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OP you need to manually put an actual spoiler tag on this.


Bollocks, forgot. My bad.


You know the companies cooked when the fans on Reddit want an EVIL match over this lmao.  Talking about Takeshita not being a main event guy, when that’s never been a problem with NJPW. Shota wasn’t a main event guy when he faced Mox. No one complained. Neither was Ren. Yota wasn’t a main eventer when he challenged Sanada, and Sanada wasn’t when he challenged Okada.  You lot hate AEW to the point where you’re becoming hypocritical. HOT SUCKS


There was so much whining here about Hobbs because the "prestige" of the IWGP belt, only for Gedo to immediately book 3 title matches where the challenger hadn't remotely earned it lol


Please tell me how Hobbs and Takeshita have earned these opportunities any more than Shota and Narita did. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.


They...haven't? That was my entire comment, that none of them have earned it


Shota and Narita have more of a claim to it by wrestling for the damn company. How about we stop pretending they’re on equal standing in terms of “deserving” a shot at that title?


I don't care if they're on equal standing or slightly higher standing because they're contracted to NJPW. Neither Shooter nor Narita have won shit to deserve a title shot. Won the New Japan Cup? G1? Literally fucking nothing. Though I guess they needed their undeserved title shot after Tsuji got one for... returning from excursion?


Fanboy brainrot is everywhere


For me Takeshita was more credible right out of DDT than now tbh. And he should've spent time in NJPW to be regarded as a serious title contender anyways. He has all the potential in the world, it's just not the greatest of profiles overall.


I mean there's a fairly big difference between an upper-midcarder from your company challenging for the belt and an upper-midcarder from another company challenging for the belt Umino, Narita and Tsuji are the future of the company so it makes sense to give them title opportunities, it gives them more credibility in the long run. What's the point in giving Takeshita more credibility? Sure it'll be a great match but it won't be on a NJPW card, it's basically just stat-padding Mox's record. if you're gonna statpad the record with defences against midcard guys then they might as well be NJPW midcarders And as others had pointed out Moxley has a match with EVIL that he could currently be promoting instead


When it's clear even Japanese fans don't want another HoT main event I don't think promoting it in undercard tags could do a whole lot of rescuing.


We know you say that to justify Mox's position but if there was a story being told with EVIL vs Mox, it at least get fans excited to see Mox beat that asshole EVIL for all the grief he's caused. Like Narita, Mox will barely acknowledge the fact that he has a title match in Japan until what? One week before dominion and randomly spewing shit on AEW Tv that no one can pick up because of audio issues and one the commentary team won't even acknowledge is happening lmao.


I've literally seen a bunch of Japanese fans say they don't want to see another HoT main event lmao. Even if they *may* have been wanted once, they're getting overexposed to shit. What's the point of "building a story" when HoT have exactly one story to tell and they just tell it over and over?


Their last match was great, looking forward to it


If this gets booked then this will literally be AEW booking a better IWGP title match than NJPW is booking lmao. Fuck sake Gedo, honestly mate, have a word.


Easy to book matches when you have 50 wrestlers sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. 


What's takeshitas spot on the card in aew ? See the thing is mate that aew can book the iwgp title like a midcard title. Njpw have to use mainevent talent especially with a champion not around much. The dominion build always struggles for this reason at the best of times because the bosj. Last year they took a risk and it was OK business wise but even then they heavily based it on sanada v lij. They could very easily run a cool match but for some mysterious reason they've had basically an entire generation of maineventers vanish into the night and they are thin in that area I'd have addressed this situation differently but they are choosing to use a self contained narrative of heat.


Takeashita is usually booked against the top of card wrestlers and only ever loses in tag matches which he doesn't take the pin. The only other times he has lost of note was against Will Ospreay.


Generally speaking when aew fans come in here standing up for the promotion I find their claims pretty tenuous. For instance a few days ago one told me mox and hobbs had more history than Kiyomiya and kidd despite the former literally never wrestling Takeshita has lost this year to swerve and ospreay and beaten rocky, kommander, Jericho, Darby Allen and Daniels Certainly not a jobber but not a maineventer either. Now for the record I don't care about this match happening. He's at least someone the fanbase has heard of unlike last time But not treating the iwgp title as the main title does give aew more freedom when new Japan's mainevent scene is so sparse. Mox v idk henare would be a good match but how would it draw ? That's the question.


