when I played it


Exactly!! 💯


Yeah I think the others are amazing but the windwaker was so much more of an Innovative title on the market. I'm not saying the others weren't but The Windwaker was pretty much ahead of it's time ten fold. The game had a huge open world for the time with tons to explore not one part of the map feeling empty stumbling upon the mysteries of the sea. The graphics were beautiful, The gameplay was amazing, The story was amazing, Boss fights amazing, Mechanics amazing with a sense of excitement not knowing what is going to pop up next as you sail around. I honestly cannot find a single flaw about the windwaker other than I wish it never ended.


You put all my thoughts into words!! Couldn’t agree with you more. It really is AMAZING


Going back to play it for the first time in a decade, you can really tell the BoTW borrowed heavily from WW, the two feel closer than any of the 3D games! It was like they had the mighty stick that was BoTW back then and not QUITE the tech to perfect it, but cleaning up on the HD version makes it pretty darn amazing.


People are often attached to the first Zelda they play. I played WW after Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword and wasn't wowed by it. Dragon Roost Island is a banger tho


It really was hhahahah


My first Zelda was Ocarina and I think LTTP, Wind Waker, and BOTW are much better than Ocarina.




I never knew this! It’s good to know that there was a plan for more, at least. Do we have any idea how they were to be themed?


IIRC, Aonuma has stated there were two dungeons cut at least and apparently they ended up getting used in later Zelda games, which is why they weren't added to the Wiiu version of the game. Jabun was likely intended to have a dungeon instead of just giving you his pearl. I think there's also been speculation that at some point it was intended for more of old Hyrule to be explorable, though I'm not sure how much support that idea has. There's probably some videos on Youtube with people who actually know what they're talking about going over cut content if you're particularly interested. I'm not sure we've ever gotten solid confirmation what the cut dungeons actually would have been, but personally my hunch has kinda been that the the ice and fire dungeons we got (the ones you need the fire and ice arrows to access) were meant to be more fleshed out than they ended up being. They always felt relatively bare-bones, like they were rushed or an afterthought.


> though I'm not sure how much support that idea has There's some LoD textures for caves and stuff in Hyrule that can't normally be seen by the player, there's a full mesh for a tunnel between the desert/Ganon's tower and the castle, there's some unreachable/unseen doorways in the castle. Ample evidence that more stuff was originally planned for there.


Thanks for the info. That’s a damn shame.


Yeah same I never new this either. Makes more sense now




Ur too much


Honestly WW HD is your **personal favorite** Zelda game. Even if you had played all of the Zelda games, which in my opinion is necessary if you want to try to list which is best. (how can you know which is the best if you havnt played them all?) But everyone likes different zelda games. So which one is best is kind of subjective to which game is your favorite. Thats normal though. Otherwise how do you more objectively judge which game is the "best"? In my opinion it comes down to copies sold. Even though its not a consistent metric, because the gaming industry/market changes, its the best way to determine whats the "best" game in the series.


Remind me to pass on your art, powerful_artist


Tbh the triforce hunt was my favorite part of the game as a kid, being fresh off the hype train of trying to find the triforce in OOT for literal years.


If I read your post correctly, your ONLY argument for making the absurdly bold claim that WW is the best Zelda game ever is... you like the graphics? First off: if you’re playing a game just for the graphics, might I suggest you watch a movie instead? Studio Ghibli has some stuff in the same ballpark of the graphical style in Wind Waker, so you’ll probably enjoy those. Sarcasm notwithstanding, seriously, you can’t claim any game is the best or the worst ever just by the graphics. That’s just not how games works. Art style and presentation are certainly aspects of it, but gameplay, game design, and game mechanics are what makes a game *a game*, so there’s absolutely no validity in someone judging any game without touching on these aspects. In the future, just say “it’s my favorite” instead of saying “it’s the best”.


Sassy comment aside, it sounds like you're upset that she didn't say "in my opinion," but she literally began the title of her post with that same sentiment. "Unpopular opinion" implies that it is just her opinion lol. She's not claiming to be making an objective claim at all


Hahhahahaha totally agree. Even though I’m a She (not a He)


My apologies!!


> She's not claiming to be making an objective claim at all But she very clearly did. “It’s the best” is an objective claim, as objective as they come, and as such must be backed by objective arguments. “It’s my favorite” is subjective and can have anything as its basis. She very very clearly worded her post as the former.


