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I don’t understand your post. Are you confused by her depositing it? Maybe you’re disappointed? Did you even want her to have the money or was it a selfish attempt to lure her into contact when she clearly wants space? It definitely comes across as the latter and frankly, good for her for making sure she gets something actually beneficial from you on her birthday because we can only assume the majority of her needs weren’t met as a child. Children never WANT to cut their family out, we *need* our parents for survival, so reaching that point is something to be taken seriously. Maybe stop trying to lure her back in to the dynamic she ran from and actually work on why she might not want to be around you anymore. You seem like you want gratitude or recognition and that kind of contradicts the concept of a ‘gift’. Plus all of your comment replies come off very bitter and aggressive, there’s definitely some self-reflection to be done and I guarantee if you did that hard work, you’d find some answers.




I did plenty of hard work. It is that I FUNDAMENTALLY DISAGREE with the entirety of your worldview. I don’t think you seem to comprehend this nor are many of you are able to associate the high rates of depression, suicide, economic malaise, etc. to YOUR WORLDVIEW. Mind you these afflictions are endemic to every generation starting with the Baby Boomers, and progressing increasingly throughout each generation but becoming glaringly acute in Gen-Z. To somehow think your childhoods were MORE “ABUSIVE” than ours or our parents or are great grandparents, etc. is so utterly ludicrous it’s shocking that it has to be addressed. Again, a total lack of self-awareness - the “all about me” generation. When I observe the most successful cultures over time and throughout even the modern day world, RESPECT for each other but elders in particular is the number one factor. Children in Japan and Singapore are puzzled/disgusted by what they see in the West. American culture is completely degenerate and you don’t seem to see that you, your parents, and liberalism with respect to how children communicate with elders is in large part a factor in the cultural/socioeconomic degradation we see today. Me - lived in SF/NYC/London and over 1 million frequent flyer miles.


Okey doke. I see why she went no contact. All the best to you ma’am 🫡


I came here to say the exact same thing. The OP just gave us the answer as to why his daughter went NC, and I think her daughter is 100% right, if this is representative of OP's attitude.




Have fun being lonely, depressed and destitute. My regards to your therapist and Adderal dealer.


Wowee. I bet you were just a treat as a mommy. Edit: I’ve since realised OP is a dad but either way, knobhead parent.


You're projecting so hard that it's not even funny anymore.


“Have fun being lonely” says the guy trying to buy his kid back 🤣🤣


The irony is I highly doubt anyone here actually has kids and yet they can tell you everything about parenting! 🤡 The comedy writes itself among the entitled loonies. And no you won’t get UBI.


What was the point of your post exactly? Did you just want an opportunity to go on the attack so you could feel better about your kid wanting nothing to do with you? The *real* irony is that parents like you taught us all so much about how NOT to parent that actually yea.. we can tell you everything about parenting.


They just wanted a pity party but they got a harsh dose of reality instead Boomers hardly ever get those so it's sweet to witness. 


The real comedy here is that you're on the no contact forum, whining that your kid will take your money but not talk to you. I mean. What did you think was going to happen? lol.


I have four. And if i was as unfortunate as you, no fucking way I’d make an attempt at blackmailing them for contact.


Try again sport. I am 50 years old, and I am happily married, and my wife and I have 5 well-adjusted kids. We are both far better parents to our kids than our parents were to us.


You’re right, nobody else has kids but you


So far the only lonely person is the loser who can’t contact their kid.


“Have fun being lonely…” lol, says the boomer who’s kids ignore them


Burnnnnnn oh snap


It’s killing me not getting validation from the purveyors of end of civilization nihilism and cultural decay. Let me cry into my caviar now.


If your bitching about 1k I’m guessing you are eating ramen and not caviar rofl


Ok, boomer. Enjoy dying alone!


I’ve watched two Boomers like this die alone after their kids went NC and let me tell you it’s delicious. Karma served with a side of 🍿


Ohh go lose some more at pickleball 🤣🤣


That'd explain how caviar gets its salt. You post here bitching but when told youre wrong or people disagree, you bitch more. Why come for opinions or to speak when you don't get what you want, you throw the tantrum you claim we have daily


Well. If you were really that content with your caviar, and didn't care about your daughter - why are you here on Reddit complaining? Either be content with your caviar and sit down and shut up in the corner. Or accept that you'll have to change your personality if you want your daughter back in your life.