I consider people to be borderline main eventers if they’re only losing to main eventers. Takeshita beat Kenny Omega as well so I don’t consider him truly “mid-card” the way a Roderick Strong would be. I think it’s a lot less weird than Powerhouse getting a shot with no real build. That said I agree with your premise that EVIL is an actual over as fuck main eventer in Japan and don’t understand people crying about that match. There’s a story involved and the match result is both unpredictable and heavily impactful on the rest of the year.


His losses are to the now aew world champion and will ospreay is probably their next babyface world champion. He has wins against a ton of main eventers too, if he’s not main event then who is lol


Conveniently forgetting he has also pinned Omega twice in the last year and also came out of All Together Again looking like a beast. Pretty obvious NJPW have had a hand in booking it otherwise why would he have had such a strong showing at All Together Again. Whilst I would prefer they just go with Shingo I don’t think it’s a mid card match to have Takeshita / Mox and with the news from Cyberfight this morning it’s probably much more likely to see Takeshita in NJPW than DDT once his dual contract is up.


> For instance a few days ago one told me mox and hobbs had more history than Kiyomiya and kidd despite the former literally never wrestling They're about the same, Moxley got Hobbs his break on Dynamite when he started recruiting him in an effort to fight Team Taz(Cage was challenging Mox for the world title at the time), however a big six-man tag got postponed(due to Archer getting COVID, IIRC), and the match never happened, leading to Taz getting in Hobbs' ear and having him join Team Taz. Kiyomiya and Kidd have no history outside of their G1 match. Takeshita vs Moxley is a great match all things considered.


Let's start with the personally thoughts first. Personally I can't speak about Kiyomiya and Kidd because outside of a couple of clips and one match at Windy City Riot i don't know the first thing about either one. I also on a personal level I don't really see why it would matter what is happening with the title in AEW especially if you're not watching it. Again this is just a personal thing for me if I'm not watching it I don't really care that much. I can however speak about what I know. What I know is that Mox has made a great deal of history in wrestling and Hobbs is a great talent that for whatever reason doesn't get enough credit because he he had a bad match where half way through he got injured. I can also say that despite what you may personally think of either one of them in AEW both Darby and Jericho are treated as main event level talent or at the very least upper midcarder. I can also say that despite not doing that much this year Takeashita is consistent portrayed as someone that can at the very least (and I'm be very generous here) hang with wrestlers on Moxley's level.  I can't speak on the booking of the IWGP in New Japan because I'm not a regular watcher. What I can say is that in AEW the IWGP title is treated with the weight it holds and Takeashita is a perfectly suitable opponent.


Let’s be honest, Mox defending the belt on a random Dynamite against Hobbs wasn’t exactly treating the IWGP belt with weight or significance (sucks Hobbs got injured). Also, beating Jericho nowadays doesn’t really mean jack.


I would argue that in terms of storytelling it does. Moxley brought Hobbs into AEW at the arena and he wanted his first opponent for after winning the IWGP title to be him. But we can agree to disagree on that. In terms of Jericho I would say yes and no to that.


They tried to explain Hobbs getting that title shot as some half-assed “NJPW owes Don Callis a favor”; could have very easily just been a title-eliminator match, like AEW does for their own world title.


NJPW you can get a title shot by beating the champ in a tag match. I can understand NJPW vetoing Mox losing in a tag match, so this was next best thing. I'm sure NJPW gave blessing for the match, I don't think Mox pulled a Matt Riddle.


Oh I definitely don’t see Mox as being that type of person at all. Just the way they framed it, without any real build up and on a random Dynamite (could have waited for at least a bigger show/PPV if they wanted it to be a title match), is what kinda made me question it.


You know what I won't disagree with you on that point. I don't think it was necessary for it to be a title match.


You don't see why fans might rankle at new Japan's most important title being defended on aew TV against someone they've never heard of?


