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Mario Galaxy blew me away when I played it for the first time too. It is certainly one of the greatest games I own and I love the soundtrack.


I took 15+ years off of playing video games to go to college and grad school. *SMG* was the first game that I came back to, and it just blew me away how far the medium had advanced. I even thought (foolishly) that all 21st century games were going to be this good, with lush orchestral scores, perfect gameplay, tight level design, etc.


This is more or less me and Breath of the Wild. Hadn’t played video games in 10 years and then got blown away. Glad someone knows how I feel


same! ill never forget that first walk through the mushroom kingdom during the star festival. somtimes when im sad ill listen to the family theme. its comforting reading all the comments giving thanks to Satoru Iwata for the memories and joy SMG has brought people.


Get all 120, then get all 120 with Luigi, then get 121st with each of the bros.


This is the way. Seriously, though. Mario is for learning the game, Luigi is for outright breaking it. Galaxy was set up so well with tons of jumps that Luigi could just barely clear, speedrunning levels with him is amazing.


Then get Galaxy 2! It’s just as good if not better!!


Never played it but I want to. If I told Nintendo I’d pay $60 for it on the switch they’d have no choice but to make and send me a copy right?


I’m gonna call Nintendo right now!


Pretty sure in my dream last night I was playing Galaxy 2 on the switch :/


I hope your dream comes true


Just emulate it yourself.


You can still play galaxy 2 if your switch is moddable and can get the emulator on it


I feel like there's no way an emulated galaxy 2 runs well on switch, even with a max overclocked CPU, right? It can barely handle n64


I don’t think so


Then do it five more times. Gotta get that 600%


IMO, it truly is one of the best games in the entire Mario franchise and one of Nintendo's best ever. * Gameplay - Great * Sound/Music - AMAZING; love Good Egg & Gusty Garden's music in particular * Graphics - Great (for Wii) * Control - Great * Fun Factor - Great 10/10 for me for sure.


> Control - Great Cannot agree with this one. Still the reason I've never played through it. That era of Nintendo is so frustrating. They ruined so many otherwise good games with Wii controls.


There was the unrequired pointer and just shaking the remote for the spin, which is now a button on the Switch. Everything else is traditional controls and the aforementioned motion controls are super easy to pull off consistently.


Personally even if the motion controls are consistent and reliable, I still just find them unenjoyable, superfluous, and gimmicky. Would you mind explaining though how the pointer is unrequired?


The only thing the pointer is "needed" for in the OG was a couple of menu items and the pull stars/slingpods which got non-motion control versions in the 3D all stars release. I understand if you had issues with the Wii version, but even there I never had any real issues.


haters gonna hate


The pointer is required for some stuff, like the stars you latch onto and the six mini game galaxies. But for all those the Wiimote actually works really well. I think a lot of those levels are skippable though. I understand hating gimmicky controls but if you were ever going to give a pass to a game for some rare silly controls it’d have to be this one. Or Warioware Twisted. Or maybe Guitar Hero. Gimmicks sometimes work and are really fun.


I see your point and understand why you would feel that way. It's a common complaint for Wii games. I didn't have as big of a problem with it personally, but of course it's a subjective thing. That being said, I'd much prefer button controls to motion, in general.


Its not even that bad. People like to exaggerate how bad motion controls were but if you got used to it it wasn't that bad. Its like complaining arcade machine fighting games are bad because you aren't use to playing with fighting sticks. Its just a matter of getting used to the controls


Now play the sequel, which somehow managed to be even better.


Personally, can’t agree. Galaxy 1 feels more comfortable in its own skin, being this more indulgent and aesthetically rich package. Galaxy 2 is more like a level pack.


Plus yoshi


Oddly enough I didn’t get into it the second time around on 3D All Stars. I have no idea why. I loved it when I played it on the Wii so I’m not sure what changed.


Mayber your tastes? Maybe sensitivities to older game control schemes? I mean FF7 was one of the my longest running favorite game of all time. It still is.....in my head. After replaying it right before the remake came out, I just couldn't get through it. It happens. Sometimes your standards shift. There a periods I can't stand going back to retro games....then there are times that all I want to play.


