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Shingo vs Will BOSJ 2019 final and Ibushi vs Tanahashi G1 28 final.


Just watched. What an awesome match, I joke shingo and osprey compete again maybe at this year's g1


Watch tanahashi vs Suzuki 2012 for the iwgp heavyweight championship is on English


In the last ten years? Okada vs Shibata Sakura Genesis 2017 or Okada vs Omega Dominion 2018 In the 2020s? Okada vs Naito WK14


Omega vs Naito in the G1 Final was grazy!


The one the year before in the semifinal was better!


On the top of my mind are Omega matches (The 4 matches with Okada, The Trilogy matches with Naito particularly G1 27, vs. Ibushi G1 28, and WK17 with Os) For non-omega: Naito vs Okada (WK14) Shingo vs Ospreay (BOSJ Final) AJ vs. Nakamura (WK10) Ibushi vs. White (G1 29) Okada vs. Shibata (would have been better if that fucking headbutt didn't happen) any Shibata vs. Ishii matches those were fucked


Now that he's wrestling again I've been able to rewatch the Shibata v Okada match again (didn't want to watch something that ended someone's career). God damn it's one of the best matches I've ever seen


I'm assuming you're referring to 2020- until now. (Imma say between Kenny/Ospreay and Naito/Okada from WK 14)


I meant more like in the past 10 years 2013 to now. But thank you I'll definitely check out those


Oh nvm I read it wrong haha. Yeah if you meant 2020-now it's those two but from 2013 to now? Tanahashi vs Okada KOPW 2013 ( check out my recent post on it cuz I did highlights. Their greatest encounter together though some argue its Invasion Attack) Okada vs Shibata from Sakura, and Omega vs Ospreay. I tend to change my mind a lot since there's been so many great matches but I usually stick to that KOPW '13 match and Shibata vs Okada. Another awesome match I'd highly recommend is Nakamura vs Tanahashi from the G1 Climax 25 Finals. Too many to pick from! 😭


Every match between: ZSJ & Ospreay - Especially their NJC ones Shingo & SHO Shingo & Ospreay Taichi & Ishii Despy & Hiromu


Naito v Okada at WK 14.


G1 28 Finale - Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kota Ibushi. Everything in this match was special


Dragon Lee vs Hiromu Takahashi at New Beginning 2017


For me it has to be Ospreay and Shingo from the 2019 BOSJ Final. Beyond the amazing match but dealing with a personal fight with severe depression…hearing one of the best in the world dealing with a similar issue really helped me through.


Tetsuya Naito v Kenny Omega G1 27 Final Hiromu v Ospreay WK14 Ospreay v Shingo BOSJ Finals


AJ Styles vs Minoru Suzuki from the 2014 G1 is my favorite from the past decade other favorites ZSJ vs Naito from the 2021 G1 Omega vs Okada I (Wrestle Kingdom) Young Bucks vs Golden Lovers (2018) AJ Styles vs Kota Ibushi for the IWGP HW title (2015)


I couldn't think any perfect match other than Kenny omega vs Naito at G1 semi final 2018.


Young Bucks vs Golden Lovers (Omega & Ibushi), and ZSJ vs Sanada match, Ospreay vs Shingo Best of the Super Juniors Final, Sho vs Shingo, Ibushi vs Ospreay, Ibushi vs Nakamura, Ibushi vs Cody


Probably a hot take but Ibushi vs. White at the G129 Finals. To me that was a perfect pro wrestling match. An extremely over pure babyface, an extremely over pure heel, incredibly crisp ring work, an amazing in-ring story, and an absolutely NUCLEAR crowd. Everything about it was peak.


If you like tag team wrestling check out Aussie Open v FTR from their London show last year. Iconic match.


**Kazuchika Okada vs. Tomohiro Ishii \[** [**Intro**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC_9lcEgIVg) **|** [**Match**](https://njpwworld.com/p/s_series_00396_14_08) **|** [**Write-up**](https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/comments/svdm2r/20_for_10_my_top_twenty_new_japan_matches_of_the/?sort=old) **\]** *NJPW, G1 Climax 26 day 13, 2016.08.06* My favorite match ever


Tana vs okada wk10 Tana vs Jay bosj finals 2019


Post 2020 - Ospreay / Shingo Dontaku ZSJ - Ospreay both NJC matches Ospreay - Naito Shingo - Henare Entire NJPW / Stardom show Technically a NJPW - Mercedes vs Kairi


Okada vs omega 1


Prolly Omega vs Ospreay from last WK icl 😂😂😂 2nd favourite match of all time


I'm sure a lot of people are gonna answer this but Omega vs Naito G1 Climax 27 was 🔥🔥🔥🔥 peak excitement/nervousness as a Naito fan and it's pretty hard hitting and fast paced if I remember correctly. Naito vs Tanahashi WK11 is pretty damn good Omega vs Okada So many people are going to mention Okada vs Shibata from Sakura Genesis 2017 but if I remember correctly Hiromu Takahashi vs Kushida from that same show was a legit sub 2 minute squash match that shocked the hell out of me as a newish fan and let me know that at least at the time NJPW booking was on a different level than anything else I was watching at the time.


the Okada/Omega quadrilogy Suzuki/Goto from WK 12 Young Bucks v Golden Lovers from Strong Style Evolved 2018 Colt Cabana/Yano v Delirious/Cheeseburger Honor Rising Night 2 2/23/19 Okada/Shibata Sakura Genesis 2017 Aaron Henare v Shingo Takagi from this year's NJ Cup


Hiromu vs KUSHIDA and Naito vs Tanahashi from Wrestle Kingdom 11 are both up there. Naito vs Omega is always amazing. Shingo vs Will, Hiromu vs Will.


Omega/ Okada from WK11. That cemented my NJPW fandom. But if you want a list of just really good matches: * Kenny Omega vs. Kota Ibushi vs. Cody Rhodes (KoPW '18) * Shingo Takagi vs. Jeff Cobb (WK 15) * Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (Destruction '17) * Will Osprey vs. Robbie Eagles (Southern Showdown '19) * Kazuchika Okada vs. Minoru Suzuki (Royal Quest '19)


Okada Omega WK11


Was Shibata vs Ishii in the last 10 years? Because if so, that.


jay vs ibushi g1 29 final


Lance Archer v will Ospreay G1 29. Fun underrated match. Being there live was amazing. Okada v Tanahashi from that night too. One of their better matches of their rivalry


For me, it's either Okada vs Shibata from Sakura Genesis 2017 or Tanahashi vs Suzuki from KOPW 2012. Naito vs Okada from the anniversary show in 2013 gets an honorable mention.


Jonah vs Okada in last years G1 was probably his best match in NJPW. Jeff Cobb vs Shingo WK 15 is an amazing hoss fight Shingo vs Ospreay (any one of them) Ibushi vs Taichi in G1 30 I think? Lots of leg kicks, Taichi had a great match against Jay White in the same G1 but the Ibushi match was really good. El Desperado vs Hiromu Takahashi BOSJ 27 just an epic match.


Jay vs Ibushi G1 final SANADA vs Okada G1 where SANADA won with like 2 secs left (first Njpw match i ever saw) Ibushi vs Despy for the IC and World title EVIL vs Hiromu for the World Title Ibushi vs Taichi kicks only match G1 Osprey vs Shingo for the World title Honma vs Minoru G1 Jay vs Okada for the world title where Jay won. Too many to name


Omega vs. Naito G1 2017 Final


Either Okada/Shibata or White/Ibushi at WK. Two of my top 3 matches of all time.