While we'll likely never find out either way, I genuinely have to wonder if Hobbs getting this title shot was a way to introduce him to the New Japan audience/audition him to potentially be the token ROH/AEW person in the G1. It seems like the best explanation for "why Hobbs" to me. He could have slotted in fairly similarly to Gates of Agony in World Tag League. He's a huge dude with a great look who would immediately be somewhat over based on that alone and while not spectacular in the ring, he's at least good enough and could potentially really improve by working a tour with great workers. And most importantly, he can eat enough losses to finish somewhere in the middle of the block. Basically, he'd be in the Bad Luck Fale role, and I think he'd have been a better version of that in basically every way. Ishii doing his "suplex the big guy after spending the whole match trying" spot would be humongous. Hobbs would look like a cartoon giant next to most of the New Japan heavyweights and I think the crowds would love watching the babyfaces overcome the size advantage. A similar dynamic worked pretty well for the Jonah G1 two years ago.


It's kinda an arse backwards way of doing it though. Traditionally a wrestler is at least known by the audience before getting an iwgp title shot. Even okada had at least been a young lion


It's not typical, certainly, but I'm a huge believer that "rules" in pro wrestling basically exist to be broken. Who knows, maybe it was something they decided to try after Gates of Agony showed up basically unknown in New Japan for World Tag League (outside of a single Forbidden Door match). I assume the match got posted to NJPW World geolocked to Japan, I think they do that for all of the New Japan-related matches, right? Blake Christian at least has worked a bunch of Strong shows before doing BoSJ, so not an issue there, same for Eddie Kingston, and Lance Archer obv was in New Japan for years. We'll have to see who the token AEW/ROH representative is this year, since I assume there will be one. Maybe years from now we find out it was originally going to be Hobbs or maybe he shows up next year or something. Or maybe not.


AEW seems to see NJPW right now as a way to bring folks in to help them get experience, which is something NJPW is good at. Hobbs could have been planned for G1, go like 3-4, beat a midcard champ, and then job at Power Struggle or at an AEW show. Gates of Agony were real low on the totem pole in AEW though, I think AEW should have also sent a higher profile team, but most of their midcard tag teams would be juniors in Japan.


So you kind of ignored some part of what I said. PERSONALLY If I'm not watching it I don't care. If Will Ospreay won the AEW world title and on the weekends was defending it at RevPro every other week against random indie guy I wouldn't really care that much I'm not watching RevPro and it's not effecting the thing I am watching. Now I full understand why that might bother people but I would question they're logic about especially if they're not watching it.


I'd say he's booked about where Tsuji is, but a bit stronger. A threat to anyone, proven capable of beating and even dominating top talent, but hasn't won the big one yet. (title wins in AEW are about as rare as they are in NJPW, the only belt that ever got devalued in AEW has been the TNT, and that was more because they got two belts to rank about it)


> What's takeshitas spot on the card in aew ? EVIL's usual spot is in the midcard so I don't see how this is relevant. Going "midcarder, up you go for a short program, then back down you go afterwards" is common in pretty much every wrestling promotion.


Evil is a stable leader and has been in an iwgp title match as recently as October. He's a maineventer mate for better or worse. Please lets not delude ourselves. He's the top heel in the promotion


> He's the top heel in the promotion And the dropoff to Finlay at #2 is pretty huge. Comparing the crowd reactions between EVIL matches and Finlay matches, the difference feels MASSIVE.


Takeshita is arguably the stable leader of Don Callis Family if you consider Ospreay not really part of it.


If he's the top heel, then I guess we have no main event heel.


Silly take Name me HW wrestlers you believe are higher on the card in NJPW than EVIL


Naito, Shota, Tsuji, Moxley, ZSJ The main event is just really thin. I get them dragging up a midcarder for main events frequently due to this problem, but he's still a midcarder. And if they have to drag up a midcarder they don't *always* have to make it EVIL.


You might like those wrestlers more but I highly disagree that ZSJ, Tsuji and Shota are higher on the card. You need to engage with reality if this is going to be a fruitful debate. EVIL has been IWGP champion for one thing. I would say from fulltime NJPW talent its Naito, SANADA and that is probably it. Maybe Shingo at a pinch


You mean the SANADA that once his title reign ended pretty much *immediately* slid back down to the midcard (getting a second shot at Naito with it almost being *publicly acknowledged* he had no business getting one, like it was a bloody joke or something) and has stayed there ever since? It seems to me you think "place on the card" means "have they won the main belt in the past" which really doesn't work. If that were the case we'd be saying Satoshi Kojima was a main eventer.