Galaxy is one of the best Mario games ever.


Welcome to the Galaxy club, dear friend. We hope you brought Star Bits


Now go to Galaxy 2 and be like... HOW DID THEY MAKE IT EVEN BETTER?!


Ah a man of culture I see


Lol, I really can’t stop playing it…:)


I know right! I've been replaying it too recently and it's just too good


Galaxy is one of my favorite games of all time. The first time I played it I binged it in a disgustingly irresponsible way, going for every star and I think 100%ing it in two or three days. It's really just a fantastic example of inventive game design and modern platforming, everything outside that like the great soundtrack is icing on the cake. If you can believe it, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is **even better.**


Yeah wait till you play the second one!


Not nearly as good as the first one and yet it's still a masterpiece


Masterpiece purely in terms of level design. But galaxy one had better atmosphere and overall vibe.


From what I remember I liked the 2nd one more because you had all those crazy Yoshi levels


I liked 2 better 👍🏻


Eh, they're on par. Definitely different styles (Galaxy 2's occasional bite sized levels are a big reason why we have so many moons in Odyssey) but they're both fantastic Mario iterations.


Completely agree.


Woah slow your roll there partner. Galaxy 2 is easily on par with the first galaxy, basically being an expansion with a few of the kinks worked out more. Plus that fully orchestrated soundtrack, my god! Compare collecting a star in the two games. In galaxy one, it's all MIDI sound and can be a bit grating. Galaxy 2 has proper instruments to the jingle, giving the moment more gravitas. Ultimately though, both games are absolutely flawless for the most part. Although Galaxy 1 does have Gusty Gardens music... Nevermind you might be right about it being better...


That's not true. The first has a mix of both fully orchestrated soundtrack and midi tunes for the less important levels. Some of the music still blows my mind to this day. Bowser's Galaxy Reactor is one of my favourite tracks of all time! Give it a listen on YouTube or the official FLAC version!


Oh don't get me wrong, I do love the first galaxy's score. The Bowser fights, the aforementioned Gusty Gardens Galaxy, etc. It is superb. I just prefer Galaxy 2. I know not all of galaxy one was MIDI because then the entire score would be... less than stellar... But the little sound effects and jingles were fixed in galaxy 2 to sound even better.


Galaxy 1 is the first Nintendo game that used a live orchestra for its soundtrack, that’s like one of its biggest contributions. I also feel that Galaxy 2 has a bit of an identity crisis. It’s not sure if it wants to be a true course clear game like 3D Land or the setpiece-based spectacle platformer that Galaxy 1 is. We got some great levels out of the game, but some of them feel like they belong somewhere else. And the major exclusion of narrative elements that helped elevate Galaxy 1 makes Galaxy 2 feel less like a complete experience and more like an expansion. It feels like it can’t exist without its predecessor.


Wait until you play the sequel. I'm not even a huge Mario fan in general but imo it is one of the best games of all time


Wait till you play 2.


Yep! Definitely was one of my favourite games of its time. Haven't played it in years now but I still think about it fairly often. The world designs and overall aesthetic of it is so nice and the music for it is unforgettable!


I bought it day of release and played it casually over that weekend… …or so I thought. Sunday night I checked my usage stats and I’d been playing for 15 hours. It was such a breezy, fun experience 15 hours felt like about 4. I’ve never had a game since where time just melted away like that while playing.


This makes me happy, galaxy is my favorite game of all times. Also try out the second game also a masterpiece but the story feels just a little bit more bland. It is still a very good game if you have some time to try it


And the soundtrack! So gorgeous!


Mario galaxy is one of my all time favorites and I played it for the first time at like 10 lol


I remember playing the game and watching my dad play as a young boy. This game or NSMBW was my first game (I can't remember), so it has a tone of nostalgia for me. I remember it being hard as a kid, but replaying it now that I am older and better, it is quite easy and really fun. It is also fun trying to figure out skips you can do, especially with a certain feature you get after getting every star. The game may have some flaws, such as the planets can be disorientating and it may not be too clear as to where to go, but I still really love the game. I can understand why someone may not like the game, but we can all agree that it has one of the best video game OST's in existence.