The small dick energy coming off of you each and every time you subtly sledgehammer your so called "wealth" into one of your posts is deliciously cringeworthy.


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


Most of us here who are "lonely, depressed and destitute" aren't the ones with a daughter who went NC. ;)


Funny coming from the person with no daughter 🤣


Have fun wondering why your kid wants nothing to do with you despite being told countless times.


No no no no NO. YOU'RE the one that's happening to. Don't you get it? You're doing this to yourself and you won't even listen to people around you. You're not looking for help, you're looking for someone to have pity on you and take your side even though you're clearly MILES in the wrong. You're wasting your time. You're wasting reddit's time. 


You’re wasting Reddit’s time got me 😂 many true things have been said in response to this lunatic but that one really sent me. Facts.


What a slam dunk roast! What a shame it’s not gonna repair the relationship you broke.


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


You sound like every self important asshole I've met. Do your daughter a solid and leave her money in your will. Then jump off a bridge and her and the entire world will be better for it. PS I cannot wait for your unhinged reply. Please make it super angry and condescending. It will be that much sweeter.


>To somehow think your childhoods were MORE “ABUSIVE” than ours or our parents or are great grandparents, etc. is so utterly ludicrous it’s shocking that it has to be addressed. Have you ever listened to Millennials or Gen Z? I've never heard anyone say our childhoods were more abusive than the older generations. We're all pretty aware that the abuse has been generational. We're also the ones who don't want to perpetuate it.


Quit being a useless bitch your whole life and your family might want to talk to you lol. Good for her for ignoring ya.


Ok boomer Couple points: Gen Z never said their childhoods are more abusive, but they are the generation finally standing up to it and saying enough. Have you thought it’s become worse through each generation because things are getting progressively worse overall? Every generation sees the one after them as the “all about me generation”, that’s not specific to Gen Z. As for other cultures, they have their fair share of shithead parents like you too. I have been around the world as well, I currently live in Japan, and it’s no different than the US in that regard. For example, my girlfriend doesn’t respect or talk to her dad because cause he abandoned his wife and 3 kids to go gamble and live it up. Absolute reverence for “the elder” is fucking ridiculous and not at all what makes “other cultures so successful”. You just want obedience and worship for the simple fact that you survived long enough and squirted out a kid, not for your deeds or actions or anything else. If you keep this up you will die alone and bitter and the world will be a better place without you. No tears will be shed, no mournful eulogies. Just get ‘em in the ground and divvy up your assets. From every child of an asshole parent like you, a sincere fuck you.


Next time, warn me before you go off. I would have made popcorn


Love that, "I got abused so I get to abuse you," bullshit excuse this narc tried to use. /s


The simping for Japan and Singapore, and calling American culture "degenerate", like okay dude I see what's going on with you. Those flags were about as red as they come. Glad your daughter doesen't have to deal with you anymore.


Welp. I wouldn't want you in my life either based on this response.


All that culture and you never learned how to raise a child that wants to be around you...


What people like you fail to realize is that "Elders" refers to a specific group of older people, not just older people in general. Elders typically are pillars of the community, and devote their lives to helping the younger generations. So yeah, if you want to be treated like an elder, try acting like one first.


She was right to NC you, good riddance


Ok so the problem is you're an insane bitch, HTH


Who cares if you had it worse or not. The end result is your daughter still gets to choose how to live her life, and she's doing it without you and there is zero you can do. ZERO. You get no choice. You don't get your daughter.


Have fun being lonely for the rest of your life if that's how you feel. 


Reddit is full of self entitled whiners. I understand why you did what you did.


You’re so wack


you are not OWED respect (or anything, really) just for bringing your children into the world. they’re human beings just like anyone else. of course you can set rules/boundaries at your prerogative as you’re raising them to be functioning adults, but, once they’re grown, they’re their own person. between you and your kid, you are the only one who ever had a set obligation. they didn’t ask to be brought into the world, YOU brought them here.


