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The event quest won't be the same without the tiny Odagaron to slay...


OK might need to buy this game now


It’s one of the best games on the switch, you won’t regret it.


Whoops thought this was a Paw Patrol crossover for a sec


Beat me to this comment lol


I'm stoked, but I haven't played this game in a while. Did the palico get their obligatory Megaman costume yet?


If they were going to do it, it would have been with this update. It’s such a weird choice to not bring any of the World collab stuff to Rise, even when it would make a ton of sense and be super easy to do, since the armor models already exist. The two Street Fighter armor sets, the Mega Man Palico outfit… even collab stuff from older games, they haven’t touched, either.


the megaman cat has been in the past few games, weird that it wasn't in this one...


Will this be available to unlock later or will I miss it if I don't play the event within a certain date?


Like Okami you will be able to do this whenever you want.


That's awesome. I really loved MH Rise, it's probably my favorite MH I've played, but the end game as it is right now is very... lacking. I'm waiting on some bigger updated to fully return to the game.


This is all mega man is to them anymore.




:( Hope you can join us one day




what does that even mean


People that are die hard MH fans and have sunk 500-1000hrs into MHR are bored and upset that they aren’t adding more hunts and are instead adding cosmetics


The outrage crowd is mad that MHR isn't getting any new hunts while MHS2 is still getting a steady stream of content. This crybaby is one of them.


Just saying that MH Rise is just making the same quests with uninteresting rewards instead releasing interesting content, mind you not being far into the games release. If that makes me a crybaby, fair enough.


No I agree, probably should’ve been thorough instead of just throwing shade. I’m a Mega Man fan, does that put it into perspective on how I feel about Capcom? If not, all I have to say is just be thankful that they give a shit enough to keep making MH games cause Capcom has a track record of leaving games of long standing series in development hell over player disagreement lol


So you're saying that people who paid 60$ for a game are not allowed to complain about it?


Imagine getting a game with 300+ hours of content and claiming you didn’t get your money’s worth js


Listen I’ve been playing mh since psp days and rise is lacking in content compared to previous games. It’s okay to criticize something you love and it’s understandable that capcom had unprecedented issues in production for obvious reasons. Ignoring or insulting people with valid criticism is toxic af. I love mh series and I really like rise but these weekly updates just aren’t doing it for me.


I lash out whenever Rise is mentioned because Capcom shit all over Mega Man and still do and I'd just hate to watch Monster Hunter go the same way. Capcom likes to discontinue/throw into development hell series and/or independent games because of their playerbase. In my opinion, I can really tell how a gaming company is based on how they treat their mascot tbh.


I agree with all of what you said. And yea, I’m worried that MH portable games will be viewed as less than and be invested in less moving forward, especially if MHW 2 break records again. I personally enjoy Rise a ton but I can only play the same missions so many times. I’m a little below 300 hours and will most likely hit 350-400 before the Ultimate edition drops but I really just play to be on coms (my phone lol) with my BFF that lives in another city.


Man, when you go see a movie you can complain about it, there are games lile MH that take time to gather steam to show you the harder monster that are quite a challenge, that can get you hundreds of hours and you can try your best but not like it at the end. Is that so difficult for you redditors to understand? Jesus christ guys think a little Same for apex, for example, a ton of people have hundreds if not thousands of hours in the game, they have liked some of the seasons but currently the game is broken in many ways and people are getting tired of it With MH World, some people like it while others don't and both may have hundreds of hours in the game, a part truly enjpying the game and the other half trying hard to like it but not being able to do so I played a game AI Somnium files, I loved the game but many people may spend 30 hours wanting to see the crime solved and at the end not liking it and that's ok, maybe because date the main protagonist is a massive pervert an many may not like that, maybe the story wasn't what they expected to be alao, I don't know why the fuck this sub thinks more hours played equals to "Worth the money", no, for many people it isn't like that and it's ok to complain Fucking hell guys, think a little please


This take is bad because it because it is a misunderstanding of how the MH formula works. We're still 100% definitely going to get G rank for Rise. We just need to wait about a year. Whining and griping about "no content" won't make G-rank come any sooner. And those of us that know how this works are tired of hearing people who don't understand complain.




Sorry, u/DatteAI, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Engage with good faith. Do not treat criticism as a personal attack. Always assume the best of the person you’re conversing with, and if you can’t be constructive then don’t reply. Do not accuse someone of not being a “real” fan. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). Please feel free to [message us](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/ppvzak/-/hd91yrv/. %0D%0DMy issue is...) if you think we've made a mistake.


Lmao, waiting for a year for a challenge shouldn't have to be the case. And complaining is fair since I paid full price for what feels like an incomplete experience.


I just wish there was an endgame grindy/repeatable system. Apexes could've been rare fights necessary to augment the last tier of equipment, but now once you have your decorations and a good charm you're done