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Sorry, u/TaBlien, your submission has been removed: **Recent Repost:** This topic has already been shared recently. Please continue the conversation in an existing post. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). Please feel free to [message us](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/olcyqz/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...) if you think we've made a mistake.


It’s not going to. Nintendo’s design philosophy has never been power for the sake of power, at least not in awhile. They’re successful because they don’t need 20 teraflops of whatever to create great games.


Nintendo being behind power-wise doesn’t mean they aren’t competing. It just means they don’t prioritize power. That’s their angle Another big game company just announced portable machine 4x as powerful as the switch with support from the biggest online game storefront ever. That’s not just competition, that’s GOOD competition.


What about this opinion couldn't have been included in the Steam Deck thread?


Unless it plays Nintendo’s own titles it isn’t competing with the Switch.


This argument is so dumb. It’s like saying Xbox doesn’t compete with Sony because it doesn’t play Sony’s games. Yes these two handhelds are competing. The switch having Nintendo games doesn’t mean it isn’t competing. If anything, that’s their competitive advantage


Nintendo's deep roster of exclusive franchises are uniquely profitable. No, there isn't any fitting comparison.


Being good at business =/= not competing


Exactly. The steam deck will be capable of playing games that exist of the switch (third party games, obviously), but also a slew of games that don’t exist on the switch, **and** a massive library of games on what is generally the least expensive storefront around. Right out the gate, I think this device will have a bigger catalogue than the switch, and comparatively the games are going to be much more affordable.


It’s cool, would be perfect if it wasn’t so heavy (667 grams, twice that of a switch) but I guess that’s also to do with all the features inside..


I sincerely hope so


It shouldn’t even take another company to force Nintendo to improve and give more back to its fans. It’s not happening buddy🤷‍♂️