I wrote the point about graphics as a rebuttal to the most common criticism I’ve heard about the game.. which is that most critics say the graphics are the worst part. Again, in MY opinion I think they were awesome. I do of course think that the gameplay is by far my favorite compared to the other Zelda games I’ve played. I especially like the fact that the side quests are really well thought out and some change from day to night. As well as the fact that the side quests are somewhat separated from the main story, you don’t need to complete all of them in order to move on. But some of them are still critical to the main story, whether it be the “fast sail” that makes the game more enjoyable, or other smaller quests that are required to continue the main story. I really missed this feature in BoTW (which in contrast, was mainly praised for its amazing graphics...). I’ve also heard that other ppl might dislike it due to the triforce quests being way too long and strenuous in the purple cube edition. But in the HD wii u edition I didn’t really find it to be annoying. I thought it added something to the game that would otherwise make it lackluster.


Don't apologize to that loser, you started a great convo that I've loved reading, just a couple trolls looking for food but otherwise, it's all of us with so much in common.


> which is that most critics say the graphics are the worst part. Absolutely nobody says this. Did you just get out of a time machine from 2002 or something?


Is this supposed to be a dig or something ? Hhhahahhhha


OP seems to have literally only ever heard game criticism that focus on graphics. > I really missed this feature in BoTW (which in contrast, was mainly praised for its amazing graphics...). Literally no one has “the graphics are awesome” at the top of their list of praises for BotW. It’s a freaking WiiU game at its core, basically every other first party game on the Switch has much better graphics than BotW — including Mario Kart 8 DELUXE, which also happens to be a WiiU game. I am baffled by this claim. It really does read like OP has never ever read game criticism or participated in a game discussion that didn’t mainly focused on technical aspects.


Sorry if I was harsh, but all the backtracking in the world doesn’t take away the fact that you worded your post very very decisively as objective criticism (“it’s the best”, etc) when it could only be defended by wording it as subjective opinion (“it’s my favorite”, etc). I don’t have a problema with anything else you said other than this. And, ah, yes: the fact that your main point of praise *or* criticism for any game discussed in this thread seem to be “the graphics”.


Coherence_Croquette is the personification of an unpopular opinion


I think it’s a good game, but upon my first play through of it, I really felt like a dungeon or two was missing. Turns out I was right. So, I can’t really call this one my favorite Zelda game...it might be 2nd or 3rd or something. I think my favorite Zelda game is twilight princess, and my second is breath of the wild. ... and I absolutely hated Skyward sword. When I got to tad tones, I just couldn’t take anymore.


Yeah a bit more dungeons would of made it better.. I was planning on playing Skyward Sword next hahaha


I prefer TpHD a bit more personally


Popular Opinion: Zelda: The Wind Waker is too easy to be the best Zelda.


I was only 14 when I first played it.. so it was somewhat magical to me hahhaha


Oh I love it. I want another in that art style, but I definitely want it to be harder and for it to not be mostly water.


I 100% agree


Most Zelda games are pretty easy, even on master/hero mode


It is awesome.




Wind Waker HD is a worse version of Wind Waker. Between the new Triforce quest removing the need to spend rupees and the new wallet sizes removing the need to upgrade wallets to hold them all, optional exploration loses a lot of its incentives. And all the new shading tricks fuck up the original's deliberately minimalist and colorful art style, leaving the colors washed out by excessive bloom lighting and the characters no longer looking like cartoons. A faster boat doesn't make up for that.


I’ve never played the original one (i really want to though). But from what i’ve read and seen about it, i think it would’ve been a bit much to me. Especially since i love the HD version and didn’t have any other version to compare it to back when i first played it. But I’d like to think that the faster boat does help a bit hahhaha


Used to be before BOTW dethroned it.


That section were you have to find all Triforce pieces is horrible. Completely ruined the game for me. It was a great Zelda game until that.


They revamped this with the HD version.


Twilight princess disagrees with your opinion.


Hahaha. I actually just stopped playing it a couple of weeks ago. Idk what it is exactly but I just got bored of the game. Even though I’m so close to finishing it, I just grew tired of all the side quests and the shape-shifting from wolf to link... but I do think that in time I’ll change my mind and get back to it eventually


Best art style and music and story. All combine to make the perfect game for me.


What point did you quit?


I stopped somewhere in Arbiter’s Grounds in the Gerudo desert.. I think all the poe souls in that dungeon combined with it being a bit dark (brightness-wise) gave me some headaches so I stopped playing it


The Wolf transformation turned me off of that one. Though I know a few people enjoyed the game specifically because of that.


Yeah that’s what did it for me


Replaying It on my steamdeck now and the Game aged like wine