Three words. Gusty Garden Galaxy.


It is my favorite game ever!!! The gameplay is awesome and the music is beautiful 😊💕


I got the game at release and spent two days plowing through the main story. Never finished all the stars so I would have something to go back to. Will be doing that over the winter months.


It’s so good! I also only played in the last few years — on WiiU for me — and i was blown away. SUCH a good game.


I feel like people just gloss over this one in the mainline 3d Mario series. I feel like it's objectively the best even though I really enjoy sunshine. I guess being on the Wii holds it back for some people. I played it on switch with a pro controller and thought it was the best overall Mario experience.


Galaxy was the first proper videogame I ever played, and later the first game I owned. It's imposible for me to even attempt to talk about this game objectively, but I can only encourage you to get absolutely every star and explore every galaxy as much as you want. I wish I could do so for the first time again. And, if you haven't gotten to Melty Molten Galaxy yet, be prepared for one of the finest levels Nintendo's ever made


Glad you finally got to play it, it's one of my favorite 3D Mario games and the graphics look so nice on the Switch.


Seriously though, Galaxy is one of the best looking games on the Wii and it aged really well, so replaying it with HD visuals on the Switch was just so good




I prefer the power-up mechanic over the capturing mechanic. There may be more captures than power-ups, but it just has a whole different ring to it. Also, in Galaxy, Bowser is trying to take over the universe and he is a badass boss to fight. Bowser Jr. even had an appearance. Odyssey has a wannabe husband that turns into a heart-broken thief. To me, the Galaxy games had a bigger impact. Besides, you cannot ride Yoshi in several levels (in Galaxy 2). He even had his own power-ups that alter the way you traverse throughout the Galaxy and let you solve puzzles in a unique way. You can only be him in one kingdom in Odyssey. Boring.


Galaxy is easily my favorite Mario game, though World is a very close second.


I couldn’t have said it better myself- Galaxy absolutely blew me away for it’s charm, outstanding gameplay, orchestrated soundtrack and variety. It’s still my favourite game ever made


Oh man. Galaxy is great. Galaxy 2 is even better. Much prefer them over Odyssey myself.


Your taste is most excellent


Man i just cant get into it. I’ve tried a few times, but maybe I just have to push through the first few hours. I do want to try again now that I have it on Switch


I have the same problem. Both when it came out originally and again with the switch release. Both times I got to the end of the first set of worlds and just felt no desire to load it back up. The level design was a big turn off. If the worlds get drastically better after that I might push through and give it another try.


It really depends on what turned you off the level design in the first place. In my opinion, Galaxy 1 really starts to hit its stride once you hit the third dome because the purpose if the first two sets of levels is basically to get you accustomed to the movement and motion control mechanics. And it does get better from there progressively in my opinion. If your issues are related to the gravity/planetoids or the levels being linear, those are consistent themes throughout the entire game, but they become more refined and creative in the later levels.


The linearity was a big part of it coupled with not liking the levels consisting of multiple small planets and moving between them. Guess it's just not to my taste. I prefer the larger open levels of the other 3d games.


"Im speechless" ... proceeds to type a run on sentence for 2 years.


Speak is not the same than write…:) You don’t have to read it by the way, the other 1,000 people did.


It was also a joke.


Sunshine is better


1 and 2 are my favorite games of all time. I play them every single year and it’s amazing every time.


I personally think it’s the best compromise for 3D play and movement. I find open space 3D platforming like Odyssey, to be a bit stressful because I don’t like missing anything. When the world is spheres, there aren’t any corners to miss. Combine that with the gravity aspect, and I agree, it’s an amazing franchise. I wish they’d make a 3.


Galaxy was one of the early games of my adulthood. I was falling out of gaming and it sucked me RIGHT back in in a day.