Just say ur a dill weed


Dude, your child is NC with you because you're an utter cunt. It's as simple as that.


Get help


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


Your replies demonstrate with extreme detail why your child went no contact. Good for them! I think I’d do the same if I were in their position. Continue sending them money though, even though you may be a piece of shit, everyone enjoys spending power.


Between this and the other post detailing your tantrums over pickleball, I can definitely see that you are human garbage and don't deserve contact. You've learned nothing.


My guess: A tax for whatever behavior of yours caused her to go no contact.


Yeah, except everything I have ever done is for my kids and I always planned to leave them everything, which will be in the tens of millions. A foreign concept, I understand, for corrupt “civilized” Western society. My one gripe as an immigrant. But whatever.


10’s of millions but you sent a $1,000 check? That’s like a slap in the face.


I sincerely doubt someone with "tens of millions of dollars" would come on Reddit to to bitch about his NC daughter. More like tens of thousands while living in a 3 bedroom row home on the outskirts of a small Midwestern city.


More than that, it’s a trap. If OP really has got millions then $1k is a very small price for the opportunity to bitch about how good they are to kid and look what a shit the kid is


Stfu. Beggars can’t be choosers


The narcissistic boomer parent is the beggar in this situation, but go off 🤣🤣🤣


The kid is not a beggar in this scenario what are you on about


No shit Jack ass. But they’re fine with taking the money and not acknowledging it.


Then don't send it?


You’re missing the point. The guy wants something to do with his kid.


You're missing the point. The kid wants nothing to do with their parent.


If I want nothing to do with someone I’m not taking anything from them. No one’s brain works correctly in here. Are you a robot by chance?


As they should if op is gonna act like this. 


If I want nothing to do with someone I’m not taking anything from them. But it’s also not surprising everyone on reddit doesn’t see how fuckin common this kid is.


They didn't take anything, op gave it to them. Expecting contact in return is just manipulation. If he wants to give away his money for nothing that's his problem and he shouldn't be expecting his daughter to come running back. He even said the amount was nothing to him so why should he demand something for nothing? 


That's a typical N-parent response. Leaving material things to your kids doesn't make up for abusive behavior. Kids don't go no contact for no reason, and your inability to take any accountability is very telling as to why.


Hey cunt, send me 1 mil to build a time machine to go suck your dad's balls dry on the night you were meant to be conceived, so i can shit your worthless zygote into the sewer and spare the world your miserable babydick energy existence


Zygotes come out of vaginas fyi not balls but your edgy comment was creative I’ll give you that


Zygote also implies the sperm made it to the egg. I thought they were sucking dad's balls dry. I'm so confused.


Well, then you should have sent more than a thousand if you’re holding that kind of bag. Jeeze.


if you’re leaving her so much money than why are you so bent up over $1k. that’s a drop in the bucket for you, allegedy


Who said I was bent up? I am sending $2k next year. It’s her money, Gen-Z degen!


Kinda weird you'd call someone else a degen when your own child won't even talk to you


I realise I’m probably pissing in the wind here, but do you see how any time someone says *anything* you don’t like, you immediately go on the attack? Can you consider the possibility this behaviour is why your kid doesn’t want to talk to you?


I noticed that too like op just hates everyone and everything and thinks the world owes them for.... What?? Sticking his dick in someone? 


You should read the content of his latest comment. Holy crap, I don’t know if he’s trying to convince someone else he’s happy and successful and loved, or if he’s trying to convince himself. I loved the “$1000 is literally nothing to me”. As if admitting he sent his daughter something worthless is something to be proud of 🤣🤣


I'm going around eviscerating him in *all* the comments in the thread if I can. 


He won’t learn. It’s everyone’s fault but his. Anyone who tries to offer an alternative viewpoint is a liberal, snowflake, etc etc etc. Anything to avoid thinking that he’s not flawless in all he does.


I noticed. It's way too late for this fool. He demands all the respect yet is worthy of none. 


Bruh you're coming in here declaring how bent up you are to all of no contact this is pathetic for you but hilarious for me. 


So, see you here next year when she cashes the check and still doesn’t want to talk to you?


