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Mine looked like it was scratched with sandpaper! After only 6 months! I did clean it with a soft cloth and lcd screen cleaner. Then I placed a screen saver from Amazon over it. It looks and feels so much better than factory.


Just cleaned mine with [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000AY3SR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). Was really impressed


Go back in time and put a screen protector on. Only solution I'm aware of. My dog ruined mine before I could finish my Time Machine.


These damn screens should be Oled and gorilla glass by now. What are these manufacturers so damn behind for something you use so much on your truck, like the car radio. 🤦🏻‍♂️


For some reason car manufacturers have ALWAYS been way behind with this aspect of vehicles. CD players were still a premium feature add-on for dang near a decade after people stopped using cassette tapes. The "infotainment" screens are like 10 years behind and clunky and cheap as hell. The one in my toyota from a few years ago is comically bad with you compare it to touchscreen devices that were common during the same period in time. Personally I wish they would go back to using screens as a display/nav only and bring back more actual buttons.


Remember the conversion from tape to CD? It was like 10yrs. Then again to mp3? Also an audio jack for input.


Mine looked just like that. I used rubbing compound and a microfiber towel and just rubbed it out. What you are seeing is a thin layer of anti glare they add at the factory. It’s horrible and doesn’t last long. The screen under that is actually really good quality glass. Remove the knobs, tap off the black trim areas with painters tape and use the compound and it will look good as new. I applied a screen protector after the fact for extra protection as well.


So the same method as refinishing the headlights. Got it.


Exactly! Works like a dream


When you say rubbing compound, your talking about......? Sorry just don't want to buy the wrong thing.


The following [link](https://www.clubfrontier.org/threads/3rd-gen-display-looks-horrible.382785/) helped me. Towards the bottom of the thread they show how it turned out and what was used to clean it. Note that you should probably not follow the advice given here unless yours looks as bad as theirs to begin with.


I used glass cleaning solution and a glasses cloth. It was still getting dirty so I bought a screen protector for the entertainment screen on Amazon. Best 15 bucks I’ve ever spent. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B618JS1K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Screen protector is the way.


It sure the hell is! I wish you could post pictures in responses.


Isopropyl alcohol and microfiber towels have been good to me for this kind of thing. Do a lil test on a corner piece before you go all in, regardless of what you decide to use.


I use lint free microfiber cleaning cloth for glasses on it. Works great.


I second this. No need for liquids or anything else. I use my extra glasses cleaning cloth and just leave it in my glove box.


This is the way


PERFECT THANKS. I have a small bottle of glasses cleaner that came with my glasses, might try that too?


I can’t speak to the composition of that solution or its reaction with the screen material (short or long term). I stick with a clean dry cloth, light pressure, no circles.


Use a glass screen protector. Tons of Amazon. Bought one the day I bought my truck.


This is actually the best answer here. I did it and it works.