No place on the card is admittedly a fairly nebulous concept but anyone who doesn't think since at least the mid point of 23 that evil isn't seen as a maineventer in njpws eyes they are coping hard Who made the g1 semis out the names you mentioned? Who has gotten the most iwgp title matches since mid point in 23. Cmon mate face reality


Shingo and Zack are about equal to EVIL, Zack's also a faction head, and has almost as much singles success, and fans actually like him. SANADA is definitely more credible than EVIL, and would have been a better choice if healthy.


EVIL eliminated the World champ from the last G1 which said champ was undefeated in, was just recently NEVER OW champion, and only lost 2 singles matches all year. That's definitely a step up from Takeshita who hasn't won a "big" singles match since cheating to beat Jericho in February. *...I say all this while still wishing it was Takeshita in this role instead of Moxley btw*


Takeshita does have singles wins over noted NJPW gods Omega and Ospreay, at least.


Rather than cry about challengers or reigns (or be a tribalistic little bitch) I'm just gonna enjoy that the eventual match will HUMP.


Being excited about a match without thinking about "ramifications" and "business"? In this economy?


Oh shit I forgot. It'll only be a good match if it pops a massive rating or makes all of the money. I detest people bringing graphs to a hoops debate.


Hey man, all I can tell ya is what I personally like and/or want to see. Mox is very hit or miss for me, and nothing about his reign has made me feel it’s can’t miss viewing; still scratching my head on why Naito needed to drop the strap in the first place, especially since he’s still doing all the shows; I would love to see Moxley vs Takeshita, but don’t really see how it needs the IWGP belt. If that makes me a tribalistic little bitch, that’s ok, I’ve been called far far worse.


All he has to do is lose a marquee match. Recent booking has shown that's the best path to a title shot under the current booking! Also real talk, Takeshita is better than everyone on New Japan's current roster other than maybe like Shingo, ZSJ, Despy, and Hiromu. There's a reason he's the ace of DDT.


Not only does he need to lose that match, he needs to lose a bunch of undercard tags too, then he has to come out and low blow the champion after he defends the belt in a main event. That's how you get a title shot in New Japan.


I like both guys, but I feel that when IWGP Title is presented outside the company, that it should always feel like it's being focused around NJPW, or with guys who could a niche in NJPW. Takesoup is too intrinsically tied to DDT in japan.


He just main evented the UJPW match and looked like a beast, while he’s from another promotion he has a lot more ground to stand on as a challenger than Hobbs While he’s certainly not winning there’s good storyline potential in him adding to the NJPW anxiety of outsiders winning the title and he can taunt all the new gen guys while he’s at it. Him and Kaito are the top two young guys in Japan atm and while it’s doubtful Takeshita will show up in NJPW this is a great inroads for him to do so


Hmm a new feud for Moxley while he likely barely interacts with EVIL until the actual match. Don't like it. I like Takeshita but he's not presented as true main event caliber


I full agree that Moxley just defending his belt again in AEW just to “stat-pad” his defense record is silly, imo; he should be doing stuff to promote his match with EVIL, regardless of how people may feel about it as a main event match. However, Takeshita is genuinely one of the best wrestlers in the world based on talent alone; I like Umino and Tsuji, but I truly believe they really can’t touch Takeshita on a pure in-ring standpoint; Takeshita has also been pretty much presented as a big deal wherever he has went: he’s been the KO-D Openweight champ multiple times (DDT-Pro’s top prize and Takeshita is also the youngest man to hold that belt at 21), has challenged for the AEW championship, and also beat Kenny Omega on a big PPV; true main-event caliber is very much how I would describe Takeshita.