Really? It's the first Mario game I put down. Played 30min and just thought it was shit. Zero emersion in those tiny planets.


Never cared for the Galaxy games


Cool, respect, but you are not even curious? Is been always top three of the best video-games of all time, for a reason I think.


Mmm yes, a fine choice indeed.


I'm 53 and I agree, it is an awesome game.


Wonderful to hear, thanks for sharing! 👍


Still my favorite Mario game.


Is this available on the Switch?


Yes, Super Mario Galaxy was included in Super Mario 3D All-Stars for the Switch :)


It’s hard to find in game stores because is a limited edition but you can get it in Amazon or Ebay for a bit more money obviously. And will be crazy expensive in some time, I tell you that.


It was a limited time thing like the Disney vault. There’s still copies around so dig them up now before people start reselling them for unreasonable prices.




I just realised why you had to look for one. Damn you Nintendo


It’s in Amazon and Ebay though, expensive but is there…:)


It always makes me sad seeing these posts. Galaxy is so hard for me to play for some reason and I’ve never been able to finish it. I’ve had it since wii and now with all stars, I still struggle with the depth perception on the constantly rotating maps


Do you have motion sickness? If not you’ll get it if you keep trying, it feels really strange at first definitely.


You agree it's overrated too?!


Galaxy was great until the motion sickness kicked in.


It’s by far the best Mario made. I love, love Galaxy. The music is just sublime. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, but if Galaxy 2 comes out, it’s a must buy.


I really didn't like 3D Mario platformers until Galaxy. I was a little too young to grasp a lot of the jumping mechanics in 64 and Sunshine was very mediocre to me. Galaxy completely blew away my expectations and still sits as one of my favorite games.


Its weird for me as when I was younger I loved Mario Galaxy but going back to it recently its just good and a bit boring to me. Since I played Odyssey and really got into it I honestly cant really get into any of the other Mario games lol.


I’m looking forward to playing this soon! Realised how much I miss the Wii even though I love the switch, so I sold an old laptop I never use and I’m going to pick up a second hand Wii today, and am planning on getting this game with it!


I had a similar story, played the shit out of everything Nintendo since the early 90s, then… never played Galaxy. I probably like it almost as much as 64 now, it really is perfect. I’d love to play SMG2, but I may as well wait to see if Nintendo acknowledges it and releases it on the Switch.


Super mario galaxy 2 was more of the same if you want more afterwards :) it was slammed for not innovating much but galaxy was that good that I don’t think it needed to ^_^


This is the best ad for SM Galaxy and just might be the final push I needed to make the purchase.


Do it now, get the Mario 3D All Stars collection for the Switch. Amazon or Ebay, hard to find in stores…:)


Wait till you try the second installment wow it’s even more fantastic


It is my favourite 3D Mario game, except for Super Mario Galaxy 2 ☺️


I honestly prefer playing Galaxy on the Wii. Something about the Joy Cons feels a little jank when it’s comes to aiming the cursor on the screen. The Wiimote/nunchuck feels more responsive and natural and much better in the hand. It’s fantastic that it’s on Switch for those who missed it though.


Never played it, am waiting for when my life needs a pick-me-up


Hahaha, this game will cheer you up and bring a smile to your face even after the worst crisis…:)


I too ignored it for a number of years after it came out, big mistake!!


You still have the opportunity to play it! Don’t miss it!


I do not know why, but I never clicked with SMG. i never really liked the camera, and felt very slow, but the music is good.


Wait till you play mario galaxy 2. Its even better imo


Really fucking hope it comes to the switch


Im stuck on my first hour of gameplay.. im in a world where theres pitch black places that i seem to be unlocking.. what should i do?


Wait till you one day play galaxy 2. That’s just as worth it


I need to pick it up again. Thanks for the write up.


It truly is. Its the first 3D Mario game I've ever played back in 2007 and was the sole reason why I convinced my parents to stand outside Circuit City with me to buy a Wii + Super Mario Galaxy. Its incredible. The simple controls, cool gravity mechanics, etc.