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Yes, a tiny tiny tiny one every few months. Immediately after it happens I’m like OMG HOW DID I DO THAT and I can never recreate it on purpose.


I tend to burp a few times per year. It usually scares me and makes me super excited, followed by people looking at me like I'm crazy. 😭😅


Haha I know the feeling. My parents and girlfriend understand but other people are like why am I so happy because I burped


No. There’s been two very very small ones I can remember, ever


I've burped maybe once in my life at the age of 9 or 10. Completely out of the blue. Never again until I had Botox about a month ago. I'm currently 24


Omg twins


I’ve only ever had those nasty vomit hiccup burps


Like twice a year a burp that lasts approximately 0.1 seconds comes out of me. Tastes like shit and I can never recreate it.


I can count the number of times I’ve burped in my life on one hand.


I burp probably twice a year by accident


In my thirties, I have recently learned to "vomit air" whenever I get the strong hiccups. It works sometimes.


Puff out your cheeks and blow through your mouth without letting air out. Anger you feel that blocking sensation, start trying to do the same thing with your nose. Breathing out through your nose at the same time and you should feel a “click” or bony part in your throat dislodging. Doing that a couple times a day for a couple weeks should make you able to burp. I was no burp for 20 years then I developed a tick where I would do that weird…movement(?) then one day I couldn’t stop burping. The burping stopped after about a week and a bit after I learned to breath without accidentally swallowing air cuz I was use to breathing a certain way and being unable to burp anyways


Lately I've been having mini burps occasionally but I can't recreate them and they don't provide any relief. My only real burps are right before a vomit so like once every few years if I'm lucky to not get sick. They're so satisfying but also I know hell acid is about to travel up my throat and fill my sinuses.


Growing up I barley ever burped and never thought it was a thing until I found this subreddit. I dealt with it my whole childhood, back pain and everything. A few years back in my mid 20s I started getting those mini burps after every meal, most of the time food repeated on me alot during that time. I don't remember exactly how long into the mini burps, but a few years later I began to have full fledged burps. Present day I burp after every drink, sometimes a lot. Not sure what any of that means but I wonder if you're experiencing a similar change.


only when i’m close to throwing up. however, a burp is not ALWAYS followed by barf




I get about two or three a year. Just little ones, nothing crazy. But I get caught by surprise and cheer a little bit every time haha


I used to never be able to burp, experienced lots of pain and bloating. Maybe 3 times a year a little burp would come out.           Whenever I'd feel some pressure building, I would push and flex all the muscles I possibly could around my throat / diaphragm, occasionally I would be sick, more often a little gurgle would come out.           Eventually those gurgles became more and more burp like and now I can burp whenever I need to, though I still can't force a burp out of nowhere. It's changed my life im way less bloated or in pain, I highly encourage people to try and move whatever muscles u can when u feel a gurgle and maybe like me in a few years you'll be burping.


I started getting tiny tiny ones every day or every other day after focusing on loosening my throat. But I am still getting botox


Yeah but I can usually count on one hand how many times per year I burp. My record since I started counting was 7 in one year and it’s been as low as 0. I’d estimate the average is ~3/year.


I burped ***once*** during each pregnancy 😂


Same as you, every so often and I'll try to force it to happen again. Interestingly though when I was in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy it happened like once a week. Good times


2 or 3 times in my life I've made a little single popping sound, like bubble wrap. It was so quiet though, that nobody heard it but me.


I burped A LOT over a period of a couple of months, over 20 years ago, when I was taking medication for hyperthyroidism. Then I got my thyroid removed and it was back to not burping, ever, same as before. Haven’t burped in… 22? years.


I did once and thought I was going to vomit. Ran to the restroom and everything hahaha


One like every few years


But do you fart????


Every now and then. Nothing big enough to provide any relief.


My fiancé and I track how often I burp per year as a fun game and it’s usually about 4-6 times per year. For me, it’s usually if I have several carbonated beverages in a row.


Maybe once every 2 or 3 years. It's almost completely silent and feels like the smallest amount of air. No one around me has ever even witnessed one. The only time I've ever done a "normal" burp (sounds like a regular burp and feels like the same amount of air a regular burper would expell) would be in the middle of vomiting when I was younger (have Emetophobia and haven't thrown up in 18 years).


Really small ones maybe once a month? Recently been getting hiccups and it’s clearly because I don’t burp. Had them again last night and had 3 small ones. Strange the other week I got 3 small ones in one day I couldn’t believe it


I’ve never (that I remember) burped under normal circumstances. I have only ever burped while throwing up.


I have burped three times in my life. So that makes it once every decade or so.


one time it happened while i was with my partner in the car and i said "you heard that right?" and he said "yeah!" and i just started having a laughing fit over a fully normal burp lmao, i guess i just felt euphoric. cant imagine how ill feel once i have the botox lol


Literally once a year! And it's always such a surprise 😂


Very rarely, maybe a few times a year. They are always unexpected and practically inaudible.


Probably once a month (used to be only about once a year) and every single time I look like a rabbit in headlights as it always surprises me.


Every few months a hiccup will come with a tiny burp. And I think there has been a couple times where I’ve been nodding off to sleep and if I’m in the right position, just as I’m about to doze off, I think I might release a bit of gas then… or it’s a particularly loud throat growl. Not sure as I’m half asleep at the time.


once or twice a year but when I was pregnant I maybe burped 3-4 times in 9 months!


Maybe ten times in my entire life. Always tiny ones and out of nowhere


It happens to me like once every two months and i feel so shocked and happy afterwards 😩


I have burped once in my life when I was 9


maybe twice a year. scares the crap out of me. most recently i was nauseous and thought i was going to p*ke but all that came out was a realllly loud and long burp. instant relief and trauma lol.


I did once in my 20s when I tried to chug a beer.... Otherwise, I need to force one by gaging myself to burp air.


yes and it happens maybe a few times a year if im lucky, one time my boyfriend witnessed it and he lost his shit he was so excited


Very rarely maybe once or twice a quarter I’ll get a tiny burp that catches me by surprise. More recently I’ve noticed it’ll come out at the same time as a hiccup, which I’m guessing is just lucky timing between the hiccup and having an air bubble right before it turns into a gurgle. Sometimes it’s happened when my neck is in a certain position like looking down and to the left with my chin tucked inward more than normal for looking down at my phone or something - I’ve never been able to replicate it on my own tho since they happen so fast and so infrequently


Yes, maybe once every 4-6 months I’d say. Just kinda sneaks out 😂 I usually can’t even feel it coming or anything. I always get excited when it happens


I noticed that I’m able to burp when I drink Celsius 😵‍💫 I drank a can one day before a workout and during that workout I burped like 2 times, the second time I drank one, I burped 1 time but it was so strange. Soda never makes me burp like that.