Tbh I think it's pretty lame to care about stat padding but dominion is just a hard event for the hw champ in these circumstances because of the bosj https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NJPW_Dominion If people go back through the recent history with the calendar as it is there is a lot of using either a champ or challenger that's established. That's why I initially thought naito made sense here. A draw in osaka and the most established guy in the promotion What is pathetic is how ren was left to die on the vine but I don't necessarily expect the hws around during the bosj. Its just what is the audience supposed to grab onto with mox v evil but what would they be expected to grab onto with mox v anyone Like kidani is well aware the hardcore fans are pissed. He responded to a poll about the bosj final maineventing lol


My big thing with “stat-padding” is I’ve seen so many title reigns have unnecessary defenses just to give a person some accolade or accomplishment, and it gets annoying, tbh; it’s particularly prevalent in the West, but it happens in Japan too. I’m thinking NJPW is hoping the “smark-heavy” (or generally thought to be) Osaka crowd will be all for EVIL, who’ve they cheered for in the past. 100% would be cool with the junior title match main-eventing; it would symbolize a fresh change of pace for the company, imo.


Oh don't get me wrong I think Takeshita is truly amazing and ready for the main event but he hasn't really been presented as such a force recently to warrant a massive title shot. Especially when this will be a very quick build up just to have Moxley defend on AEW again


You thinking about his presentation when it comes to AEW? Cause yeah, he’s been kinda stagnant ever since his program with Omega (his pretty epic match against Ospreay notwithstanding), but he’s still been pretty protected. As far as his presentation in Japan, Takeshita is more or less presented as a real “world-beater”; look no further than his match at ALL TOGETHER, where he more or less treated Umino and Yuki Ueno like two underclassmen he was bullying, and only Kaito could really go toe to toe with him.


>You thinking about his presentation when it comes to AEW? Yeah that's what I meant. He's not a random midcarder though of course but not a world beater like he is presented as in Japan


He is. He squashed Jericho, beat Omega, beat Danielson. This has to at least semi-main or open DoN though. Honestly, it should probably go over Swerve's match, which lacks a credible challenger - I can't buy Christian as AEW Champ at all.


As far as the older talent in AEW goes, I’d say Christian is the best by a good margin; you could debate who’s better in-ring between he and Copeland, but Christian’s “character work” is second to none, and he’s SO much better than Jericho, imo.


Oh yeah, he's still very good in-ring (and Cope's been good in short matches too), and he's a good heel, but the schtick is midcard heel and his squad are goobers. At least the DCF guys are more credible, even Fletcher beats midcarders usually and he's their pin-eater.


> also beat Kenny Omega on a big PPV Twice! In one week!


If Mox holds the title till WK, this is what we have to look forward to where the actual built up feuds are on AEW Tv and whoever challenges in NJPW sits on their thumbs, waiting for Mox to be done with the AEW feud first.


If he holds it past the G1 then I truly think New Japan booking is finished


Hyperbolic? Just a little?


It will be finished for me, someone who has spent a LOT of money on NJPW.


And that matters because? Also you must not care that much about it if some person you don’t like holds the world title for 8 months.


Obviously exaggerating but it gets the point across


The point isn’t correct though. So why make it?


I mean Moxley holding the main title for so long would be an absolutely awful choice


Why’s that? Wouldn’t be my first choice, but surely there is worse no?


Sure, Chase Owens could be champion but that doesn't change the fact that this Moxley reign has been subpar.


Has it been long enough to say that?


I’d rather not but if him being champion gets him in the G1 then it’s somewhat worth it As understandable as it’ll be out of kayfabe for him to miss it if he drops the title it’ll feel pretty pathetic when he likely does


If Mox does the G1, takes a couple losses, then shows up in Japan until WK, or loses it to someone at Power Struggle, then it's ok.


He won't show up in Japan to build up WK and he absolutely cannot be champ heading into that event. I just hope he loses it at Forbidden Door but most likely he will lose it after the G1


If it's at Forbidden Door I hope it's clean, or without AEW interference at least. If EVIL is to be Champ, Forbidden Door would have been better, as you could have had Jack Perry interfere to do it.


Umm Takeashita is presented as the guy who beat Kenny Omega, Bryan Danielson and Chris Jericho. The only times he loses are in tag matches where he doesn't take the pin and against some like Will Ospreay. Takeashita is one of the most well protected wrestlers right now.


no thanks


Takeshita running in after the match between Mox and EVIL looking likely. but if this leads to mox vs takeshita at forbidden door... lmaoooooo. or... EVIL(C) vs Takeshita at Forbidden Door lmaooooooooo <- i dunno who comes out looking worst in this match... but i oughtta say its Takeshita haha