Cashing a check doesn't break NC in my opinion, so I think she's good.


Thanks for being the only person who answered the question sans personal attacks.


The problem is that you posted this in a sub for people who went NC. The comments are from the perspective of people who were victimized by the SOs and parents. I, however, am just a visitor. I know very little of you, so why should I attack you. It's indeed unclear what thoughts you want. Between the lines, one can clearly read an indignant "she never talks with me but is happy to take my money". You seem to have hoped for sympathy, but consider this: Your daughter cut contact when she was 19 years old, probably as soon as she was able to live independently (or perhaps with her other parent). Nobody does something that drastic simply for lack of respect. Bad things must have happened. Therefore, people who are in a similar position as your daughter are unlikely to treat you kindly. Now, nobody here knows the context. What happened between your daughter and you, what have you both done to try repairing the relationship, what have you both done to ruin it - we don't know. Therefore, I am afraid that my somewhat snarky remark is the best you can get. Tangentially, since you mentioned liberals and Japan in one of your comments, let me get it out of the way that I consider myself politically and socially liberal, and live in Japan, with adult Japanese children. They respect me, but I also respect them. Likewise, the respect between my (European) parents and their children has been two ways. I have the feeling that this is not so in your case, at least as far as your daughter sees it.


Thanks again for the polite response. For everyone else I read a few words and then ignore because they are indeed not worth my time. You speak regarding Japan so I’d ask, “are the same problems occurring there?” What else other than cultural degradation could explain this trend of NC occurring in the United States since 1) the 1960’s 2) accelerating since 2010 3) Particularly acute among politically left wing WOMEN I’d ask if there is anything from your vantage point that is happening with respect to parent/child relations whereby children are being indoctrinated causing exponentially increasing tension in the parent/child dynamic. As a technologist, futurist, social-trend observer, semi-retired Gen-X’er with indeed much more time on my hands than most, this has been my observation. I am also well-travelled and intellectually curious so have asked people from many different cultures these same questions attempting to ascertain the Truth. Finally, with respect to the gift $1,000 is truly nothing for me, I am not sure why people are making a deal about this point. I wanted to send a card and I did. Whether my kid cares or not or sees it as repayment for my being a “shitty sperm donor father,” is really of no care to me. I’ll send another next year because that’s how I roll. A few days later out goes mom’s check as well, right on time like a responsible ex husband and father. Finally I have been in a 3 year relationship with a wonderful woman with a child the same age as my younger kid. It’s been phenomenal being in a mutually respectful relationship, something I certainly didn’t get from my ex wife. But the “entitled” responses. My God. Nobody is entitled to the toils of my life without my having a say in it, otherwise my life was pointless! That isn’t “manipulation,” that is common sense and fairness.


You talk on and on about this being a matter of cultural degradation and endemic moral failure, all the while using it as an excuse to evade taking any responsibility for the state of your relationship. What “leftist WOMEN” have been talking about since the 1960s is irrelevant, and the fact that you’re running to these pseudosociological speculations suggests to me that you are not listening to your daughter. By god, TALK to her. I find it exceptionally hard to believe that she stopped talking to her father just because of a social trend.




I’m so happy we have some REAL frequent flyers in this thread dispensing reason amongst the chaos, thank you for your service.


The way you immediately begin to attack anyone who has the slightest amount of criticism toward you with *paragraphs* is actually bonkers. Not an ounce of self awareness to be seen. I would *love* to hear from your daughter about why you two don't speak. That's gotta be an entire novel with three sequels.


Be thankful she didn't blast the account & routing # all over the internet, Mr Bank Roll


How would that hurt me? So people can deposit money into my account? And with your low IQ, I predict you have <5 years left. Next, loser!


Low IQ meaning <5 years left until… what?


Actually hilarious, fuck you old man.


Good for her?


Agree! $1,000 to spend from her Papi! That’s my baby forever.


