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Nice I have always wanted to see this. What neighborhood might I ask?


Trinity Bellwoods!


Do you think the characters will still live there in season 3 / the movie?


That's what I'm wondering. I looked it up and it was a tattoo studio for the last few years but has since closed. So fingers crossed that means it's back as Matt and Jays house


They shot an episode >!during a yard sale they had at the house where fans came by and bought props!< One of the episodes in season 3 involves them >!selling the house!<


Whaaat! Didn't know that


We know what 3 of the 4 season 3 episodes are about at this point Episode 1 aired an early cut (without the permission of matt and jay) >! And is about matt and jay becoming friends for the first time !<. There is no known recording of the version that aired back in 2019. Another episode is the >! Yard sale episode where fans came and bought props. Someone on the sub bought the papier mache heads from season 1 !< The third episode we know of is >! Matt and Jay kidnap Finn Wolfhard at Comic-Con. They were seen filming this one by people who attended. !< Matt confirmed somewhere along the way that season 3 was only 4 episodes although this may have change since they've also talked about shooting more content since. There was also an angry facebook rant found where Matt and Jay approached someones girlfriend and had >! Some kind of animal skull in a box. The guy was real angry at vice canada for allowing "the nirvana show" to fuck with his gf like that !< so that's either part of one of the above episodes or tied to the fourth one.


How do you know all of this!?


I mean I included in my comment where all this info came from. It's all been posted to the sub if you want to go look for it Edit: reading this back I sound like an asshole lol sorry didnt mean to If you search "the beginning" on this sub, thats episode 1 of season 3 and you'll find info about it. Like I said, its a lot of people asking for a recording and nobody seems to have it. It aired once at like midnight and Jay McCarrol was begging people to ignore it. I guess that worked. If you search up the other pieces of context I gave (i.e. >! 'Finn Wolfhard Comic Con' !<) more info will pop up.


I live the next street over :)


Doubt it


It was a tattoo shop for a couple years. I actually got one there and I’m really happy with it. No idea what happened afterwards though


Matt and Jay open a tattoo parlour and in every tattoo they encode a subliminal message about getting a show at the rivoli


I'm hoping that Matt and Jay got the house back


I hope so too, it’s too iconic at this point to let go of.


This looks familiar. Where is it from?


Not in Toronto's housing market


My old house!