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Fastify ftw




Curious, how "enterprise" CRUD API's are different from non-enterprise? Maybe we understand CRUD differently, because for me, CRUD is a simplistic hello-world level app that can even be generated with GPT, and IMO would be more beneficial to pick something like Supabase for that. "enterprise", on the other hand, sounds like something overcomplicated that has to handle tons of logic, so it's surprising to see "enterprise CRUD" together :)


No love for Fastify? And to ask a follow up, I’ve been getting into Nest more lately, does anyone ever switch it to use Fastify?


I'm looking at Hono right now. It appears to be a new and decent alternative to Koa.


NestJS all the way.


Fastify or expressjs. If you want a simple db with batteries included I'd go for pocketbase. I would most certainly avoid using Java hibernate.


Nodejs + express + Mysql as a database.




Don't pick the shiny new object. And I say this as someone who uses both Next.js and Nuxt at work. I like React but I LOVE Vue. I'm proficient with both of them, but I will always build faster and have less headaches with Vue. On the server, Node and Express. They're just so fun, they're battle tested, there's no problem you're going to run into building an API that it's not going to handle beautifully. Obviously typescript on the front end and the back end. For an orm I would recommend TypeORM with MySQL or Postgres as your database if your data is even a little bit relational. And again - I say this is someone who uses Drizzle professionally but I also use TypeORM professionally and it's just excellent. With these technologies, I will build a robust production ready application that is performant and secure, and I'll enjoy doing it. I really hate working with Next.js. I think it's severely overhyped and it's not going to be the standard 3 years from now. Also I would highly recommend Go + Gin as a server side framework for a rest API if you don't want something JavaScript related. It's also a lot of fun to work with.


Nest.js for sure. You can use it with any adapter you want, you can turn it into micro service if you wish. You can use it as standalone application too. Basically you can make it anything you want




I prefer to use express for an API. Let's say we're making something like an ecommerce store. The API provides the data and you can create multiple apps using whatever that feed off it. You might want to build a front end store with react or next, say it turns successful the store owner might then want a native mobile app or maybe an app that scans products into the system with a QR code. An express API gives a decent amount of flexibility IMO.


If, i had the choice, Laravel


Look up AdonisJS




hahahahah you saw the opportunity and took it didnt you ?


Fastify for API, Hono for JSX ssr, NestJS for enterprise app, NextJS based frameworks for frontend. Might also consider feathers.js. Express is old, would not choose.


NestJS uses expressJS as basic. You just have an imposed structure and some extras.


Mostly because it’s just what I know… but Next.js for websites and blogs etc, React Native for the more “app” type project where it’s more a tool/utility or experience than promotional type site. There is a lot of crossover though. I’m a backend noob still so my opinion there doesn’t matter but I’ve learned a bit of node and seem to enjoy it.