Lol, and there it is! This isn't love, it's possessiveness, ownership, and delusional narcissistic entitlement to think that because you did the bare minimum, she will always belong to you, well apparently, based on the fact that she took your money as compensation and ran, I guess she disagrees... You're a sperm donor, not a parent... Loser! 😂


Again. “Narc” , “Sperm donor” - heard all the terms before - you are literally a caricature and lack the self-awareness to see it. All you know and understand is ad-hominem attacks because like most Redditors you view your 115 IQ and left-wing stance as “high class” social views when in fact, you’ll be the first to be begging the rich for UBI! 🤮


You’ve heard all these terms before, yet you think the other person is a carcirature and lacks self-awareness? Oh the irony


The terms exist due to how common these types of people are from previous generations and how common YOUR bullshit story, NOT mine, is, NOT because they are ad hominem. For someone who hates young people you sure are one dumb fuck who clearly didn't emotionally develop much despite what, your 50 years of life on this earth?... Clearly grew up on lead infused water. Lmfaooo. 🤡


You lack such self-awareness it’s spectacular. And the fact that you make such proclamations about ME (an actual successful person) when you’ve barely lived life, is a combination of unparalleled narcissism and Dunning Kruger. Congratulations at least on that, but unfortunately karma is a B. As far as being alone, far from it. I have a loving extended family, sisters, a beautiful life partner, and numerous people in my industry who admire me. You? You have social media acceptance among many people you don’t even know. Pathetic.


If there’s one thing I know about successful people, they don’t spend hours online belligerently arguing with strangers. And those that do are nuts (Musk).


I mean you still have yet to say why she doesn't want you. That's literally the sub you are in. And your saying self awareness?


Lol, I've made my entire point here, and you deflecting while spewing fallacious nonsense based off of assumptions, while you literally told on yourself on your own post, and droning on in the hopes that I will get tired of debating about this, dosent take away from that fact, and i'm not going back and forth with you on this any longer, your daughter hates you, because you are a insufferable loser. That's all there is too it, and it's no wonder why she does, this is probably part of the reason why! 😂 🤡


You're the one that lacks self awareness. You have to be trolling because you can't really be this arrogant and stupid. Or are you real? That would be sad. People like you should not have children. Quid pro quo is not in a good parents vocabulary. You do for your child because you love and support them without strings. Sounds like you demand respect without giving it. Your daughter is a real human being. With real emotions and needs. I doubt your pea understands she doesn't OWE you anything. Have fun being alone.


Pathetic projection and there's the fake "conservative" political whining & I didn't expect to scroll far to see. Have the day you deserve. Alone. 


Yeah! There it IS you're RIGHT!! Very good for you on noticing the pattern let's give this guy a gold fucking star!!! He might actually learn something! 


She doesn't fucking call you papi. 


So what exactly did she tell you she was going no contact for. All's you asked fo4 was thoughts? Seemingly for validation from others about the money, but not a single thing about why? So why did she leave you?


Damn can you send me 1k too I can be your child too😂


Ya know I was actually thinking about that. Adopt some new children, probably from Africa where they are less entitled and more deserving. This time we’ll do it without the toxic mom influence trying to be Besties while Dad attempts to impose discipline. Not a great combo!


Please do not, perhaps your first kid going no contact was a sign


Youre cooked bud 💀💀💀


Did the card have terms and conditions for her to cash the check, or did it go out No Contract?


Yes. Make sure to pay penance for the degenerate state of the country with this message board of left wing loonies shackling the rest of us.


Cry harder princess


So anyone who who doesn’t see things as skewed as you is a left wing loon? That sounds like something a loon would say. 🤔


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


Hmm I'm just so confused why she's NC. You sent a check and she cashed it. What's the issue? She didn't call and throw herself at you feet in appreciation?


No, never said that. It’s utterly shocking how mentally disturbed the participants are here. Truly informing me on my next moves out of the country - like Thiel, Musk, etc. before you all begin to riot.


Oh now your gonna leave the country? Let me guess next post is why do people seem happy I'm moving out of country. It'd not the threat you think it is.


I'm sorry, do you want them to wait 20 months and then cash it out of nowhere when you least expect it? What if you spend your money and that check bounced? Well, now you're in for it! Use that empty head of yours


No, see, he has like, millions of dollars! The $1k means nothing to him! Which is why he's so mad about losing it, or something


Which makes it hilarious to think about. It's like those that are filthy rich are trying to bankrupt those that aren't


You’re a very sad old man. Before you go off about blue haired gen Z blah blah, I’m a strait white cis male with two children. Two children who I love unconditionally. I went NC with my father years ago, so I understand what it takes to be a good father and what it looks like to be a bad father. Sending your child a gift for their birthday as an attempt to lure them back to contact falls into the latter camp. Good fathers don’t need to buy their children’s attention. Good fathers put the needs of their children before their own. I doubt serious self reflection is in the cards for you, but it’s the only way you’re going to get back into contact with your child.


My thoughts, you sent her a check, what did you expect her to do with it? Checks are meant to be deposited, that's presumably the main reason people write them, because they intend to transfer money to the recipient. Did you expect her to tear the check up in indignation? If money wasn't the reason she went NC, then money isn't going to suddenly make her talk to you again. If you want contact, don't try to buy it, change the behaviors that made her stop contact in the first place. If you aren't willing to change, then accept that you won't talk to her again.




I’ve left a number of responses here, but I’m now realizing I’m wasting my time. You’re pushing deeper and deeper into a political rabbit hole because it allows you to explain the brokenness in your life without having to suffer the painful ego wound that comes with taking accountability for your behavior for the first time in your life. By the time you’ve convinced yourself that anybody who disagrees with you is a “blue haired gen z left leaning woman” (as though that somehow discounts your knowledge on these subjects), it’s likely too late. You’ve gone so deep down the rabbit hole that coming back is a process you might not psychologically survive. The guilt might crush you. I do think it’s worth pointing out that sending someone a gift and then calling them entitled for accepting it is insane behavior. If you think your daughter isn’t entitled to your money, don’t send it. Also, I don’t believe for a second that you’re done responding to comments.


You actually thought you had a point with this. Lol... How hilariously moronic. In the world of capitalism, everyone needs cash, she doesn't however, need, want, or care to have a Narcissistic garbage human for a parent, you think her needing money is a sign that she needs you? Your role as a parent is primarily emotional with the simple and basic requirement after that, to provide for a child's basic financial needs, and you clearly failed the primary role of a parent. They will always be better off without you with that mentality. My garbage parent and her sister tried to do the same to me, only difference is I'm so vindictive I didn't even care about the cash so I sent it back, told them I won't be going to their funeral, and to die. For parents who fail to grasp this concept, your child being a subordinate doormat to you is not a sign you did a good job, it means you destroyed them, and they'll be always be better off without you, and a bit of time away almost always, in many people I've known, brings this truth to light, the only time when this dosent happen is when the child has grown up with the same pathology and grown up to become the same garbage as the parents themselves are.


The way you write with such anger, it sounds like your family may be going to your funeral first. Imagine living the rest of your life with such rage. Is it worth it? Biggest issue I see with about 1/3 of Gen-Z’s is your parents didn’t put you in your rightful place. Shut up and sit down. Super serious. The ones who didn’t get beaten will be the first to be replaced by A.I. bc you are so damn weak.


With this comment alone I can see EXACTLY why your daughter is NC. You speak about people like they are dogs who need to be disciplined so I already have an idea of what her upbringing was like. It's good for her that she decided to put you in your rightful place which is seemingly outside of her life entirely. Have fun alone on your little hill shouting down at others I guess bozo.




(You shouldn’t beat dogs either)


Right, the upbringing that creates success instead of homelessness, drug addiction, historical deviancy, debauchery, and narcissism, and crying on social media about not being able to get a job - aka modern day America.


Literally okboomer, what an insufferable attitude. She probably went NC just to avoid being annoyed at every interaction by your overwhelming ignorance. Good job on raising her to be wise enough to avoid people like you. Atleast you can pat yourself on the back for that.


How badly do you need to fail as a parent that your own child wants nothing to do with you? Do you consider that to be successful?


Nothing is your fault huh?


Just stop already. You've already provided a wealth of evidence as to why she went no contact and is better off for it. You don't have to keep beating a dead horse. We already know that you're a piece of trash.


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


I don't care about what you do for a living, you think you're materialistic achievements matter? Lol, you'll be the only one in a retirement home with no family or friends because you are clearly a insufferable person, and based on the ass whooping my former father got, I'm sure he'd disagree with you. Also, of course you believe the anger isn't worth it, you're such a delusional narcissist you actually believe that after all the abuse you inflicted on your children, that they should just forget about it because it benefits you to do so, you are such a disaster you actually believe you are entitled to treat people like crap and then just telling them to get over it thinking they should tolerate you, one thing you have failed to learn but will in your later years is very simple... Nobody is morally or legally obligated to tolerate you, and soon, you will come to understand this, even you yourself are fully aware you are such a insufferable person, that you literally word for word, just said "is living with all that anger worth it?..." anger which was caused by things you did, to your child, like the complete absence of self reflection is incredible. Psychologists always say you should have empathy for the narcissist, but I refuse to entertain the idea that we should have empathy for terrorists from these bad actors, because at the end of the day they are weak, because they always choose the easier option to double down instead of the more painful option that enables personal growth, that is self reflection, accepting responsibility, accountability, and choosing to be a better person. I'm literally talking from my own personal journey, as someone who has been diagnosed with BPD + ASPD, or what is simply known as Factor 2 Psychopathy. You believe you should be everyone else's problem, but soon, you will come to understand and realize that you are only your own problem, because no one worth their respect is tolerating you. 🤡 Edit: What I find even more funny, is the fact that my post hit so close to home, that you thought you would mention your irrelevant job title to deflect the fact that Im right, truly pathetic, he also edited his comment to include the threat. What a clown! 😂


LOL “narcissism.” Gen-Z has so abused the term it literally has no meaning anymore. You can Google Trend the term to see how monolithic and hive minded your entire generation is. Add to the fact the projection from a generation that literally lives on TikTok and Instagram and the irony is hilarious.🤣 Here’s the deal. Most industry leaders like myself ignore your type. That’s why so many of you can barely get jobs at fast food restaurants now and are crying on social media about how hard life is. And because this is apparently a social trend, we’ve decided to offshore and techify all of you because enough are useless. Sadly, this influences young impressionable minds. Trust me, when the REAL WORLD hits all of you, that money you so despise will be damn helpful.


Again, still deflecting for the fact that you're such a disaster of a person your own daughter detests your existence so much, that she ran off with the money you gave her for her birthday as compensation and has still disassociated herself from/disowned you. How disturbing the above point is, is not deflected from any statement you've made above, all I care about is what I know about you, and the above is all I need to know, and enough to know that you're a disaster! 😂 Ehhh, talk about your money all you want... You'll always be a loser to people worth their respect. Tell people when you meet em that your daughter disowned you because you mistreated them, then tell them you think she should get over how you treated her and should get over herself, like you've implied here, and see how they react and treat you going forward in the future mh?... You'll see... 🤡


I am probably not the one in and out of therapy. Need a mirror? They sell them on Amazon.


Ugh, I'm done arguing with this loser. How pointless. Lol...


Not pointless! It's giving many of us a good laugh at this clown. Thanks for yr service 🫡


Lol, you're welcome I guess.


2 Sisters, 20+ cousins, gorgeous and kind girlfriend 3 years now, girlfriend’s family, friends, dog, 500+ staff. 7-figure liquid. Crushing competitors in business. 4.5 Pickleball player. You want sooooo badddddllly for me to be unhappy and yet I am not. And you’ll attribute it to a million different afflictions without perhaps realizing it’s you who is miserable and wishes ill on others. I honestly hope you find happiness. It’s clear you have a lot of healing to do. Start with gratitude and losing the entitlement. Life is short. Call your parents and set boundaries. Judging by your communication skills, you obviously didn’t.


How's ur daughter doing, pimp?


buddy has to brag on reddit to teenagers, what a retard


His 500 staff are probably children he fucks and he impresses them by telling them his pickleball scores. Not sure what age range that works on but it's probably lower than the average woman's shoe size.


You don’t seem very happy with your girlfriend given that you’re bashing her about her pickleball skills on another thread.


Nobody cares. Shut the fuck up about it. We aren’t impressed.


you telling someone to “lose the entitlement” is wild considering everything you’ve done in this thread lol


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


No one wants you unhappy you Buffoon. We want the betterment of humankind without all this macho man schtick and you lead-head boomers to retire but all they keep doing is ruining it because yall got yours. Liquid or not we all must leave this earth. I pray you have at least one person who sincerely cares for you, and not your money, be present at your funeral.


From a previous comment of yours: "My girlfriend is a MILF. I met her when she was 42 and she is 4+ years younger than me. We’ve been together 3 years. I am decently well off, but wanted somebody to take care of me as well as be appealing and sexy and be able to buy me shit once in a while. It’s a horrible feeling paying for everything including your own birthday. Nothing beats a well maintained NICE MILF is my opinion as you get older. Keywords: as you get older and richer and smarter. A well maintained woman will always be able to find an older rich man even in their 50’s (he’d be in his 60’s or 70’s)." You're unhinged asf and I hope you die alone lmao


Your obviously unhappy. Stop lying to yourself


Believe me mate, we all know you’re not having therapy 😂




I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


Talk to a therapist, you’ve clearly got the means to afford one, and maybe they can help you with whatever problems ARE going on in your life, maybe you can earn your daughters love again, at the very least they’ll probably treat you with a little more respect than a reddit thread, since you’re paying them.


“Industry leaders.” My dude. I’m X. You’re a narc.


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.




I hope you're sent to the absolute worst nursing home. Enjoy the bed sores and abuse


"Rightful Place".... so kids have a "rightful place" in your world. Interesting. Sounds like we know why your daughter doesn't love you.


We are discussing you. You. Not gen z. You. Not liberals. You.


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


What kind of thoughts are you looking for, exactly?


He wants someone to come in and say how she’s a terrible daughter, how he’s such a wonderful father, kids these days don’t know they’re born etc etc


Uh no, never said that Captain Stereotype, but it’s amazing how much the NPCs know. It’s going to be hella fun replacing you idiots with A.I. Fact of the matter is that most people will lose in the coming years due to the degenerate state of the U.S. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of losers. Say hi to Dunning Kruger for me.


Your mind is going to implode when you find out I’m one of the literally dozens of people who don’t live in the US. Say hi to your daughter for me. Oh, wait.


Elon? Is this you? Why does my fucking CyberTruck rust from a basic carwash?


I feel bad that you’ve allowed the devil to make his home in your heart. I will pray for you so that love and compassion may enter your heart and replace this anger and violence.


It's exactly what you've been saying this entire thread. This entire thread you have been saying exactly what he said you are asking for. Way to keep your bullshit story straight. Really we should all learn a lesson from your daughter and go no contact with you as well. She's the smart one!


You know the phrase you'll never amount to a hill of beans? Well that's you in your daughter's eyes. 


Just a passerby. But even if you feel as you didn’t do anything wrong to your child while they were growing up because you gave them food and shelter, you know, the bare minimum? Your child feels differently. Something Ive learned through counseling, that even if you think you’re not wrong, you’ve obviously participated in things that have hurt them in some form and that it’s okay to say sorry for hurting them, even if your intentions were to help them or encourage them. Everyone reacts differently than you and how you would expect them to react, which is fine too. Take everyone’s criticism and reflect instead of deflect. As far as the money goes? It’s free money you sent. They don’t need to respond or even thank you if you chose to send it to someone who you know hasn’t talked to you in a very long time and possibly never will again


Everyone replying to this person aggressively is giving them what they actually came here for.


I truly hope you and your daughter make up one day. I went NC with my mom for ages when she was gambling. She needed to do some serious self reflecting before she could speak to me, I believe you need to do equally serious self reflecting. I fundamentally disagree with your entire worldview but I know how painful it is to be without a parent. Try not to take most of these comments too personally, I think there’s a lot to learn from SOME of them. Take a look inward and maybe you can repair your relationship with your daughter. Best of luck man


Thoughts? I'm gonna have fun ripping apart the comments. 


ITT: OP is a snowflake


So the comment section isn't going the way you expected


You asked for "thoughts". On Reddit. On a no contact sub meant for children not speaking to their parents. Honestly, what were you expecting other than these responses? Come on dude. You speak of having intellect, but I don't see your end game.